#the only person ever in her corner (asriel) Did Not Believe her and has always been real shitty about her undiagnosed mental illnesses
acaciapines · 17 days
i need to talk about the dess raises kris au. or im gonna explode.
#chatter#GOOD TIMING TO THINK ABOUT AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STORY: EDITING UR TOH DAEMON AU LOL#like i can separate it out enough when im working lol but afterwards. oh its all deltarune babey!!!#been thinking a lot about dess and how i wanna write her#(aka im gonna canonize some mental stuff i've always kinda had in the back of my mind for her)#and GOD. dess. i forgive her for all her flaws <3#but no shes sooooo fascinating to me in this au its just. she was Eighteen. right in the middle of a pretty bad psychotic break.#the only person ever in her corner (asriel) Did Not Believe her and has always been real shitty about her undiagnosed mental illnesses#(dw we will come back to this i have a LOT of ideas for azzy lol he is. uh. not the best at the start!)#and so like. of course when it comes to kris her best was never going to be enough.#but GOD im soooo fascinated by like. she does genuinely really truly care for kris.#yes its messy and caught up in a bunch of other things but she LOVES THEM#even if she cannot ever love them in the way they want her to (ie as a parent loves a child)#and is it fair for kris? no! course it isnt!!!#but theres no changing the past and so. this is kris's life now#and its dess's life now. and they just have to live with what happened#thinking about the like. 6 months to a year where it was just dess and kris (before chara) and. god.#GOD. YOU GUYS.#sorry this au is. um. i think it is my everything. like.#if you know you know (hi stars lol <3) but. man.........man.#i have a lot of thoughts about. prophecy. and when translating that out beyond just story and into like. the real world#cause lets be real prophecy doesnt exist but things w this power of 'you are supposed to be x and cannot be anything but x' DO and#god. the dess raises kris au is So Much.#also yeah another acacia tags essay they simply hit differently <3#also enough to go into the main tag so#drkau#anyways lemme go back to editing lol
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the-river-person · 3 years
Monster History in the Librarby
Niven was getting ready to close the Library for the night. All the usual patrons had gone home already. Both of the editors for the Snowdin Newspaper, as well as the Loox that often hung around by the tables and played word games like crosswords, junior jumble, or soduku. Speaking of which, Lady Garf, one of the editors of the newspaper who specialized in making games for it, had left a few of the ones she’d been working on. With a sigh he collected the pages and stored them behind the main desk, he’d have to remember to give it to her tomorrow. The bell on the door tinkled and Niven looked up to say that they were actually just about to close. But the words died on his lips and he stared at the person who had come in. Face hidden by a dark cloak, they were somewhat tall, nearly reaching the height of Sir Papyrus, captain of the Royal Guard. Though he couldn’t see their face, he caught a glimpse of white fur. Was it Ice Wolf? Just a little over a year ago he’d started coming in every few months to check out books to read during his work breaks. No, Ice Wolf was much bigger. “Is this the Librarby?” Asked the figure, a male voice, deep yet not unpleasant, almost musical really. Niven grimaced at the question. He’d once harbored hopes of getting the sign repainted. But there really wasn’t any point now, was there? Not only had everybody just gotten used to it, but even if he did repaint it, the sign would just reset along with everything else in a few short weeks. It wasn’t worth the effort, but it still irritated him. Forcing himself to smile he quickly decided just to see what this Monster wanted before closing up. “Yes, it is. We don’t usually see too many non-locals in here. Most just pass by on their way to the ruins or the Greater Snowdin Caverns. Are you from the Capital?” “You could say that,” said the figure, sounding mildly amused. They offered no further explanation, and Niven decided not to push his luck further that way. “What can I do for you?” For a moment the Monster was silent, looking round the small library as if gauging its potential somehow. Not for the first time, Niven wished for the resources to make a much grander library, something akin to the great libraries he’d read of in human books: Ashurbanipal, Alexandria, Pergamum, Villa of the Papyri, Trajan’s Dual Library, Celsus, the Imperial Library of Constantinople, House of Wisdom in Baghdad, "Dharmaganja" ("Treasury of Truth") and Dharma