#the eclectic arts household
ssspringroll · 4 months
i gotta get back to those cas poses soon. ive been feeling the itch. and also the urge to use the damn things but i cant cuz theyre unfinished
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maxispremades · 1 day
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Осенние народные гуляния в честь Праздника Урожая! В центре событий — мэр Стрейнджервиля и его семейство. Пока детишки заняты игрой на площадке и ловлей фиолетовых спор, Тед разглагольствует о ΜĀŦĘрЍ и поет гимны под гитару ĘЙ во славу, а Мередит продает всем желающим необычный сок и мороженое «Растительная жизнь». Налетай, торопись!
Местная богема тоже здесь — ребята из коммуны Эклектик Артс в полном составе приехали в парк на велосипедах, чтобы поглазеть на традиционные увеселения, пофотографироваться и отдохнуть на травке. Лесли очень хочет настроиться на волну всеобщего веселья, но это ей никак не удается. Неужели фиолетовые растения вокруг напоминают о жутких моментах из прошлого? Или же всё дело в том, что кое-кто не пришел на праздник?
(Autumn funfair in honor of the Harvestfest! The mayor of Strangerville and his family are in the middle of it. While the children are playing on the playground and catching purple spores, Ted ranting about the ΜØŦĦ€Ř and sings hymns to the guitar to Ħ€Ř glory, and Meredith sells bizarre juice and ice cream "Plant Matter" to everyone. Come on, hurry up!
The local bohemians are also here — the guys from the Eclectic Arts commune in full strength came to the park on bicycles to gawk at the traditional celebration, take pictures and relax on the grass. Leslie really wants to have fun with everyone, but she can't do it at all. Do the purple plants around remind her of creepy moments from the past? Or is it because someone special didn't come to the party?)
poses by @silverseaming (my lady), @pwoohiesims (big sibling little sibling), @simmireen (three friends) @josiesimblr (friends lounging) and @electricwhims (anxiety emotions)
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moongoblinsims · 5 months
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m͙a͙r͙k͙ ͙e͙g͙g͙l͙e͙s͙t͙o͙n͙
townie makeover lookbook (cc and before & after below cut)
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hair by @msqsimsofficial
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kezzplayssims · 1 year
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Eclectic Arts Household
Alice Martin
Leslie Holland
Mark Eggleston
Only a quick makeover for these three. I just had trouble finding their personalities. Alice and Mark are budding artist, they spend their days painting and bouncing ideas off each other. Leslie is a writer, although she doesn't have a lot of energy for it these days. She's very sick with some mystery illness, it's caused her to lose a lot of weight and energy.
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alltimefail-sims · 2 years
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The Eclectic Arts Household
One of my biggest complaints about Ts4 is that there’s really no cross-compatibility with packs, so every world feels so isolated even though it’s all supposedly “connected.” So roughly a week ago I went through my save and incorporated occults throughout the world (that way *I* got to decide who in my game would show up in occult areas instead of just randos the game auto-assigns). I made Mark (”Marc” in my game - his full name, I decided, is Marquis) into a vampire and Leslie into a werewolf! I added a bunch of elaborate lore backstory for all three of them, but I changed none of their technical aspects - their traits and aspirations are all the same! Oh, and they’re a throuple!! Alice is center of the throuple, but Leslie and Marc have learned to love each other too (mostly through sarcastic banter and their shared admiration of their human, Alice).
They will show up in my Strangerville gameplay, but I just couldn’t wait to share them with you guys.
Full body shots below the cut if you’re interested <3
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silentsundown · 1 year
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The rich kids having fun
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simfuldelights · 2 months
I am out of the first trimester which means that if I bend my hip too far I WILL die
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emasdf · 3 months
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road to nowhere 🌵
sorry i haven't been very active lately, i've been having too much fun trying to combine strangetown and strangerville!
here we have most of the buildings from ts2 and that extra lot is owned by the roswells. they rent the rooms upstairs for the eclectic arts household 💰
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Probably not the best first impression you're making on Strong Jawline With Shades there, Simone.
Simone aged up kind of goofy looking (genetics, why are you so cursed for masc Sims?) and I made him look more like a normal guy. So my idea for him was that of a nerd whose famous dad was the 'norm' to him and he could only understand on an intellectual level what the big fuss was about? His mom's everything and Thorne's Just Ken. Plus, yanno, raised by a single mother who created her own nectar empire out of nothing - even if sexism were a thing in the Simsverse, he'd be downing that Respect Women cactus juice by the gallon. (Nothing else will quench ya! It's the quenchiest!)
strangerville story spoilers
And so with some of his growing up bonus traits (TOP NOTCH TODDLER plus HEADSTRONG more specifically - also GOOD MANNERS which helped him introduce himself nicely to all the right people*) and his stereotypically geeky interests, I unintentionally created the near perfect hero for the Strangerville storyline. With that perk to skill building, he's already nearly maxed out PROGRAMMING, LOGIC and HANDINESS - and fortunately I'd sent him on enough jogs while waiting for the Possession Hour to hit to give him some FITNESS to impress the military personnel from whom he needed to grab a keycard.
