#the goliat race
tizadoyt · 2 years
FH5 El Goliath - Porsche 918 Spyder
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officialleehadan · 5 years
So I've been wondering a bit about the political structure of the HGE. It seems like Luka has more real political power than the Queen of England, but less actual governing responsibilities than, say, the President of the United States. Also, apparently he's not well known enough to be immediately spotted in a bar, despite giving at least one speech to the entire HGE? And how did humanity unite under an inherited monarchy anyways? (I apologize if you've answered these questions before)
Okay, so this is going to be a HUGE post. Sorry in advance.
So THIS POST covers the Human Galactic order of precedence, but I’ll expand on it more here to flesh things out a bit.
The Monarch (Emperor, Empress, or just Monarch if they want something non-gendered) is a mix of the US president (commander in chief of the military machine, but only in charge of one branch of the government despite being the figurehead) and the Queen, who has very little official political power in her government but is nonetheless the Ruler of it.
As Emperor, Luka is a figurehead, but he is also Commander of the Armies (can be overruled by the First of Generals in matters of military) and the Monarch of the Court (On a level with the Prime Minister). He does not hold an official position among the Senate, which can overrule him with the assistance of the House of Lords.
Most often, the Military answers to the Senate, and the Emperor stays hands off. While he is technically allowed to involve himself with military matters, it is strongly discouraged. His stunt with the Hoem was permitted in no small part because the First of Generals knew that Amir probably wouldn’t burn his Wish for anyone but Luka.
For actual governing, Luka’s job is to keep the wheels of government turning. He settles trade disputes, signs laws into or out of being (as voted on the Senate. His signature is largely symbolic. He cannot veto laws that have been voted in, although he could theoretically refuse to sign one that directly harmed the majority of Imperial subjects. More on that in a minute.) and to engage in talks with any party powerful enough to require absolute authority. (Including the Alliance of the neighboring Galaxy, including Vree’s home world of Ha’reet. Think of them like the UN.)
His primary job, however, and the one that he spends most of his time actively doing, is defending the Imperial Government. that means sniffing out corruption, bringing new worlds into the senate, and making sure that no one truly falls through the cracks.
The Throne serves the People before anyone else, and in that service, they are absolutely devoted. There are a number of Imperial laws that go above World Laws (federal laws vs state laws, for reference) that are designed to keep the population protected, even should they find themselves on a world that is less than friendly to their belief, race, or creed. The Monarch is there to make sure those laws function as they ought to.
The House of Lords is supposed to help with this job, but they aren’t always great about actually doing that. The Imperial Secretaries (Arts, law, schooling, public transportation, etc.) work closely with the Throne, and are usually the People’s direct line to the Emperor himself. If Luka has a meeting, it’s probably with one of them, although he does get daily updates from the Prime Minister and the Senate Voice. He does his best to actually sit down with them in person once a month or so, but that doesn’t always happen.
Why people don’t recognize him:.
If Prince Charles wandered into a bar with no one but a few buddies in plain-cloths, no one would notice him. If they did, maybe they would think ‘Oh, he’s got an accent’ or ‘he looks sort of like Prince Charles. Weird.”
They wouldn’t think it was actually him.
Luka plays on that. When he’s being The Emperor, he dresses appropriately most of the time. Fine suits or ceremonial garb. You know, robes of state, modern and otherwise. He looks Formal and Dignified. He has a whole team of people whose job it is to find clothing their hotheaded Emperor will actually wear. They make a truly staggering amount of money. Luka is not an easy client.
When he’s knocking around in glitter bars, he’s wearing leather and handmedowns. If someone goes ‘oh you look like the Emperor!” he just shrugs and tells them that he gets that a lot. If they mention his name, he tells them that a lot of kids were named after the Emperor when he was born (which is true) and that he gets that a lot too.
Nothing says innocence like resignation, and none of it is actually a lie. he’s just... not admitting that they’re right.