Ghunj ("Mountain of Truth") in India’s Nalanda University. There were so many, and all he had was a few shelves. A couple histories, fiction, somone’s book report left here years ago and never retrieved (it was gleefully shelved as something new and at least 3 people had checked it out since for the sheer novelty), poetry, only a single science book about astronomy, and an entire shelf devoted to joke books and word games. But if someone was really coming out here, far from the Capital, to look for something specific. Well... They had to be desperate. New Home’s public library was much bigger, and if you couldn’t find something, you might humbly petition the King and Queen for access to the castle archives in the chance it might be there. Nobody came to a tiny town at the edge of civilization. Well... they did come. Sometimes they even bought things at the general store or stayed a the inn. But that was really just people on their way to the Ruins after Reset Day, the crowds and the general traffic as Monsters carried out their plans for the next three weeks. Getting puzzles ready for the famous DT and Royal Guardsman Monster Kid, who lived right here in said small town. So some people came through, a lot of people. But not for books. Never for the librarby that hadn’t even spell its name right when the sign was painted. “I’m hoping,” said the Monster. “That you might have texts on Monster History from before the war. History, perhaps theology? Mythology and folklore? I’ll take anything you’ve got.” Oh, so that’s what he wanted. Niven gulped. Okay so maybe it wasn’t accurate that nobody had been coming to their tiny library from out of town. There was that person from the capital he’d only seen once, a shifty fellow who was supposed to be a castle servant. White hair, pale purplish skin, and a terrifying grin with sharp yellow teeth. Niven had been freaked out by the Monster’s weird face markings and the J like tail that had lashed back and forth in agitation. Jevil, or so he had said his name was, had been after books on Monster Religion. It was a surprising subject, one few cared about. But Niven had a couple of rare tomes on it, possibly texts even the Royal Archives didn’t have. And that, it turned out, was the entire point. Jevil was a scribe in the Royal Archives and kept the smaller of the castle’s two libraries in good order for the King and Queen’s more general use. Thankfully he hadn’t come again after the first time, having taken a stack of books with him. He sent them back a month later, along with a few coins for the late fees, and asked for more books, naming each specifically. So Niven had shipped them off to the Capital, and sure enough they returned the next month with a request for more books. Sans the skeleton had become a familiar face as he came by so often to pick up or deliver boxes of books headed for the weird little Monster. And Jevil wasn’t the only one. Ice Wolf had been checking out the weirdest things. Niven would have expected a joke book, or even an interesting novel, but no. Ice Wolf wanted to read about physics and geology and historical documents and traditions. Niven hadn’t had much cause to write to the Capital Public Library in... well ever really. But to get some of the texts Ice Wolf wanted he pulled up his sleeves and penned message after message requesting various books until someone came down about nine weeks in to ask why on earth there was suddenly more book traffic going to Snowdin. “Oh, heh heh.” He laughed nervously. “I believe we do have some things. If you’ll come this way please.” The Monster followed him into the lower levels of the library, a section which held most of the least circulated books and materials available only by request. He really needed to dust down here, now where was the light? Ah yes. A dim bulb flickered to life, bathing the shelves in a warming and distinctly yellow light. From the shelves he pulled book after book, most dusty, a few with a little water damage, and many quite old. These he stacked before the Monster, who shifted in surprise as he looked over the growing pile. As Niven set another book on the pile he caught a better glimpse of the face beneath the hood. A white furred goat-like face with black markings on his lower cheeks and eyes of a dark muted red. Niven almost dropped the books in surprise but hid his reaction by faking a sneeze, though maybe with all the dust in here it really wasn’t that fake. This was a Boss Monster! But not Asgore, not nearly tall enough and certainly much thinner. But not the motherly Toriel either. It didn’t make sense, all the other Boss Monsters had been killed in the war, only the King and Queen had made it Underground with the others. And the only other Boss Monster living