dreamdaddymorpheus · 2 years
Do you do headcanons? If so can I request a dark!morpheus with human reader headcanons please?
i'm sorry this ended up more like a short drabble, i'll attempt a headcanon again later 🙈. this got a bit yandere-ish but i mean homeboy literally sent nada to hell for 'rejecting' him so 🥲.
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Morpheus may not be infallible, but he is a quick learner – and what can one learn from falling in love with a mortal who deserted him despite his devotion? Many things, you realized.
“Be my Queen.” He would whisper to you, lips brushing against the shell of your ear, “I would defend you. My realm would defend its Queen. Nothing will ever touch you.” Such sweet promises, like a gentle finger stroking the space between your eyes to lull you to sleep. A false sense of security as you would later understand.
“You would be loved – so loved. I would worship you.” He made no effort to hide his desperation, his thirst and craving for you. He wants you to choose him of your own accord – it would be easier, or was it kinder? His head so full of you often muddles his thoughts.
At first the way you almost sink into him gives him hope that you would abandon all logic and simply drown in his love for you. Then you go rigid, back taut like the strings of a bow. He sighs then, resignedly almost. You needn’t even say a word – he knows you well enough.
A choice was made then. “Oh, my love…” The sound of regret was there, but the tightness of his arms around your waist and the dark glint in his eyes raised the hair on the back of your neck, a clear warning. “Know that I shall endeavour to never defy your wishes again beyond this transgression.” The quickness in which he extinguished your attempt to pull away at this left you breathless, your head shaking in disbelief.
“You may hate me now, but I swear I shall make you love me again.” One arm slithers up to hold the side of your face as a soft whimper escaped you, directing his thumb to brush lazily over your parted lips. You watch his brows furrow, as though in self-reproach, overshadowed only by the resolve in his eyes.
 “My Queen.” It was never a question, you realized. He never asked.
He plants a tender kiss on the corner of your lips, not quite where he hungers the most right this moment, but it’ll do for now. He will be the light drizzle of rain that seeps into your clothes and before you know it you will be fully engulfed by him.
He's patient. He can wait.
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mattindies · 7 years
!!! (any muses, any verse)
Send “!!!” for my muse to jump out from behind a corner, trying to startle your muse.
— 💥 It was almost six o’clock when Scrappy started on his way home.
He spent the better half of the day shopping online at the library, due to being grounded from the computer at home for ordering a pizza at school. It’s not that Scrappy hated being at his house – he was just bored there. He wanted to go out and explore, have adventures, meet new people. They wanted him to do his homework, keep his room clean, do the laundry. It was disappointing for a boy who was weeks away from being eighteen.
In order to get out of the house; Scrappy told his parents that he was going to apply for another job and that he would be back before dinner, so he knew that he’d have plenty of time to kill without anyone being on his ass about something. “Skylar, have you taken a shower today? – Skylar, did you take out the trash this morning? – Skylar, please take this pie over to Nancy’s house and tell her thank you for the pot roast.”
The day hadn’t been bad. He ate two Quesaritos from Taco Bell; he got a number from a cute girl that noticed his car, and he found a custom made Spongebob fidget spinner that brought tears to his eyes. He wasn’t yet prepared to go home and sit around the dining table with people who just chew and don’t talk about anything.
He was leaving the store when someone came out from behind the car to the left of his. Their light touch on his back and the BOO that came before it resulted in a very shrill scream from Scrappy, the bags in his hands falling from his grasp.
❝ NO! ❞ He shouted, eyes wide, arms flailing. Betrayal. That’s the look that was spread across Scrappy’s face. ❝ Fred! That was so RUDE. ❞  Letting out an overly dramatic sigh, Scrappy bent over to grab his groceries from the ground. He had a box of honey buns, now slightly smashed on one corner; a jumbo box of crayons, and a tiny mouse toy with a string attached, but now it felt sad to Scrappy. ❝ UuuuuGHHH. That was a toy for my bird, Loftwing! He was gonna be so excited – I can’t believe you. ❞ In hindsight; Scrappy wasn’t mad at Fred for scaring the life out of him. He was disappointed that his good friend would put his heart at risk like that, but he was even more disappointed that Fred got him. Now he needed to put a new prank into action; without the older male finding out, pronto. He folded his arms over his chest and shifted his weight as a grin began to tug on the corners of his lips. Slowly, he shook his head. ❝ I’m late for dinner. I’m telling my mom that it’s your fault. ❞
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rennesyoung-blog · 7 years
Is deanee over?
