#the most upset we see damien get is when he has an argument with William over how much he WANTS him to CARE that his friend died!
dizzybevvie · 6 months
forever fighting the people who watched wkm for the first time, identified that Damien looked a lot like Dark, and instantly concluded he was "pretending to be good"
#LIKE NO!!!!! >:[[[#Damien my beloved. he just wanted his friends to be happy :(((((#ik we dont get a whole bunch of time with him but like he never witholds information or is aggressive or ANYTHING#the most upset we see damien get is when he has an argument with William over how much he WANTS him to CARE that his friend died!#And hes totally right! yes william has super valid reasons but we and damien dont KNOW that#Like Damien Will and The Actor have been bffs for years and suddenly one of them drops dead and the other doesnt even seem to CARE???#I LOVE DAMIEN SO MUCH HE DID NOTHING WRONG !!!!#if we're gonna call Dark amoral also which. we dont really know if he is? then its. its Celine BFNSVSJSVS#Celine has very questionable morals in wkm. very relatable morals! but not exactly righteous#Shes just tryna take care of her brother and i get that but she fucks people over in the process#she walks in the house and immediately has control of the situation. she tells people what they wanna hear and then singles you out#and then chastises Damien for wanting to help her#I love celine btw i think shes so interesting but like. damien is a good person and Celine is a moral debate#when in “DAMIEN” Celine's pocket dimension is cracking the mirror she tells him that if he goes through with the first choice hes-#ever made (life IS ours to choose) that he will be changed forever but Damien is OKAY with that#Damien is OKAY with being a bad person from now on if it means Celine gets to rest#I LOVE DAMIEN WKM !!!!!!#Is Celine still asleep?#if White Suit Dark is a DIFFERENT universe Dark could he possibly be Celine piloting the body??? I DONT KNOW#the fact that mark has never tried to give us Celine-Dark makes me so rabid like PLEASE#although#Dark's whole thing is being cryptic as shit and i think Celine-Dark would just Have A Gun#wkm#this is a nothing post. sorry BFKSVDKSDB#beverly says stuff#who killed markiplier#damien wkm#celine wkm
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The most baffling part of WKM is that everyone trusts and adores Damien, despite him being the only one in politics and actively in office. Mark made the mayor character the most trusted and loved. How????
(uh oh, you unlocked my 'Love Damien' mode)
You came to the right person! This is a great question and I will gladly go on a rant to try and help shed a little light on this!
In short, it's exactly because of how you phrased your question. There's a politician. He's seen as nice and trusted and loved. It seems like something that shouldn't be, and you assume the worst of him because it has to be an act for whatever reason; and that is because of the general view of politicians at the moment. I'm not touching IRL topics with a ten foot pole, but I will say that at present, there is a sorta wariness/a 'they don't care about us' vibe toward politicians in certain countries (including my own). That's something that then seeps into media.
Think about it. If there's a politician in a show of any sort (especially one holding office), they're usually up to no good behind the scenes or are unreliable - just like how a librarian might be cranky, for instance - in a sort of caricature. Off the top of my head I can remember seeing... A mayor that wanted to evict an entire community to build a business something-or-other to make lots of money, a mayor who branded a local team of agents as non-trustworthy when they went against his pretty crummy views (which could be the same show tbh), an absolutely useless buffoon of a mayor who needed the help of children to constantly save his city from supervillains, and a politician (maybe a mayor?) who constantly clashed with the chief of police in a city. This isn't even considering the times a politician character (whether or not they hold office) is involved with criminals, bribery, is being blackmailed, or even has a criminal record of some sort.
Damien is an exception to this trope. It may or may not be completely intentional, but it's genius on Mark's part. You walk in, see this well-dressed man with a rather cheesy Mayor badge pinned on... And people would immediately get suspicious... Something which Mark called people out on at a panel! Don't forget, every character was framed in a way to give reason for them maybe being the killer. I watched WKM (and got vaguely into the fandom) a week after it finished, so I missed the speculation in between each episode. From what I've seen, it appeared that a lot of people were wary of Damien, though I'm not too sure if it's because they were like "IT'S JUST DARK IN DISGUISE DON'T BE FOOLED" or if it was because of his job and mannerisms. Either way, it turns out his worries were genuine, and he was innocent of any crime that night, which completely subverts the expectation of a politician in a show. He's a rare breed - someone that has good intentions and a good heart, who wasn't 'tainted' by politics in some way.... But ends up getting corrupted anyway through matters far beyond his control.
