#Shes just tryna take care of her brother and i get that but she fucks people over in the process
dizzybevvie · 6 months
forever fighting the people who watched wkm for the first time, identified that Damien looked a lot like Dark, and instantly concluded he was "pretending to be good"
#LIKE NO!!!!! >:[[[#Damien my beloved. he just wanted his friends to be happy :(((((#ik we dont get a whole bunch of time with him but like he never witholds information or is aggressive or ANYTHING#the most upset we see damien get is when he has an argument with William over how much he WANTS him to CARE that his friend died!#And hes totally right! yes william has super valid reasons but we and damien dont KNOW that#Like Damien Will and The Actor have been bffs for years and suddenly one of them drops dead and the other doesnt even seem to CARE???#I LOVE DAMIEN SO MUCH HE DID NOTHING WRONG !!!!#if we're gonna call Dark amoral also which. we dont really know if he is? then its. its Celine BFNSVSJSVS#Celine has very questionable morals in wkm. very relatable morals! but not exactly righteous#Shes just tryna take care of her brother and i get that but she fucks people over in the process#she walks in the house and immediately has control of the situation. she tells people what they wanna hear and then singles you out#and then chastises Damien for wanting to help her#I love celine btw i think shes so interesting but like. damien is a good person and Celine is a moral debate#when in “DAMIEN” Celine's pocket dimension is cracking the mirror she tells him that if he goes through with the first choice hes-#ever made (life IS ours to choose) that he will be changed forever but Damien is OKAY with that#Damien is OKAY with being a bad person from now on if it means Celine gets to rest#I LOVE DAMIEN WKM !!!!!!#Is Celine still asleep?#if White Suit Dark is a DIFFERENT universe Dark could he possibly be Celine piloting the body??? I DONT KNOW#the fact that mark has never tried to give us Celine-Dark makes me so rabid like PLEASE#although#Dark's whole thing is being cryptic as shit and i think Celine-Dark would just Have A Gun#wkm#this is a nothing post. sorry BFKSVDKSDB#beverly says stuff#who killed markiplier#damien wkm#celine wkm
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signoferoda · 5 months
summary: the kids go into protective mode after someone flirts with y/n at the beach
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Novie was the first to notice. Her little eyebrows furrowed as she tugged on her oldest brother's top. At only 6 years old, she was the youngest and only girl out of the styles family, she was a replica of her mother was what Harry said the day she was born and has said every day since then.
“Yes, Vivi. What’s up?” Theo asked, raising his eyebrow and looking ever so lovingly at his youngest sibling. His eyes were a darker shade of green and his hair dark brown, he was his father's twin. Standing a little over six foot at just 18 years old, he towered over the little girl.
“I don’t like that guy” Novie pointed, directing her brother's attention to the man standing a tad bit too close to their mother, who was currently standing in line to get some ice cream. “He’s looking at Mama weirdly” she states. This gets the attention of the two other styles boys, Blake and Indi, who lift their sunglasses and look over at their siblings.
They were on holiday, somewhere in the Caribbean, enjoying the last few days of the winter break before they had to get back to England to go back to school. Harry was on his stomach, snoozing away, his back smothered in the suncream y/n put on him earlier before she decided to get the kids ice cream.
Blake scoffs as he gets up from the beach towel, giving it a minute, watching the way the guy continues to ogle their mother despite the massive rock on her ring finger and the “Harry” tattoo on her collarbone. Blake was the hot-headed one, at 16 years old, he was slightly taller than Theo, his hair slighter longer. The perfect mix of his parents, definitely getting his dad's temper.
“If he as much as touches mum it’s game over” Blake states.
“I bet he’s going to ask her who we are” Indi speaks, he was the quietest out of the four. A lot more into his books and video games, and more of an introvert. He was 12, and already wise beyond his years.
“He’ll shit it when he finds out she’s our mum” Blake replies, his dark eyes staring intensely at the way the guy laughs, y/n looks over and the kids give her all a wave to which she smiles widely and waves back.
“Here we go,” Theo says, chuckling as he hears the guys gasp.
“No way you’re a mum” the guy gasps, his hand coming to lift his sunglasses off his eyes. “To an eighteen-year-old?! What! You look insanely good”
“We had him young” y/n chuckles awkwardly, looking over at the kids.
They watch on as the guy points to the ice cream that was just placed in her hand, assuming he asked to pay for it. “He’s tryna ask her out”
“That’s messed up, she’s clearly married”
“Her rings the size of Novie's head, can’t he see” Blake scoffs making Theo chuckle.
“Some guys are just divs and like married women” Theo replies, shrugging.
“That’s so fucked up”
“Right? So fucked up” Novie says making Theo sigh.
“Don’t say that Nov. Blake, watch your mouth” Theo says, before clapping his hand on the back of his brother's backs, “it’s time guys” he states as they watch the guy's hand brush over y/ns as he hands her some tissue to clean off the melting ice cream in her hand.
Theo ducks down to Novie. “You know what to do right, Novie Bear?” He fist bumps her.
“I’ve got it, Teddy Bear. Project rescue mum is underway” Theo chuckles at her nickname for him. He nods at Indi to follow her and the two set off to their mother, an innocent-looking adorning their faces.
“Mama” they hear Novie say as she wraps her hands around their mother's middle, Y/n smiles at her daughter as she hands the ice cream off to Indi who takes a lick. Y/n knows her kids like the back of her hand, she knows what they’re doing and it makes her chuckle softly to herself, just like their father she thinks. Harry was the one that instilled the project rescue mum into them, telling them to take care of their mother whenever he wasn’t around.
“Yes, baby girl? Are you alright?” Y/n asks as she ruffles her hand through her daughter's locks before looking over at her son who leans over to kiss her cheek.
“Can we go get some coconuts?” She looks up at her mother, with an innocent smile.
“Do you like coconut water?” The guy asks, causing Indi to scoff. “I could go get it for you? Would you like that?”
“No no it’s fine, truly thank you” Y/n replies just as her two older sons join her. The two boys tower over the guy and he has to look up to see them. They’re big, just like their dad, looking a lot older than their actual age.
“Hey mum, you nearly done?” Theo asks as Y/n is handed another ice cream from the man making them. Theo takes it off her with a smile.
“Nearly, just got another two left” she replies.
“It’s fine, Blake and I could wait for them, why don’t you go take Vivi to get her coconuts?” Theo offers and y/n nods before smiling.
“Thank you, angel”
“Make sure to get dad some as well, you know how he gets when he has to share his coconut water, he’s obsessed” Blake sniggers as everyone catches onto what he’s trying to imply. Harry hates coconut, especially coconut water, but that’s not important.
“Just like how he’s obsessed with you, right mama?” Novie asks, tugging on her mum's hand.
“Oh yeah, dad's insane about mum, he loves her so much” Indi speaks up, “oh look he’s awake, wave at him guys” The whole family waves at Harry who looks over with a smile, his hand up in the air. His hair was just growing back, so they stuck up awkwardly making him look so endearing. But as he gets up, his muscles flexing, it causes the guy to swallow before he excuses himself.
“Some men are disgusting, flirting with a married woman” Blake can’t help but say and without a doubt the guy heard him but he chose not to look back.
Harry comes up to his wife just as the last two ice creams are handed over to Theo. “How’s my perfect family doing?” He asks, snaking his hands around his wife’s middle before leaning in to kiss her cheek. He ruffles the boy's hair before pulling away and kissing Novie's cheek.
“Oh alright, just scaring off men as usual” Y/n laughs.
“men that have no shame” Theo adds.
“Who blatantly flirts with a woman whilst her whole family is there” Indi says and Harry rolls his eyes.
“Men who need their di-“
“Ok we get it Blake” Harry chuckles, before leading his family back.
“I swear, they’re just like you” y/n smiles, as Harry tugs her closer.
“I’ve taught them well, they know you’re our number one priority babe,” he says as he kisses her cheek before taking a quick bite out of Blake’s ice cream. The family chuckles and go back to enjoying their time under the sun.
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
this just came to me because I was arguing with my man but..
what about reader who has a problem with calling people all types of bitches; finally meets her match and he show her who the bitch really is !
(this my first ask btw🌸)
hey boooo!! so glad you sent a requesttttt. since you didn’t say who you wanted me to write for i felt like it was the perfect time to pull this out. i now bring forth………the baldiessss!!!
calling them a b*tch
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the two of you were going back and forth. it seemed like every time you got excited to be somewhere or do something, here come ony hating ass telling you you’re not allowed.
“i really don’t care ma. if i say you not going then you not going, so take allat shit off, put on your pjs and go study. got an exam on monday and you tryna party.”
you rolled your eyes while sucking your teeth. he wasn’t even your boyfriend and he damn sure wasn’t your daddy so you seen no need to be listening to this man. continuing your journey to the door as ony watched you with a keen eye. “you not even my nigga. you just a nigga i like to fuck, so you can take your bitch ass on somewhere tryna be somebody daddy” with that you turned around to grab your shoes that were at the door, only getting to put one foot in before you were snatched up and put against the wall. “we gon see about that”
it only took ony about ten minutes to have you screaming and crying in the middle of your bed. legs held high in the air as you grabbed tightly on the arm connected to the hand around your neck.
“o-ohh my goddd why a-are you fucking me like thisss” your whines went in one ear and out of the other while ony kept his brutal pace on your bruised pussy. “you know damn well why i got you like this. you may get away wit that shit when talking to your little friends, but over here we don’t use that bitch word y’hear me?” he took advantage of your parted lips, giving you a sloppy kiss before letting his warm saliva trickle down your tongue. you eagerly swallowed him, the action bringing the both of you closer to the edge.
“i hear you daddy….i hear you”
“and oneeeeee!! y’all not fuckin wit me mann!” connie yelled as he won another game of 2k. y’all were at ony’s house chilling. well no….CONNIE was at ony’s house chilling. you were there against your will, tired, and in dire need of some entertainment since your man and his “brothers” left you out completely. “i’m ready to go con” you mumbled for what felt like the a hundredth time tonight, but of course connie gave you the same old excuse.
“ten more minutes”
he didn’t even look away from the screen as he spoke. you rolled your eyes before getting up and walking to the dining room where you sat down and called your group chat. “what it do bitchesss!” your friend eboni yelled as she watched the rest of your friends begin to pop up in the call. “heyy” you said with as much energy as you could, but they could all tell you were as dry as ever. “what he do now?” your other friend erika said as she looked at the tired look on your face. you sighed, dropping your shoulders as you turned the camera around towards the back of the guys heads and back towards your face. “been on that game wit them for like two hours while i’m just sitting here”
mumbles of irritation could be heard throughout the call as your friends grew almost as upset as you. “you told him you wanna leave?” eboni asked. you gave her a “duhh” look before replying. you didn’t notice that connie finished his game, getting up as he let ony and eren play while he went to the kitchen for a snack. he was within arm’s reach of you before you started talking your shit. “like why the fuck would you bring me here if you was gon be up in your friend’s faces the whole time? if i did that to him he would be whining to me like a little bitch saying he wanna go home.”
his eyes widened in surprise as your words. anger quickly running through his veins as he snatched your phone from your hands and hung up on your friends. “bring your ass up stairs, now” you rolled your eyes at him, earning you a hard slap in your ass before he lightly pushed you upstairs and towards the bathroom. “i be whining like a little bitch? you don’t get your way and now you think it’s okay to call me out my name?” you looked up at him, arms crossed as you leaned on the sink. your attitude was still very much there so connie decided to stop with the talking. turning you around and bending you over the sink. “turn the water on. if i hear your voice over it ima really embarrass you aight? don’t test me.”
he left you no time to answer before burying two of his fingers deep into your pussy, stretching you out so good you had to quickly cover your mouth to keep from screaming. “unt uh mama, this ain’t nothing. i’m a bitch right? this should be light work for you” he taunted you, inked hand yanking yours off your mouth while his eyes dared you to make a sound. your release was coming quickly and connie knew it by the way your eyes rolled in the mirror. he took this as an opportunity to move quicker into you. his gaze never leaving your face as he watched you open your mouth to scream. thankfully it was quickly muffled by by his strong hand, while you shook and came all over his inked fingers, but you weren’t finish yet. your eyes widened in surprise as you felt connie’s fat tip prodding your entrance.