Definetly still 100% on.
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valerie-reese · 6 years
36) Favorite daydream?
I’m married. My child is playing in the backyard. Everyone’s happy. Sometimes it’s a night time sort of dream, too. 
37)What’s the most interesting historical lgbt+ fact that you know?
Uhhh. When President Clinton signed DoMA, my dad was so upset that he didn’t talk to anyone for three days, and only spoke up when my mama accidentally knocked the aquarium off it’s shelf and started crying. My mama never cries. Now, I know that’s not exactly what you were looking for- but my parents are lgbt+ and it seemed pretty big. I was twelve.
38)Favorite cartoon growing up and what you think it says about your personality?
Beetlejuice the Animated Series. We didn’t watch a lot of television but I liked that one. Lydia and Beetlejuice were weird, like my family. 
39)What’s your love language?
Physical touch. I’m a tactile person.
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fxkindylan-blog · 8 years
Are you really going to fight Spencer?
I’d have to be really pissed off at my brother to actually fight him. 
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Not only would my dad be angry at both of us; Spencer might give me a run for my money. I’m not saying one of us is better than the other, but we both have different tricks up our sleeves and I wouldn’t want a punch to the face from him any more than he would want one from me. 
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daamndamien-blog · 8 years
. Did you have a good day yesterday
I had a pretty good day three days ago, I think. I’m sorry I got to this late. I’ve been working crazy long shifts lately because someone just quit in the middle of their shift and I’ve been stuck covering them after working my own. 
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Honestly it makes me want to punch someone in the face, but I’m grown.
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chriiistiaaan · 8 years
Can you tell us more about Ben?
There is not a single thing in the world that I love more than that little boy. He’s the sweetest, most gentle person I’ve ever met. He would do anything to make someone smile especially if he’s having a bad day. He says that seeing happy people makes him feel happy, too. 
His favorite sport is soccer. His favorite color is red. His favorite animals are bears (grizzly, polar, panda), lions, and giraffes. If he could have anything for dinner, he would choose macaroni and cheese with mashed potatoes and a pudding cup on the side. He prefers pie over cake because he doesn’t really like frosting. He loves superheroes, music, playing outside, and taking pictures with his uncle Andrew. He’s incredibly smart, and extremely imaginative. Some days he wakes up and tells me that he’s a ninja, a wizard, or a pirate. Other days he’s a cowboy, an astronaut, or a star athlete. His favorite subjects in school are “all of them”, and so far the subjects that are easiest for him are math and science. Not many people know this, but every morning before he goes to school he gives me a hug and a pep talk. He reminds me to be patient and kind, and he tells me to be happy even though I already am. Sometimes I think that Ben is my angel; if those exist. Nobody makes me smile like he can. My greatest memories– they’re all with him. I’ve woken up to wet sheets, Cheetos up my nose, feet and hands on my face, and every single one of the blankets in his possession. I wouldn’t trade it for anything, because when he wakes up he has the biggest smile on his face and sometimes he might say “Hi dad.” and other times he might say “I just farted.” You never really know what to expect but you know it’s going to make you laugh and that’s my favorite thing about that kid. 
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spiderwriter-blog1 · 8 years
What's one of your characters that you want to develop the most?
That’s a pretty difficult question, because I’ve got a lot of characters, but there is one that I hold onto the closest. He’s called Matthew. He’s a sweetie, really. So if anyone is interested in plotting with him and you don’t mind his back story (which you can get an idea of with that link); please let me know. I’d love to get him to a place where he’s strong and confident and happy. 
