#the fact that i know as soon as quarantine is over i wont actually care this much about shit that happens on tumblr anymore
iridescentides · 3 years
okay talking it out in the gc made me feel a lil better so im gonna stop making stupid vague textposts about it after this one but basically moving foward i wont be sharing any more of my gif iversary ideas before theyre finished and posted bc apparently people cant be trusted to not like,, blatantly rip off my shit
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gothic-chicanery · 5 years
The Diary of Dr. Elena Rosewood
Horror one off story. I’m putting it under a cut
TW for blood, death, and disease
Sent to quarantine, and am currently kicking myself. I tested positive for the disease and the police didn’t listen to my explanations. Now I am without my lab and test instruments, and the data gathered will be strictly qualitative. Damnit.
Of course, this may be a blessing in disguise, as the effects of the vaccine will be able to be seen firsthand, and I’ll have to worry less about my own credibility. Though as a medical doctor who has spent years studying this disease, credibility was never too much of a worry.
I just hope someone takes care of my cats.
No symptoms so far, though that is expected. The incubation period is usually about a week, but this may be altered by the fact that this is a weaker strain that will be easy for my body to fight off. Maybe I will not have any symptoms at all. One can only hope I suppose.
A man leaned into me while I took my daily exercise yesterday, so close that his nose almost touched mine. Dark red sclera showed he was in the later stages of the disease. “We all have it in here,” he growled. “We are all infected.” His breath smelled awful, a mix of metallic and rot, as if someone had shot a deer in a penny factory.
“Yes,” I said slowly. “That is essentially the point of a quarantine.”
I’ve decided to keep mostly to myself from now on.
This story has very little to do with the scientific side of my work, but it is an anecdote that I think would provide quite the cinematic moment when there is a biopic made about me. I mean, the person who discovered a vaccine against the blood plague (though I always hated the sensational nature of that name) will surely get some sort of film recognition.
When I get out, of course, I’ll remove this section. But I believe it is best to be honest to yourself. The rest of the world can get the cool, collected scientist.
Asymptomatic probably still. I thought my sclera looked a little redder, but that may be more easily attributed to confirmation bias or the quality of the mirrors here. It’s a wonder I can see my reflection at all through the graffiti. Wishing I was home. Accurate testing equipment wherefore art thou? My ex, I’m sure, would correct me. Wherefore apparently means why even though it has a where in it. This, ladies and gentlemen, is why you never should date English majors. And they say scientists have sticks up their ass.
Definite redness now. I guess it was too much of a long shot that I wouldn’t end up with anything happening. I can’t decide which looks better, a miraculous recovery, or to never get sick at all. I think this. Looks like I’ve suffered more.
Though of course, this isn’t about me. It’s about all the people that I will be keeping safe from the disease.
Well. Merry Christmas to me. I’m Rudolph the Red-Eyed Fucking Reindeer. Disease taking hold. I think it’ll get worse before it gets better, damn it. It’ll definitely get better though. I’m confident in my own intelligence, if nothing else. I had hoped to be out of here before Christmas, but I guess that’s too much to ask for.
I’ve started tasting blood.  Every meal seems tainted metallic, though that might actually improve the shit they have us eating. It’s all frozen and half rotten, bottom of the barrel kind of stuff. I guess that makes sense, why waste the good food on those of us that are going to die anyway? I mean, I won’t. But for the rest of them, why bother. There is no cure for the blood plague. Even I’ve only managed to come up with a vaccine.
I lost my journal. No, more accurately, it was stolen by the motherfucker from before. More accurately, he stole it, bled on the pages, and then threw it outside the fence. I have no clue why. He’s bad, blood streaming from his eyes and lips. I could barely make out what he was trying to say, every time he tried to speak, blood dribbled out. Not that I cared what he had to say. I’d imagine he only had days left.
My own condition isn’t getting better, though it hasn’t gotten noticeably worse. Small amounts of blood in my mouth, my spit has been slightly tinged pink for the last few days. I calculated the turnaround though. It should be any day now. Any day…
I debated whether or not to write down how I’m writing this, as my journal is no longer here, and decided why not. It’s blood on my wall. I know what you’re thinking, that i’ve likely gone insane, that the blood plague is taking hold. It’s not, I can promise you that. When you look at it, it’s perfect logical.
My top priority is information. I have to record these events so that the process of my vaccine can be documented and studied. As a scientist, I know the most essential thing is data. I need to be able to provide that. I’ve just been forced to use alternative methods.
He would’ve died anyway. There is no cure for the blood plague, and he barely had days left. Something that saves lives is more important than the death of one man, I know it seems macabre but he would’ve died in days. Is it really even a murder when you’re both on death row?
He is.
I’m not. I’m going to live.
It wasn’t hard, really, to kill him. He wasn’t strong, and it was quite easy to split his head open. The blood just mingled with what was already on the floor and walls, have I mentioned this place has gotten disgusting with all the blood. Dragged him to my room, dipped my finger in, and began writing.
I don’t want this to sound horrific. It’s not. I distanced myself from things, made the matter merely academic. When dissecting something, you don’t contemplate the pathos, you just analyze. That is merely what I’m doing. He would’ve died soon anyway.