“we gon see which one of us is really a bitch in here. and you bet not run”
as the girlfriend of one of the most popular ace’s in the country, there were things you had to go through that regular women didn’t. not a day went by where there wasn’t a crazy girl trying to throw themselves onto your man, regardless if you were there or not. that wasn’t really an issue to you though since it was bound to happen given his talent. the real issue was that aran’s peanut headed ass never really dealt with that behavior the way he should.
“oh my goddd arannnn!!! please please please can i get a picture wit youuuu.”
“your muscles are so much bigger in person”
“you’re so strong i wonder how your body looks under the jersey”
you were thrown to the side once again after a game, the girls basically shoving you out the way before snatching your boyfriends attention from you.
“f’course i could take a picture wit y’all. cmon everybody get in!” he said, letting the swarm of women stand around him as he flexed for the camera. you didn’t even wait to let him finish, walking right out of the gym and towards his car. it took over half an hour for this man to finally get to the car before he looked at you leaning on the passenger side door. “why you ain’t wait f’me? s’mad dark out here and you all alone.” he said, looking around at the almost empty parking lot before looking at you.
“you looked a little busy entertaining bitches fantasies and ian wanna interrupt” you spit before turning around to open your door. of course his fast ass locked it before you could even touch the handle, waiting patiently for you to turn back around before he spoke. “you mad at me for taking pictures?” his confusion made you scoff. was he playing or was he really that dumb? regardless you were over it. “knew your bitch ass wouldn’t get it. got so many different girls heads up your ass you don’t got time to think about your girlfriend” aran leaned down towards you face, putting his ear closer to your lips so he could “hear you better”
“my what?” you looked up at him, challenging him as you repeated yourself. “your bitch ass. cant hear or sum?” a small smirk made its way to his lips before he unlocked the car doors. “nah i just needed to make sure”
you didn’t even make it to the front seat before aran yanked your ass up and threw you in the back. crawling in right behind you before teaching you your lesson.
“there you go ma, keep ridin that dick” aran groaned as he watched your ass bounce repeatedly in front of him. legs burning as you gripped the center console for support. “i l-learned my lesson pa pleaseee” you whimpered as you felt his large hand land a heavy smack on your ass, the skin already hot and aching from the previous slaps. “nah…nah ion think you leaned shit. we have this conversation almost every other week. these lil girls out here don’t mean shit t’me. they can take as many pictures they want because at the end of the day who do i go home wit?”
you mindlessly kept bouncing on his dick, too fucked out to even respond properly. “y’go home wimme daddy” a smirk made its way to his face as he listened to your slurred speech. you were fucked dumb. “that’s right mama. daddy goes home wit you…daddy only ever gon go home wit you” you nodded along to his words, feeling your release on the tip of your tongue as he continued to speak. “now apologize t’me for being mean. you know how i feel about that bitch word”
aran quickly pulled your back to his sweaty chest, kissing up and down your neck as he quickly fucked into you from the bottom.
“m’sorryyyy. won’t happen againnn”
“fuckkk. you always suck me so well mama” he groaned as he watched you work between his thighs. two hands stroking his shaft as you quickly moved your mouth all over his tip. there was spit all over your face and hands, but that only turned tanaka on even more. it’s been weeks since the two of you got to have sex since your boyfriend is always out and about being the best personal trainer he could be.
you looked up at his toned body in adoration as you began to suck him sloppier, slapping his pink tip on your tongue before taking him fully down your throat. *ring ring* the sound of his phone snatched him out of his lustfull trance. you were too busy hard at work so you didn’t notice, but when you glanced up at him the sight made your blood boil. this nigga was on the phone.
“hello?….yea f’course….nah that’s not a problem at all. would the gym by mall work for you?….aight coo, see you then”
you let go of his dick with a pop, giving him a confused look as you waited for him to explain what the fuck just happened. “client just called. said they wanted an extra work out” your jaw was on the floor. there was no way he was serious. “and you took it?” tanaka looked at you with a blank look, as if you should already know his answer. “duhh i took it. he’s been making good progress and ion wanna mess that up for him now.” you scoffed, standing up from the floor before walking towards the bathroom to clean yourself up. tanaka followed you, looking dumb as ever with his dick still out of his pants. “you not gon help me finish?”
you gave him a death stare before pushing past him and making your way to your side of the bed. “go have your fucking client suck it. since you running to his beck and call like you his bitch or sum” as soon as the words left your lips you felt a strong hand wrap around your throat. tanaka kept his voice steady, but by the grip he had on your neck you could tell he was pissed. “don’t say that shit again.” he said quietly, using his other inked hand to lift your chin up towards his face. tanaka leaned down, lips almost touching yours before he spoke again. “where you learn that at huh? ‘cause i know i never let you talk to me like that and i still don’t. you forgot where you at ma?”
he spoke lowly to you, making a shiver run down your spine as well as wetness rush through your panties. you didn’t say a word, pretty doe eyes looking up at him as you waited for his next move. “spread your legs f’me ‘kay?” you obeyed him without question. fear coursing through your veins as you watched your man angrily rip your panties in the middle. you eagerly waited for him to fuck you, little whines leaving your mouth as you watched tanaka tease your clit with his tip. “say you sorry first mama. ion play that disrespectful shit and you know that.”
“m’sorryyyy” you dragged your voice out to show extra remorse as you kept your legs wide for him to take you. a small smirk crept on tanaka’s face as he watched you listen to each of his commands without hesitation.
“just made you listen to my every word all for some forgiveness” he mumbled as he sunk half of his long dick into you.
“so who’s really the bitch?”
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6ix9inewiturmom · 2 months
Wet Dreamz - Matt Sturniolo
Summary: based off the song wet dreamz by J. Cole idk if you need a summary just listen to the song :) takes place in matt’s pov the entire story!!
Warnings: Smut, masterbation,loss of virginity, Highschool matt (he’s 18)x 18yr old, POC!Reader
A/n: i was listening to this song and i immediately thought of matt, cause chris wouldn’t be nervous, matt would be! TELL ME HOW YALL LIKE THISSS!!
“First time, she was in my math class, Long hair, brown skin with the fat ass”
Today was a normal day in mrs.Melvins math class, i walk in to my assigned seat in the back of the class, that’s when i noticed the seat next to mine that was usally empty had the most beautiful woman in it.
“hi! i’m Y/N! i just moved here from California!”
her words were like serotonin for me, she had the biggest smile on her face when i sat down next to her, she was fucking beautiful. a literal goddess sent from god himself. i had to know her.
“hey! i’m uh im matt! i uh live here.. but you probably knew that considering i go to school here…” fuck matthew you’re an idiot.. she knows you fucking live here how stupid could you be.
she giggles “you’re funny, matt”
i was caught by surprise by her complement, i was a total fool and she thought i was funny?
“oh i um.. thank you” i return her smile nervously
“mr.sturniolo and ms.Y/L/N, continue talking and i’ll separate you” Mrs. Melvin Spoke harshly, we both looked at each other and smiles.
“Sat beside me, used to laugh, had mad jokes The teacher always got mad, so we passed notes”
“is she always this mean? lol” Y/N’s note she passed me read as she pretended to pay attention with a cute cheeky smile on her lips, her plump lips, fuck matt you’re staring. i quickly turned away and wrote the note back to her.
“never to me, i happen to be her favorite you know” with a little winky face written next to it i pass the note back and she opens it and grins at me and playfully rolls her eyes.
our note passing lasted the rest of class, we weren’t even paying attention to Mrs.Melvin’s class, i can’t even remember what the lesson was about, i couldn’t get her out of my head.
“It started off so innocent She had a vibe and i started diggin' it, uh I was a youngin, straight crushin', tryna play the shit cool”
she always kept lookin at me with those sweet innocent eyes, with a beautiful smile on her face, her dimples on her cheeks every time she smiles at me. i need her in every way possible. i’ve never been in love this deep before. i’m so whipped and obsessed and i haven’t even hung out with her besides school.
“But i couldn't wait to get to school cause when I seen Them thighs on her and them hips on her and them lips on her Got me daydreamin', man, what”
the day ended and as i was driving my brothers home, not even paying attention to nick and chris arguing over little shit i didn’t even care to know about, all i was thinking about was her. my thoughts were interrupted by chris screaming in my ear
“MATTHEW… HELLO?!” chris yelled
“hm? what” i respond
“who’s got you so wrapped up in thought” nick uses his index finger to poke my shoulder
“no one, fuck off im just tired” i roll my eyes and continue to drive home
“I'm thinkin' how she rides on it, if she sits on it, if she licks on it”
As i got home the only thing i could fucking imagine is her beautiful plump lips on my cock, sucking me off and cumming on her beautiful face. i can feel the growing aching pain of a boner in my jeans as i’m laying in bed.
i slowly removed my pants and pull out my aching cock and start stroking up and down and immediately start groaning and rolling my eyes back in the back of my head.
“mmf, fuckkk Y/N” a small whimper leaves my lips as my cock starts twitching in my own hand imagining that it was her hand stroking my dick, cum shoots out of me spilling all over my hand and a loud groan comes out of my mouth.
“as time goes by Attractions gettin' deep and Wet dreamin', thinkin' that I'm smashin' but I'm sleepin', I want it bad And I ain't never been obsessed before”
i woke up with a huge wet stain in my underwear and on my sleep pants from my cum staining as i dreamt about her moaning and whimpering underneath me, me making her cum all over my dick, watching her legs shake from my dick sliding in and out of her repeatedly, her screaming my name over and over again, wishing i could just pound my cock
“FUCK” i groan loudly. i should be embarrassed im having wet dreams about this girl. i need to straighten up before i fuck this up.
“She wrote a note that said, “You ever had sex before?” Damn…”
i stopped in my tracks reading this, i looked over at her smiling up at mrs.marvins math class acting as if she’s “paying attention” with her innocent eyes and innocent smile. i wasn’t about to tell her i was a virgin. out of all the guys here in this school, me? i mean ive had a girlfriend but normally the girls go for chris, never me.
“I wrote back and said "Of course I had sex before," knowin' I was frontin' I said, "I'm like a pro, baby," knowin' I was stuntin But if I told the truth, I knew that I'd get played out, son Hadn't been in pussy since the day I came out one”
fuck, matt you’re so stupid, i fuckin hope she ain’t suspect i’m a virgin… i slid the note back to her with a soft smile on my face with panic on the inside of myself.
she smiles at my note and giving me a small wink before picking up her pink pen and writing something down and smiling and shooting me a wink before passing it back to me.