Ultimately, it’s about bearing. Emperor Lukas Rayhan Goliat moves slowly and deliberately because he is constantly being filmed or photographed. He is usually surrounded by a dozen guards who are almost completely identical in their suits and glasses. He is almost always dressed formally, and is always relatively solemn, even at recreational events. As a young ruler, he need that solemnity to make of for the age he doesn’t have yet.
Luka Gol, the Red Baron, walks like a pirate. Yes, he still has a Rich Boy accent, but he brawls, and drinks, and laughs at dirty jokes. He usually has a couple friends (bodyguards) with him, but they’re dressed the way he is, and look like buddies, not muscle. If people think he’s someone important, they usually assume he’s a mobster, or a mobster’s son, and stay well away from him.
The Monarchy:
So, the Monarchy came about in the early days of the Empire before there was a particularly cohesive government. A lot of Earth Countries were making it into space via generation ships (often filled with immortal or long-lived Others who could survive the journey) and colonization was happening at a very rapid rate.
And well, humans like to fight. So fight they did. The Empire War was the first of several major wars, and the worst. Billions died as factions fought for the right to be in charge.
But one clever faction snuck in behind everyone else.
They captured Earth.
Now, they didn’t have the firepower to fight off everyone else, and they didn’t try. Instead, they reached out to the greatest of the Others. Lord and Lady Petros, Dracula, Al’Mudhib, and others, and offered terms.
Put a ruling body in place. their duty is to the People of the Empire that Could Be. Help to build a government that wouldn’t be the victim of petty territory disputes when it could be so much more.
Create a figurehead. A symbol, for all the Human worlds to rally to. A way to end the fighting.
Senate of Others, although they weren’t a Senate yet, discussed the offer, and decided to support it. They declared the first Emperor and threw the full weight of their power behind him to declare the monarchy.
It was not a popular decision. Cue another century of war.
About that time, the Carriers were created, and they changed things. None of the other factions had even a single ship with that kind of power, and the Empress (the granddaughter of the first one) had seven. She used them to devastating effect on the worlds that refused to come quietly.
As that war raged on, the Senate of Others worked largely behind the scenes. They pulled in their fellow Others, and slowly convinced them to try out the Monarchy for size. A lot of them agreed, and brought friends, allies, lovers, and family with them.
Before long, the number of worlds that were with the monarchy outnumbered the ones that weren’t. parties that disagreed were separated and given established colonies to build however they chose. All the other worlds policed their own, and the Human Galactic Empire grew. The Senate was built within Carrier Pacifica and the House of Lords established from the families of those original supporters of the Monarchy.
And the Monarchy stood still as a symbol. The ruler a sign of the Empire’s grand history, but also as a reminder that the highest member of the government was there to protect the People from those who might abuse their rank otherwise.
Anyway, sorry for the absolutely GIANT post. I hope this answered your questions, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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soycabcba · 3 years
10 logros de Zielinksi en Belgrano a 10 años de su debut como DT del Celeste
Pocos de los casi 17.000 hinchas del Pirata que estaban presentes la noche del viernes 4 de febrero en el Julio César Villagra, sabían que ese día iba a cambiar la historia de Belgrano para siempre.
Fue la fecha del debut de Ricardo Zielinski como entrenador de Belgrano. Un 1-1 frente a San Martín de San Juan que poco hacía presagiar lo que pasaría meses más tarde, con el ascenso a Primera ante River en la Promoción.
En víspera de las elecciones del próximo sábado se cumplen diez años de aquel día que cambió para siempre la vida deportiva de Belgrano y aprovechamos para repasar diez grandes logros del "Ruso en el Pirata.
1) Belgrano volvió a Primera tras cuatro años. Entre 2007 y 2011 Belgrano vivió uno de sus dos períodos más largos (el otro entre 2002 y 2006) sin poder subir a Primera desde el primer ascenso en 1991. Esto sumado a que el equipo estaba 13º cuando llegó Zielinski y que el ascenso se dio ante River en la histórica Promoción.
