#that just doesnt make sense for how ichikawa writes.
reefshark · 2 years
i think something a lot of people are already forgetting is that the doctor specifically told Kongo/Phos to burn the bridge once he crosses it, and are already getting antsy about what happened in chapter 98. To me this feels like him crossing the bridge? we still have, I believe, another volume or so At Least left to hnk and I think this next volume will be Phos’ process of ‘burning the bridge’. Like, we still don’t even know if Phos’ praying is bringing the result that is wanted, we just saw a giant explosion of sorts. That could lead to anything. 
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kokkuri3 · 4 years
hi diff anon in relation to the cairn thing and sorry to be redundant: im not entirely pleased with the presentation of that arc for the reasons u have said, however I think cairn’s decision to be with aechmea makes sense despite how bad and creepy it is due to cairn never being fully in control of his own actions, given ghost had been present beforehand and losing ghost gave a mix of freedom/guilt but the shock of this new knowledge that ghost had been influencing cairn despite the separation -
makes cairn question literally everything abt himself and what rlly constitutes himself as “cairn”, since apparently no such thing ever existed since ghost had always been present. and his way of coping with that was to completely reject anything with his past self/basically anything gem related and to now become like his apparent “savior” even to the point of cairn saying he wants to be a lunarian/being extremely desperate to be with aechmea. I dont think it was brainwashing but more aechmea -
seeing that cairn is vulnerable, isolated from the other gems since birth like phos but in a different way, and susceptible to being taken advantage of. Its especially insidious given how aechmea always presents their relationship as being open to cairn’s choices and like they are “equals” but then he does all this shady stuff in the back that makes it clear he’s always ensuring he’s the one in control. And cairn being starved for feeling in control takes the lie thats being presented since he -
doesnt know what else to do and everything abt aechmea is “correct” to cairn not necessarily bc they agree with aechmea but because cairn may think his only other option is to go back to the gems and he can’t stand the thought of that. I think its a fairly accurate portrayal of how grooming can work and given cairn’s position in the story and his history, it makes sense why he fell into this relationship (not that that is a good thing it’s just an unfortunate aspect to his circumstances) but -
I agree with u that with how ichikawa’s writing often makes it hard to tell if she’s criticizing these power imbalances, Im always holding my breath with every new chapter to know if she will give this particular relationship an ending that doesnt endorse the relationship since the framing of many parts of it isn’t.. great lmao
Yeah I definitely think you’re right, it’s not hard to see how Cairngorm would feel genuinely towards Aechmea while there is still an aspect of manipulation to their relationship. The power imbalance involved is really unsettling, and it’s easy to see how Cairngorm is being exploited in it.
I... hope Ichikawa makes the choice to actually frame their relationship as bad. As it stands, though, I have no idea if she’ll actually do that or not.
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a lot of jumbled thoughts on ch 76
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aka: shit is about to go down, oh boi oh boi, but let me ramble about stuff first 
also im late to the party but shhh we got another 3 weeks before the earth arc so its still okay
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isnt it funny how we’ve spent six months speculating about Euclase’s shadiness while Phos told Aechmea they’re ‘amicable’? And isnt it funny how Phos contradicts themselves at the end of the chapter cause they’re scared Euc will see right through them? Will we ever know more about Euc? Please? Pretty please?
also, I’m surprised by the moon people’s efficiency. They have no idea if Phos’ plan is going to work, maybe they dont even know how long it’ll take for them to become nothingness if Sensei starts praying, and here they are, making arrangements to leave everything to the gems. 
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Reminds me of chap 56(?), when Phos thought the gems should acquire lunarian technology. Can’t believe it was this easy and now Amethyst’s about to become a hybrid between a pilot and an engineer? Well done, Ame, nice character development. Evangelion crossover when?
Why did Phos pick Amethyst, anyway? Alex, Yellow and Padpa are incapacitated, Goshe and Cairn are unpredictable, but what about Dia and Benito? Maybe Benito already has their hands full with taking care of Alex. But Dia?
Dia’s interesting tbh. Even Phos knows that, given the choice, Dia might decide to stay on the moon. They started off as one of the main characters and then slowly slid to the background and they’ve been p much static for a long while. i wonder if they’ll ever change at this point.
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Ah, the problem child. 
This part hurt, as it’s custom now with Cairn-centered pages. Yet i just adore the idea of Cairn blowing up the whole moon one disastrous experiment at a time.