Not only that, there's two important points that I think people forget and I'll go into better detail of under the read-more because this is getting pretty long.
1. The character that is the viewer has known Damien since university. That means they've been friends minimum... Let's say five years, but probably closer to ten. You're going to be more at ease and more 'yourself' around people you are very fond of, and Damien's face lit up the moment he noticed the viewer arrived. Since the viewer would be going into this cold the first time it's viewed, they wouldn't feel that bond and might think Damien's friendliness is an act. 2. While he is the Mayor, he's not The Mayor at that moment. He's merely a Mayor by title alone. For the events of Who Killed Markiplier?, he's just Damien. It would be different if we had walked into his office, but we arrived at a party with people Damien was comfortable with. He had no need to impress anyone because they were friends. Remember, the reason the badge exists is to tell the viewer what Damien does. Otherwise he could be any sort of businessman or guy in a fancy suit, and the explain everything video states that everyone thought Mark got the suit for a wedding when he shared a photo.
(Both points are showcased nicely in the very first scene we meet Damien if you compare the way he talks to the Detective - someone he barely knew - to the viewer - who has been a friend since university. When talking to Abe, Damien stands poker straight (almost rigid) and rests his hands on his cane. One hand moves to emphasise something, but the rest of his body remains still. There's a polite, yet formal, air to him. Here, he is The Mayor. I'd bet they were having casual conversation on how they met Mark or some other generic topic to break the ice. Then the pair notice you and that conversation is instantly DROPPED. Damien immediately lifts his cane as his entire body turns to the viewer. That smile isn't one that's given out of politeness. He's now Damien. There's no need to put on an act when it's a familiar friend. He still stands straight, but his body language and facial expressions are far looser and more casual. Gestures are with both hands now. His expressions are more playful, including widening his eyes to emphasise his tease about the viewer's skill of poker. This continues until he walks off-screen where, I presume, he was going to say hello to William.)
We don't know the extent of how much anyone trusts anyone else, but one of the big exceptions is the Colonel. I know I've written a headcanon on a roleplay blog about this, but he didn't know you, so he was polite, but distant and aloof. He had no reason to even care about you. We saw a good example of William acting like this the morning after. HOWEVER, after spotting the viewer talking to Damien outside at the end of the first episode, he notices a connection. The moment he knows you are Damien's friend he opens up with no hesitation in the second episode and is rather friendly toward you from then on. He trusts you because he trusts Damien, which to me suggests that our Mayor keeps good company and has a good judge of character. Plus, no one really has a reason to think ill of Damien. He and William have an argument focused on William's reaction to Mark's death (and don't forget that Damien wanted to apologise but William kept running away), while Celine shuts him down for Damien trying to get her to reconsider her idea; but neither are motives for them to be suspicious of Damien. Chef and George are indifferent, while the Butler is probably indifferent but feels comfortable enough to make a drug joke with Damien in earshot (and Tyler's IC stream as Butler had it that he thought well of Damien, but this might not be considered canon). On the other hand, you could say that the Detective is wary of Damien, but he was suspicious of everyone between all the work he did and the warning he got from Mark, so it's not completely reliable.