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dreamdaddymorpheus · 2 years
Just wanted you to know that Dusk Till Dawn lives rent free in my head! I'm still not over it and I can't count how many times I've read it. I was wondering if I could request for more bratty vampire reader? Is Dream more of a soft or hard dom? How does brat reader act up? Like this has me on a chokehold and I just need content tbh even if you just talk about it! I'm just so curious!
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy it as much as you do. It's honestly the result of too much caffeine at 2AM in the morning lmao also I'm blaming you why I never finished the fic I was working on today because this ask wouldn't leave my head!! I hope you enjoy the few headcanons below <3
warning: It got a little spicy at the end. n s f w.
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Morpheus is a soft d om! I mean don't get me wrong if you step out of line he will absolutely bruise your a ss, but generally he likes to spoil you and will often give in to you.
You make him sigh alot lmao like "why don't you just do as your told" kind of sigh.
Secretly loves it when you defy him. It amuses and arous es him in equal measure.
Will normally give you a warning first when you act out, “Behave, princess.” Will be his first warning; this usually mean he’s still in the amused stage but still wants you to listen. His punishment at this stage is usually a light reprimand. “That’s enough.” Is his ‘you’re pushing your luck’ warning and your punishment will either be a spanking or denial. It’s when he goes quiet and gives you that look that you should worry. He will absolutely wreck you. Lots of edging, denial, spankings, scolding, light humiliation perhaps. Trust that you will be bed ridden the next day.
He loves the aftercare. He loves giving you a bath, brushing your hair dry next to the fireplace, soft kisses, praises and maybe gently eat you out before you fall asleep, depending on your behaviour. You’re usually fucked out at this point that you’re very obliging lmao
One thing he will never do is to punish you by withholding blood. That is your source of life, and he wouldn’t make light of it. If anything, Morpheus gets a kick out of overfeeding you with his blood as he knows from experience that it sends your senses into overdrive. It’s like an aphrodisiac for you almost, leaving you absolutely wanton and desperate for him.
Your bratty tendencies often vary. Sometimes you just want attention and Morpheus is quite attuned to your moods that you won’t have to ask. Other times you just feel like being a bitch and pester him. “I don’t really want to.” Is when your feeling mild. “You can’t make me.” Is when you’re really asking for it. You know he will absolutely make you.
You roll your eyes too much according to him. If you’re lucky enough to be across the room, you’ll just earn a dry look but if you’re within arm’s reach it’ll either be a pinch on the waist or a growl in your ear “One more. I dare you, my darling.”
He will often give you presents, like dresses and trinkets. But he especially loves to deck you in jewellery and will 100% fuck you while decked head to toe in shining jewels. Fucking you on his throne while you’re wearing a crown? He would absolutely FOLD. You’re a princess after all, in every sense of the word. He would never admit it but that alone is probably a kink to him.
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mattindies · 7 years
“We’re gonna get shanked. It’s dark and cold and we’re going to die.” IDK WHAT MUSE. WHATEVER INSPO U HAVE. kitty/scooby/betty/random oc/do it up!
“We’re gonna get shanked. It’s dark and cold and we’re going to die.”
– 💪 ❝ RELAX. ❞ Landon smiled, peering down the alleyway. They definitely should have taken another route, but he decided without hearing much of Cher’s opinion that this would be faster and he wanted to get home in time for dinner and a snack.  ❝ The only real thing we have to worry about is this damn ass rain soaking through our shoes and into our socks – that’s a problem. I’d get shanked before I had wet socks. No doubt. ❞ Admittedly, there was a sinister feeling in the air. The idea that someone could potentially be watching them; the sudden spark of a challenge; Landon was prepared to throw hands at any second. With his arm now hovering in front of Cher’s body as if to offer a form of protection; Landon turned his head back to face her. ❝ If anyone pops out with a shiv, I got you. Don’t you worry your precious little baby head. ❞
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rennesyoung-blog · 7 years
smash. 10000/10
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valerie-reese · 6 years
11, 12, 13, 14, 15
11)What’s your favorite reaction from someone when they learned you were lgbt+?