“She don't know that, so she done wrote back and told me "Oh, you a pro, homie? Well, I want you to show me My mama gone for the weekend So Saturday, baby, we can get to freakin'." That's when my heart start racin' and my body start sweatin'”
my fingers that are wrapped around my pencil were tapping my pencil on my desk nervously, there’s no way this is real… Y/N? me? no fuckin way… i’m prayin i don’t wake up from this dream if this is real.
i had to play this cool.
‘don’t fuck this up matthew’ was the only thing repeating in my head.
“i wrote back like "Yeah, baby, sound like a plan." Still tryna play it cool, sound like the man But I was scared to death, my stomach turnin' Talkin' shit, knowin' damn well I was a virgin, fuck”
the boner being restrained from my jeans is making me hard to focus, hard to breathe, i can’t even think of anything else other then how she looks beneath me making every sound escape her mouth because of me, because of my dick, but fuck she gonna find out i’m a virgin eventually.
“Yeah, you know that feelin' when you Know you finna bone for the first time? I'm hopin' that she won't notice it's my first time I'm hopin' that my shit is big enough to fuck wit' And most of all I'm prayin', "God, don't let me bust quick" I'm watchin' pornos, tryna see just how to stroke right Practice puttin' condoms on-how it go? Right”
i’ve been sitting in my room for about 4 hours trying to put some condoms on right, watching every porn video that was on the feed, trying to figure out positions, how to thrust my hips the right way, how to eat pussy, how to do everything right so she don’t suspect i’m a virgin, man i really want this to go well.
“yo bro you’ve been in there for fucking ever are you ever coming out” chris yells on the other side of my locked door.
“i just wanted a nap with no interruptions leave me alone” i lie with my dick in one hand and my phone in the other hand.
ive been at this for hours. i can’t fuck this up. i don’t want her to have a fake orgasm with me, that would be embarrassing as hell, i need this to be better then good for her. i can’t duck this up.
“I'm in her crib, now a palm sweatin' With a pocket full of rubbers and an erection”
“hi matty” she opens the door for me and smiles
“hi Y/N” i smile back at her walking in.
she takes my hand and drags me to her room decorated in her favorite artist and her favorite books sitting so perfectly on her bookshelf.
she pushes me down on her bed that was freshly made up and smelled like her, she straddles me sitting directly on my hard cock.
“you’re so beautiful” i smile looking up at her laying over me
she giggles “thank you”
she leans in and kisses me passionately, i use my hand and rub her thigh and squeeze a little before moving up to her hips and moving them hips looking for some sort of friction on my pressing hard cock.
“That's when my hands start touchin' and her face start blushin' And i roll over on top and then she Get my pants unbuckled and her hands start rubbin”
i softly groan at her hands now rubbing up and down on my cock with a smile on her face
“fuckkk Y/N” i grin
she smiles so innocently looking up at me with lust and excitement in her eyes. man i could bust like this. so fucking quick.
“it's time for action Pull out the condoms real smooth, yeah, just how I practiced But right before I put it in, she flinched and grabbed it and said "I wanna get somethin' off my mental I can tell you're a pro, but baby, be gentle, ‘cause—"
i was in utter shock, she was a virgin too? no fuckin way, i smile down at her and nod as i slowly push my cock in her tight hole
“god damn ma, you are so fuckin tight” i groan softly in her ear
“mpfh- matt please move” she says in a whimper almost
i slowly start thrusting in and out of her and a slight faster pace and holy fuck i’ve never been in this amount of pleasure before. i was in a state of euphoria
my pace quickens and i start groaning uncontrollably in her ear as she moans in mine
“matt im close” she whispers out with a loud pornographic moan as she releases all over my cock creating a ring around the base of my cock.
“fuck me too” my thrusts become sloppy as i pull out and finish in the condom.
we both crash besides each other and she looks at me and smiles with her deep brown eyes, i can’t lie to her anymore.
“can i be honest about something Y/N?” i say softly turning over on my side to look at her.
she turns over to her side so we’re facing each other “i mean you just took my virginity so you can say anything matt” she smiles
“good cause i ain’t never did this before…” i smile softly hopelessly panicking on the inside scared she might get mad.
she smiles at me softly and kisses my lips and i smile into her lips.
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neteyamsoare · 1 year
Kiss Me.
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༉‧₊˚. Featuring. Human! Neteyam Sully x Fem! Human! Reader | Past Ao’nung x Fem! Human! Reader.
༉‧₊˚. Anonymous Request. I CAME AS QUICK AS I COULD 17 FOR NETEYAM PLEASE + Oops! Sorry abt that!  I was hoping for #17 - "quick, kiss me"  in fluff if you don't mind 🙇‍♀️
༉‧₊˚. Summary. In order to get away from your ex, you make an impulsive decision that will change the course of your and Neteyam’s friendship.
༉‧₊˚. General Tags. Modern Au, fluff, and slight angst.
༉‧₊˚. Content Warnings. Aged up! Neteyam & Ao'nung, toxic ex (sorry Ao’nung you were just good for the job), anger, cursing, and mention of cheating.
༉‧₊˚. Word Count. 1,1k.
༉‧₊˚. Notes. I was not expecting this prompt to go so long. I thought it was going to be a drabble but it is now a one-shot but hey it’s the first prompt I’m posting for my sleepover! I hope y’all like it. | If you want to send to request another prompt, you always can — you can find the link to the sleepover event down below.
༉‧₊˚. Extra. Comments, likes, and reblogs are highly appreciated but not pressured. 🤍
༉‧₊˚. Starred Links. Navigation + Masterlist + Prompts + Taglist
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You stir in your sleep as you try to block out the annoying sound that was ruining the sleep that you rightfully earned after staying up late studying. Finally, the ringing stops letting you relax but as soon as you get used to the quiet, the ringing starts back up making you groan as you open your eyes slowly. 
You pick up your phone from the dresser that is close to your bed and see that Kiri, your best friend, is calling. You let out another sleepy groan as you accept the call and put it to your ears. “Hello?” You say with a soft voice fighting the sleep that threatens to bring you back to sleep. 
“Finally, you answer your fucking phone!” Kiri yelled into the phone making you jump up, you were woken now. “I’m sorry, I happen to love my sleep.” You sit up properly rubbing your eyes softly. You put her on speaker as you checked your notifications and saw 8 messages from Kiri and 2 from Neteyam. 
“What’s going on?” You asked as you went to read Neteyam’s message, remembering you had promised him that you were going to watch his practice. You get up off the bed and pick up your phone as you head to the bathroom to start getting ready. “Ao’nung is here on campus looking around for you,” you immediately stop what you’re doing and pick up the phone, taking it off speakerphone and putting it to your ear. “I know you fucking lying!” 
“Girl, why would I lie? I know his musty ass from anywhere,” Shit, why now? This is all you can think about as you get yourself ready. “What does he want from me? We broke up a month ago, I blocked him and haven’t spoken to him since so why is he tryna show up now?” You let out a breath as you roll your eyes. 
“He realized that he lost the best thing he could ever have in his life,” you sigh. “He just needs to leave me alone. Girl, I’ll see you on campus, I have to meet your brother at his practice.” You hear a laugh on her end. “You mean your other half,” she says while giggling as you roll your eyes and a smile appears on your face. “Shut up,” you laugh as you both say your goodbyes and you hang up. 
You put your phone down on the bed and take a deep breath. “Eywa, please don’t let me run into this asshole.” you silently prayed hoping the odds are in your favor. 
You finally arrive on the field that held Neteyam’s practice wearing some jeans, your favorite converse, and your favorite black hoodie which was originally Neteyams but he knew he wasn’t getting it back once he gave it to you. 
So far luck was on your side, Ao’nung was nowhere in sight, only hoping it’ll stay that way. He laid his bed that night he decided to get his dick wet with some girl he had just met. He threw away the chance of having you as his ‘forever’ as he used to tell you. It's crazy how a person you thought you would spend the rest of your life with can hurt you so much without even caring about how you would feel.
You were so far in your mind that you didn’t even hear your name being called til the person got a hold of your waist turning you around to face them. “You made it,” Neteyam smiled down at you and a smile appeared on your face as you quickly got your mind off Ao’nung. “Of course, I did promise you that I’d make an appearance.” you rest your hand on his bicep rubbing it softly as he looks down at the hoodie you’re wearing. 
“Oh so that’s where my favorite hoodie went,” he smirks as you let out a smirk of your own. “It’s my favorite hoodie now, you would have to cut it off me to have it back,” you let out a giggle as he just smiled. “It looks better on you than it ever did on me anyway,” he says as you make eye contact with him smiling so hard, Neteyam was always so nice to you ever since you met, especially after the breakup, he made sure that you took care of yourself, talked to you when you needed it, let you vent your frustrations, hell he even took a yoga class for you. 
You lost eye contact with him for a second when you saw Ao’nung glaring at the two of you, eyeing the way your hand was rubbing on Neteyam’s bicep. Your heart immediately starts racing, “Please eywa, let that not be him and I’m just seeing things,” you thought to yourself but when you looked back at him, he was for sure real because he was making his way over here sending you in a whole panic not wanting to deal with him at all. 
“Y/n, are you okay?” Neteyam asks worriedly as he takes in your panic state. You didn’t know what to do, looking back to where Ao’nung was, he was getting closer and closer and a rushed idea came up in your head. “Kiss me!” you blurt out as Neteyam goes into shock not expecting that to come out of your mouth. “Wha-” he starts to ask but you cut him off by placing your lips onto his, moving your hands to his waist as you pull him closer to you. 
Neteyam couldn’t believe this was happening, he thought that this could be a dream but as you squeezed his waist tighter, he smiled into the kiss bringing a hand to cup your cheek and his other hand placed on your waist. You honestly almost forgot the reason why you abruptly kissed him just on how good of a kisser Neteyam was, he easily took the lead from you and you wrapped your arms around his neck and as you do, you open an eye taking a glance at Ao’nung’s angry stance seeing if he’d still make his way to where both of you were standing but he turns around and storms off which makes you smile continuing the kiss.
You didn’t even know why you were still kissing Neteyam since the intention was to get rid of Ao’nung but you knew you couldn’t deny that you enjoyed it. Finally, you slowly pull away from each other still in each other’s embrace just staring into each other’s eyes, both knowing that this little kiss will change the course of your friendship. “When were you going to tell me that you were such a good kisser?” You ask as he laughs while bringing you closer to him as you lay your head on his chest hiding the big smile you couldn’t stop.
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🔖 @livelaughloak @jakesully-sbabygirl @kenzi-woycehoski @fanboyluvr @onlytays @amart-e @vxncxntt @blep24 @blackheart-stuff @almondmilk8 @azaleaniath @love-chx @uniltsatirey @23victoria @saeayanaa @aash3 @canaomfa @0littlelucy0 @dilftopia69 @itszmedawn
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© neteyamsoare 2023. | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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cecilebutcher · 8 months
ღMelanie Martinez songs I associate with twst boysღ
!!Don’t like,it does nothing. Reblog instesd!!
Characters: every twst student + some of my oc’s
!!!Trigger warning⚠️: some songs contain very heavy subjects. You’ve been warned!!!