Speaking of, I haven't forgotten about the Detective's study and how there's a record sheet for Damien with something scribbled out. Unfortunately, I don't think it's something we'll ever get clarification on. I double-checked the explanation stream and there wasn't any mention of what was on it... But I feel like I heard Mark say something like 'forget about what is there, focus on why it's there', or how it got there in the first place? Maybe it was for another project, but the idea is more that the Detective's work was built up over time, and not in the span of that weekend; rather than focusing on every little piece of writing that can be seen. Perhaps there is something shady in Damien's life... But since it wasn't relevant to the 'story' we were being shown, it was omitted. This could very well be where people take the idea of a corrupt politician and run with it (and I have seen some excellent roleplayers over the years work with that!), or they could be like me and say that the crimes were things he was framed for. Or maybe, as I'm writing this, it could be like how Abe had documents for things that didn't happen in WMLW, and that the crimes he scribbled out were ones that Dark would do later... But that's going into theorist territory and that's not at all relevant to what I'm talking about.
Anyway, I've rambled on waaay too much as it is. He's trusted and loved as a character because he's so human. Mark pointed out in the explanation stream that Damien was the only one to question what was going on. He was upset, mourning, and had no idea what to do. It's a vulnerability that you don't see from people often, especially if they are supposed to be leaders.
If there's anything people wanna add or point out, jump in and do so! :D
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seraphm00n · 7 years
Burn From the Past
so this is an idea a friend and i talked about with anti discovering dark’s past ... hope you guys enjoy : ‘ )
                                                                                                                                 Anti was bored. Horribly bored. The kind of bored where it feels like your life force is slowly being sucked out of you. Chase was busy talking to his ex-wife about arrangements for him to visit the kids again and Anti didn't feel like getting into the middle of that mess. Dr. Schneeplestein was in the middle of stitching up a gash on Jackieboy Man's arm from Jackie, once again, falling from climbing up a tree since he got afraid of how high off the ground he was and Anti knew if he interrupted Schneep working on someone again he might as well sleep in the void for the rest of his miserable existence. Marvin was off doing a magic show for some kid's party, which Anti would love to ruin but Chase said that he'll ban Anti from his knife collection if he does something. So, here Anti is, alone and incredibly bored. What's a fun thing to do when he can't mess with the other egos? That's right, go mess around at the Iplier building, especially since Wilford and Anti became fast prank buddies.
 A crackle and a green spark snapped Anti into existence in the Iplier building entrance. He was expecting some argument to be happening or one of their weird meetings to be going on, but all Anti heard was eerie quiet and a low rumble of voices upstairs in the living compartment of the building. The walls, he noticed, were a gloomy gray, something he expected to be Dark's doing. "What's got the edgelord so pissed now? Where are the others? Wouldn't they be trying to--" Anti suddenly stopped and glitched out of the way as the light above his head shattered, along with various other lights and glass objects in the rooms around him. The rumble of voices upstairs was getting louder. "What the hell is going on? Why is he more pissed off than usual?", Anti mumbled, making his way upstairs. It didn't feel right, any of this. Usually one of the others, either Wilford or the Host, would be trying to get Dark to calm down so he doesn't cause a bigger mess. None of the other egos were to be seen, all of their doors to their living quarters shut and locked, since Anti tried opening them. No one responded to him either. Anti perked up, now realizing the rumble of voices had become words he could understand and hear and crept closer. Not surprising to him was that it was coming from Dark's office. The voices sounded like Dark and Wilford. What was going on to make them argue so badly and make the other egos hide away in their room?  
