eldritchblaast · 6 years
Yesssss the ask meme for saorise!! My favorites are 3, 11,12,18&22 but if u have the time all are fine too ;333
all of them all of them all of them
going under the cut because insane length
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
According to google, Saoirse means ‘freedom’. I picked it because I liked it, but it certainly is also applicable to her character.
02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?
She has tiny boobs, and she doesn’t like them and wishes they were bigger. 
She also wants to be taller.
03. What would be their favorite physical trait about themselves?
She has a nice ass?
04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)
She likes Morgan’s determination, although sometimes it can get all of them into deep deep shit. 
She also likes his voice (and his face).
05. Are they sexually confident or more of the shy type?
She’s incredibly confident. Almost too confident. 
06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying?
Morgan really doesn’t like it when Saoirse steals his stuff. She does it to get his attention because he’s very… focused.
07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)?
08. What is, perhaps, their biggest flaw? Are they aware of this or oblivious to it
Her lack of strength - she’s about as strong as your average 7 year old.
09. Do they have a favorite season? What about a favorite holiday?
w i n t e r
Her favourite holiday would be any that she gets presents.
10. Is your character more feminine or masculine?
11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage?
Her brother dying sends her into one; and it’s happened more than once.
12. Is there some particular talent, skill, or attribute that they simply could not give up?
Wanting to have sex with everything that consents, basically.
13. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker?
She rests like a rock, and is known to pass out on anything that’s vaguely horizontal.
14. Do they live alone or with family? How do they feel about their family/roommates?
She lives in a castle with a lot of people, including, but not limited to: a vampire lord, multiple zombies of varying levels of intelligence (one of which is her brother), a handful of vampire spawn, a werewolf-demon hybrid thing, and an evil dragonborn who’s now considered painfully average.
15. Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear.
As much as she was attracted to him, Saoirse still detests Strahd. Even though he’s dead, she doesn’t trust him to not come back and cause issues.
16. Is your character the athletic type or more of a couch potato? What are some sports/games that they like?
She’s flexible but not athletic, and would absolutely prefer lying down than doing anything strenuous.
17. Does your character have dreams of getting married and/or having children
Ech no.
18. What kind of home would they want to live in? Where would they place this abode?
She’s pretty content with Ravenloft, but if she gets too irritated she can always go up her mountain.
19. Would your character be the kind to get into fights? (physical or verbal) Would they be a good fighter or cave in rather easily?
Saoirse is ready to throw down 110% of the time. And if she does get into one, she’s not above stabbing someone in the kidneys.
20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures?
She’s pretty keen on animals but probably wouldn’t want to own one in her current circumstances. I mean, I wouldn’t trust the local undead with animals either.
21. What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear?
She’s incredibly afraid of death. She’s seen her brother die twice now, and she’s died once herself. She’d be tempted to take Morgan up on his offer of undeath if she believed he’d actually turn her into a full vampire instead of a vampire spawn.
22. What kind of tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, freckles, and other such unique physical features do they have?
She has piercings all up her ears, used to have freckles before she changed, and has nipple piercings too.
23. What is your character like when it comes to school? What subjects are they good/bad at? Do they get in trouble a lot or are well behaved?
She was pretty good at everything except physical/strength things. She wasn’t the most well-behaved though.
24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like?
“Morgan is… something else entirely. He’s taller than I would like, too fond of his own voice, and a pain in my ass. But he’s also dedicated, willing to learn from his mistakes (for his own self-image if nothing else), and his body is nice too.”
25. Is there something traumatic from your character’s past that greatly affects them even to this day?
Her brother dying right in front of her twice was pretty traumatic…
26. What is their lover like sexually? How do they feel about their lover’s quirks, needs, etc?
She’s pretty kinky so Morgan being a vampire isn’t that ‘quirky’ as far as she’s concerned. The blood-drinking was to be expected and she lowkey kinda likes it when he does.