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Riddle Rosehearts: dollhouse
“Places, places, get in your places. Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces. Everyone thinks that we're perfect. Please don't let them look through the curtains. Picture, picture, smile for the picture. Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister? Everyone thinks that we're perfect. Please don't let them look through the curtains”
Trey clover: LIGHT SHOWER
“I was surprised to see heaven in your eyes. I never once was treated right, you're what I'm missing in my life. As bright as the sun, give me your vitamin D. Let's run into another dimension. You make me feel like I'm on drugs. I'm screamin' like a kettle on a stove. You crank the heat up, I was cold. My past grew mold around my heart. And all my anger, sadness, regret disappeared. It's madness, I'm not used to all this water, love, it's true”
Cater Diamond: VOID
“Pipe down with the noise, I cannot bear my sorrow. I hate who I was before. I fear I won't live to see the day tomorrow. Someone tell me if this is Hell. I gotta escape the void, there is no other choice, yeah. Tryna turn off the voices, the void ate me. Look at the mess I've done, there is nowhere to run, yeah. Holdin' a loaded gun, the void”
Ace Trappola: Lunchbox friends
“The hassle, the fighting, they all want a bite of me. Photos, more photos. Then gossip 'bout hoes that they don't know. Oh, they talk shit though. I don't want no lunchbox friends, no. I want someone who understands, oh, oh, no. Come to my house, let's die together. Friendship that would last forever, no. No lunchbox friends, no, oh, no. No lunchbox friends. Come to my house, let's die together. Friendship that would last forever, no”
Deuce Spade: Detention
“I'm physically exhausted. Tired of my knuckles beating. I'm chewing gum to pass this time of sadness. Can't you see it? You're too busy seeking selfish wishes. Don't care how I'm feeling. You write me up and say it's love. And I can't believe it. Baby, can you meet me tonight in detention? I can feel your blood pressure rise, fuck this tension. Let me crawl up into your mind, did I mention? Pretending everything's alright is detention”
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Leona Kingscholar: Cake
“If I am just a piece of cake. I am just a piece of cake (cake) Then you're just a piece of meat. You're just a piece of meat to me. If I am just a piece of cake. I am just a piece of cake (cake). Then you're just a piece of meat. You're just a piece of meat to me. I'm not a piece of cake. For you to just discard. While you walk away. With the frosting of my heart. So I'm taking back. What's mine, you'll miss. The slice of heaven that I gave to you last night”
Ruggie Bucchi: Recess
“People gonna say. "If you need a break, someone'll take your place". People gonna try. To tell you that you're fine with dollars in their eyes (just remember) Don't let them, honey, no, oh. Don't let them try (ooh). Don't let them hurt you. Baby, just say, "Recess, I'm tired"”
Jack Howl: Pacify her
“Pacify her. She's getting on my nerves. You don't love her. Stop lying with those words. I can't stand her whining. Where's her binky now? And loving her seems tiring. So boy, just love me, down, down, down. Someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours. But was he yours, if he wanted me so bad?”
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Azul Ashengrotto: Alphabet boy
“Apples aren't an always appropriate apologies. Butterscotch and bubblegum drops are bittersweet to me. You call me a child while you keep counting all your coins. But you're not my daddy and I'm not your dolly. And your dictionary's destroyed. I know my ABC's, yet you keep teaching me. I say, fuck your degree, alphabet boy. You think you're smarter than me with all your bad poetry. Fuck all your ABC's, alphabet boy”
Jade Leech: LEECHES
“Slimy and superficial. Straining their artificial. Yapping to seem official. Making it beneficial to their cause. How much blood can you draw. With your claws from a flesh that's not yours? My hands aren't yours, and. Gnaw on my bones, no marrow left. To keep you enthralled. I guess that is the luck of the draw”
Floyd Leech: Class fight
“Her face was fucked up and my hands were bloody. We were in the playground, things were getting muddy. The teacher broke us up after I broke her. And my one true love called me a monster. Mommy, why do I feel sad? Should I give him away or feel this bad? “No, no, no, don't you choke". Daddy chimed in, "Go for the throat". For the throat, for, for the throat. Daddy chimed in, "Go for the throat". For the throat, for, for the throat. Daddy chimed in, "Go for the throat"”
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Kalim Al-Asim: Fire Drill
“I am not the government. I am not the fucked up men. I am not a part of anything that is hateful. Love is seeping out my pores, I don't hold anger anymore. Even for people who hurt and betray me (Okay) I am not the government. I am not the fucked up men (Gross) I am not a part of anything that is hateful. Love is seeping out my pores, I don't hold anger anymore. Even for people who hurt and betray me”
Jamil Viper: milk & cookies
“One, two, melatonin is coming for you. Three, four, baby, won't you lock the door?Five, six, I'm done with this. Seven, eight, it's getting late, so close your eyes, sleep for days. Hush, little baby, drink your spoiled milk. I'm fucking crazy, need my prescription filled. Do you like my cookies? They're made just for you. A little bit of sugar, but lots of poison, too”
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Vil Shoenheit: Show & tell
“Why is it so hard to see? (Why?) If I cut myself, I would bleed (kill me) I'm just like you, you're like me. Imperfect and human, are we? Show and tell. I'm on display for all you fuckers to see. Show and tell. Harsh words if you don't get a pic with me. Buy and sell (buy and sell me, baby). Like I'm a product to society. Art don't sell. Unless you fucked every authority”
Rook Hunt: training wheels
“Letting go, letting go. Telling you things you already know. I explode, I explode. Asking you where you want us to go. You've been riding two wheelers all your life. It's not like I'm asking to be your wife. I wanna make you mine, but that's hard to say. Is this coming off in a cheesy way? I love everything you do. When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do. Wanna ride my bike with you. Fully undressed, no training wheels left for you. And I'll pull them off for you”
Epel Felmier: Drama club
“I don't wanna be an actress, living by a script. Who cares about practising? I don't give a shit. You're overanalyzing every word I say. There's a whole world out there, you're living a play. Fuck your auditorium, I think it's pretty boring and. I never signed up for your drama. Up for your drama, up for your drama club. I never signed up for your drama. Up for your drama club (ooh). I never signed up for your drama club (ooh). For your drama club”
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Idia Shroud: Wheels on the bus
“No one's watching us, don't give a fuck. Wheels on the bus. I'm holding it down, up in the front. Wheels on the bus. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Wheels on the bus. Now, I'ma light it up and pass it. Puff puff and pass it. Don't be a dick and babysit, c'mon, just pass it over here. Counting cars as they pass me by. And I'm trying not to look a row behind me. 'Cause Jason's got his ass on the glass. And I hate him, driver hit a bump fast”
Ortho Shroud: Death
“Back from the dead, back from the dead. I'm back from the dead, back from the dead. I'm back from the dead, back from the dead. I'm back from the dead, back from the dead. I'm back from the dead (death), back from the dead (death). I'm back from the dead (death), back from the dead (death). I'm back from the dead (death), back from the dead (death). I'm back from the dead (death), back from the- (I'm back)”
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Malleus Draconia: Pity Party
“Maybe if I knew all of them well. I wouldn't have been trapped inside this hell that holds me. Maybe if I casted out a spell. Or told them decorations were in pastel ribbons. Maybe it's a cruel joke on me. Whatever, whatever. Just means there's way more cake for me. Forever, forever”
Lilia Vanrouge: test me
“Hey God, I'll be the jester. Entertain ya to the best of my ability. When I suffer more, fragility, when I answer. Came here for a reason, oh-oh. So stop complaining, all have our seasons, oh-oh. It's not just a joke or a lesson to live through. Every which way in second, there's a breakthrough”
Silver (Vanrouge): FAERIE SOIRÉE
“Lips of sugar, I'm breathing the pheromones again. Ooh-ah, ooh-ah (ah). Hands are tied and Miranda Rights don't mean nothing. Led me astray to the faerie soirée. Alone, alone. Now I wanna ride with the magic. Lose sight of the gravity of home. Blue stars running on my forehead. Cold wings fluttering and moving. Mushrooms everywhere I'm turning. Laced with love, intensive grooving”
Sebek Zigvolt: play date
“We're just playing hide and seek. It's getting hard to breathe under the sheets with you. I don't want to play no games. I'm tired of always chasing, chasing after you. I don't give a fuck about you anyways. Whoever said I gave a shit 'bout you? You never share your toys or communicate. I guess I'm just a play date to you”
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Ibhana “Vesper” Baske: Spider Web
“Better off dead than stuck in a maze. The center may seem like a gift. Once you arrive, it'll strip you of your life. And you'll wish that you never did. Spinning all your silk and moving all of your eight legs. To build a web that'll spread through the world. Feeding off our highs and lows. And curious to see us struggle. No one can leave once they merge”
Tao Yúchi: gingerbread man
“I need a gingerbread man. The one I'll feed. A gingerbread man. The one I'll eat. One who's always crazy. Never calls me baby. That's the one that I want. All you boys are not him, not him. Can't you see? I only want the ones who never see me. But I'm happy. I love playing these games until my heart bleeds. It bleeds jelly. 'Cause you don't want someone to eat your cookie. Can someone please. Find him for me, find him for me?”
“I don't wanna bruise for you. Holding back my words until my face is blue. I don't really care about your crew. You can tell 'em what you wanted to. Bones are crushing, bones are crushing (pushin' me) Bodies touching, bodies touching (lovin' me) Blood is pumping, blood is pumping (pullin' me). Feeling nothing, feeling nothing (fuckin' me) Bones are crushing, bones are crushing (crushin' me) Bodies touching, bodies touching (touchin' me) Ooh-ah”
Junto Shuisha: mrs. Potato head
“Oh Mrs. Potato Head tell me. Is it true that pain is beauty? Does a new face come with a warranty? Will a pretty face make it better? Oh Mr. Potato Head tell me. How did you afford her surgery? Do you swear you'll stay forever. Even if her face don't stay together. Even if her face don't stay together”
Jasper Spade: The bakery
“My boss is mother Mary. Catch me slippin' through the concrete. Show no mercy, step right on me. Stiletto death, send me to purgatory. The bakery, tryna make some more. They expect me to stay when I should go. Grab the bag for when they cross the door. It ain't for me to roll it out. It's just for me to raise the dough”
Najih Al-Amin: teachers pet
“Teacher's pet. If I'm so special, why am I secret? Yeah, why the fuck is that? Do you regret. The things we shared that I'll never forget? Well, do you? Tell me that. I know I'm young, but my mind is well beyond my years. I knew this wouldn't last, but fuck you, don't you leave me here. Teacher's pet. If I'm so special, why am I secret?”
Aikat Spanos: Mad Hatter
“Where is my prescription? Doctor, doctor, please listen. My brain is scattered. You can be Alice, I'll be the Mad Hatter. I'm peeling the skin off my face. 'Cause I really hate being safe. The normals, they make me afraid. The crazies, they make me feel sane”
Phobes Spanos: Carousel
“And it's all fun and games. 'Til somebody falls in love. But you already bought a ticket. And there's no turning back now. Round and round like a horse on a carousel, we go. Will I catch up to love? I can never tell, I know. Chasing after you is like a fairytale, but I. Feel like I'm glued on tight to this carousel”
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Ya’ll have no idea how much I love Melanie<3
!!Requests are open!!
comments are more than appreciated. but reblogs help the content reach more people so please reblog if you want to like<3 likes do nothing. Seriously, don’t like, reblog.
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rrenzwrld · 7 months
secretos de amor V
chapter 5! chapter 4 here, chapter 3 here
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after you got off work, you went home to get ready. you didn’t care about dressing up too much so you styled your soft locs and put on a simple outfit before leaving to pick up sasha.
once you pulled up to the location, a pit formed in your stomach. it was so many people doing things you weren’t used to seeing in real life and you wanted to turn around as soon as you stepped foot inside. sasha noticed your unease and lead you to a table with people she knew because there wasn’t anyone else here that you knew but her. but sasha did try to introduce everyone to you, you just didn’t care.
