#these stupid fucking dorks.... they make me so happy :3c
ratpoizonz · 15 days
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hey (headcanons ur caramelcorn)
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king-of-space · 7 years
101 Dragon Age Questions
Going to answer it because I’m waiting for dinner
How did you get into Dragon Age? A friend of mine got a Bioware bundle I think, and gave me Origins.
Have you finished all three games? Nope, Currently starting Trespasser and at the beginning of DA2 (finished Origins)
How long did it take you to finish the series? I can say it took me around 50-ish hours to finish Origins and I’m currently at 105h on Inquisition.
What was your first Warden (gender/class/race/personality)? Curiously enough, it was a female mage elf. But since you can’t marry Alistair with that warden, I started a new game with a Warrior Female Human, Ellyah Cousland. Personality wise, I usually go for the dork sarcastic and maybe a tiny violent dialog. I can’t really remember, it was 2 years ago :T
What was your first Hawke like (gender/class/temperament)? First Hawke was a male mage, I actually forgot his name, with the sarcastic temperament. Best.Hawke.Ever
First Inquisitor (gender/class/race/personality)? Mage \female (my headcanon, they are agender but we have to choose one so YEH)\, again with the sarcasm violent dork. Also another headcanon, they aren’t a Lavellan, but a Mahariel (dalish origin from Origins), but that’s another story.
Favorite DA:O backstory? I only played the dalish mage and the noble warrior, so I’m going with the second one.
Preferred class overall? Mage. I wish they were stronger ;_;
Do you tend to play male or female characters most? Good question. I’d say it’s 50/50. Right now I have 2 male inquisitors created, and 1 female (let’s make it 2 then). on Origins I’ve only played female, on DA2 I’ve only played with males.
Share a pic of your favorite OC from any DA game. My “Lavellan”
Best Hawke quote? I have no idea, he’s a fun ball, all of them???
Do you prefer DA:O, DA2, or DA:I most? DA:O for nostalgia, DA:I for gameplay, DA2 for Handers
Favorite mission from DA:O? not the fade
Favorite DA:O party combo? Alistair, Morrigan and Zevran
Favorite DA:O companion overall? Alistair ;3c
DA:O: Did your Warden survive? She sure did
What did you name your Mabari? ...............I CAN’T REMEMBER???? 
Who did you choose to rule Fereldan? Alistair and Cousland duh 
Favorite mission from DA2? can’t say yet 
Was everyone loyal at the end? ladada da da dididada 
Did Hawke side with the Mages or Templars? Mages
Favorite DA2 party combo? Anders, Fenris and Isabella 
Did you give Fenris back to Danarius? I doubt I will 
Favorite main-story quest from DA:I? ooooOOOOOOOOH LET’S SEE, anything about the elves makes my heart pound faster. I LOVED the Here Lies the Abyss!!! 
Favorite DA:I place? Anything elf-like. Really. It’s where I was happy
Did your Inquisitor choose the Mages or the Templars? Mages
Which did you leave behind (Abyss)? Hawke. Here’s why: Anders died and I wanted him to join him in Andraste’s bosom. Besides, Strout had to restore the Wardens. 
Inquisitor’s feelings on being the Herald of Andraste? They don’t believe in it, but if the people want to, then what can they do? (aside from denying it every time)
What are your feelings on the Chantry? I’m going to skip this one sorry
What are your feelings on the Circle? Needs retirement tbh
DLC for the first 2 games: All of it, some of it, or none of it? All of them I guess? 
Favorite DLC mission overall? from the first game? I’ve only played the Shale one so I’ll go with that one, besides I love her  from da:I I loved the last part of JoH, but I’m sure Trespasser will kill me 
Favorite DA character overall? wHY.  DA:O - Alistair, Morrigan, Shale, Zevran, Barkspawn  DA2 - Anders, Merril, Isabella, Varric, Sebastian for the looks (I’m sorry I don’t know him yet), sometimes Fenris DA:I - Cullen, Samson, Solas, Bull, Sera, Harding, Cassandra, Ameridan, Dorian, Nug King, I’m pretty sure I’m forgetting someone 
Least favorite character? DA:O - Howe DA2 - hmm?  DA:I - eh
Who do you want to see return in the next game? Zevran. For sure. 
What kind of DLC do you hope for for DA4 (heh)? something about the return of the Warden?
Bloodmagic: yes or no? it’s a yay for me, my Mahariel is a bloodmage.  Again, it’s a type of magic that depends on how you use it. 
Funniest moment in the games? for starters, when you go talk to your companions on Trespasser? I cry.  The avvar-goat-situation.  The Bull x Quizzy x companions moment (yes, that one) I...can’t remember anything else
Creepiest moment in the games? BROODMOTHER 
A moment/action you regret in-game? Sentencing that stupid dude to tranquility in Inquisition. KINDA goes against what Mahariel is, BUT it’s still in character but eeh 
Who did you romance in your first playthrough for each game? DA:O - Alistair DA2 - was going for Fenris but ended up Anders DA:I - Cullen
Who do you wish you could romance that you can’t? SAMSON AND KREM 
Favorite romance overall so far? Alistair and Cullen. Dorian and Bull next. 