since then had been... Hadn’t Asriel Dreemurr become a flower? How had he regained his body? Or... something similar. It wasn’t quite a child anymore, though not yet an adult. Somewhere in between if appearance was anything to go by. A teenager maybe. That didn’t make sense either as his age should have been tied to Asgore and Toriel’s, and none of them could age anyway with the Resets, but maybe being a flower did odd things to you. Niven watched out of the corner of his eye as the prince began flipping through some of the books. “Monsters and Humans have always dwelt together in the world, though the nature of this coexistence had been woven together with myth, legend, and superstition for thousands of years.” Asriel read the passage from a “Brief History of Monsters and Humans”, it was volume nine of the collection, which was anything but brief. The author had been criticized for his long winded and needlessly flowery language. Still it made for good reading, if you had the time for it. “Owing to the nature of Monster’s Souls and the intrinsic connection their magical bodies have to the state of their soul, Humans were often under the mistaken impression that the Monster Clans were more numerous than they really were. As new generations of Monsters were born, they sometimes took on new and often unique forms different from their elders, forms that matched the state of their very soul.” The Prince broke off reading and looked up at Niven, who suddenly realized he’d stopped taking books off the shelves and had been staring as he listened. Flushing, the Lizard started to turn back to the shelf. “Is that why some of the Monsters around are things like Aeroplanes or shaped like bathtubs and obsessed with washing? Because they were born with new forms?” Niven turned back around. It was a good question, and not really covered that well in schools. Sure they touched on the subject, but no one really focused on the implications of how Monster Souls behaved. “Well, more or less. You have to understand that Monsters such as the Tsundereplane couldn’t have been born until Monsters learned of the existence of human airplanes. And anime of course. Then when this new Monster was born, their soul manifested a body that fit who they were at their foundations, the most basic structure of all the things they could become. We Monsters don’t have much control over this, we can’t shift our own forms at will, but our appearance is far more closely tied to who we are than you would think. Creatures like Woshua were born of groups of water dwelling Monsters. Humans often characterized us with names like Fay or Fairy, Spirits, Daemons, and lots of other things. And human folklore has a lot of tales about faeries who insist upon cleanliness and washing, often enacting terrible punishment if specified arrangements weren’t kept, like leaving washing water out at night for them to bathe in, or having a strict routine of personal hygiene while living in an area where said fairy has to deal with you often. Sound familiar? At some point the bathtub must have been an image they focused on, and at some point a Monster child was born with that form as part of who they were.” Asriel nodded, forgetting that he was trying to hide his face and letting the hood slip down a bit as he listened with wide eyes. Just barely visible in the upper shadows of the hood were his horns, not terribly big, just poking up from the white tufts of fur. “Alright,” he said. “I’ll take this one. And these.” He plucked another four books from the pile. “Can you hold the rest for me?” Niven found himself agreeing to do just that as he followed Asriel back up the stairs and let him out. As he locked up and turned out the lights, he wondered why nobody had heard anything about the prince yet if he was back to his true self?
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margridarnauds · 5 years
6, 7, 10, 21, 23
6. Answered here 
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in. 
Let’s have the SALT. (Mandatory disclaimer that my own personal feelings towards the SHIP does not inherently extend to the shippers, that I ship many dynamics that some people would call “abusive” given the ongoing debate over what “enemies to lovers” means, and that some dynamics here are things that I might have shipped under other circumstances, but things just...didn’t work out that way.)
Cats - I hated Plato/Victoria before I even knew that it was POSSIBLE to hate a ship that much. I always went with the Plato = Macavity theory to get that little skeavy dudebro off my girl. (Also, I’ll be honest, the whole “mating dance” thing is...such a fucking weird sequence anyway. Like, my ship preferences aside, ALW WHY DID YOU HAVE TO HAVE A SCENE WHERE THE CATS FUCK?) 