“i like your outfit.” the girl with black hair introduced as mikasa complimented.
“thanks.” it was kinda awkward now so you wanted to be somewhere by yourself. the only problem was that you didn’t feel comfortable going anywhere else but your car. “sash i’m gonna sit in the car for a few minutes.”
“you’re leaving? already?”
“no. i’ll be back.” you pushed through the crowds before finally getting inside your car. you sighed and rested your head on the steering wheel and just sat in that position for a while before someone knocked on your window, nearly scaring you out of your skin.
you looked up to see connie signaling you to roll down the window. you sighed even harder.
“the fuck do you want?”
“what are you doing here? your bitch ass brother finally let you out the house?” you rolled your eyes and continued doing what you were doing.
“hey.. you okay?” you nodded. “can i sit with you?” you unlocked the car door to let him inside but locked them back and rolled up the window when he got in.
“you’re loud.” connie’s scent of weed mixed with cologne messed with your nose and the lilac scented air freshener in your car.
“my bad. so, you wanna tell me what’s wrong?”
“i’m not a party person.”
“so..” you could see his side eye. “why you come?”
“i wanted to try something different.”
connie nodded. “i get that.. you smoke?” you shook your head. “drink?” you shook your head again, which made connie roll his eyes. “yeah we need to go somewhere else.”
“we?” you raised a brow.
“yeah, i know a place. you driving or me?”
“ain’t this my car? you’re not driving lola, i just got her back.”
“i’m tryna help you out, help you relax. c’mon.” you and connie got out the car so he could get in the driver’s seat. “see? wasn’t that hard.”
“what about sasha? she’s gonna think i left her.”
“no she’s not. as long as your back whenever she’s ready to go, she doesn’t care.” you shrugged and connie began driving. you didn’t know if it was a good idea to be with him yet but you’d know if you popped up naked in a ditch somewhere.
“where we going?” he shushed you.
“a surprise.” you didn’t wanna say anything else so you just let him drive. within 30 minutes or so, connie pulled up to a secluded area that looked over a lake and the moon sat right above it. it was beautiful but of course you wouldn’t gas him up by telling him that.
“pretty, right?” you nodded as he cut the car off.
“only the best for your hoes right?” connie laughed.
“hoes? i don’t take them up here. i come up here to clear my head.”
“why did you take me then?”
“because i just thought you’d need it.” you nodded and looked back up at the moon. “wanna get out?” connie asked as he was unbuckling his seatbelt.
“for what?”
“it looks better from out there.” you unbuckled your seatbelt too and got out the car with connie and he was right, it looked way better outside the car. the two of you leaned against the hood of your car.
“i have a question,” connie started. “do you like.. not like me or something?”
“oh why you say that?” you said in a sarcastic tone.
“because every time i try to talk to you, you act weird and every time i come over, you’re always in your room.”
“you’re just jean’s friend so i don’t really see the need for me to say anything to you. you’re not my friend.”
“i can be your friend, we can be friends.”
“i can’t be friends with you, you’re elderly.” connie looked offended but you laughed in his face as a response.
“elderly? i’m literally only 22.”
“right right..” from then on out, you and connie started asking each other questions just to get to know each other more. you found out that connie wasn’t all that bad and he was actually really funny and more emotional than you thought.
“i like your outfit.”
“thanks, i.. dress kinda weird so people don’t say that often. i like yours.”
“thank you. you ever thought about being a fashion designer, or a model?” it was as if you could see connie’s eyes light up brighter than the moon in front of you.
“hell yeah, i just never had motivation to do it so i never pursued it. i thought i was only ever good for selling or working at amazon. but they both pay the bills, one is just a lil more risky than the other. my family said that modeling wouldn’t do that for me.”
“you should try it one day.” you suggest while he turns to you.
“aww you think i’m pretty or something?” he smiled with all his teeth, which made you wonder if they were even real.
“maybe..” you shrugged and looked down at your feet. connie grazed a finger under your chin and held it up so he could see your face. just when you were about to make some stupid decisions, sasha was calling.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Nothing Like Sister Love
First Lady of Private Garden Instagram AU
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Liked by jackharlow, danivalentine, claybornharlow, urbanwyatt, djdrama, neelamthadhani, and 1,009,530 others
y/ninsta: my big sister is better than yours 🥺
danivalentine: love you my baby girl. always and forever. 💖 y/ninsta: thank you for simply being you. don't know where I would be without having you in my life jackharlow: see? this is how siblings are supposed to support each other but I got stuck with claybornharlow 🙄😒 claybornharlow: jackharlow I mean you're a good big brother.... sometimes..... jackharlow: WHAT YOU MEAN SOMETIMES? ALL THE TIME IS MORE LIKE IT
druski2funny: is she single? because you not returning my calls
jackharlow: druski2funny returning your calls for what?!
druski2funny: jackharlow your ass stays lurking somewhere
jackharlow: druski2funny you damn right when it comes to my wife and dani is not single so move along
lilnasx: danivalentine can't wait for the beauty line to drop!
danivalentine: lilnasx you can thank Lil Bit for that one, she pushed me to do it! y/ninsta: danivalentine you and Julissa are always slaying my make up so it was only right! you know when I win, everyone does too and you've been wanting to do this forever
claybornharlow: two beauties in one photo 😍😍😍😍
jackharlow: claybornharlow and you better not be looking at the one who has the same last name as we do
y/ninsta: claybornharlow LITTLE BABY
jackharlow: I NEVER get this reaction out of you when I see you
y/ninsta: jackharlow please shut up because yes you do. you know I love you pookie 😘
jackharlow: y/ninsta I feel like something is coming after that
y/ninsta: jackharlow but I love my little baby too!
jackharlow: y/ninsta and there it fucking is smh
saweetie: still can't believe yall are 15 years apart
danivalentine: saweetie she was definitely a surprise lol only child life was no more
yungskylark: been tryna get at ms. dani for some time now 👀
y/ninsta: ace, she's taken. keep looking.
yungskylark: y/ninsta taken by who?!?! AND I TOLD YOU TO PUT IN A WORD FOR ME YEARS AGO
djdrama: yungskylark by me
normani: WELL GOT DAMN
theestallion: someone better start talking because WHAT
danivalentine: 2 years officially in april 🥰 y/ninsta: and yall can thank me for the love connection between danivalentine and djdrama 😊 jackharlow: y/ninsta that was definitely me, but whatever y/ninsta: jackharlow it was both of us let's call a truce jackharlow: y/ninsta if you say so smh
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Liked by jackharlow, y/ninsta, djdrama, claybornharlow, urbanwyatt, shloob_, quiiso, and 534,032 others
danivalentine: my day one. still remember the first time I got to hold you. you were so tiny and I was going to make it my mission to be the best big sister to you that I possibly could. every single day I am amazed at the woman that you have grown into and I am so incredibly proud of you. never think for a second that I'm not. I love how you are able to come to me with your hopes, fears, and your dreams because no matter what happens, we'll get through it together because I'm never leaving your side. Just know that I will do anything to see you happy no matter how big or small it is. And I do mean ANYTHING. I thank God every day for jackharlow and how he takes care of my baby girl. I called it from the minute we moved to Louisville. you two are truly made for each other. 💖
jackharlow: you know I got her forever, you never have to worry about that. that's my baby. 😭
danivalentine: jackharlow I know you do. always in your corner.
y/ninsta: bitch, you know for a damn fact that I'm sensitive and I always cry
danivalentine: y/ninsta you got that from your mother lol
y/ninsta: I FUCKING LOVE YOU and I thank you for always being there for me. you are my voice of reason and you help me to focus on what's important and what matters the most. proud to call myself your little sister. djdrama if you hurt my sister, I'll kill you 😊 (for legal reasons this is not a threat IT'S A PROMISE)
jackharlow: djdrama take it with a grain of salt, she low key soft as hell and a big baby
djdrama: jackharlow I know she talks a big game lol y/ninsta you know you have nothing to worry about y/ninsta: djdrama I know where you live and I have sharp objects in my house just in case you decide to step a toe outta line
jackharlow: y/ninsta I am backing you up, baby!
quiiso: JACK, FIX IT!
yungskylark: I'm about to kick your ass, Jack. you fucking know better.
shloob_: y/ninsta I'LL HELP YOU COOK. COME ON, I'M HUNGRY
jackharlow: not yall coming for me smh
urbanwyatt: jackharlow I live here too so fucking fix it. you not about to have my ass starving smh
jackharlow: y/ninsta cutie pie
y/ninsta: jackharlow no.
jackharlow: y/ninsta come on baby girl.
y/ninsta: jackharlow your things will be outside when you get back
jackharlow: y/ninsta BABY!
y/ninsta: druski2funny take your life partner back. our relationship is done
druski2funny: y/ninsta say less. jackharlow what time you want me to pick you up?
jackharlow: y/ninsta I'll eat it from the back for 2 hours straight druski2funny she'll fold when she sees that
y/ninsta: jackharlow JUST KIDDING! you can come back. PG be at the house no later than 8:30. because once it's gone, it's gone and I'm not making anymore
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta can I request churros and ice cream?!
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt yes urby, just go to the store and get what I need. take 2forwoyne with you because he is not allowed to be in the house when I cook
2forwoyne: y/ninsta now what did I do?!?!
y/ninsta: 2forwoyne you are always doing something so stop playing smh
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Liked by jackharlow, danivaleninte, djdrama, urbanwyatt, saweetie, estgee, and 2,801,227 others
y/ninsta: damn our parents made some pretty girls 😍😍
danivalentine: most definitely did 🥰
jackharlow: I love that the two of you have your hair the same. you never see one sister without the other. like danivalentine is a really good big sister to not only y/ninsta, but me too
danivalentine: jackharlow now you know your wife is sensitive and so am I from time to time, don't make me cry. just like I'll do anything for her, I'll do anything for you too.
jackharlow: let me tell yall how good of a sister she is. when me and y/n decided to move to atlanta, dani came to me and basically said I know that I'm not going to change her mind, but you have to promise me to look after her. so, any time after we moved and baby girl would get sad about missing dani (her separation anxiety is terrible) I would call her and tell her and that night she would be on our doorstep y/ninsta: not husband calling me out for my separation anxiety 😭 urbanwyatt: y/ninsta like he's one to talk. idk whose worse you or him. you tend to cry when you miss him and jack just gets mean as hell and irritated jackharlow: urbanwyatt AHT AHT! 2forwoyne: no lies were told tho neelamthadhani: still remember when I had to call her when we were in Germany to come get her husband because he was on EVERYBODY'S NERVES jackharlow: 🙄🙄🙄🙄
dualipa: there is no love like sister love. you two are so gorgeous.
y/ninsta: dualipa thank you boooo
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta BEST FRIEND
jackharlow: urbanwyatt you called?
urbanwyatt: jackharlow not you. my other one. your wife.