“Well, no fuckin’ duh, we raised you. I was more surprised that Caroline started dating boys than you.” -My mama, when I told her about my crush on a boy at my school. 
12) Favorite Pride memory? (If you haven’t been to pride, do you want to go?)
My parents started taking me to Pride before I can even remember- my favorite Pride memory was when I was fourteen or fifteen, I’m not really sure which year it was. I just remember, there was a moment where an older man spoke to me and he treated me like I was there for myself. For years, I’d been there as a supporter, an ally, as someone’s kid- but I was finally old enough to be there for me. 
13) Do you have a place near you where lgbt+ people like to go and hang out?
The entirety of Boystown. I don’t know, I’m kind of a homebody unless someone invites me somewhere.
14) If you could open up a hangout spot for lgbt+ people, what would it be and what would you call it?
Maybe a book store or library focusing on centering queer authors and stories? I’m a doctor, dammit, not a businessman.
15) Best gay joke you’ve successfully executed?
Is not memorable enough to mention. Sorry.
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fxkindylan-blog · 8 years
miss you, hubs
And here I thought you were cheating on me with my brother.
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daamndamien-blog · 8 years
You have to spend the weekend with the person who happens to be #24 in your contact list; who is it and how do you spend it? :]
This is definitely interesting. Oh man.
#24 is this girl I worked with about a year ago. Her name is Natalie. I was the one that trained her when she started, so she would spend her entire shift by my side. I thought that she was hot. I’m not even going to lie to you. I wasn’t going to make it anything though, you know? I didn’t want to come off like a creep and I definitely wasn’t looking for a relationship. We didn’t talk outside of work. I’d joke around with her and we would have deep conversations about the secret coffee menu, and that’s all it was. Until I was done training her and it was time for her to work on her own. I didn’t ever get an explanation as to how she got my number, but she texted me one night and I saved it into my phone. Note that this is only being said because it needs to be for the story–but things got a little bit sexual–much later into the conversation. Like, two or three days later. Then it got extremely odd because I woke up one morning to a bunch of creepy voice mails. She was going on about how she knew me in another life, and how I was supposed to marry her and she was going to have my babies. She started sobbing at one point because I didn’t answer my phone. She said that being away from me left her in pain. The last voice mail was just her screaming into the phone at me for ignoring her phone calls and that all she wanted to do was hear my voice. Fuck, dude. By the time I was fully awake and processing everything; I was flippin’ shit. I didn’t even know her like that. I saw her tits and she gave me a blowjob once when I was on break but literally that was it. I didn’t want anything else. I didn’t want her to want anything else. I hoped that if I let the day go by, she would forget about the whole thing and everything would be fine, but when I went into work the next day she stormed in and slapped me in the face. I didn’t even have to do anything in response because our boss was running the drive thru right behind me and she was fired on the spot but holy shit, guys. I swear she stalked me on Facebook for months. I never responded to anything she said in the texts or messages at that point so eventually she stopped talking to me. Thank fucking God. 
Can you imagine what spending the weekend with her would be like? I would walk on the other side of the street. We would drive our own cars to the movies. I would sit three rows away from her. I probably wouldn’t sleep at all. I don’t even know if I could shower to be honest. I feel like she’s the type of person that would drug me or some bullshit like that. But yeah, that’s who it is. #24.
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chriiistiaaan · 8 years
do you regret ever dating your ex?
Considering the fact that she completely changed my life and gave me the coolest little boy anyone could ever ask for; I’m gonna have to say no, I don’t regret dating her. She was the first person that ever saw me, and liked me for who I was. I loved her the second she said hello. I loved her even when five years with her started to feel like a waste. And yeah, that’s that.
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brendope-blog · 8 years
If you were a flower, you'd be a damndelion! ;)
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You definitely know the way to my heart, Holden Evans. 
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