The body stinks to high heaven and I can barely get enough blood to write with without a few maggots or flies crawling over my fingers. I need to remain objective but they are truly disgusting.
Blessing in disguise, perhaps, my own eyes have begun dripping. My mouth too, though that’s diluted. I can keep writing. I will document this. I will wait for my body to fight off the vaccine, for immunity to kick in. I will be the one to figure it out I will be known I will be a savior
Just a little longer
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safrilina · 3 years
It’s Both Getting Ready and Letting It Be
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We have already in the end of 2020 and now I want to recap this whole year as long as I can remember. Even though the feelings and the vibes were not gonna be exactly the same as if I wrote soon the moment happened, especially with limited human memory. But let’s cherish all that anyway.
I first designed 2020 as the year with highest mobility. I dreamed of being exhausted wanderer yet have so many stories to tell. I was ready and was welcoming 2020 with super excited and optimistic (let’s say so). Entering the 4th semester with diverse subjects, no one knew that learning in class will stop at the fourth meeting apparently. During my self-quarantine at kosan, I took care of my health and stayed productive because I actually felt OK with online stuff especially with being at kosan where I can manage everything by myself. Until it came to the moment all my neighbors went home and left me alone. It was kind of sad so I need to keep myself sane with did a lot of videocalls with my friends and family. But I don’t think it was helpful enough considering that I had a panic attack in the end. My breath was short, my heart was beating like after did a marathon, and my ribs hurt when I moved. It happened all day long starts when I woke up.
Everything was getting better and I decided to come back home with all of the risks I took. I was aware about the fact that my study-from-home wont definitely as conducive as when I was at my kosan. But whatever it goes, I dare with it. This study-from-home have drained my energy out. There are a lot of distractions, internet and server problems, until I lost the vibes. The early months went quite tough for me. But to be real honest, I felt ‘alive’ during my Idul Fitri ever since we were totally at home. Woke up calmly, and did Eid ritual virtually. I think that feeling mindful in celebrating Hari Raya just need to be maintained even when we are back to normal life. Shouldn’t it be done hastily thus making the day goes fast.
2020 also the year at which I’m turning 20. I was actually not that brave for finally arriving at this age just because I’m not ready with adulthood yet. I even asked some of my friends about this. Knowing that age is just a number, and since number is bad at measuring quality, I shouldn’t feel any pressure, but the reality is the opposite. This fact is supported by everything that happened in the fifth semester, but I was pleased that it was finally over. At the same time, being 20 has taught me to embrace, to think clearly, and to set expectations wisely (because either it’s needed or it kills). There are also things didn’t work out in this year. But then, 2020 offered several milestone, so many insights and also opportunities beyond my expectation :)
Coming to December with feeling healthy, sane, and complete is something I am very grateful for. I started so many new step this year. I jumped high. I tried a lot of things. I worked for it. I made decisions. I expand my horizon. I met new people (virtually). I succeed and failed also. I validate my feelings, even feelings that I didn’t know before. Now everything feels so full, and it is enough. So welcome 2021 — que sera, sera.
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hawaiianhalfwolf · 7 years
In all this chaos, we found safety | Noah & Reza
Takes place shortly after this chatzy
How did his bodily function work, now that he was a vampire? Would he throw up? Reza had never witnessed a vampire throwing up but he felt revolted. Immoral. Back at the gym, it had felt like... stepping into the mind of a sociopath. A hungry sociopath. His fangs were still present, threatening to pierce his tongue as he ran, and the panic made it that much harder to try and keep it at bay. Things were puzzling together in his brain but Reza wasn't sure he wanted them to. He remembered slapping AJ and violently throwing Blanche off to the side -- two people he'd had no intention of hurting, whatsoever. And he remembered sinking his teeth into Jeremy, filling up his stomach with blood that was so much fresher than the bagged blood that it wasn't comparable and... Reza retched, hand braced against the wall for support... wall? He was... outside Noah's place. He'd ran here without even realizing but maybe... maybe that was good. Noah had said he was capable of holding his own against Reza. Reza believed him. Being alone right now, with the taste of blood still in his mouth, taunting him... no, being alone was not a good idea. So instead, he texted Noah with shaking hands, blood smudging his phone screen. 'u home? am outside'
Scratching his navel and the small trail of hair peeking out from under it Noah put down his pencil, the sound of buzzing filling his room for what seemed like the thousandth time. He was supposed to be studying, and had thrown his phone across the room onto his bed for that sole purpose. But, well it wasn’t going well anyway so checking his text messages for a few seconds wouldn’t be too distracting… right? Getting up Noah padded over towards his bed and greedily picked up his phone. There was couple memes from Marco that applied to veterinarians, a text from Sasha wondering how he was doing. And a text from Reza? Feeling slightly confused Noah opened it eyes scanning the message quickly 'u home? am outside' Wait Reza came to his house uninvited? Like punk rock Reza who almost got eaten by a werewolf last time came back? Feeling his heart start to race in his chest Noah didn’t know how to respond to this, so he did the only thing he could think of in the moment. He ran down the stairs to let Reza in. Putting his hand on the door though Noah paused slightly before opening it, realizing now he was about to answer the door without a shirt. A door that had Reza behind it. Biting his lip Noah looked back up the stairs toward the light that signaled his room. And it wasn’t that he was self conscious or anything as he liked going shirtless quite a lot. It was just. This was Reza, and they already had this… tension around each other. Looking down at the basketball short slung low on his hips Noah pulled them up over the band of his boxer briefs figuring that was at least something.  As he pulled the door open however the fresh almost metallic scent of blood hit his nostrils sending his perky greeting out of the window. Stepping out onto the porch Noah came closer to the boy. “I smell blood what’s wrong?” He breathed out quickly eyes scanning up and down Reza’s body, looking for any sign of injury. He didn’t exactly look hurt, but Noah knew from experience that just because you could manage limp to the safety of your werewolf house didn’t mean you weren’t injured.