jackharlow: urbanwyatt well damn I see how it is smh
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt urby babyyyy
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta I have another food request for taco night
y/ninsta: go on
urbanwyatt: tres leches
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt lemme call Jessica and Blanca and issa go 🥰
saweetie: damn them titties is sitting right in that dress 😍😍
jackharlow: saweetie I know right, best pillows ever
quiiso: jackharlow surprised your big ass head didn't suffocate her that one time you were laying on her when she came back from the studio after you terrorized us all day because you missed her
jackharlow: quiiso why do yall stay coming for me? let me lay on my wife's boobs in peace
2forwoyne: jackharlow we call it like we see it
y/ninsta: saweetie them shits is huge and I'm scared to see how big they get when I get pregnant 😐
jackharlow: y/ninsta cannot wait for that 😏😏😏
y/ninsta: jackharlow just like a man smh 🙄
jackharlow: y/ninsta I did nothing wrong! let me put my face in them y/ninsta: BYE JACKMAN but... come here 👀 jackharlow: 👀
Liked by danivalentine, jackharlow, urbanwyatt, 2forwoyne, djdrama, lilnasx, druski2funny, and 2,901,376 others
y/ninsta: jackharlow just wait until I see you later. IT'S ON SIGHT 😤
jackharlow: y/ninsta PAUSE. I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING.
jackharlow: danivalentine come get her because she's short and that little evil demon side of her is about to make an appearance. I can sense it.
danivalentine: jackharlow I can only stall her for so long, then you're on your own lol
jackharlow: saweetie have you truly truly truly ever seen her get mad? no, more like pissed off? talk to me when you do because you would agree with me. it's never been directed at me, but got damn 😭
urbanwyatt: jackharlow I told you to go back to the hotel to get your phone. you ain't wanna listen to me.
jackharlow: not now Urb!
y/ninsta: JACKMAN!
jackharlow: y/ninsta yes baby?
y/ninsta: jackharlow I MISS YOU 😢
2forwoyne: here they asses go smh
neelamthadhani: danivalentine definitely called me and told me y/ninsta was pouting all day because she missed jackharlow's big head
jackharlow: neelamthadhani the one up top or down below?
y/ninsta: jackharlow BOTH
neelamthadhani: you two get on my LAST nerve smh
danivalentine: y/ninsta jackharlow does it ever end with the two of you? smh
urbanwyatt: NO
yungskylark: NO
nemoachida: NO
quiiso: NO
2forwoyne: NO
shloob_: NO
jackharlow: yall some haters smh
y/ninsta: jackharlow they can hate all they want, when I see you I want all the kisses
jackharlow: y/ninsta you know you never have to ask
claybornharlow: little baby has arrived
jackharlow: and little baby needs to make an exit
claybornharlow: y/ninsta I would never ignore your calls, just saying.
normani: jackharlow FLOP
jackharlow: I forgot it at the hotel, don't do that 😭
y/ninsta: claybornharlow I know you wouldn't, you could teach your brother a thing or two
jackharlow: y/ninsta and imma kick him in the throat
y/ninsta: jackharlow BABY!
jackharlow: y/ninsta why do I always get in trouble but he never does? he's the youngest
y/ninsta: jackharlow I'm the youngest, what are you tryna say?
jackharlow: y/ninsta exactly my point and your ass gets away with EVERYTHING
y/ninsta: neelamthadhani is my key at the front desk? I'm about to come upstairs and kick my husband's ass
jackharlow: WAIT, I TAKE IT BACK
neelamthadhani: y/ninsta have at it lmao
shloob_: jackharlow I can hide you in two minutes
jackharlow: shloob_ 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
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moldingtundra · 3 months
thought I’d talk about my interpretation of unpleasant because yes (also I might make an ask blog about it)
Ok so lord timeee!! Content warning for some really sensitive topics (genocide, murder, prostitution, implied abuse, etc.) so watch out.
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so unpleasant gradient (aka gradie) was born because his mother was a prostitute (so was his dad but much less so) and his fathers parents found out so they made him marry her, obviously that does shit and eventually when he turned 7 his father left and he was left along and u can kindddaaa imagine what happeneds when ur left with this type of mom whis also an alcoholic and smoker…yeahhh, so he gets two sibs (one if them is older the other is younger, same mom) pleasant gradient (older, named penny) and monotomous graident (younger, named mono) who took care of him when his mother escaped without him at 11 years old including a third sibling who used to take care of him when he was a toddler but ran away from home due to his mom (they were mutated gradient). (gradie has a shit ton, you can imagine why lmao) but he only sees it once and never again, so the three brothers have to survive the famine and genocide going around (it started before gradie was even born) but obviously u can imagine what happens in this typa scenerio (gradie had to almost say bye bye to half of his body bc of a bomb at 12 and watch penny die and mono run away then escape at 15 (the scars dwindled over time dw but it’s still there )) and then there is an opurtunity to escape the country with a bus, but theres only one bus ticket, so a random woman gives it to gradie and sends him off bc she knows he has the most potential and promises to find him (its been 45 years he still hasnt seen them) here’s art of what he looked like back then:
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so after he escaped he rebuild his life in the land equivalent of AMERICUH and he attends this high school and he falls in love with builderman but decides not to confess and they both decide to graduate together and try getting it big, builderman did it by building the robloxia community and gradie byt writing his experiences with genocide and hiking high feets no one reached, like he won some guinness world record and some new york times bestseller thing- my guy was packed!!!…..until he got hit by a truck and couldnt do anything anymore (sad 💔) ON TOP OF THAT builderman married jane doe and had thier kid (infected) and graide would by to babysit infected since he was a wee little baby.
so kasper got infected at his 12th birthday. But the infected turns him into a vicious furry or whatever (werewolf if you want) and the first time that happened, he fucking ate his parents and gradie literally just came by to give them lasagna and infecteds present, so now his parents are dead, and graide decides to adopt infected (who hates it lol) and they just raise infected while tryna deal with his furry issue (his furry issue caused him to eat his own cat and some residents) and graide is just like tryna fucking hold himself together bc if the kid u had to babysit thats from ur one sided gay lover who married a fugly woman decides to kill yo one sided gay lover and u had to adopt him I wouldve eaten my organs)
and that’s basically it! Expect an ask blog for him soon this week or before I die lol
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houseofpendragons · 1 year
Thoughts on Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it pt.4
Not Eli just crouching in the corner
"Remember Simba" 🦁
Damn imagine that's how Derek introduced Eli to the pack💀 took him to the look out place/point? and held him up like Simba but he's a little wolf pup🐺 "and all the dragons roared as one" (srry I've been watching alot of Hotd)
Really fucked up of you to have Derek stabbed like that infront of his son who has no way of knowing his dad's not actually dead
Why'd they fall down the stairs?
nah grl ur fam got themselves killed
How poetic of Nogi 📜✒
"I can do this" or not
I stand by the idea that the only reason Eli didn't pass out was bc there wasn't a mirror around 😂
Poor Malia, she obviously cares about Eli very much
Oh, so we just out here stabbing ourselves now? Interesting development in our tale
Also that's the rock I'm talking about, the one where Derek could've brought baby Eli😂
"Can't we just call Stiles?" Is what he was going to stay
why is Jackson eating in every scene😂
🎶walk him like a dog, sis, walk him like a dog🎶
Second hand embarrassment 😳 Peter why they got you on the floor like that😭💀
I'm weak. Yes, Peter we can see the blood 5 feet infront of you, and you would've seen it too if you had been STANDING
What happend to that scene where Peter was reprimanding Malia "can you at least try to behave more human" We just throwing that out the window😭
Okay I'm done now, I swear
Jackson amd Malia both not understanding a word out of Lydia's mouth😂 (bc they were supposed to be the same person)
Anytime Scott opens his mouth Allison like *pokey stab* *pokey stab"
"...the moment you stabbed me" sir you stabbed urself 🤦‍♀️
If its all mountain ash then why could Malia, Parrish, and Jackson all walk on it?
Scott: "You remember" Allison: Bitch *kicks*
Malia and Parrish aren't bad, but one I don't think Malia should be in a relationship and two idk there's no background for it
Ahhh Victoria 😱
She is right, history does have a shit ton of handsome killers. So what have we learned? don't trust pretty people😂
I mean, personally I think Kate deserved it. Plus it's not like she stayed dead, so no harm done🤷‍♀️
Wonder how long Derek's been tryna wake Eli up 🤔
Just an illusion... I'll come back go this plot point later
Ew Scott put that thing away🤢
You know what Allison, if you think he's lying why don't you tell us how you think you died hmmm
Derek still being 🥇 supportive dad for Eli when they're in a hostage situation 💀
Hikari sounds so annoyed at this whole thing, I love her, she just wants to go back to her Ramen restaurant😂
Ain't nobody told Melissa about the devine move last time?
Nah, the other one Parrish 🙄
Boy it's been a recurring thing for years, you've just been too busy in London
Poor Isaac, did he get anything?
um Jackson, and Lydia, and Stiles. We just said his name sweetie
Well shit that's not his problem that you don't remember
"There's no such thing as fate" "There's no such thing as werewolves" why did you do this to me😭😭😭
If your a werewolf hunter shouldn't you know what ur supposed to do to help with wolfsbane
I'd be the same Eli. Gonna get a zillion diseases from his evil nasty ass hand🤮
He's trying, stop shaming him Nogi🙄
oop- Derek said I think the fuck not you trick ass bitch, here me roar
He has bad memories with road flares😬
"Scott you're my brother. So if you're gonna do this...your just going to have to take me with you then" ooooh now I just made myself cry😭😭😭
Derek: "Eli, did you see that? Did you see your eyes" Eli: "How the hell am I supposed to see my eyes, they're the things i use to see" 🤣🤣🤣
That is the best line! The best line!🤣
Damn Nogi why you so loud, it's not that deep 😒
That was kinda simple to bring Allison back to less homicidal
Oh we playing chess again, cool. Still don't know how to play😬
Scott got drampled by a herd of deer, Eli got trampled by a heard of hormonal, halfwits (lesser known Peter line) I'll take the deer thanks 👍
"I'm still in love with you" awwww 🥺❤ we know Scott, we know
So how could Jackson able to even touch the mountain ash? Is it bc he's a chimera even though they were supposed to be impossible unless they were genetically altered by the dread doctors?... Jeff explain.
Ow, poor Eli, now he knows the struggle😂
ahahaha Adrian woke up and chose violence lmoa
The main reason this is so funny to me is bc Mr. Harris was always so nice to Jackson wtf happend
How does he know about everyone? Oh well Monroe. But still, I like to believe he was a failed emissary & for people complaining about Harris "being back from the dead" they never actually found his body. I kept waiting for the series to finish that plot line but they never did so I'm pleased that he's the villian (which I predicted he was😁) I'm just confused on his motives and wish they explained it better
How did they ruin your life? And um didn't jennifer choose u herself 🤨 also I seem to remember you saying you helped crazy darach lady so u made ur damn self a loose end🥱
he's right he was in London 🇬🇧
but uh jackson honey, for future reference maybe don't talk when there's a man with a loaded gun, just you know, just in case he decides to shoot u👍
I say we yell fire 🔥
So what's the other layers and their purposes? Is the Nogitsune actually in their layer of the illusion bc remember when Scott, Stiles, Lydia, and Kira were in an illusion with the "Nogitsune" but he was just another illusion bc he was really outside w/ Derek and the twins🤔
Poor Derek, hasn't he been through enough, now he's afraid he fucked his son up by protecting him
i will add to this thou, I've seen a few people say that Derek is too much like Clarke Kent and that he would have a completely different parenting style and while I do somewhat agree we have to remember that people tend to act different around their family and especially with their kids than they are with other people. It's also been a lot of years where he has changed alot to fit having to raise a child by himself (who tf is Eli's mom and where is she?; Jeff said he wanted to explore that in another movie) plus he had to change, S2 Derek would be a terrible father and Eli would've been so fucked up
That cute little wave and the smile back 😊
Wish Stiles would've popped up, he could've been in Jackson place being threatened at gun point (it would make more sense bc Harris hated him) he didn't know why Lydia left, and he would've been the one to tell her it was just a dream
Even if it was a premonition (which I don't think it was, I think fear is a powerful thing and it manipulates you and when you've spent your whole teen years like them just constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, well...) you can't outrun fate
They wail in grief 😔
*clink* *falls to the ground with dramatic gasp* 💀
I still wanna know who the hell Greenburg was
Also calling Scott Greenburg still would be like 30...