Pirates of the Caribbean - Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth. 
Harry Potter - Ron/Hermione. I never saw it, tbh, and they seemed to be pretty bad for one another, even in the books. The films just took it up several notches. 
OUAT - Captain motherfucking Swan. I hated that smug, greasy little motherfucker so much. So much. 
Star Trek Ds9: Jadzia/Worf. THERE. I SAID IT. Both sides brought out the absolute worst in each other, leading to an absolute trashfire of a ship that obliterated all in its wake. AND THEN WE HAD TO DEAL WITH THE FALLOUT OF THAT. EVEN AFTER THE SHIP WAS *DEAD*. Don’t mind me, don’t mind me. I’m cool, I’m cool. 
Carmilla - Tbh...Laferry. Never my thing. I know that her character development’s a BIG part of Perry’s arc and I fully embrace character growth, but it just. Left a bad taste in my mouth. And the way shippers used to treat Laflashdrive shippers back in the day. As if shipping a nonbinary character and a flashdrive somehow makes it hetero. (#LetLafBeaRobotfucker2k19). 
Les Miserables - You know what? While I’m on the Salt Train...
Enjolras/Grantaire. Now, there are plenty of ships that are probably more deeply annoying to me, but none are as prevalent as this one. And I might like them a lot more if they WEREN’T so prevalent. But as it is, it’s like a black HOLE that’s devoured the fandom, so that you’d think the entire fucking novel/musical is about these two. And. Maybe I shouldn’t talk given what I ship, but it isn’t even like they’re THEM at this point, they’re just two generic white guys in an “uwu” relationship. And I’m not speaking for EVERY single thing given that I have neither the time, concentration, or will to read every. Single. Thing. Made about these two, but it’s something I’ve noticed, though I’m not saying that I haven’t enjoyed SOME things made about them and the whole “You believe in nothing.” “I believe in you” is...good content. 
It’s like...you’re walking in the woods (there’s no one around and your phone is dead) and you see a brightly colored pink tree. At first, it’s great. A pink tree! You’ve never seen one of those before. You wander further into the woods, and there’s another! And another! And soon enough, you’re surrounded by pink trees, in a technicolored horror realm. Where’s the sky? Where did you come in at? You think you remember seeing the sun once, but NO, it’s another fucking pink tree blocking your way. There is no God, there is no ground, there is only a technicolored nightmare blocking your every move, drowning you in visions of Barbie-esque horror. 
Terra Nova - Skye/Lucas. WHY GOD WHY? Look, we KNOW I have terrible taste in ships, some of which have...questionable dynamics. BUT EVEN I CAN’T GET INTO THIS ONE. There’s no...mutual spark between the two of them, just Lucas creeping on Skye and Skye trying to get away. Also, since I’m here...Skye is estimate to have been born in ‘32-33, making her approximately 16-17 by the time the plot kicks into gear. Let’s be very generous and bump her into 17-18. Lucas? 2124, making him...oh, 25. Not the WORST age gap I’ve ever seen in my lifetime...but....questionable. Very questionable. And I know the series wants to have us believe that people grow up faster (see: The fact they actually think Maddy’s old enough to GET MARRIED. TO A SOLDIER. WHO IS REALISTICALLY IN DANGER OF MAKING HER A WIDOW,) but NO. Like, at my CURRENT AGE, with less than four years separating me from that age gap, I can’t see it. That is still at least 7 years of experience in the “real world” that she doesn’t have. He still saw someone with THAT MUCH of an age gap with him and WANTED something, whether or not she wanted it or not, and tried to PURSUE that something while calling her “sister”. Like, I can’t stop anyone from shipping it and I have a firm “ship and let ship” mentality, but....EW. EWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWeWEEWEWEW. 
B5 - I’m in the same boat as you as far as...on one hand. Byron/Lyta makes me want to vomit, but also...our Teep OC does owe her existence to her weird, hetero white goth uncle. 