Reza was clutching the phone in his hand as he waited for a response, starting to feel, suddenly, very keen on the idea of just leaving. Noah wasn't answering the text so he was either not home or busy and Reza couldn't-- the door swung open and Reza cringed away from the light that bathed him, blinking until he saw a very familiar silhouette in the doorway. He regretted this idea instantly, wondering if it was too late to run away but that wasn't an option anymore. Noah sounded worried and not about the things Reza had been worried about. He sounded worried about Reza. "It's not mine," he admitted meekly, arms wrapping around his torso. Fuck, even his voice sounded off with the fangs still getting in the way.
It's not mine Noah listened to those words but didn’t respond, the wheels of his brain struggling to try to catch up. If it wasn’t Reza’s that meant. Shit. Half human Noah, who was alone in the house, was now staring down the barrel of an unstable vampire, and he could feel the panic rise slightly. But looking at Reza again, his body language so absolutely defeated he could feel the panic dissipate and the urge to comfort this poor hurting soul take over. Raising his hands slightly Noah stepped closer before remembering Noah did hugs but Reza didn’t do hugs and just. Noah let out a breath putting his hands down. “Shower” He sad gently before realizing that wasn’t an actual sentence “I mean, we uh have one you can use inside. And while you do that I can get you some other clothes to wear and like pop yours in the wash or something?” As a human, Noah knew it was important to make that sound like a question, to give Reza the chance to choose what he wanted to do. But that didn’t exactly silence the werewolf instincts in the back of his head screaming at him to get Reza out of the blood smell and into a new one. Well maybe not exactly a new one… uh more like his smell to be exact, but he was not going to address that issue at the moment. One crisis at a time please and thank you.
The fact that Noah didn't immediately freak out was... reassuring. Reza had already pictured a much worse scenario, where Noah promptly ran back into the house and called either the police or his alpha to deal with Reza. The word 'shower' had not been a possible outcome in Reza's mind. Honestly, he didn't really care what he did at this point, he just wanted to not be covered in blood and guilt. "Okay," he agreed quietly, waiting defeatedly for Noah to gesture him inside, even though he'd technically gotten an invite before. Everything just felt wrong, even Noah treating him so kindly felt wrong. "I..." The start of some sort of apology, or maybe just him defending what he'd done, died on his lips as soon as he started because he couldn't really justify this. He'd lost control, to put it simply. Maybe he'd never had any really control to start with. "Thanks," he mumbled instead, sneaking a glance up at the not-werewolf to gauge for a reaction. He still didn't look angry or horrified, just... worried. And shirtless. Yeah, what Reza needed least right now was to look at skin with arteries underneath. Funny how something that would have usually made him awkward as fuck just made him squeeze his eyes shut in avoidance. Stop thinking about it. You're never getting another taste so stop."I'll try not to fuck up your shower too much."
Feeling the pieces start to fall into place once the poor boy agreed Noah gestured Reza inside, hoping that the vampire myth thing was true and he wasn’t going to have to invite him inside every time (because god that would suck). Listening to him start to say things though Noah could feel his heart start to ache for Reza, knowing all too well that defeated feeling “It’s no problem” He replied gently. Because it wasn’t. Reza was a friend. A friend going through a tough time, and Noah was definitely not going to just throw him out of the house on his own covered in someone else’s blood. That’s not how werewolf hospitality worked after all. “So uh you can take a shower down here in the guest shower which is the second door to the left,” He pointed down the hall “Or if you’d feel more comfortable you can totally take one in mine. I mean mine is like 3 times bigger and just nicer over all, but uh it will smell like me so you know” Noah shrugged waiting for an answer from Reza. After what happened last time Noah would prefer Reza upstairs quarantined in his room. But he also knew that smells and you know, showering, was quite a private thing for people. A private thing some people prefer to do in a shower that wasn’t actually someone else's. Trying not to think about it too hard though Noah just cleared his throat “I’m sure you wont.” He said reassuringly refraining from joking but still trying to be his positive. Because yea… compared to some of the things Noah had washed down the drain a little bit of blood would be fine.
The thought of accidentally messing up the guest shower and leaving the whole thing smelling like blood in a house full of smell sensitive werewolves... Reza shook his head. "Yours. If you really don't mind." Reza's nose still just felt clogged with the sweet smell of blood so the shower smelling of Noah probably wouldn't be a problem. Following Noah up to his room, he realized that this was in no way how he'd imagined seeing the other boy's room. Not that he'd actually thought about it but in the unlikely event that the two would become better friends, he'd assumed it would happen eventually. Just not with him covered in blood and on the way to use Noah's shower, alone. What a fucking mess.