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Was Thorne Bailey's lovechild becoming the Strangerville hero the twist that we all saw? Maybe not, but it was the one I surprisingly needed xD
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Plus also getting this doofus to eat the strange fruit (high intelligence, low wisdom much?) ended up actually working for us because of how the Possession Hour replenished his needs. Also do we really want to defeat MOTHER? Being possessed between 1 and 4 am where I run around like a headless llama but basically am otherwise harmless only to end up fully refreshed? Sign me up. The MOTHER is the Strangerville hero in our hearts.
I still need to complete the final stages of the challenge (vaccine three people, recruit three people to defeat MOTHER etc) and with a household of three conveniently sitting right next door to him - guess who's going to be cheated STEEL BLADDER asap? Also due to their Possession Hour meetups and chats about flora, Leslie Holland has become his best friend in the Eclectic Arts household.
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Here's one final shot of the Chiara/Thorne Bailey genetics after I 'fixed' him (ie. made him look less cursed, not 'good looking' per se). His eyes are a nice colour and he has Chiara's mouth.
*TOP NOTCH TODDLER: makes you build all adult skills faster.
HEADSTRONG: makes CONFIDENT and FOCUSED moodlets last significantly longer.
GOOD MANNERS: will unlock the POLITE INTRODUCTION interaction, which will give the Sims a nice relationship boost and sometimes even make them instant friends, depending on how compatible the traits are.
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meshaloobs · 1 year
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Premades — Eclectic Arts Household
the eclectic arts household consists of three friends who have decided to explore their inner creativity. they received a large sum of money from their parents and are using it to explore their creative dreams in a less hectic town.
gallery id : meshaloobs
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cantseemtohide · 8 months
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Though it took a while eventually the Eclectic Arts decided they needed someone from outside their own household to join their ultra exclusive club Salon de Strange for the sake of credibility.
Trouble is they just weren't satisfied with the cultural situation of the sims of StrangerVille, in the end they settled for Dylan Sigworth on the basis he is a teacher and okay he might not be on their level of artistic sensibility but at least he might be able to help draft applications for public art projects.
They thought Dylan was joking when he enthusiastically told them about his knitting hobby, so he pretended he could play the piano instead.
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maxispremades · 8 hours
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Лесли Холланд привыкла почти каждый день видеть своего бывшего парня на улицах Стрейнджервиля, занятого очередной ерундой. Эти случайные встречи странным образом успокаивали тревожное сердце Лесли, как бы сообщая о том, что все рассказы Эрвина о заговорах, шпионах и пришельцах — не более, чем бред больного разума. Праздно шатающийся по городу псих-конспиролог, с головы до ног обвешанный значками с надписями сомнительного политического содержания — самое надежное подтверждение того, что беспокоиться не о чем.
Поэтому Лесли забеспокоилась по-настоящему, когда поняла, что не видела Эрвина уже целую неделю. Куда этот чудак мог подеваться? Может быть, ему нужна помощь? Придя в трейлерный парк, Лесли наткнулась на запертую дверь. Побарабанив в нее с полчаса и приставив ухо к замочной скважине, девушка убедилась в том, что в трейлере Эрвина нет никого, кроме пылевых кроликов...
(Leslie Holland is used to seeing her ex on the streets of Strangerville almost every day, busy with some kind of boondoggle. These encounters strangely calmed Leslie's anxious heart, as if telling her that all Erwin's stories about conspiracies, spies and aliens were nothing more than the ravings of a madman. A crazy conspiracy theorist idly wandering around the town and hung from head to toe with dubious political badges, is the most reliable confirmation that there is nothing to worry about.
Therefore, Leslie became really worried when she realized that she had not seen Erwin for a whole week. Where could this weirdo have gone? Maybe he needs help? Arriving at the trailer park, Leslie came across a locked door. After banging on it for half an hour and putting her ear to the keyhole, the girl made sure that there was no one in Erwin's trailer except dust bunnies...)
poses by @electricwhims (walkin' and not talkin'), @starrysimsie (is that the door) and @pandorassims4cc (laugh & cry)
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moongoblinsims · 5 months
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l͙e͙s͙l͙i͙e͙ ͙h͙o͙l͙l͙a͙n͙d͙
townie makeover lookbook (cc and before & after below cut)
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necklace / eyebrow ring / nose stud / earrings by @pralinesims shirt by @gorillax3-cc pants by @miikocc shoes by @darte77
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ssspringroll · 4 months
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The Eclectic Arts household.
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pringleston · 4 months
Call me biased and I absolutely am but Erwin Pries is one of the strongest townie designs Sims 4 has ever produced and they really dropped the ball in taking advantage of that for the Strangeville pack gameplay. If him and the Eclectic Arts household was given more background and love in the gameplay, it would have been as intriguing as some Sims 2 lore was and would have ranked that pack a lot higher for me and others based on nostalgia and a love of sims franchise quirkiness and whimsy (which I think overall is the most prominent in Sims 2 and sims games from around that time)
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anestezia-posle · 9 months
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|| Eclectic Arts household || Sigworth family || || Caliente family || Jang family || || Bjergsen family || Villareal family ||
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