2) El período más largo en Primera. Las seis temporadas en las que el “Ruso” dirigió a Belgrano se convirtieron en el mayor lapso ininterrumpido del Pirata en la máxima categoría (terminaron siendo nueve), superando las cinco temporadas entre 1991 y 1996.
3) Belgrano internacional. Por primera vez el Celeste jugó un sorteo internacional en la Copa Sudamericana 2013 y fue con el Ruso como DT. Luego hubo dos clasificaciones más para 2015 y 2016.
4) Juveniles. Una de las críticas que le cayeron a Zielinski es sobre los pibes de la cantera. Pero es Ruso fue uno de los entrenadores que más fruto le consiguió sacar a la cosecha del club. 19 jugadores llegaron a la Primera de Belgrano de la mano de Zielinski. Diez de ellos superaron los 30 partidos en Primera y seis jugaron más de 50.
5) El Ferguson de Belgrano. Este apodo lo recibió el Ruso por ser uno de los entrenadores que más perduró en un mismo club en Argentina, en honor a Alex Ferguson, entrenador de Manchester United durante 27 años seguidos.Zielinski fue DT de Belgrano durante 5 años, 3 meses y 19 días, desde el 4 de febrero del 2011 al 23 de mayo de 2016. La marca anterioren AFA le pertenecía a Fernando Areán, quien había sido DT del celeste entre septiembre de 1992 y el 13 de marzo de 1994, un año y siete meses.
6) Vio pasar a más de 100 entrenadores.  El récord mencionado en el punto anterior se extiende al resto de los clubes. Durante los cinco años y medio el “Ruso” fue el DT de Belgrano, todos los equipos de Primera cambiaron al menos una vez su DT y pasaron en total 101 entrenadores. Después de su partida de Belgrano, hubo nueve entrenadores diferentes en menos de cinco años en el Pirata.
 7) El dolor de cabeza de los “grandes”. Con Zielinski, Belgrano consiguió la mayor racha histórica sin perder ante los cinco grandes. Como David contra goliat,un equipo que llegaba de la B Nacional estuvo siete partidos invictos en 2011, superando los seis al hilo sin derrotas que consiguió  el club en la temporada 91/92. 
8) El mejor torneo de Belgrano. De los 42 certámenes que disputó Belgrano, solo cinco veces estuvo entre los seis mejores. Cuatro de esos fueron con el Ruso y el primer lugar en el podio se lo lleva el Torneo Final 2012 en el que Belgrano terminó 3º y llegó hasta la penúltima fecha con chances matemáticas de consagrarse campeón.
9) Torazo en rodeo ajeno. Con Zielinski, el Pirata  estuvo 19 partidos seguidos sin perder como visitante con 11 victorias y 8 empates entre la B Nacional y Primera.  En total, como visitante en 132 partidos ganó 31, empató 39 y perdió 33, con un 43 % de efectividad
10) Nutrió las arcas del club. Algunos de los jugadores que Belgrano vendió a muy buen valor gracias al desarrollo que tuvieron durante el ciclo del Ruso fueron Franco Vázquez (al Palermo de Italia por 2.800.000 Euros), Lucas Zelarayán (5.500.000  dólaresa Independiente por el 80 % del pase), Emiliano Rigoni 3.400.000 ´dolares a Independiente por el 100% del pase, Renzo Saravia a Racing 2.070.000 dólares por el 50% del pase, Lucas Melano en 2013 pasó a por Lanús por 2.000.000 de dólares por el 80% del pase.
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    Se cumplen diez años del debut del Ruso Zielinski como DT de Belgrano. (Archivo/ La Voz)
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Con el Ruso Belgrano consiguió su mejor campaña en Primera. (Archivo/ Mundo D)
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El día del ascenso ante River. (Archivo/La Voz)
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Belgrano debutó en un torneo de la Conmebol en la Sudamericana 2013. (Archivo/La Voz)
source https://mundod.lavoz.com.ar/futbol/10-logros-de-zielinksi-en-belgrano-a-10-anos-de-su-debut-como-dt-del-celeste
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tizadoyt · 3 years
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tizadoyt · 3 years
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