Trying to keep his face devoid of shock as Reza actually picked his shower. Noah just nodded. Ok so I guess we’re doing this he thought to himself as he padded up the stairs, knowing Reza was following. Getting to his room Noah said a silent prayer hoping his room was going to be like, well up to par with Reza’s standards. Not that Reza probably had high standards, but you know. I mean it wasn’t every day you got to see someone’s room. Standing in the middle of it though Noah took it all in, as if he himself was seeing it for the first time. It wasn’t small, but it was cozy, his king sized bed taking up quite a lot of the space along his outer wall, an open window ruffling some of the sheets. Which speaking of, Noah panicked slightly seeing the ratty old wolf pup stuffed animal peeking out from his dark black sheets. It was the only thing he’d taken with him from his old house and it was the only thing that made him feel ok some nights. But it was also an embarrassing sign of weakness he’d rather reza not see so he’d have to shove that under the bed once he got him in the shower. From there it was just well a Noah type room, with a large desk spread out with papers kitty corner from the foot of his bed, and a closet full of clothes spilled out onto the floor. Which also included a few boxer briefs that made Noah’s cheeks turn instantly pink like literally how embarrassing could this night get? “Well the bathroom is right there,” Noah gestured to the door beckoning Reza to follow him and like not look at all the embarrassing stuff he didn’t want guests to see. “So uh all the soap is unscented and everything, um there’s fresh towels in the bottom drawer of the cabinet use as many as you want” Noah pointed to the cabinet under his sink. “oh and there’s another door into the hall in there you know in case you feel like you need it or something, but I usually keep it locked.”
Reza paid little mind to his surroundings, allowing himself to be swept over to the bathroom. On a positive note, there was a faint smell of 'Noah' trying to level out the blood clinging to his clothes, which made sense considering that this whole room probably smelled very strongly of the guy. Nodding along to all the instructions, really just itching to rip his clothes off (an urge he hadn't exactly imagined he'd have while standing next to Noah... sort of), Reza was relieved when the door behind him finally just closed. The steady flow of rambling had been a nice distraction, though, and the silence was deafening in comparison. A shower would fix everything... yeah, right. Even though things weren't exactly fixed when Reza stepped out of the scalding shower, the whole bathroom steamed up, he did feel better. Or not awful, at least. Wrapping a fluffy towel around his waist -- he hadn't even realized how much he'd missed showering since hot water was a luxury in his basement -- Reza sighed and whipped back his wet hair. And realized that Noah had forgotten to give him fresh clothes before the shower. Shit. "Uhm, Noah?" he called carefully through the door. When there was no reply, he slowly pushed it open, one hand tightly grasping the towel. "Noah?"
Once the door to the bathroom closed it was go time, as Noah ninja-ed around his room. First he grabbed a shirt from the floor and shoved it on, feeling that this would help Reza immensely. Then he went to shove Balto under the bed and quickly straightened the sheets, grabbing for the blanket on his floor afterwards. Noah didn’t actually own a comforter preferring to just nest with blankets in the cold winter months, so the dark chocolate blanket would have to do for them to sit on. If you know they didn’t move downstairs or something. With that done though Noah hurriedly went to shoving dirty clothes into his hamper and making sure everything was off the floor or shoved into the closet before he closed it hoping the door would hold back the avalanche. Darting out of his room Noah raced downstairs making a small detour to the sliding glass door. The puppies had been outside playing while he was studying but now they were whining at the door wanting to come in and scope out the guest, but Noah knew that would probably be a bad thing. So opening the door he scooped up Caleb and barked at Kea to get in her Kennel, knowing at least she would obey. Closing the Kennel door on Haukea Noah hastily placed caleb in his trying not to look at his sad puppy face “you just came from outside stop complaining” He murmured to him before he was up and running toward the laundry room. Pulling out clean pairs of things Noah ran back up the stairs praying that Reza had not finished in that time. And he hadn’t praise Jesus. Collapsing onto his bed for a second, Noah pulled out his phone and texted his Uncle, making sure the other man knew Reza was here and he needed to tread carefully. Hearing his name however Noah looked up, not expecting Reza just standing there in a towel. Laying there on his bed propped up on his elbows Noah couldn’t help but just stare if he’d had any doubts about being bisexual, they were out the window now the sight of Reza’s wet torso making his heart practically stop inside of his chest. Because he was beautiful really, I mean he was skinnier than Noah yes but what he didn’t have in muscle he made up for with the canvas of art littered upon his skin, an edge against this certain softness. Watching a drop of water trail down from his hair (which was very cute and non threatening when wet) Noah couldn’t help but be filled with want. The want to put his hand on the small of the boy’s neck and cover up what looked like a nasty trail vampire bites (it was no wonder now why the boy was flighty as it looked like he’d been used as a pincushion), the want to just pull him close and run his fingers through his damp hair, the want of.. Well [i]other[/i] things. Looking down Noah tried to hide his blush and focus on different things. Because one more second and Reza was going to smell arousal. Which would be bad, very very bad. Uh, what to think of. Cahill. Cahill throwing up after a carnival ride last summer. Yes. Good. And a very very not sexy image. “Oh um yea” He said getting up and turning toward his bed. He’d pulled out a pair of basketball shorts with a drawstring, one of his skinniest pairs of jeans he owned (though knowing reza he’d still probably be swimming in it) and a belt, a washed pair of boxers and a couple different tee shirt options, not knowing exactly what Reza would like. Scooping them all up though he quickly handed it all to Reza doing his best not to really even look at the boy  “Here, um. I just uh piled up a plethora of like the smallest things I own that you’d feel most comfortable in. Oh and everything is clean, just from the laundry room.”
