#the fact that most grishaverse characters apear at least twice
lilisouless · 2 years
So i made an extensive list of my ships mbti edition
Took me way longer than i expected , i am completely weared off , so if someone would like to tell me if i made a mistake i wouldn't object. Probably will ad more later
non canon
not sure about one or either´s mbti*
Crack ship
ISFP X ISFP : Samsteve (MCU) Alinej (Shadow and Bone)
INFP X INFP: Raven Queen x Dexter Charming (Ever after high)
ENFP X ENFP: Parvender
ISTJ X ISTJ: Nevmione , Janai x Amaya (The Dragon Prince)
INTJ X INTP: Genyavid/Safyk* (grishaverse)
ENTJ X ENTP : Zoyalai (King of scars duology)
ISFJ X ISFP : Scorfuma (She ra 2018)
ESTJ X ESTP : Hanleia (Star wars) Daring Charming x Lizzie Hearts (Ever after high)
ISTP X ISTJ : Shayera x John (Justice league animated series)
ENFJ X ENFP: Kim x Ron (Kim possible)
ISFP X ISTP: Swanfire (OUAT) , Gwen x Miles (Spiderman into the spiderverse) Alina x Tamar (Grisha trilogy) Sambucky* (MCU) Romanogers (MCU) Elmax* (Stranger things)
ESTP X ESFP: Stella x Brandon (Winx club) Faybriar (Ever after high) Jesper x Mal (Shadow and bone)
INFP X INTP: Deet x Brea (The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance)
ENFJ X ENTJ: ST Berry (Glee)
ISFJ X ISTJ : Madniss (The hunger games) Milo x Amanda (Milo Murphy´s law) Tecna x Flora (Winx club)
INFP X ISFP: Huntlynn (Ever after high) Lunarry, Raven Queen x Darling Charming (EAH)
ESFP X ENFP: Samcedes (Glee) Perachel (Percy Jackson and the olympians)
ESTP X ENTP : Copycat (She ra 2018)
INTP X ISTP: Saeyeong (Squid Game)
ENFJ X ESFJ: Bowdora (She ra 2018) Daensa (ASOIAF) Adora x Scorpia (She ra 2018)
ENTJ X INTJ : Zoya x Genya* (grisha trilogy/king of scars duology)
ESFP X ISFP: Lucius x Black Pete (Our flag means death) Malina (Shadow and bone) Clizzy (Shadowhunters)
ENFJ X INFJ : Obidala (Star wars)
ISTP X ESTP: Captain Swan (OUAT)
ISFP X ISTJ : Maiko (Avatar the last airbender) Harry x Neville*, Michangella (She Ra 2018)
ISTP X ISFJ: Saia (Shadowhunters)
ENTJ X ENFP: Rethaniel (Crazy ex girlfriend)
ISTP X ISFJ: Thelgamesh (MCU)
ENFJ X ESFP: Bloom x Stella (Winx Club)
ISTJ X INTP: Tecna x Timmy (Winx Club)
ISFJ X INFP:Kuwylan *(Six of crows duology)
ESTP X ENFP: Wondertrev (DCEU) , Silena x Clarisse (PJATO)
ISTJ X INFJ: Tao x Elle (Heartstopper)
INTJ X ISFP : Kanej (Shadow and bone) Genyalina (Shadow and bone) Pipabeth (Heroes of Olympus)
ESFJ X ENTP : Mondler (Friends) Blackstede (Our Flag means death)
INTP X ISFJ: Phastos x Ben (MCU)
ISTJ X INFP: Repkyle (She ra 2018) Huntlow (Owl House)
INFJ X INFP : Scarletvision (MCU)
ENFJ X ISFP: Charlie/Nick (Heartstopper) Glimadora (She ra 2018)
ENFP X INTJ: Dunyasha/The D%ling (grishaverse)
ENTP X ISTJ: Peraltiago* (B99) Pepperony (MCU) Moxxie x Blitzo (Helluva Boss)
ESTP X INTJ : Caitvi (Arcane)
ESFJ X INFP: Solangelo (Heroes of Olympus) Hunk x Shay (Voltron LD)
ESTJ X INTP: Ronance (Stranger things)
ESFP X ISTJ: Romione,Jason x Janet (The good place) M&M (Helluva Boss) Helnik (Shadow and bone) Adreoni (King of scars duology), Mailee (Avatar the last airbender) ,Ginny x Neville*
ENFP X INTJ: Drukkari (MCU)
ESTP X ISFJ : Wesper* (Six of crows) Jimon (Shadowhunters)
ENTP X INFJ: Raeda (The owl house)
ESTP X INTP : Cheleanor (The good place) Spidercat (Spiderman 1994 series)
ENFP X ISFP : Hanina (King of scars duology) , Tara x Darcy (Heartstopper) , Ninej (Six of crows duology)
ENTJ X ISTJ : Sukka (Avatar the last airbender) Helker (Six of crows duology)
ESFP X INFP: Deet x Rian (The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance) ,Luna x Ginny , Musa x Aisha/Layla (Winx club)
ENTP X ISTP: Swarkles (How i meet your mother)
ESTP X ISFP: Malina (Grisha trilogy), Scarletwolf (The Lunar chronicles) Ghafahey (Six of crows duology) , Glitra (She ra 2018)
ESFP X ISTP: Seamista (She ra 2018) Thorkyrie (MCU)
ESFJ X ISTJ : Leslie x Ben (Parks and Rec) Fivan (Shadow and bone)
ENFJ X INTJ: Wonderbat (Justice League animated series)
ENTJ X INFJ: Wenwu x Ying Li (MCU)
ESFJ X ISFP : Glimbow (She ra 2018) Harutara (ATLA)
ESFP X ISFJ : Aditi x Colm (SoC) Quincedes* (Glee) , Theon x Jeyne (ASOIAF)
ENTJ X INTP: Entrapdak (She ra 2018)
ENFJ X INFP: Odesta (The hunger games)
ESTJ X ISTP: Lumax* (Stranger things) Bucky* x Sarah (MCU) , Heather x Valencia (Crazy ex girlfriend)
ENFP X INFJ: Harlivy (DC)
ENFP X ISTP : Jopper (Stranger things) Luke x Lorelai (Gilmore Girls) Quinnshot (DCEU) Toph/Aang (Avatar the last airbender)
ENTJ X ISFJ : Yue/Sokka (Avatar the last airbender) Spinetossa (She ra 2018)
ENFJ X ISTJ: Malec (Shadowhunters)
ENTJ X ISFP: Kanej (Six of crows) Bubbline (Adventure time)
ENFP X ISTJ : Lumity (The owl house) , Helnik (Six of crows) Elizabeth x Mr Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)
ESFP X INTJ: Percabeth (Percy jackson and the olympians)
ESTP X INFJ: Daring Charming x Rosabella Beauty (Ever after high)
ESFJ X INTP : Molly x Arthur
ENFJ X ISTP: Kaider (The Lunar chronicles) Oluwande x Jim (Our flag means death)
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