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how does it work exactly? does it protect gems from cracking? does it increase their hardness/toughness? has somebody thought of using it on Phos cause, yknow, they’re still mostly made of brittle phosphophyllite and they’re going in what’s basically enemy territory unharmed?? can somebody please care about Phos for once?
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“My friend has time”
That’s the face of a man who doesn’t, in fact, have time. Aechmea is every bad boss you’ve ever had, he just doesn’t care. But bribing people with pasta is smart, i know i’d hardly resist. 
Also please let’s skip over how Aechmea is putting literal guards so that Barbata can’t hit on his shiny rock wifey. If anyone still believed Cairn has made nothing but independent choices so far please stop being delusional, you’re only hurting yourself.
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Yeah, uhm, i’m gonna die (and my species has no concept of death so i have no idea what that means) for this totally good guy i’ve known for at least a few months (and my species lives forever so a few months is nothing, really) and that i’ve married (yeah, still trying to wrap my head around this marriage thing. also wife. everyone calls me wife and princess for some reason). This is fine.
also, if Shittymea’s gone and become nothingness he wouldn't be able to miss you, Cairn. but has anyone taken the time to explain it to you? Anyone?  
On another note. Is it just me or Cairn’s wife-outfit is way less revealing than Cairn’s bitchy girlfriend-outfits? Even when you don’t consider the lab coat. I wonder if Cairn’s still choosing them. 
Maybe Aechmea wants them to dress in a way that’s more appropriate for a wife/queen? Or maybe his possessiveness has started to extend to something more than having Cairn surrounded by guards at all times.
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And goddammit, this is one of my favorite theories and you’re telling me they already used it and discarded it? Is that why the lunarians experimented on gems? is this why the gems went mad? what about the human particle? THEY’RE STILL EXPERIMENTING, I FEEL IT
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what was there for the moon people to gain? they already had admirabilis to experiment on (the criminals) and they most likely breed them to keep their population stable. Why’d the lunarians need more? this explanation doesnt match Ventricosus’ and it doesn’t really hold up. 
Thought it was impossible at this point, but Aechmea just earned 10 more untrustworthy points. I wonder why he’s hiding information from Phos
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“I’m going to do everything I can.”
So this means this is Phos’ final attempt. This is it. If it doesn’t work out they’re gonna quit. 
Shit is about to go down during the next arc, an Earth arc. And this is exactly why i think Phos’ll acquire the seventh treasure during/at the end of this arc. More about this in a future meta cause this thing is already too long.
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i’ve read a couple of posts already about this sentence. The translation is a little awkward, and it’s still ambiguous in Japanese. 
Knowing Ichikawa’s stories, i’m tempted to say it’s foreshadowing, a metaphor for what’ll happen next. It might even be that the story is coming to a close, it’s very hard to say.
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sorry, my inner linguist took the wheel. Yet i’d pay to see the actual lunarian manual. and the lunarian script. nngh. 
but yeah, “it’s not japanese/chinese” confirmed, “it’s not just alex’s bad writing” also confirmed, “it’s mongolian” not confirmed. but it def looks like it. a little. a tiny little bit. i love it. 
Also let’s take a moment to appreciate everyone’s cuteness in these pages cause the end of this chapter hurts. And was Phos joking? are they really planning to call Benito? When did Benito become a main character?? I’m so proud of them
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“don’t act rashly” is a recurring piece of advice among gems. Even Padpa told Phos to keep cool and think, while Cinnabar is constantly observing and Alex clings to a 400 years old hatred.
It makes sense for a society that’s as stagnant and conservative as the lustrous’ to value contemplation over action. These rocks live forever, there’s no need to rush into things after all. Interesting.
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Once again, Phos is carrying all the burden on their back. A child, one of the youngest gems, they’ve lost partners and pieces of their body in a short time, unveiled unsettling truths, betrayed their family multiple times, sided with the enemy, had partners and friends turn their back on them. All for the greater good.
They’re pushing themselves to their own limits, breaking them over and over, destroying their mental stability in the process. Why are they doing this? What’s the point if every answer just elicits new questions. 
It’s heartbreaking to feel Phos’ regret. How dare they think of Sensei’s kindness? How dare they envy their old self? After everything they did, after betraying Sensei? They can only move forward now, for all the people who didn’t make it or that count on Phos. It’s just heartbreaking. I feel so much for them.
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