Reza was surprised to see Noah languidly lounging on the bed and for once during their meet-ups, it seemed that he was the more dressed of the two. Nice, sure. Fine. Just... why was he... staring. Reza didn't still have any blood flecked on him, did he? He'd practically scrubbed his skin raw under the burning water. Or did he... oh. Right. The scars. His fingers tightened around the towel almost as if wanting to pull it up higher and cover the rest of his body. No one had seen him this exposed since the person that had given him the scars and sometimes it was easy to forget just how marked his skin was, despite his best attempts at covering up scar after scar with tattoos. It was a slow but effective process, but he could see how Noah's eyes lingered in the crook of his neck. And then his chest and... everywhere. Was he... no, he wasn't... checking him out. Was he? Reza's brain was still struggling with what had happened this evening and this... hungry gaze rolling over his torso was really just making him woozy with confusion because he didn't even know how it made him feel. Exposed, definitely but not... bad. Maybe guilty but there was something else, too-- The bundle of clothes was being shoved into Reza's arms, thankfully giving him something to cover up his chest. "Oh, uhm..." Was he supposed to say something? He couldn't remember, really, because as shitty as feeding from a stranger had made him feel, it also -- guiltily-- made him feel vibrant. Strong. And very, very confused. "Thank... you?" Great. Before this situation of Reza staring dumbfounded at Noah continued, he backtracked into the bathroom and slammed the door. It took him ten minutes to collect his thoughts and shrug on the large boxers and basketball shorts, reaching well below his knee, and to decide on a shirt. It all made him smell just like Noah, which was a huge improvement from the blood. At least for his conscience because the blood still smelled so incredibly enticing... When he entered the room now, he knocked first (stupid) and then padded barefoot inside. The large T-shirt hung off his shoulder despite his continued attempts to pull it up and cover his collarbone, but it had been the one that covered most of his arms. Promptly, he closed the door behind him and took a seat, cross legged, on the ground close to Noah's bed. "Thank you, for doing this. All of this. I mean... covered in blood with my fucking fangs out, I wouldn't have blamed you for locking the door on me."
Listening to the bathroom door slam behind Reza Noah fell face first into one of his pillows, resisting the urge to scream. God what the fuck are you doing. He thought to himself before rolling over and sighing. He knew Reza was not interested, he knew that. But I guess that didn’t stop the werewolf lust from rearing its ugly head at the most in opportune times. Fucking werewolves. Reaching for the remote nestled next to a picture of his mom and dad, Noah flipped on the TV that was perched on his dresser flipping through a few channels before settling on a taping of ridiculousness. Hearing the small knock on the door though Noah turned to look at reza coming out of the bathroom. He was practically swimming his his clothes, but yet there was something about the sight that was just, it was so cute. And it made Noah’s werewolf heart very very happy to know Reza would smell like him now instead of blood. Though it was then Reza decided to sit on the floor again and his werewolf brain practically growled. “You know you can sit up here right? Like its a king size bed so there’s plenty of room” Noah said gently, not liking the power dynamic of Reza on the floor and him on the high ground again. And especially not after seeing all those scars. Because yea no Reza did not need to be on the floor. Scooting over towards the windows Noah hoped that was enough of an invitation for reza to come up and sit on the bed so they wouldn’t be having awkward conversations like this all night. Trying to figure out how to process his next words however Noah couldn’t help but let out a small scoff “Dude. It’s really no problem like I’ve lived with werewolves my entire life” He said looking over at Reza and waving him off “Like even you in all your vampire glory could not even come close to some of the shit I’ve seen running with them” He shook his head. Because that was true. Like a vampire covered in blood just showing up on his doorstep was truly one of the tamer situations he’d gone through this year. By long shot “Plus if i had turned you away my father would literally be rolling in his grave right now. Like if you’ve ever heard of southern hospitality, well werewolf hospitality is like that but on crack.” It was a sort of joke, one accompanied with a smile and a warmth that could only be achieved when Noah was talking about his dad. God how he missed him.