Star Wars: Han/Leia. Because, as we all know, cornering a woman before you kiss her is the love story of the generation. Han would have been better with Luke and Leia with Holdo. 
The Pirate Queen - Tiernan/Gráinne. I. Hate. This. Ship. 
His Dark Materials - Torn between Ruta Skadi/Asriel and Lyra/Will. Tbh, leaning towards the latter because while the former is AWFUL and signifies the quite frankly terrible writing decisions that distinguish the second and third books, at least it didn’t involve a badass, feral girl child becoming a dainty, submissive 50s housewife in the body of a 12 year old. “Oh, Will, I’ll do whatever you say, I promise. I won’t use my awesome powers unless you say I can, you’re so fantastic, Will.” Gag me. Also...they’re twelve. This doesn’t HAVE to be an epic, tragic romance, and the fact that their “kiss” (WHAT THE FUCK PULLMAN, WHAT THE FUCK, I’M NOT A PURITAN BUT WHAT THE FUCK) is the key to saving the universe? Really? Basically, they should have been friends. 
1789 - Danton/Solène. (I KNOW WHAT YOU THOUGHT I WOULD SAY, BUT NO. MY HATRED FOR THIS ONE MANAGES TO OUTSHINE IT.) “But Rachel,” you might say, “You’ve been very, very open about preferring anything to Ronan/Olympe” and that’s TRUE. But the Toho version managed to push my hatred of this one with The Scene, AKA “Go back to the kitchen, Solène and let the menfolk take care of this.” The French version didn’t even really have it as A Thing, he was just a customer. And the amount of time Danton spends with Solène is always directly proportional to the amount of spinal surgery she’s going to have. Now, I can’t exactly BLAME the two Japanese productions for doing what they did, because they have to appeal to a Japanese audience in the way they see fit. It’s an ADAPTATION of 1789, not a tour of it. But that doesn’t mean I have to LIKE it. And. Like. You know there’s no way THAT one’s going to end in a way that’s good for Solène. Either (1) he’ll set her aside for his family or (2) If they SOMEHOW stay together...the Reign of Terror’s looming. 
Also: Danton/Charlotte. No. No. Just. No. There are so many reasons why. But no. 
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
We’ve both discussed a lot about how...DIFFICULT it can be to write fic for something. There are a lot of things I love dearly but just don’t have it in me to write fic for. Ace Attorney is an obvious one, Mozart l’Opera Rock, Elisabeth (though I’m trying to work on that one), Les Miserables, Star Wars, Star Trek, B5....a ton more that I could mention but it would honestly take too much time. Words hard, reading still hard but slightly easier. 
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? 
The first thing I ever wrote, when I was five years old, was (very heteronormative) fanfiction for The Stinky Cheese Man, where he finds The Stinky Cheese Woman, which now, of course, I recognize as my own attempt to write myself into a narrative from which I’d been excluded. Or something. I think my mom still has it buried someplace, lurking...
Also, @theocraindora at some point managed to get me to write at least one full Carmilla AU during the second season, when we both must have been about 17-18-ish, if my math’s not too dubious, and that was the first thing I ever actually finished for a long time, even though it didn’t ever meet my personal standards for publishing and is likely to stay buried. For awhile, at least. 
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Since I talked about PLP’s tragic backstory, time for something happier. Paradise Lost, which I’m actually pretty damn happy with because it was my first time working with something that’s not a historical piece, and it was honestly a treat working with Mira’s voice. I think that Mira really “clicked” for me as a character here. Like, “Yes, this is why she’s like this, this makes sense.” There are some times where you can really feel a character’s voice when you’re writing and you can get things out, and this was one of those very rare times for me. Not saying that it’s going to happen NEXT time, but this time, it was rather relaxing. 