"…you need to drop it! That conversation has been over for a while now, why try to start it back up? I already told you before-"
 "You didn't listen last time and you aren't listening now! Just let me talk, please? To Damien and…" 
 A sudden crash and a whimper could be heard. Anti was crouched outside the room, actually nervous for once to look into the room of whatever the hell was going down between Wilford and Dark. He dared to look, still. Wilford was trembling slightly, staring at Dark with wide eyes. When Anti looked at Dark, he almost couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was the body of Dark's, but…two other bodies, which were transparent, stood on either side of him. Another small whimper came out of Wilford. Was he crying? About to cry? "I told you, Wilford, to forget about them. To forget everything, but you never listen each time. You always remember no matter how many times I get you to forget everything. You know their memories play in my mind as well, too, don't you? You have to accept that things will not go back to what they were, accept that you will never speak to them again. You are speaking to me, Dark. Understand?" Wilford stared at the floor, looking absolutely crushed. "What kind of bullshit are you pulling now, Dark?" Anti walked in, arms crossed over his chest. Wilford and Dark both looked startled. No one should have been able to hear any of that, to let alone be in there right now.  "What the hell is going on? Are my eyes fucked or am I seeing three different versions of Dark? And why is Wilford upset? What conversation are you trying to prevent from coming back up? What are you trying to get Wilford to forget?" Dark sighed, smoothing his jacket over with his hands, one of the bodies mimicking his movements, or was Dark mimicking it? "It is a…long, unimportant story right now. Besides, you shouldn't even be in this building currently, Anti. What are you doing here?", Dark questioned, his gaze almost seeming like he would rather witness Anti die on the spot than deal with him. Anti scoffed, raising a brow. "Bullshit, it's apparently pretty damn important if you managed to make Wilford freak out this bad", he said, his gaze turning to Wilford who was still trying to register the current situation.  "It. Is. Not. Important. Now, please take your leave, Anti" 
"W-Wait, he should know! Maybe he'll actually care to help than you standing there, taunting me with them!" Wilford seemed to be a mixture of many emotions, none that made Anti too happy to be in this situation.  "Why bother? I will cause you both to forget all of this in a moment…" 
"Like hell you will, I'm not letting you do anything until I get an explanation as to what the fuck is going on", Anti leaned against the wall, noticing how cold it was. How the "bodies" next to Dark seemed to become a vibrant red and blue, Wilford making a noise close to a sob as he reached out, only to pull his hand back quickly as Dark gave him a look. Anti didn't quite understand all of this, but he was most curious about the weird ghost bodies that were behind Dark. Obviously they were people, but who? Why did they make Wilford become a sobbing, blubbering mess? "Start explaining, edgelord, I don't have all eternity to wait", he said, only receiving a sigh from Dark.  "….D…Dark isn’t entirely…one being…it's…weird, but, that's how it is. That body isn’t even Dark's. Those configurations of his aura? They are-"
 "That's enough, Wilford, I shall explain the rest. Leave us, now"
 "LEAVE!" Dark's voice…no, voices? Echoed off the walls in such a way that there was still high-pitched ringing going on in Anti's head, much to his dislike. Anti was horribly confused, trying to wrap his mind around what Wilford said. That body isn't Dark's? The humanoid beings of his aura are…people? What does he mean? Wilford took one look at Anti, then at Dark, especially the two beings of his aura before scampering out of the office, the door shutting after him. Anti couldn’t help but to feel a little disturbed with being alone with Dark while he was like this, it didn't feel right. "Well, are you going to explain anything or are you going to stare daggers at me?" Dark sighed heavily, not sure entirely where to start. For one thing, the whole argument between him and Wilford started over him saying one thing that reminded Wilford of some long lost friend he's been looking for. He had grabbed Dark, asking, almost begging to know it was really that friend. Dark tried to keep himself together, but from one corner of his mind, it was breaking, the other side falling apart as well. Blue and red sparks erupted from his skin, shoving Wilford away as anything glass-like shattered as Dark gave out a gut-wrenching scream as wisps of blue and red ripped themselves from his skin, forming two humanoid figures behind him. Wilford had cried out seeing the two figures, but was overcome with fear at how furious Dark looked. Dark was, as this had happened before when his shell broke entirely, in much pain. The argument ensued there with Wilford trying to believe he was seeing his friends again, Dark trying to dismiss it all as Wilford's imagination. Wilford wouldn't listen. He never did. Dark was going to wipe his memory and cause Wilford to leave or pass out, but Anti walked in at that moment.  "You have always been a nosey one, Anti. Always wanting to involve yourself in someone else's business in some way…" 