Yea ur sons on the field 😁👏👏👏
Flashes to when Stiles was scoring all thos goals in season 2 and everyone was cheering for him🥺👏👏👏
"My dad was actually right. I'm actually pretty good" 😎
omg not him forgetting about his currently hostage father😭💀
Wonder how Derek feels listening to all this 😂
well no shit it's not over, did you forget that ur dead ex ain't the problem anymore smh
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anon, dear, i hope you're doing good! i might be in the brain goo - still, bear with me on the being comprehensible part -, but a) you asked for headcanons and b) you're my favourite person to contemplate with, so you'll be my victim tonight-
so, i know you've said somewhere you're not a big fan of time pieces, BUT-
i've read a lot (like. A LOT.) of medieval-ish things the last couple days and spotify graced me with a shitton of ukrainian music today, and now all i can think about is this tradition they got in ukraine in july where they gather around a fire, take their loved ones by the hand, and if they stay locked while jumping over the fire they they'll have a long and happy relationship (bonus: you can do this with friends for health and good fortune, too). they have this other thing, too, where the unmarried women bind wildflowers to wreaths, then set them on a river or pond or whatever to see who'll get married soon (if your wreath flows without problems and moves a bit it's you), and their significant others try to guess which wreath is their girl's and they tryna fish it out-
and listen, listen, i KNOW it probably doesn't make much sense, and i have not thought this through 'till the end, but i need irish ian to somehow end up in ukraine and in the hands and care of mandy, who tries to teach him their ways and their language, because he's kind and sweet, too - and maybe she first hopes he's her wildcard out of her life until she gets to know he's gay? -, and somehow she gets mickey involved in her little social project and she tries very hard to make him be nice to ian, long story short, they all go to the festivities together, get a little drunk maybe and do their little traditions. while it's a rite for the women, i bet mandy'd force him to bind a wreath, still. and maybe she already knows there's something going on between him and her brother and she schemes some more to make mickey fish ian's out of the water, i don't know, my brain doesn't cooperate properly.
bonus lore- iirc they have this magic flower they set out to search at some point, too, as it's said to grant its finder some sort of power, so, just please, mickey and ian having an excuse to disappear in the woods for hours without anybody asking questions.
i only just now realised it's actually a full on au, but i'll send it over anyway, because it's juvenile and mostly lighthearted and i needed to bother someone with it. much love! thanksokaybye.
Hello my darling! My brain is also gooey possibly because it's late though. Perfect time to be your victim of choice!
Disclaimer- I don't really have anything about historical stories, it's just the homophobia of it all, you know? Like I enjoy some angst as much as the next person, but knowing they can't get married and will have to live partially in secret if not in the closet just... spoils it for me. I'm a comfort first, angst second kinda girl, but I also don't want it to be completely unrealistic. (also I need Mickey to be a southside shit talker) So I tend to skip those fics. now that that's out of the way, I'm ready for yours!
FIRST OF ALL I am a sucker for Mickey speaking Ukrainian. I really wish we got that in canon. AND IAN TRYING TO LEARN THAT FOR HIM 💔💔💔💔
they gather around a fire, take their loved ones by the hand, and if they stay locked while jumping over the fire they they'll have a long and happy relationship -> oh my god are you kidding me this sounds so fucking magical!
Okay what if Ian is like injured or something and Mandy finds him, and hides him until he can get better and Mickey is suspicious and follows her one day?
and maybe she already knows there's something going on between him and her brother and she schemes some more to make mickey fish ian's out of the water -> mmm how about yes yes and yes!!!
This is so fucking sweet. I want Ian in a flower crown Mandy made him! and maybe it's too small to his giant head and his looks funny and Mickey teases him and eventually that flower crown mysteriously finds it's way to Mickey's head. because that's what flower crowns do.
Them just walking in the forest and talking for hours. Maybe they find a job for Ian that gets them to hang out and Mickey teaches him Ukrainian?
NOSHO please send any and all AU / thoughts / headcanons always and forever!
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slimeranch7 · 1 year
Long rant regarding Sumeru's longest questline (golden slumbers -> her foes rage like great waters)
This is a weird place to share my thoughts on a Genshin world quest but it's not like i really use any other platform.
So, Jeht from Genshin impact, Sumeru's longest running world quest line.
Never thought I'd ever say this but hyv's writing has gotten to a point where i am happy to say that i felt true dread (in the best way, as intended by the writers, probably)
Spoilers for "golden slumbers", all the way up to "her foes rage like great waters". And it's a really long wall of text, not intended for anyone to read, but if u need to scream about that questline, feel free to join me. I feel like I'm screaming into the void rn. No one i know cares about the story or is caught up as far as i am
Most people have like an npc that made them cry in Genshin. To a lot of people it's teppei from the inazuma archon quest. For me, it was Jeht.
The golden slumbers quest started really slowly for me but i needed the primos for upcoming banners, so naturally i rushed through it.
I'm really glad to have been playing while eating lunch because i was still able to skim the dialogue and find the traveller building a relationship with Jeht and her father. I didn't cry when her father died, though. It certainly did leave a sinking feeling in my chest with how raw jehts emotions were then but in the end, i took the primos and dipped
After a few updates, hyv added a new part of the desert and i entered the tanit camps and unexpectedly met jeht again, who was slowly trying to settle into a new community. Matriarch babel set off warning bells the first time i met her, sending jeht to hunt traitors of their tribe in cold blood. I was like "what the fuck? That's pretty dark for a game like this, they didn't even shy away from the descriptions".
We do the story line, meet some people of the tribe, make acquaintances, all is well.
Until Jeht was inevitably betrayed by the very man she built up so much trust with since rejoining the tanit. Its not that some guy tryna force marriage onto a women is shocking, it's the fact that it was done in Genshin impact. It was just unexpected, but the best part is, jeht did not shy away from killing that man (someone she saw as a brother at first) in cold blood as soon as his betrayal was revealed. And then later she kills another tribesmember finding out that he also betrayed them
Oh and somewhere in between, we come close to finding that babel has set up jeht for betrayal as well, but the matriarch smartly covers it up. Truthfully, i did not trust her.
Anyway at this point i was like man this girl takes zero shit. The story goes on, you find that eternal oasis, and Jeht gets to leave remnants of her parents there as their final resting place. At this point, i started feeling emotionally connected to Jeht, and it warmed my heart so much that her parents could stay together in a place they dedicated their life to finding
Quest ends there, after reporting back to matriarch babel. Nearly a month later, because i haven't returned to the tanit camps since, i find that Jeht reappears with another quest. I happily talk to her, and she wanted to retrieve benben (the cute little pyramid robot) to fix him up. We do exactly that.
There was this weird interlude where you meet another woman who was basically groomed into being a mindless killing machine by her own father, which began instilling a sense of dread in my stomach, and later you're forced to kill her, to which i then started feeling like REALLY uneasy. And not only that, i also lose liloupar, the jinni jar that had stuck with us for a good while, and this build up of losing people left and right started getting to me.
I didn't think about it at first when i was playing but at this point i was cutting through each part of the quest with impatience and hyper focus. I even resorted to using my best team (floor 12 spiral level of efficiency) because i couldn't stand taking my time to get used newer team comps
We're told to do some investigation and such which eventually leads to clues of jeht's betrayal. Babel then sends US. US, THE FUCKINF TRAVELLER to hunt down jeht and my god i was scared I'd have to kill her like i did with that poor falcon girl. There were just so many deaths flags present
Investigation goes on, i find out that the motherfucking fatui had a hand in this, that jeht was sold out and captured by them. Mind you, i had no issues with the fatui, if anything they were a minor nuisance. But in the moment, i never thought i could muster so much hate towards a ragtag team of stupid, visionless scoundrels.
Even the ones that were begging for mercy and giving us information- i wanted to cut him up so bad regardless of his pleas for innocence. Even the traveller themselves and paimon began getting straight to the point. They took no shit from anyone they crossed paths with. This build up, the death flags, the climbing desperation that traveller and paimon began to exhibit, and even the notes/descriptions that defeated fatui gave us, it built up such a sickening pit of dread in my stomach that the moment i finally found Jeht displayed on my damn scream i actually slumped on my chair and sighed in relief.
I was just so thankful that i didn't have to kill her. But if anything, i was more scared of how much rage she showed after killing tribesmen sent after us. It turns out babel had set us up so that we would be pitted against Jeht (which of course didn't happen) and the climax includes Jeht confronting babel, and giving her no time to talk because she openly admitted to scheming against both traveller and jeht.
In the end, babel fell like all the open world enemies we kill- ended in cold blood. Jeht didn't hesitate, not even in her in-game posture or the dialogue. She told babel she would kill her, and she did exactly that, no hesitation whatsoever.
And i almost cried seeing the empty tanit camps. I thought Jeht would be all alone again, until benben showed up. At this point it was like three in the morning and i was on a voice call with a friend that didn't even play Genshin, and i almost cried to him about jeht.
All in all, hyv's storytelling has clearly improved by an insane amount since inazuma (the chasm and enkanomiya kind of counted i guess, it's stories were actually quite intriguing). I won't say inazuma was a total disaster because i will admit, i enjoyed the overall story, it was just the execution of it that was a let down.
But sumeru's archon quest had me on the edge of my seat. And Sumeru's longest world questline rivalled the sacred sakura's questline as well as ruu's questline (which says a lot because in my experience, ruu and kazari were the most memorable npcs)
I honest to God have never once played a game that captured my heart so earnestly before. I was literally sweating nervously the entire time at the end. I felt the anger and the dread and the worry that hyv most likely intended for the player to feel when we desperately searched for jeht to its fullest.
I wasn't expecting an immature, bratty and outspoken npc like jeht to capture my attention. There were a lot of ups and downs with our relationship as the traveller with her, and against all odds, we still remained close friends. I don't care that she's a bunch of pixels on my laptop. I don't care that this is a questline with a definitive end. I'm just glad that jehts free to roam as she pleases, and that she has benben so she would never have to feel alone.
This was definitely an indication of hyv taking into accounts of the pacing and player input and building something beautiful out of it. And if the rest of Genshin's stories can be written like this, it's safe to say that I'll definitely be hooked until I've exhausted the full game.
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fangirlfreak08 · 1 year
Episode 8 thoughts
Omg I’m almost done
Honestly loving all these intros, although my favourites still the crow one
Ohhh wait no nikolais gonna get attacked in the chapel isn’t he
my man! I mean we haven’t actually put a label on that have we? GOD I LOVE THEM JESPERS SUCH A DISASTER BI I CANT
Ding dong mals dead
Darkling shut up. No one cares and I mean that literally
Lol look at him talking about how he’s gonna live while he’s dying
Slay Alina you will in fact save yourself
Inej save her life rn
Are they seriously tryna push the darklina agenda rn?
Why’s his blood black?
Kick him zoya he deserves it
Also there’s still 49 minutes left I’m not entirely sure I want to watch them
Who’s body?
God Nikolais best mates dead and he’s so heartbroken
Kaz go to Inej challenge
Does Alina not lose her powers?