"I don't exactly need comfort," Reza argued, all the while getting to his feet. Noah had let him in and given him clothes (and stared at him like-- no) so the least Reza could do was join him on the bed, if that was what would make the guy comfortable. Shuffling his bare feet underneath him as he occupied the other end of the bed, he sensed that the distraction of Noah and the TV and the fresh scent of everything was definitely helping him clear his mind. Although clearing his mind of what he'd done seemed like he was dodging away from the responsibility of really hurting people, it was also helping him not want to put his mouth on Noah's throat. At least not in the feeding sense and where the fuck were those thoughts even allowing themselves to sprout from? "Guess it was lucky for me that you got that kidney, huh? A normal football player in college probably wouldn't be able to handle..." Reza gestured to himself, under all of the floppy clothing, "this." There was the slightest hint of sadness in Noah's voice and Reza found himself offering the softest of smiles. "I'm sure your dad was a great guy." Why wasn't this weird. This situation should have been weird, right? Considering how Reza had arrived here. "I backhand slapped my friend for blood," he blurted out suddenly, staring at the ceiling in lieu of Noah. "I pimp slapped him into the ground because I wanted to bite someone. And I threw a girl with crutches like a rag doll. What kind of fucking person does that -- scratch that, not exactly the right phrasing considering I'm not..." He sighed.
Glaring playfully at him Noah just shook his head “Well maybe I need comfort, ever thought of that?” He quipped back at Reza happy he was going to join him on the bed. It was just nicer this way, for his werewolf brain and his human brain  you know. “After all I’m a very needy boy” He continued sticking his tongue out at the other man. It was a joke. One he knew he probably shouldn’t have made the second it was out of his mouth. But he couldn’t change it now. All he could do was live with the embarrassment and just awkwardness he was sure it was bound to bring. Snorting slightly at the kidney comment Noah kept his eyes pealed on the tv show in front of him. “I’m sure my regular human self would have been just fine.” he started “I mean the kidney only changed my genetics. Not the fact I was raised by the most loving and caring pack of wolves around” Rolling toward Reza though he smiled grateful that Reza had said that. Because he was pretty great after all. And there wasn’t a day that went by that he didn’t think about him. “Yea, he was. I mean they say I get my sense of humor from him if that’s any indication of just [i]how[/i] great.” Noah grinned over at the other boy. Watching the show on his TV Noah was not prepared for what Reza blurted out next, the silence between them after his confession weighing heavy in the air. Looking over toward the window Noah bit his lip slightly. “Once was on a walk with Haukea when she was a puppy and I transformed.” Noah started not knowing why he was saying this but somehow thinking it was needed “Like right there in front of her and god and everyone I became this massive hulking werewolf thing.” He paused taking a breath, trying not to thinking about it too hard. Because when he thought about that night and the subsequent nights after it he started to get emotional, and he couldn’t get emotional right now. Not with Reza “It was only my second time going full werewolf, and when I go full werewolf I don’t remember anything past actually transforming, ever.” He was playing with the hem of his shirt now, fiddling with it for lack of anything else to do with his hands “So when I came to I was convinced I ripped her apart and ate her. Like literally until we found her four days later I thought I’d straight up cold blood murdered my dog.” Noah swallowed still looking down, the impact of that night weighing heavy on him. The werewolf inside hadn’t cared that he loved Haukea, all it cared about was the ripping and tearing of flesh. “So I guess what i mean to say is I get it.” He glanced over at Reza “And I would never judge you for something like that, because well. As you heard. I’m not exactly a supernatural saint myself”
So he'd killed the nice moment they'd been having, which had mostly just felt like... an awkward date or something but it seemed that somehow, he'd made another moment exist. A more harrowing and gloomy moment, sure, but Reza hadn't needed cheering up. He'd needed reassurance. And it seemed like wasn't going to fail this time in providing exactly what Reza needed at the moment, whether it be puppies or a shower or a life experience that made him feel like... less of a monster. If someone like Noah could screw up then maybe... Reza's own hands were fidgeting with the borrowed shirt as Noah spoke and he just felt less alone, despite the distance between them on the bed being maximised. "I... Thanks. For sharing. You're a fucking great guy, Noah. I don't know why the hell you're being so nice to me but I'd have to be an idiot not to roll with it, right?" Reza smiled, as softly as before but possibly just a little bit wider. Quiet whispers told him that he didn't really deserve the affection, that Noah had a second agenda, that he'd just end up hurting him like Izel or Jeremy exactly like he messed up the rest of his life. It was good that Reza had become good at suppressing them, letting them settle neatly onto the hidden pile of worries in the pit of his stomach. "So, uhm," Reza cleared his throat, not wanting to get all mopey in front of Noah, "did you have any movie suggestions for me yet?" You can do this, Reza. Just one night of normalcy. No fangs, no lack of control, no panicking. Just watch a fucking movie and rein your psycho head in before you do something worse than what happened tonight. Physically shaking his head free of thoughts cramming into his head, Reza scooted closer to the TV instead -- and consequently closer to Noah, too.
Chancing a glance over at Reza again, Noah was glad that it seemed like, well, he hadn’t shared one of his top 5 most traumatic experiences for nothing.“You’re uh welcome” He said with a nod cheeks blazing as Reza said he was a good guy. Because he guessed he could be called that, though there were a lot of times where he definitely did not feel like a great guy. Times where he felt like a lonely guy who did nothing right. A failure who just drank too much and couldn’t save anyone, let alone himself. Turning it around though Noah did what he did best and buried that shit, so deep down inside it would years to find it, and instead put on his happy face. “A really big idiot” He smiled at Reza before snuggling down into his pillows some more. And yes he did notice that Reza moved closer to him, and yes his heart did leap into his chest a little bit, but Noah was trying to act cool so he didn’t comment. “Well they just put Rouge one on Netflix if you haven’t watched that yet, or we could watch like a disney movie, or there’s one of my favorite movies White Chicks” he turned and grinned at Reza.