"It's my specialty, especially with all the bullshit that happens around here. Now…who exactly are you? I'm seeing, well, /you/ but two other people…or ghosts…whatever they are as well. What the hell are you?"  Dark took a moment, taking a breath before speaking. "It is…complicated to explain exactly who and what I am, especially how I became like this. To put it in simpler terms: I am not just one person. I am…many, but I am still just one. I am still Dark-" 
"Then who the hell are those people behind you? They're giving me the creeps" 
"They are…Damien and Celine" 
"Huh, that's weird, Wilford mentioned those names before. Didn't think too much about it, but now…It explains why he looks so damn upset looking at you. How are they apart of you? You're just some weird clusterfuck of people, aren't you?" Anti tilted his head, almost amused at the thought. It would explain why Dark was such a dramatic pain the ass, honestly. "…It wasn't my choice. We didn't have a choice! They were sucked in too!" Anti was startled. It was Dark talking, yes, but the blue aura was speaking as well, Dark mimicking the movements and voice. "Who else was sucked in…? You didn't have a choice?" Dark's eyes seemed to have turned a darker color as he got closer to Anti, the blue aura following, sparks coming off of him. "He didn't give us a choice, we were forced into this broken body! I didn't want this to happen…I trusted that bastard! I thought everything was going to be okay! That him and William were going to make up! Why…Why did it all fall apart?" The blue aura began pacing the room, head in his hands. The red one, on the other hand, looked worry. "Who the hell is William? This isn't making much sense to me at all..." , Anti scratched the back of his head. Dark stepped back, staring at the floor as he cleared his throat. "Apologies for the sudden outburst…I understand this isn't making much sense, but memories were coming back and…" Dark shook his head, "…there was a time long ago where these two went to a gathering created by a friend. Said friend…betrayed them. Things happened and now…I am here" 
 "That didn't explain shit, Dark!"
 "What do you want me to do? Give the whole story? You would be here for a while. A friend was a traitor, broke a friend group apart, a party happened but it was a trap. People were tricked. People were killed. They came back. We came back like this, because of him! And now, the real us lies behind a mirror, along with the one person who didn’t deserve any of this. This is their body we are using…that we have been using for years. But we will avenge them. I will avenge them. I will find him…" The blue aura had broken down at this point, his voice still echoing in the room. Anti was not entirely sure what to say. To realize that Dark was more than one person was something, but knowing the chaos that caused it…had him taken back. Something still bugged him, though. "Why is Wilford so upset seeing you then? Does he actually have pity for you? Did he know those people involved?" The other three paused for a minute, maybe more. The red aura was the first to speak. "He was…someone else before being Wilford Warfstache. His insanity changed him…"
  "His name was William. He was known as Colonel William and he was a wonderful person, while stubborn and reckless at times…He's…He's changed. A lot", The blue aura looked as if he was about to break down again, or even hit someone. "So…Why do you treat him like you do if he was a friend? He obviously cares for you three. It just seems stupid to keep acting like none of that happened-" 
 "You don't understand, do you? He can't know, it would hurt him too much. He already has a twisted view with things, but I use that to my advantage…It is best that I make sure that he never remembers, never knows, never finds out. It is for the best", Dark cracked his neck, the blue and red aura walking into his body. He had gained control again. Anti was getting irked by this. He was just using Wilford for his own sick gain. He didn't seem to care how badly it was affecting Wilford at all. "And what if it would be better for Wilford to know? Don’t you give damn about him at all to maybe see if the William you knew is still there?" 
"He isn't there anymore and there is no point in opening old wounds. He's an insane TV host and psychopath. I need him like this for-"
 "For your own sick bullshit, right? What the fuck is wrong with you?! He's obviously hurting. Many people are hurt because of all the hell you've done. Are you proud of what you've done? You broke him more than he already is with erasing his mind each time he figures it out! How much longer until you take it too far?!"
 "I don't think you understand, Anti.." 
"I sure as hell do understand, you sick bastard!" 
