#the editors just picked a shot out of of the bucket to fit it instead....
pocketramblr · 3 years
You didn't ask but I will tell: TV translation works in such a way that the translators usually work with the original audio and/or scripts. Stuff can be mildly changed in post production for the OG language, but that's usually mild (changing one or two words in the ADR). The dub+the strange editing (Dean has no tears, turns around, suddenly crying) in the episode that aired in English+ statements from the staff about stuff being cut means that (very very likely) Dean originally said ''ily2''.
And that after his ''ily2'', Cas got taken by the Empty (to mega uber hell) and /then/ in the next episode Dean was supposed to have a total breakdown /while also screaming Cas' name/. People heard it being filmed. Jensen Ackles, the actor, says he asked a crew member to record the original take ''so I can see misha and me doign it, not just cas and dean'' (paraphrase). Which means that he has evidence of the original recording, if this is all true. Which is unironically appears to be.
Y'ALL.... Was being in the supernatural fandom always this wild or is this just us living in a post November Fifth world.... Suddenly I think I can truly understand why it was so prevalent in the mid era of tumblr
That is incredible, and the only way I can fully appreciate it is by saying 'it'd be like if, after the miritama soulmate scene was cut from the anime, three weeks later the french dubs come out and not only have it but also straight up 'ily' in it'. Wild. Truely wild. Turns out, translation teams were the best weapon against homophobia all along
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