The only thing that annoys her re. Morgan and sex is that her sex-drive is considerably higher than his is, and he’s too focused on his ‘evil vampire schemes’ to notice half the time. She basically needs like neon lights and some sort of siren to get his attention, and even then it’s not guaranteed. 
27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it?
She’s an assassin so I would imagine it would be murder. 
28. If your character became a celebrity, what would they be famous for?
Probably a sex-tape…
29. What is one of the most courageous things your character has ever done for a loved one?
I’m not sure if revenge is courageous but she cut out the tongue and broke the fingers of the wizard who killed her brother the first time.
30. When it comes to the arts (music, film, theater, etc), what does your character like?
She loves a good play! Especially comedies.
31. Would your character be the kind capable of killing? Would they enjoy killing or only use it when necessary or, perhaps, refuse to kill no matter what?
It’s her job. She does it for fun and profit.
32. If your character’s lover offered to take them out on a dream date, what would they want to do?
Good food and then sex without any interruptions.
33. If your character wanted to be alone, where would they go?
Up her mountain.
34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc)
She’s always snacking on nuts and fruits and stuff like that.
35. Is your character afraid of death? If they got to choose how to die, how would they want to go?
She’s incredibly afraid of dying again. She didn’t enjoy it the first time and she doesn’t want it to happen again.
36. Does your character have any medical conditions? Are they serious or minor? Do they affect their day to day life?
Nah not really.
37. What are some of your character’s pet peeves? What are some things that annoy them or disgust them?
So many things. People wearing shoes into her bedroom is a main one. And she really doesn’t like the soul-less citizens of Barovia because they creep her out.
38. What kind of weather does your character like? Cloudy skies, rainy days, sunshine, etc?
39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct
She looks pretty creepy (white hair, eyes and very pale blue skin) and like she could murder someone in their sleep - considering she is an assassin, that assumption is very correct.
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?
Nah not really. She’s pretty open about what she likes and dislikes.
41. Does your character’s family affect your character in any way?
Yeah. She adores her brother, but her parents can go fuck themselves as far as she’s concerned.
42. Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change?
She kinda regrets coming to Barovia. Nothing good happened there.
43. Does your character have a switch that changes aspects of their personality whether they are around friends, family, etc. Is there someone who gets to see their true self?
She’s pretty genuine and doesn’t hide much.
44. Is there a particular event that would emotionally devastate your character?
It’s already happened twice...
45. Is your character the kind to hide their true emotions or do they wear their heart on their sleeve?
She’s very emotional.
46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover?
Nothing? Neither her or Morgan are at all affectionate.
47. Is your character outgoing? Would they be the leader of the friend group, or the quiet one that gets dragged along?
Ech not really. She’s not quiet, but she does get dragged along. She’d much rather get rowdy in her bedroom.
48. Is there anything in particular that would ignite your character’s jealousy? Or does your character not get envious?
She’s a very jealous person so she’s viable to lose it if she thinks something’s off.
49. What is something that your character has nightmares about? Are these frequent? Do they heavily affect your character’s mood?
She has nightmares about Strahd coming back, her brother dying for good, and about herself.
50. If your character confessed love to their crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc, what would they say?
I’m not sure but it probably wouldn’t go very well…
Congratulations for reaching the end! :3
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saints-row-2 · 6 years
if you could create a tv show, either based on smth or original, what would it be about? would it be cancelled too soon?
OPTION ONE: short miniseries adaptation of Phantom of the Opera staying painfully loyal to the book because FUCK every other adaptation (not u 1925 version sweetie)
OPTION TWO: long running drama about the son of a mafia don in the late 80s/cusp of the 90s who is trying to be the hyper-competent son of a gangster and live up to his father’s dreams and ALSO hes gay and ALSO theres an undercover cop in the gang and ALSO he has a torrid romance with the undercover cop. it runs for three seasons and gets cancelled too soon but thats fine because i dont have to think of an ending. 