 "No, you do not understand. Things can't go back to what they were before. Wilford must stay like this or everything I have done up to this point will fall apart. Yes, it is not the best thing. Both of those people you saw, Damien and Celine, they cry out each time they see him. They can do nothing because I have more of the power here. They are being stripped away slowly and soon will be nothing more than what they hate most: anger and deceit. That is what I am. That is what I became when they became part of me. And you will accept this-" 
Anti pulled his fist away after making contact with Dark's jaw, satisfied with how he managed to dislodge the psycho's jaw and possibly break it. "I think you don't get how awful you are. I'm pretty damn sadistic and evil myself, but never like this. You are using those around you for some sick revenge goal and it's going to come around and bite you in the ass! When that happens, I hope you realize just how fucking awful you are, how many you have hurt, how much you have hurt others, especially those two! Especially Wilford! Whatever hell dimension you came from, I hope you get dragged back there kicking and screaming, begging for mercy. You've hurt too many, and I'm not going to stand around and watch anymore!" Dark gave a low chuckle, correcting his jaw before giving Anti a grin. "Like you have a chance against me. You never had before and you won't now" 
"Yeah? Well, you've given me a real reason to kick your ass into the next dimension over. I'm going to fix you. I'm going to fix those people in your head. I'm going to fix Wilford"
 "You can't fix what's broken, Anti, I thought you would know that from where you came from and what you are now"
 Anti stood shock still for a moment until he began glitching uncontrollably. There were green sparks and cracks coming from him, along with slight hissing as he glared at Dark, his eyes going black. "Now I have a real reason to kill you. To end you. Don't bring that back up, ever" 
 "A burn from the past always hurts, no matter how hard you try to put it out..." 
Anti growled, tempted to throw another punch before storming out the room, the lights in the building flickering on and off rapidly until a crack of electricity let Dark know he was gone. Dark was pleased with himself, but only for a moment. Was he really that awful? He sat down in his chair, reds and blues taking over his body as he broke again, Damien on one side of the room screaming and crying out of anger, Celine sobbing as she remembers what she's done all these years. Both of them, in pain from what they have done. 
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seraphm00n · 7 years
Marrying Abe Headcanons
ayyyeee it's finally here
@the-asexual-reaper @xdamienplier @damien-iplier @bitten1ce @ironwoman359 @pleaseletthisjimbetaken @alliedoesstuff @detective-protection-squad ( ;) ) @markiderps
* bless his heart he's going to do anything and everything for this wedding.
* he's going to double check over everything. maybe triple check. five times check? he's nervous.
* you bet that he's even going to be checking over everyone you're inviting, even the people that are good close friends and obviously won't be doing anything wrong. but, yknow, he doesn't want anything to happen
* mark will have to make sure he's alright in the head before having to go up there, since, well, abe is going to be extremely nervous something will happen due to his bad stream of luck of having "partners" i am sorry
* most likely will have mark as his best man, they are (kinda like) buddies aren't they?
* the moment abe sees you coming down the aisle: instant tears. he can't handle how amazing you look and how he's about to be able to have you as his best friend and partner for life and beyond— he's just really emotional and the chef (yes he'll be at the wedding you sillies and yes he made the food) will lean over and pat his shoulder
* he'll get himself together enough (but barely) to hold your hands and smile, barely paying attention to anything but you and will be startled when mark nudges him to pay attention to what the priest (or...whatever the person is called that officiates marriages) is saying
* abe's vows, though you couldn't hear most since he was half crying (and that's coming from a guy who takes things seriously become emotional as all heck) half stuttering, were heartfelt and did in fact move you to tears if you weren't crying already. through his small sobs, you hear that he wants to do what he can to make you as happy as could be. he wants you to be his best friend forever and partner for life, cause he can't do any investigations without his super incredible partner to keep him level-headed and calm.
* after a few minutes of getting abe to calm down, he'll pull you into a sweet and beautiful kiss, his gentle and warm lips pressing oh-so gently on yours, but passionately. he's so happy that you're both officially now the best detectives together forever
* by the time you two get to the reception, abe is himself again, albeit a lot more happier and not as serious. he's even joking around with william.
* the two of you make a total mess trying to feed each other and it's a now an inside joke between you two that you can't handle cake with the other in the same room.