One romance you just can’t stand/doesn’t make sense/etc? none. Everything makes sense so shush
Which 3 DA characters would you want as your best friends? Krem, hmmmm I guess Bull and I DUNNO Anders because we could talk about cats 
A character you’d love to drop in a volcano and forget about? Solas (I kid, I love you my egg nug) the BROODMOTHER 
Best antagonist in the series? Coryphallus
Worst antagonist in the series? Howe. Annoying prick 
Something you do in EVERY DA playthrough, no matter what? ............romance the cute dork????????????
Describe your perfect playthrough for any DA game. Ay mate, I don’t know, I like the way things are eXCEPT, give us poly romances plz
Favorite Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor headcanons (any or all)? oH BOY HERE WE GO My Lavellan\Mahariel is in a poly relationship with Cullen and Samson :B  My Lavellan\Mahariel actually started on Origins, as a fake warden, went to DA2 and ended up helping Anders blow up the chantry and then went to the inquisition to help with Corypoopalus
Favorite non-Player Character headcanons? Samson redeems himself and continues to help mages in a legal safe way ;U; 
That One Headcanon that hurts to think about? @weirdsal ‘s Qunari dying
Fluffiest headcanon ever? OK SO HEAR ME OUT, Cullen is dozing off on a bed and Samson goes in for the cuddles and after Mahariel goes for the extra cuddles and it ends up in a pile of limbs and love and everyone is happy and they have a Mabari called Pepper
Your non-Player Character OTPs? Krem x anyone that makes him feel happy
Your absolutely NOTP? I don’t know? 
Who would you date if you could (as you, not your OC)? bweheheheh I DON’T REALLY KNOW??? Cullen
Who has the best character arc overall? hmMMM Samson
Who was written really poorly? good question, I have no idea 
Who do you wish had been given more story? Samson :B 
Favorite NPC? ..........guess
A character you think deserves more fan love? SAMSON 
Best story moment? I’ll come back to this one 
Favorite achievement? FIRST KNIGHT 
Any epic game play moments in any DA game? the end of Here Lies the Abyss 0:
Something you hate about any/all of the games? why are mages so much weaker than the others! 
Best non-OC quote? “I myself never had the pleeeaaaasssaaah”
Have you cosplayed any DA characters? I wish 
Who would you cosplay if you could (no holds barred)? Cullen, any Warden, Samson? 
Did you read the comics? nope
Did you read the novels? trying to get my hands on those 
Did you see Dawn of the Seeker? nap
Favorite OST song(s)? The themes and Tavern songs 
Do you take screenshots in any DA games? fuck yes? 
Do you edit images/gifs or make videos about DA? sometimes I put flower crowns on them yes
Have you ever made a DA Let’s Play? nay
What moment/memory still gives you chills/feels? that Warden Killing the dragon while reciting the Warden’s motto thing 
What are you hoping for from DA4? SAMSON, also some body-mod and maybe better hair. ZEVRAN 
What are you worried about for DA4? my laptop not running it? 
Favorite fanmix? ay mate
Favorite fanfic? I’ve only read one AND IT DESTROYED ME SO I’LL NEVER READ ANYMORE 
Favorite fanart/fanartist? @nipuni that’s for sure , @janearts 
Favorite fan musician/music? labadiii labadaaaa
Favorite cosplay(er)? :B
Favorite Let’s Play? :BBBBBBBBBB
Do you create anything in the fandom (write, draw, craft, gif, etc)? I draw
Do you participate in or run a DA RP? nope
Are you on any DA forums, chats, reddit subs, etc? nay nay 
Do you run an DA-themed blog/page/website? my blog is 95% DA, does that count? 
Do you have any friends who love DA too? I sure do
Did you get someone into DA? Yes
Do you own any DA merchandise? the artbooks and the playing cards
Have you ever made any DA-themed crafts (clothes, toys, etc)? no but I want ;_; 
Which actors would you cast for a movie of your fav DA game? DUD ok, Cate Blanchett as Morrigan, I’m sorry
Do you use game mods? nay
What’s your favorite DA mod? that Cullen with stubble and messy hair makes my pants drop
If you could be any non-Human DA species, which and why? Elves, because they are amazing and I love everything elf related 
Where would you live (Fereldan, Orlais, Free Marches etc?) eish, I have no idea mate 
Circle, Templar, Chantry, Guard, Seeker, Inquisition, or none? Inquisition
If you could meet your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor, what would you say? Warden: Marry me Hawke: Marry me Inquisitor: Marry me
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