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OC Meme
Tagged by @the-relentless-inspector so I’m going to fill this out for the Fallen London version of Var (since the Dragon’s Library version of Val would be different)
⚔ FLAWS moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy (specifically in regards to secrets) | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | over analytical 
♛ STRENGTHS honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful  | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive  | adaptive | calm That’s quite a list! Some of the traits would show more in different situations, but I think it overall shows how Var is a twisty piece of work who tries to be a good (or at least alright) person. :3c Tagging @loremfitzipsum and @friendlytroll in general, @namingisdifficult @justcoffeenotea @sparklyandheroic @tabbibear and whoever else wants to do this.
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rukafais · 9 years
Is it too late for the thing?
A slow, soft heartbeat, drumming in time with dying flares in the depths of space. I caught one, once, you know; a shooting star, falling to earth. Like a flare from a planet far away; it was a signal fired that shone like the sun. It burned my hands, but warmed my hollow heart. The grass bent and the wind blew hard at the impact, but I wasn’t afraid.
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saints-row-2 · 6 years
you said you didnt like playing tyranny (u know the obsidian game), but i think you might find the way magic works neat? (spoilers? maybe) it works because people believe it works. like items have stories and ppl started believing they were magical and now they are. this also applies to ppl. they change physically to what is believed they look like. eg. an assassin who is now part shadow or someone who wore masks is now implied to not have a real face anymore. lots of body horror possibilities
i played tyranny for a couple of hours and i dont remember disliking it... i could have said i did tho i say a lot of bullshit. i imagine my issues w/ it related more to my general wild incompetence w/ crpgs than tyranny in specific 
but those magic concepts sound fucking cool as hell i love shit thats based around self-perception and psyche. i really need to give tyranny another shot.
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saints-row-2 · 6 years
you often talk about your favourite movies and radio shows, but do you have a favourite tv show?
BETTER CALL SAUL is by far and away my fave, i think its one of the best fucking things ever put on tv, but others would be The Sopranos, Bojack Horseman, Ashes to Ashes and Hannibal. theres some netflix shows i follow (see above but also Stranger Things, Dear White People, Mindhunter) but i dont really watch a lot of actual tv.
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saints-row-2 · 6 years
what is most important to you in a video game? what is gameplay-wise your favourite game? how do you choose which game to play next? what kind of horror movies do you enjoy most? what makes a villain in your eyes interesting? are these questions acceptable entertainment?
characters are by far and away the most important part of a game to me ill forgive a LOT in a game if theres characters i like or even a character design or concept i find interesting. you can say the same of most kinds of media probably.
my favourite game on gameplay alone would PROBABLY be hotline miami or dishonored. i love saints row 2 the most overall as a complete unit but if youre just talking about fucking what really grabs my nuts its gonna be anything that has some kind of stealthy puzzle murder aspect to it. i fucking love any game like that and hotline miami and dishonored do em better than anything else. 
when it comes to horror im a COMPLETE gorehound i love slashers more than anything else. give me a big scary dude stabbing the hell out of a bunch of idiots im all over that shit. i am also a huge fan of psychological horror tho and im very on-board with the new wave of very stylish psychological slow horror movies. i think thats what i love most in horror. Style. 
im easy to please when it comes to villains because you just give me a silent dude who stabs people and im all over it. i just find something unendingly fascinating about characters who are violent or brutal which is again probably why i love slashers so much. its just entertaining. but broadening out. i just like characters who are bad people, and those people are often villains. theres something about people who do shitty things thats interesting to me and a good villain in my book is someone who does shit not just to be a tool of the plot but because they have an actual characterisation and drive. i  think treating writing villains and writing heroes as completely disparate experiences is kind of a mistake because the end goal should always be to have a character thats interesting. a villain should be a person who does bad things and those bad things should make sense for that person to do. thats all i can think to say.  
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eldritchblaast · 6 years
9 16 21 28 for saoirse
Thank you mutti ♥
9. What is their greatest physical weakness?
She’s got a Strength score of 6 so pretty much everything that involves lifting or endurance.