It was honestly one of the smoother writing experiences I had? Like, it only took me about a day or so, from when we exchanged PMs to publishing it, which is pretty impressive, all things considered. I’m still not tossing out doing anything more with this world in the future, tbh. That and Goosefic were probably two of the easiest to just...get out. (WHICH. 92 HITS. GOOSEFIC HAS 92 HITS. THAT IS INSANE FOR A ONE-SHOT IN A SMALL FANDOM. HOLY SHIT.) 
(From your other ask!)
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
I’ve been WRITING fanfiction since I could hold a pencil and make scribbles.  When I was younger, I could write that kind of thing easily, the shame came later. 
Finding out that fanfiction EXISTED...was probably when I was about 9-10 and found Balto x Harry Potter crossover fanfiction. Which. In hindsight. Was pretty horrible, but my young self was CAPTIVATED because Balto and Harry Potter? In the same universe? IT WAS LIKE MAGIC. 
Astonishingly, I did not read M rated stuff until I was at least 15-16-ish. I kept myself remarkably sheltered and only looked into it when I became curious. And got over my weird hyper-religious phase. 
When I was about 12-13, I started to toy with writing myself, writing my own OC crossovers for Phantom Manor (the gother, European version of Haunted Mansion that was my special interest for. Ages). Carmilla when I was 17-18 was one of the first things I wrote a full, complete Thing for, even if I never published anything for it. And from there, I’d try to write things for both The Pirate Queen and Dracula, though both projects proved to be too ambitious and I ended up cutting them off, tragically, but they gave me the confidence I needed to get into 1789, which I DID publish something for finally, on the day I was taking my GRE because. Well. I had something else I feared more than a flame. 
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
I don’t know if this is one thing or five separate things in a trenchcoat, but here you go. 
I love how we can explore things that could never be explored in canon, for one reason or another; I love that we have an experience that we can filter according to what WE want, including trigger warnings, which is honestly a godsend to me. We talk a lot about the transformative nature of fanfic, and it IS, but also, the level of empowerment that comes with being able to take back a narrative that says “hey, you’re not supposed to be in this narrative” or “You’ll like what we put out and you’ll stick with it” or “Well, if you don’t like it, create your own” and say “Okay, I will.” And, obviously the comments are lovely, having that kind of instant encouragement, and in the small fandoms in particular, it’s VITAL, but I also don’t feel like they’re inherently mandatory or that readers should feel FORCED. But I do love that, no matter what, something you write can connect with someone from the other side of the world. Like, people can argue all they want about fanfic being valid or not, but MOST people who want to be professional writers never get that. And when you stop and think about how we’ve been changing the narrative for as long as we’ve had oral stories, that this is how storytelling was ORIGINALLY done...that’s very humbling. 
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Carrytale - Chapter 2: Chara
With Frisk in her arms, Toriel began her trip through the ruins. The ruins were full of puzzles. Toriel explained to Frisk that puzzles were integral to monster architecture and defence. Frisk did wonder how some of them were considered puzzles due their, simplistic nature.
“Who were the puzzles meant for?” asked Frisk. 
“They were meant for our human enemies. Even outnumbered a lone human has a good chance of defeating mere guards. Thus puzzles were created by mandate, a fusion of diversions and doorkeys!”                                              Toriel uttered the line passionately but spoke as if her words were rehearsed, perhaps she had explained this many times before; ‘was she a teacher?’ Frisk wondered what her job as caretaker meant.
“Aren’t these puzzles a little simple for defence?” Frisk queried
“They are child but i chose to edit the puzzles myself, to make them less deadly and to make solving them faster. It’s odd luck but human children always seem to survive the fall into the ruins and human adults don’t. Its not right to throw a child into a situation where they could die horribly.” Toriel certainly was a wordy woman, though passionate. Frisk was growing fond of her.