Not Kaz watching Inej
Nikolai and zoya in the same sentence….that it. Is that all we’re getting?!
Tamar and Nadia holding hands!
Nina and Kaz being besties
Nina talking about clawing her way to a happily ever after and KAZ LOOKING AT INEJ
Zoya and Nikolai finally in the same place and they’re not even gonna flirt
Ngl them having this conversation over the darkling burning corpse is a power play
Yeah but if your paths are that you both decide not to see each other again that’s not really proving anything is it?
Bestie Alina don’t cry he’s really not worth it
Is that Kaz brekker? Yes it is!
Off topic but Inej looks so gorgeous
It’s giving pirates of the Caribbean theme song
Oh shit Nina the letter!!
Aaaaaa slay Nikolai
Nooooo Nikolai
Zoya and genya are also looking gorgeous
Omg so is the triumvirate gonna be zoya genya and Alina rather than David?!
But I look amazing in blue YES YOU DO
OMG ZOYA CALLED THEM A TRIUMVIRATE (which is also not how I thought it was pronounced like at all)
Ayyyy nikolais officially king
Are divorces a thing? If Nikolai and Alina get married then they just get divorced and Nikolai can end up with zoya right??
Oh god turn nikolais coronation into a bloodbath why don’t you
Slay Alina
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b0rtney · 2 years
More fic questions because you have really cool fic ideas: Can you please elaborate on the JYL Brings a Large Stick au and the Dark!Lwj crack au. I’m just really curious about how those would go down-
Ok so JYL Bis Stick AU is based on a super vivid dream I had and basically bc jzx is alive, he is like “babe?? Walking onto a battlefield alone without weapons??? BAD plan” so he goes with her and also gives her a sword or somn (in the dream it was literally just a comically large stick, but a sheathed sword might be more realistic) so they go out there and jyl tryna calm her brothers down and jzx is protecting his wife but someone does manage to get thru and tries to x_x her but she just SMACKS them over the head w a big stick and it doesn’t kill them but they fall over and go “oh holy shit this is clearly a civilian?? Whoops my b” so she lives and then manages to successfully calm her bros down and everyone calms down and so wwx and the wens are taken into custody and it’s like really just a prison in name they kinda just chillin in (the newly rebuilt) lotus pier and lwj builds WWX a pretty garden at the end for them to take care of together so wwx can see how he’s still useful even if ~~mundane~~
Dark!LWJ au is just bc I love a very specific trope and haven’t found it in MDZS fics yet. So basically. Wwx goes missing, and lwj assumes the worst and goes “u know what?? These fucking sect rules have NEVER helped me or anyone I love. Fuck the rules. I hate the rules” and since the cultivation world is Currently At War w the wens that comes out as him doing shit like Slicing ppls heads off w spiritual cords, or forcing entire groups of wen soldiers off the cliffs of the burial mounds (after he finds out they did it to WWX) and really inhumane shit. He might invent chemicals of war just to break more rules. But then WWX comes back from the burial mounds and he’s like Ready For His Edgelord Era but jc and lwj find him and lwj is like *heart eyes* ofc but jc just hugs him angrily, says “thank fuck ur back, this guy is ur problem now” and shoves lwj at him and WWX is like guys?? R we forgetting the demonic cultivation thing??? And jc is like “lwj committed 13 crimes against humanity LAST WEEK ALONE, demonic cultivation is the LEAST of my worries rn as long as ur using protection idc” and so from there it’s similar to og plot where WWX is protecting the wens but this time lwj says “fuck the sect” and goes w him and WWX continually has to remind him “no bro, we can’t just kill everyone that touches the perimeter— and we can’t chain them to trees and let them starve to death either that’s weird why would u suggest that— I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE UNHINGED ONE UGH!!” and eventually lxc is so worried abt his brother that he negotiates w wwx for the lan to take in the dafanwen as long as lwj comes back home and chills out a bit and wwx manages to sell that to lwj so they do and everyone lives and mostly it’s just funny
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invasive · 1 year
Hello, I wanted to critique your take upon the April and Donnie thing a little bit if you don't mind.
As a black individual, it's very common us to adopt people we call family as "brothers sisters or cousins," so people, especially black folk, seeing Donnie and April as solidly family and finding them weird to be shipped with I don't feel should be seen as weird. I personally think it's very well in people's right to see it as such. I don't think it should be called 5th grade reading comprehension, as it is very common in black cultural aspects and many see the turtles as such.
And if I may add on, it's been proven many times that April is apart of the family; by Karai, inside the ROTTMNT comics and so on.
I'm not trying to debunk your points by any means though, like I do agree that as a black woman, she doesn't need to be shipped with any of the turtles to be paid attention to and I feel like a lot of white or non-blacks only care about her when it comes to shipping her w/ Donnie and I find it annoying as fuck but at the same time I feel like you're also missing why the fandom and also why black people as a whole when it comes to the whole "found family" aspect is an ick.
If I'm getting things twisted though I am very much willing to hear you out. By no means am I tryna claim you as anti-black or something.
I do understand where you're coming from and I have seen other people in the past talk about this outside the context of fandom. I don't mean to say that the argument is wholly invalid, and I do realize the cultural impact/implications of her saying they are family, especially in the context of them being black. It is still definitely an ick to me due to the familial ties she explicitly states SEVERAL times, I just thought it was a shame that nobody brings up how the ship itself sort of soils what the show was putting down for her The thing is that most of the people making this argument are making it without this cultural lens you've stated. It's more reducing the impact of the idea of found family, it originally being malleable thing instead of putting people into boxes of what "role" they fit. I feel like a lot of arguments without this lens come off as extremely shallow, and I got a little tired of seeing the same thing over and over again. I guess it's less of an issue of why I think the pairing is weird and moreso how reductive the fanbase can get when it comes to certain tropes like found family or general angst.
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virgil-says-things · 2 years
started off with Fiona waking up and hearing noises downstairs, so she goes down there hoping to see Lip, literally goes ':-D Lip??' just to see fucking Monica 😭
Fiona got a phonecall telling her that Margaret died and she goes 'grammy died??' and Monica walks over to her going 'i am so sorry' and Fiona immediately moves away whilst looking so disgusted 😭
AHAHWHDJFB even Debbie backs away from her looking uncomfortable 😭
WHY is Frank defending Monica so stubbornly?? if Ian doesn't wanna be around Monica for too long then Ian doesn't fucking have to!! shut up!!
she did NOT just call Carl 'Carlie'??? Monica none of them like you please stop trying so hard
'where's Lip?' uh oh
KAREN WAS A TWIN?? she ate her twin??
Karen returns with Lip and Jody immediately fucking dashes out of the house 😭 why is he still HERE
wait a fucking moment did Frank leave Sheila for fucking Monica?? Sheila thinks he's gonna come back?? what the actual fuck Frank
Monica makes me so uncomfortable I hate Frank so much for getting her to return
'Lip chose to leave this family. that sound familiar??' Fiona. the digs at Monica are funny but the situation with Lip was incredibly unfair
Monica's being trusted with Liam I'm so fucking scared
Karen is such a BITCH Sheila said nothing about charging Lip rent?? I highly doubt she would!! and telling him she'll take Frank with her on the adoption interviews?? fucking hell
Sheila thinks Eddie's haunting their house?? damn. and I think Jody does too now
the cut to Monica and Frank passionately making out is NOT okay they're supposed to be taking care of a baby. hello?? nevermind it's, once again, not just a makeout scene. FIONA WALKED IN ON IT OH MY GOD
Kevin's just learned that circle doesn't start with an s I'm so proud of him. he's learning.
'what if we adopt Lip as our own' KEVIN 😭
Lip please do not take that out on Kevin it's Veronica who doesn't want u there fucking hell
Monica's not taking her meds. and. denying that she's bipolar? well. that can't be good!
'its a school night the kids are already asleep' (Fiona) 'oh c'mon u know Carl can sleep through anything' (Frank) WHAT ABOUT THE OTHERS??? Frank and Monica frustrate me so fucking much. fuck me I am NOT handling the whole music through a speaker thing well
Ian came down, rightfully pissed off about it and said 'some of us wanna graduate and do smth with out lives so why don't u all shut the fuck up and let me sleep?' and Frank gets pissy and starts pushing him saying 'do not talk to ur mother like that' ???? fuck OFF???? okay I'm so glad Monica slapped Frank and told him to apologise. that is the one and only good thing she's done so far
I get Frank's whole thing with wanting the kids to have some time with Monica because she's their mother and his just died but come ON dude this is only gonna hurt them all in the end
Ian still wants to sleep btw guys so maybe take it elsewhere anyways - I feel so bad for Fiona here omfg
Lip's trying to get some sleep on a train I need this whole situation sorted immediately pls ty
Frank took Monica to Sheila's and they're both pretty drunk I'm pretty sure so they're falling into things and making a lot of noise - Sheila's convinced her house is haunted so it's scaring her and I hate it!! plus it's the middle of the fucking night can they just. not. do anything. ty! are they looking for fucking money that Margaret may have left behind?? oh my god.
Sheila's walking around with a fucking vacuum thinking it's the ghost of Eddie - can Frank and Monica just reveal themselves so she knows her house isn't fucking haunted.
Monica's giving Fiona recognition for taking care of literally everything which is good but I still don't like Monica
Frank's finding out that Margaret gave the money she had out to his brothers but none to him <3
ew ew ew Frank and Monica stop FUCKING kissing challenge I hate the both of you plus Debbie and the guy she's tryna get with are RIGHT THERE
FRANK TOLD MONICA ABOUT MICKEY AND IAN???? HE HAS NO FUCKING RIGHT. I mean at least she's supportive or whatever still hate her tho
'ah yes! I come on Lip!' (Estefania (?)) 'WITH. u come WITH Lip.' (Steve) this is incredibly bad because of the way Lip was staring while she changed.
Jody's 30 and Karen's like. 17. why is Sheila encouraging this relationship?? she's still a fucking minor and he's a grown ass man 😭 oh my fucking god. oh my fucking god Sheila and Jody are making out what the fuck. I can't defend this one Sheila.
not Monica telling Ian that she thinks a WAY older dude is checking him out Monica please I hate u
okay okay what the fuck. Lip told Steve about Estefania cheating on him and he's mad about it for whatever reason, called her a sneaky bitch as if he didn't just say he doesn't love her, and Lip moves on and calls Fiona a bitch and then Steve goes 'she was right to kick u out of the house, u should be in school.' HELLO???? why is everyone so pissed about Lip not being in school if he doesn't wanna be he doesn't have to be Fiona shouldn't have kicked him out over that!! anyways Lip went 'yeah maybe I'll enroll again in May, just in time to take ur wife to prom' and Steve shoves him off of his chair. man this whole situation is so fucking messy
seeing Ian and Monica get along so well hurts so much I don't wanna see Ian get hurt guys
why the fuck did Monica put Debbie on the spot so randomly to say a few words about Grammy?? where'd that come from??
Karen's home is she gonna find out about Sheila and Jody?? uh ohhh - idk if she's caught on yet
Monica went ahead and payed for Frank's mother's ashes and bought them home and Frank took some out of the bag and them in his cigarette?? is he gonna smoke his fucking mother??
HOLY FUCK. Terry just burst through the door fucking hell. some fucking warning next time?? WHY IS HE BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF IAN?? DID HE FIND OUT?? FUCK?? OHHH. Mandy's pregnant and he thinks it's Ian's fault?? why???? good on Monica for trying her hardest to keep Terry away from Ian tho
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