Reza watched, almost fondly, as Noah snuggled into the pillows. He looked so comfortable and Reza found himself envying that bliss; he wasn't sure of the last time he'd felt comfortable, or even calm. Fuck if he even remembered the last time his muscles hadn't been coiled up in tension, excluding the shower before which had felt like a godsend. Trying really hard to get comfortable and relax didn't exactly work, since he was tensing up just overthinking... relaxing. Right. "White Chicks?" he parroted back with a snort, lips quirking up to mirror Noah's gigantic grin. Really, the guy just vibed... comfort. It was all very wholesome and Reza felt like a black dot of mold on a pure fucking cinnamon roll when he was with Noah. Except maybe not now, all cleaned up in oversized clothes, no smudged eyemakeup and no rings. Thinking about how he looked now, how he felt, almost made him feel more exposed than before when standing in just a towel. "I think... disney? Unless that was a joke because we can totally just watch Rogue One, I don't..." Reza's ears twitched as he went silent, stomach twisting. Someone else was home. He might not have been covered in blood, still, but he was sure that a werewolf would just be able to smell the guilt on him (implausible, but still). There was a knock on Noah's bedroom door and Reza felt his eyes flash red. Shit, no, stop! Squeezing his eyes shut, trying to find the sliver of calm from before, he forced down a deep breath. It's fine. He pulled the collar of the shirt back up over his collarbone, focusing on the mock breathing.
“It’s the best Wayans Brothers Comedy by far,” Noah replied still smiling at Reza. Everything was starting to relax and it was nice. You know it was like he was just picking a movie with a friend  “I’m fine with Disney, though I will put a ban on Moana” an unspoken [i]because I’m not crying over my dead family in front of you[/i] hanging in the air. Clicking over toward netflix with his remote Noah didn’t notice the change in atmosphere until he heard it himself, the creak of footfall on the stairs. And it was just involuntary how He sat up and pressed his shoulder against Reza’s, as If Noah was trying to pump calm into him just from that simple touch. Listening to the knock Noah’s eyes went to the door as a long curly haired bearded man child poked his head in through a small crack. “Knock knock” He called out a huge goofy grin on his face. Noah couldn’t help but to roll his eyes, because fuck He knew exactly what he was doing the little asshole. “No one’s home so you can go away now” Noah chided back giving his uncle the death glare. God what was it with these stupid werewolves and their bad habits of just barging and wanting to be all up in his business. At least in this room Cahill wouldn’t dare step pass the doorway without an invitation. “Well if that’s the case I’ll take this with me then” The older man replaced his head with one of his giant hands, the end of it clutching a grease stained brown paper bag. Fuck, that was right he’d been waiting for Cahill to go get them food before Reza had shown up. Instantly Noah’s stomach started growling. Jumping up the older boy quickly padded over to the door mouth already salivating as he opened his bedroom door wider to receive his bag of goodness. “2 4x4’s with cheese?” He asked looking up at his Uncle. “And a side of onion rings with ranch.” the large hawaiian brute replied “You sir are a god among men.” Noah pointed out clutching the bag to his chest. “I do what I can” Cahill replied a smug smile on his face. Clearing his throat though Cahill looked down at Noah seriousness in his eyes. Oh right, this was his house and he probably at least needed to ‘meet’ this Reza. You know the one that had caused a slight uproar in his pack and was sitting on his nephew’s bed wearing his nephew’s clothes, and smelling like, well his nephew. “Reza Cahill, Cahill Reza.” Noah said waving towards the alpha at the door as he padded back towards his bed, picking up an errant plate from his desk on the way. “Nice to meet you Reza.” Cahill said kindly, or as kind as a 6’5 well muscled slightly scary leather wearing mechanic could. “Oh If he gets annoying just holler and I’ll kick his ass for you” He added as Noah just flipped him the bird. At least this was going better than Charlie’s introduction.
Reza startled at the sudden warmth seeping through material and contrasting his freezing skin, but he didn't move away from the supposed comforting touch. Because that's what it was. Comforting. A man's head -- a very hairy head, was Noah the only one that didn't grow out a massive beard here?-- popped into the room and the smile made Reza want to throw himself out the window slightly less. Noah looked annoyed, but mockingly so, at the man's appearance, at least until the food appeared. The bed dipped as most of the weight bounced off it, leaving Reza alone on the way too large bed, sitting crosslegged with a sheepish expression plastered across his face. Everything was normal here, yup. Cracking an awkward smile, hoping it conveyed at least some sense of 'I'm genuinely smiling, please don't throw me out because I like being around your nephew,' Reza followed it with a small wave. "Yeah, for sure," he squeaked, a deer in the headlights. He realized how it looked, him sitting here with wet hair in Noah's clothes and found himself wanting to explain the situation and... actually, no, he'd much rather that Cahill think they were screwing than have him know about Reza's feeding adventure. Although, if Noah was straight (which Reza was slowly starting to doubt) then obviously Cahill wouldn't suspect the two of them chilling up here for sex. For fuck's sake, Reza."Thanks." Flashing the large man another smile, it seemed to please him enough so that he gave Noah a nod and shut the door behind him. Deflating with a sigh, Reza slumped back on the bed. "He seems nice."