As they went through the ruins Toriel deftly solved each puzzle and reset them when she was done. Before long Toriel’s stride had carried them to a cute looking house, in front of it was a leafless tree and piled up across the court were red leaves. “This is my home, You’ll be staying here with me child”.       “thank you miss Toriel!” replied Frisk who was ecstatic at the site of the house. “you can call me Toriel, child”, Toriel felt cool as hell saying the line and wore it on her face, Frisk began to smile, there soul filled with DETERMINATION.
Toriel escorted Frisk to a dining table, oddly there was no door into Toriel’s house, only a door frame. In the room with Frisk was a roaring fire, a bookshelf and a large reclining chair. Toriel sat Frisk at the table and sat next to them on a separate chair.                                                                                                 “Now child let’s celebrate your arrival, how about a Pie?” Frisk felt a twinge of fear, they weren’t a big fan of Pie. “what kind?” Frisk asked, Toriel smiled anticipating what was coming “How about a Cinnamon and butterscotch pie?” Frisk was excited just thinking about it and gave a hearty thumbs up to the idea. “wonderful, I just need some ingredients, I will be back soon” Toriel went to the kitchen to grab a bag                                                                                “uhm, Toriel!” Frisk cried trying to intercept Toriel. She turned back to Frisk “what should I do while you’re gone?”                                                             Toriel pondered it momentarily before picking Frisk up and placing them in the large reclining chair, she followed up with the question “would you like a book?” she asked whilst holding a random book.                                                               Frisk accepted the offer, they glanced down at the cover ‘1000 outrageous snail facts!’. “I’ll be back soon!” Toriel had skipped on out before finishing the sentence, Frisk could tell by her voice that she was excited. As interesting as snails probably were, Frisk wasn’t in the mood. They looked at the fire which burned with no fuel source and they began to drift off to sleep; just before falling asleep completely Frisk faintly heard the words “good night”.
Frisk dreamed, they dreamed of the mother who didn’t last and the father that couldn’t stay. They were forever motionless and wordless like photographs. Then that same nightmare: endless darkness and a thousand prying hands pulling and tearing and grabbing every inch of their body. This time however the hands were thorny and dug and million tiny cuts into their skin.
Frisk bolted upright, sweating, gasping for air, coughing; running their hands over the non existent bruises and cuts from the dream. Frisk’s eyes scanned the room, it was an unfamiliar room and they were in an unfamiliar bed. The room was dimly lit by a nightlight. There were only two curiosities about this room, first was the slice of pie left on the floor, second was the person slumped against the wardrobe staring at it.
They appeared to be much older, Frisk thought and they wore a green jumper with yellow stripes. The person was staring in Frisk’s general direction and remained that way only for a moment. Realizing Frisk was looking directly at them gave them a fright. “Wait can you see me?!” exclaimed the strange person. Now in Frisk’s mind there was lunacy, but believing you're invisible was a new kind of bizarre.
“Yeah of course I can see you.. are you okay?” Though Frisk wanted an answer the list of possible answers didn’t look promising.
“I.. My name’s Chara, I’m.. a.. ghost”. Frisk couldn’t have imagined a more perfect answer. “Whats your name!” said Chara, her voice brimming with her excitement. “My name is Frisk.. ‘ts pleasure to meet you” Frisk put their right hand out for a handshake, half courteous habit, half ghost checking. Chara, acutely aware of what was going, and annoyed by it, accepted the handshake and watched Frisk freak ever so slightly at the sight of her hand moving through theirs. 
“Anyway Frisk, I was with you all the way back at that hole you fell into, but only now you are able to see me.” Frisk, after calming, interrogated Chara; “Why can I only see you now?” Chara pondered briefly they responded “Its probably your determination that’s changed-” Frisk guested to their confusion “It’s a human souls power, as far as I understand it. They were still studying it when I was alive. If you have a lot of DT it could be why you can see me now”
“well-” began Frisk “why don’t you tell me all about yourself Chara?” asked Frisk with a huff.