 16. Is there anyone who makes them feel inferior?
Strahd did when he was ‘alive’ and now her undead companions do simply because she’s now fragile in comparison. Morgan, for example, could have a nuke dropped on him and he’d be completely fine.
21. What is something that causes them great anxiety?
Her brother Arimal dying again.
28. Is there a certain type of person that disgusts them?
She’s disgusted by the soulless population of Barovia. They’re just ... there. They have basically no emotions and she finds it really unnerving.
‘Not so nice’ OC asks
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eldritchblaast · 6 years
8, 10, & 19 :3
Thanks for the ask, lovely ♥
8. Do you prefer theater of the mind or minis and grids?
Grids - especially when I’m DMing omg
10. What is the most annoying thing that has happened during a d&d session you’ve played in?
God damn Hesta. @reellifejaneway2 can attest to what an absolute shit of a fight she was. Hesta was a buffed level 10 dwarven light cleric who had this really powerful armour that made it so that if she dropped to 0hp, she only had to pass one death save to get back up. I dropped her to 0hp five. fucking. times. Five. It took me legitimately an hour of consecutive turns to kill her at 0hp as an assassin while the rest of the party were fighting her equally powerful companions.
I actually rage-quit and had a solid 15 minute sulk before coming back again…
19.What level do you as a player prefer to start as?
Always level 1. Level 1 is hilarious imo! I love being scrub-tier and being excited to fight kobolds/goblins/wolves/orcs/etc.
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pungenday · 6 years
tabbibear replied to your post: tabbibear replied to your post: ...
have you played virdi for 106 hours?
hhhhh yep thats me!
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saints-row-2 · 7 years
5, 9, 39, 51 & 53
5. Ever use cheat codes?
sometimes! not a lot! i use cheats sometimes in the sims but unless a game is frustrating to the point of being broken (hi sr2 pc port) i dont bcs i just dont think its like, fun to play that way
9. Most regrettable purchase?
i preordered thief 4 and regretted that ever since 
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make?
id kill for a good silent hill game :^(
more realistically i want another infamous game..... where did it go...... infamous 2 is like one of my favourite games ever. oh or man if they let the ppl who made bioschock 2 make another bioschock game id be all over that 
51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep?
yeah i have adhd
53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days?
games rely on it too much honestly like its just expected for every game to have dlc nowadays and i think we need to breakaway frm that bcs now its just. every game we buy is incomplete and theyre selling the rest to us piece-meal and thats fucked its gotten completely out of hand. a lot of the time i love playing dlc and getting more stuff but it just.. shouldnt be standard in the way it is in the industry. 
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eldritchblaast · 7 years
tabbibear replied to your post “what is better than eating ice cream and playing D&D at the same time”
but jo!! never split the party!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUMCIn2swTU
thank you omg someone with sense is here at last
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pungenday · 7 years
@tabbibear replied to your post: you know…. it may be cringe now…. but tbh i...
they can try to rip xD from my cold dead hands. x3 is negotiable tho
how about >x’^3c ??
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pungenday · 7 years
@tabbibear replied to your post: tabbibear replied to your post:@tabbibear replied...
why do mathemataisions love the letter x? u might be onto smth..but the x in xD has nothing to do w math, bcs it conveys happiness, smth mathemartesians cannot feel.
wrong. mathicmagicians feel only one emotion: their desperate, heart-wrenching, knee-clenching lust for all things math. when a true mathomorrocan sees a calculus problem, they instantly nut. 
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pungenday · 7 years
tabbibear replied to your post:@tabbibear replied to your post: ...
no that looks like math, the devils language
true, true.... but then........ most emoticons involving the letter x look like math bc for some reason mathematicians LOVE the letter x (like they love xxx maybe? just a thot) so perhaps..... perhaps that is why they are shunned
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eldritchblaast · 7 years
tabbibear replied to your post “is it petty to immediately unfollow anyone who interacts with the...”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufFQ-qR4V1U tbh it's petty but that shouldn't stop you from unfollowing if it makes you feel better
I wasn’t expecting that video lmao
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