Snorting at Reza’s statement Noah placed one of his hamburgers onto the plate “Don’t let the disney hair fool you, the dude’s a real menace to society” He joked with a smile still fishing in the bag for his onion rings “I mean I’m surprised he didn’t launch into a dramatic reading of the time I got my head stuck between the bannisters while buck ass naked just to embarrass me” And to be honest Noah was actually quite surprised Cahill acknowledged Noah’s and by extension his guest’s boundaries instead of cartwheeling over them like he usually did. Maybe it was just because Reza looked so down. Or maybe...And that’s when it hit him. Reza was showered and wearing his clothes, which was definitely an I’ve just had sex thing to do. Oh shit. Trying not to look at Reza Noah just dug back into his bag, hoping he was keeping the blush off his face. Remember one crisis at a time Noah. One crisis at a time. Placing the second hamburger though on his place Noah almost face palmed himself. He hadn’t offered any food to Reza. Shit what kind of host was he? “And apparently my manners went right out the window with the kidney. So before my dad’s ghost throws me off the roof do you want a burger?” Noah gestured to the plate.
A chuckle slipped past Reza's lips before he could stop it and just like that, he was back in the 'it's awkward and I'm ethically compromised but everything is sort of okay at the moment' mood. "That happen like... last year? Because I'm having a hard time imagining you in that situation. Not that I was trying and we're actually going to erase the last 30 seconds from memory, okay?" Seriously, what the fuck. Aside from that very brief... whatever, with Neven, Reza hadn't been this flustered since... well, his first and last boyfriend. Partner. Something. Did he... no. He couldn't get into that now or any time soon, as Twilight as the whole fucking scenario was. Not to mention that he wasn't going to risk ruining this pretty fucking nice friendship just because he was craving... yeah, no. "That's..." Reza side-eyed the burger on the plate, mouth twisting into a grimace, "really not necessary. Stomach's kinda full and... gross."
Noah rolled his eyes at Reza  “Ha. Ha. Very funny. No that did not happen last year, because I was 5” He stuck out his tongue at the other boy, trying to ignore the flustered part. Because if he just acted like everything was normal everything would be normal right? Yea just a normal boy on boy friendship that was not sexual in nature at all. Even though he  was starting to feel like he’d very much like to take Reza out of those clothes now. Shit. Fuck. Focusing on the burger Noah hoped the vampire wasn’t looking too closely at him or his facial expressions, or just you know the general permanent blush he seemed to be sporting around him. “Gross? How can you call this delicious thing gross” He gasped out with mock indignation. “And just for that we’re watching white chicks, you uncultured swine” Noah joked out reaching for the remote in one hand as he took a bite of his first burger with the other.
Reza rolled his eyes halfheartedly but at least they weren't hanging themselves on they why of everything -- why Reza was here or why his stomach was full-- because if he'd been alone, he knew he'd be beating himself up. Maybe the fact that he wasn't was wrong. He had hurt people, and pretty badly at that and apparently there was no time to think about that as Reza literally shifted and slid over on the bed, dipping under Noah's weight. "You really are fucking huge, aren't you?" he muttered under his breath with hardly any venom, trying to shift so that he wasn't completely squished against the other man. "And I'm not uncultured, you dog." Would aggressively moving away now hurt Noah's feelings? Reza was pretty sure that he was sitting way too close for this not to be awkward but Noah had been the one to plant himself here so if he scurried away, would Noah think he was just grossed out? Or didn't like him or just liked his blood too much and literally, Reza, shut your fucking brain off. The movie proved to be pretty good at doing exactly that as Reza's mind wandered, his body still half-plastered against Noah's side, awkwardly yet... comfortably. Despite temperatures not really affecting him per say, Reza could definitely feel how much nicer this was; the body warmth and the soft mattress were an upgrade to the damp, hard basement and it was really nice. Just... nice and he found himself thinking that he probably wouldn't miss too much of the movie if his eyes closed for just a moment, so he could let his head get even more spaced out and... calm and resting on what might have been a shoulder or something else…
“Damn straight” Noah reflexively replied, before realizing that could have been taken sexually… and now they were back awkward. Fun. Settling down in the pillows some more Noah placed the plate on his chest (like the slob monster he was), noting how Reza had slipped closer to him. He wasn’t exactly sure how to take it, but then again he was never sure how to take anything Reza did. Especially this, this closeness thing. But he guessed he shouldn’t complain as the touchy feely one of the two. So sitting there watching the movie and munching on his burger Noah hardly noticed that the other boy had fallen asleep until he glanced over at him, the boys dark eyelashes closed against the pillow, his shoulder pressed up against his. It was the most peaceful he had ever seen Reza look, and just. He felt a pang of sadness creep through his bones, followed by a another pang of protectiveness. If there was anything he could do, anything at all to be able to just pause this night and let Reza keep some of this if just for a moment he would do it in heartbeat. But alas there wasn’t some sort of magical life remote control there was just the here and now. Reaching over him gently Noah pulled the edge of blanket they were laying on around the sleeping boy and went back to his movie.
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