“Well I’m Chara Dreemurr, my mom is Toriel, my dad is Asgore and-” she paused, “my brother was Asriel, I was 15 years old when I died”. Frisk wasn’t oblivious to her reaction, but remained wary. “Was your brother younger or older than you?”                                                                                                   “younger, maybe your age” Chara buried her head in her lap, trying to avoid Frisk’s gaze. 
Frisk looked away from Chara, unable to think of something to say and glanced up to the door. In doing so they clearly noticed Toriel staring through the a gap in the doorway. Toriel realizing she had been seen quickly moved away. Frisk called out to her “Toriel?”.Chara looked up to the door as well. Toriel sat still for a second or two before opening the door again. “Child would you like something to eat?” frisk nodded. Toriel grabbed the pie and frisk and brought them both back to the dining table.
Toriel sat Frisk down at the dining room table, “have you tried the pie yet?” she asked. Frisk made a gestured no; “well go on” Toriel watched on in anticipation. Frisk took a bite of the Pie, the taste made Frisk’s face light up, such a wonderful sweetness! thought frisk. Toriel didn’t need to be told, expression was enough. “Should’ve tried it sooner child, I’ll get the rest of it for you”. Toriel went back to the kitchen and brought back several slices of the pie. She then returned to wash up.
Frisk turned to look at Chara who was sitting against the table itself. “Chara, when you said your mom was Toriel, did you mean that Toriel?” Chara looked to frisk, alarmed, then her eyes darted to the kitchen which had become oddly quiet. “Yes she is my mother” 
Chara paused to gather her words. “I’ve been dead a long time, I wonder if she remembers me.” Chara was clearly somber. She continued, speaking slowly trying to fight the weight of it.
“I’ve haunted these ruins just as long as she has, the humans that ended up here, I sometimes got to speak with them too” Chara began to sniffle and hack, despite being a ghost.                                                             
“but... she doesn’t even hear my voice, she can’t see me either” Chara began to moan through her words, Frisk too was beginning to feel the weight of that sorrow. 
“I just want to tell her, tell her that i’m sorry; Azzy died and its my all fault, I just wish I could even beg for forgiveness for getting my brother killed like a fucking idiot” Chara slammed the table but her ghostly fist made no noise.
Frisk fought hard against tears of her own, Chara’s sudden downpour left them unprepared and startled; they learned too late that it was her sore spot. Chara had clearly been suffering a long time. “I’m sorry Chara, I shouldn’t have said anything”; Toriel’s voice could be heard, “Child?-” Toriel called, her voice full of fear “is someone there with you child?” Frisk looked to Chara and she looked back; 
nothing was said. 
Toriel looked back into the room, Frisk avoided her gaze. 
Toriel broke the silence, “Child, I decided I would give you a phone, just in case you need me. it should be there on the table”. Frisk checked the table and found the old looking phone. It was ‘functional’, the only number in the contacts was Toriel’s.                                                                                                             Frisk suddenly had an idea, they whispered to Chara. “Chara, do you wanna test something for me”
Toriel worked slowly, listening intently for the child’s voice, but they had gone silent . Suddenly her phone rang, It was coming from the phone she had given to the child. She looked around the corner to see the child was indeed waiting for the responce.                                                                                                           She accepted the call “child what are you doing?” she asked. 
Toriel watched as the child held the phone out to the air. A voice came from the aether 
“Mom, mom can you hear me?” 
the trembling voice was unmistakable “Chara?” replied Toriel.
Frisk looked on at the tearful Toriel and the sorrowful Chara, a mother and daughter re-united. In seconds the pair were losing the ability to speak clearly through all the moaning and the sobbing. Despite that they were happy; how many life times had they spent apart? Frisk didn’t know but they knew it didn’t matter. Toriel managed to pull herself together long enough to run up to Frisk, she picked them up and hugged them dearly before spinning around the room, kissing them and thanking them.
Such overwhelming joy, such unbridled happiness; Frisk felt it was one of the best moments in their whole life. The joy of reunited a family filled Frisk with DETERMINATION.
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