* not many slow dances. i can see abe going for quick-step songs and jazzy stuff so people can be talking and dancing while having fun. you have to take a few minutes to sit down between dances because it gets insane, and you and abe aren't so great with foot work. but when it comes to the slow dances, abe is a little nervous with everyone's eyes on you two, but seeing you lovingly looking at him puts him at ease and he can't help but to whisper sweet compliments to you and how happy he is.
* you two leaving? insanity. mark attempts to break a champagne bottle on you two's getaway ride, but only manages to cause a dent in it and a small argument between him and abe. but it all ends with william managing to break the champagne bottle on mark's head, don't worry he's fine —
marriage life with abe includes:
* long nights with him working on investigations. you leave him be unless he asks for assistance, which he does sometimes since some things leave him stumped. your level mind helps him clear his head to think over some things, and he credits you the most when he solves a case.
* abe does sometimes tend to stay out late into the night depending on how the bad the investigation is and you can't help but to worry about him. he tries to reassure you that he wouldn't do anything stupid because he rather not see you upset and when you insist sometimes that maybe you should come with he says you shouldn't, that he'll come home no matter what. he just doesn't want to lose another partner —
* mornings with you two drinking coffee together and going over what's on the news or in the newspaper, with abe beaming at how adorable you look in the morning, sleepy and messy hair, but still lovely to look at to him no matter how much you protest.
* you'd go with him to mark's manor often, due to mark's worries over the staff there. you don't mind too much, the manor is gorgeous, but you always get a strange feeling when you and abe go in...and you tend to stay close to him the entire time.
* abe will definitely get a dog. and you don't mind too much, it's cute seeing him and the dog play together, especially with the impromptu investigations abe comes up with to train the dog.
* he gets a little jealous with how much time the dog spends with you tho, and you let him know he doesn't need to worry too much, the dog isn't that bad of a criminal to steal you away from him. (which causes abe to interrogate the dog on the spot, making you laugh a t o n)
* just. lots of abe being sleepy after a long day/night and sitting next to you, holding you close to his side and he enjoys a moment with you before falling asleep, which makes you hesitate with waking him. he looks so peaceful and happy that sometimes you two just sleep on the couch. you both have a bit of back pains in the morning and abe apologizes, but you both really don't mind, it was a nice moment.
* arguing with abe tends to get intense at times. we all saw how the argument between him and the colonel went, but with you, it'll be without, y'know, weapons. just bitterness from his voice. and it hurts you both a lot. he sometimes storms out of the room to his study to look over files, but he can't focus. all he focuses on is what you two said to each other and he can't handle it that well. it's not until you timidly knock on the door does he snap out of those thoughts and lets you in, immediately hugging you and apologizing, saying he argument was dumb and that it shouldn't have gone that far. you apologize as well and say that it would be best to talk about what started it, to figure out the issue and talk it out, and abe agrees wholeheartedly. he doesn't want to hurt you and you don't want to hurt him since he's been through enough as is.
* so. children, right? if you decide to go through with it, abe will discuss beforehand with you all about it, child care and all, just to make sure you two, yes, both of you, really want to go through with this. if you do, lord is he going to spoil the child. name them his "little detective" and let them help him work on stuff. he's going to give in to them when they cry or whine, he just adores the child so so much. and you can't help but to find it very endearing and adorable to watch, abe holding your child up on his shoulders and they run around the house getting chased by the "criminal", or dog. sometimes you join in as well and you all end up crashing onto a pillow fort you made. if you adopt, abe will do the same. it doesn't matter to him if you have the child or adopt with him, that child will be so important to him like you are. if you don't want children, abe will be upset, he was expecting to have a small one to come home to along with you, but after a discussion about it, he'll understand and accept it. he'll enjoy the extra time he has with you, plus he'll worry less that you won't be home alone with a baby or child while he isn't there.
* sometimes the investigations do get to him, and he appreciates how you help him calm down and relax. he needs a leveled and calm mind for this stuff and you help him achieve that. and he does twice as much when you get down about things as well. you two usually make a drink for the other to help them relax, but more than likely you end up curling up together on the bed with your dog, enjoying each other's warmth and de-stressing with cuddling galore <3
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