#they’re so cute in their little lab coat 🥺
radioproto · 4 months
Science critters!!!!
cw bl00d in a syringe
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Not Me Episode 6 Thoughts:
- Oh, boy! Did the gang not kidnap White? Is this a legit kidnapping?
- Yeah, “Black.” Get closer to Sean slowly :)
- Awww! He’s crying!
- How’d these people even get in here? Where’s Gumpa?
- Mmm, Sean doesn’t like you threatening his future boyfriend
- How could they know they’re planning to break into the manufacturer? Is this a Gumpa test again?
- Sean called “Black” his friend 🥰
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- Ugh, White! Don’t give up your friends!
- It was a test! 😂 Wow, that was a good one. No wonder Sean called Black his friend. It was all a ruse.
- Sean is like, ugh, Black! You’re the worst. Why do I like you now?
- Gram is gonna be so sad that he just ratted him out :( Yok and Gumpa, sure. But you could’ve left Gram out!
- Ahhhhh I can’t watch! The secondhand embarrassment!
- Yok is so mad!
- I mean, testing him by deceiving him, Gumpa. So technically…
- He’s crying!!!! Don’t yell at him! 😭😭😭
- Your life is worth more than you think 😭🥺 Sean doesn’t know how to handle that!
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- Aw, Gumpa still bringing “Black” water :)
- Why did he drink it like that?
- How did White manage to turn this around? He’s getting better at this.
- Yok’s like, dang it, he’s right, but I hate it. We need to make sure our principals are out front and center
- What kind of substance are you adding, Sean??
- If I could trade my life for his death, I would. Sean! I’m worried about you! :*(
- Uh-oh. He definitely sprawled out on White’s spot on purpose.
- Are you drunk, Sean?
- Almost like he’s not the same person, Sean.
- “I’m seeing the bigger picture now.” “I can’t go back to who I was.” “I was berserk back then.” Don’t say things like this, White! Black has to come back eventually! You’re messing up all his relationships!
- He just wants to make sure they all live :\
- Our society has become accustomed to it :( They’re really coming for my heart already in this episode
- White is making good points. I’ll give him that.
- Tell us why this mission is so important to you!
- I love the dramatic music every time Sean touches White.
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- Hahaha drunk Sean is touchy-feely
- Aw, he tucked him in bed :)
- Finally, the backstory! So his dad was the truck driver that got killed for running drugs for Tawi, and Tawi got away with no repercussions
- Poor White. He’s like not again.
- You hugged me very tight. :)
- Yok/Gram team up :)
- White! He’s like, are you sure it’s safe? Here, Gram, you try it! Poor Gram :( he’s going, I thought I was special to you 🥺 ask Sean!
- Now Yok wants Gram to try it? They’re so mean. Oh, Gram researched it, but just doesn’t want to eat it 🤣 Maybe they’re remembering when he said Tawi’s house was empty
- White’s making a dumb face, and Gram’s like, he’s so cute :) Look at the affection on his face :) One smitten man.
- I wonder if Yok has told anyone he’s stalking a cop.
- Oh, they have ear pieces now? Fancy
- He doesn’t want to check alone :(
- Oh, smart. Getting a lab coat.
- I see a smiley face; I think Pran.
- Wow, White. I’m impressed. Using your brain.
- And then Sean comes up and chokes him out haha
- Can’t you just give me a little encouragement hahahaha
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- This is very expressive acting for only being able to see their eyes.
- Gram’s like, what if we can’t provide a safe escape for Black? 🥺 And Yok’s just like, stop stressing me out. I’m trying to have a good time here!
- They should use code names or something
- This would be a great time to tell Gram you’re in love with a cop.
- Yok, stop looking at Gram like that. You’re confusing me! What’s happening?
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- Gram’s confused. He’s like, this is not the gang member I want.
- I don’t know, Yok. It might be working for me.
- 😂 Okay, I love the Yok/Gram friendship now. More of this, please!
- You’re a sucker for love 😂 I love that this implies that Yok is prone to do stuff like become completely enamored with whomever he’s in love with at any given time (but obviously Dan is different. We know this. Yok knows this.)
- Yok doesn’t think Gram is a sucker for love? Oh, sweetie. You have no idea.
- You can’t like/be dating anyone because you’re always with Black 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Listen to your words, Yok!
- Liar. He’s like, you don’t know him… like I do
- Every time I see the poster photo of SeanWhite, I’m like where is the sad, scared Sean with this hair? I want to see him!
- Gram flung that thing away 😂
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- Yok might be having too much fun
- Stop calling his name with the guards around! They’re all dumb about this
- I really thought they were going to get caught for a minute.
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- Hey, this guy! Is he Mr. Techit? Where is he from? He was in Nitiman and something else?
- Uh-oh. White’s going rogue. Hmm, taking photos of the tanks with the canisters instead…
- Oh, no. If this music is any indication, Sean is very mad.
- Don’t forget to delete the CCTV footage, Sean!
- Teamwork 🥰
- Aww, look at Gram so concerned about Black :) Saying his name and rushing over immediately to grab him 🥰
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- Hey! Don’t push Gram over because you’re mad at “Black”!
- Ouch! Don’t hit him with your helmet!
- Sean says don’t interfere, and Gram and Yok just let him choke Black? Mmk
- I wish these episodes were longer :( every time they end, I’m like that’s it? You’re leaving us here??
- No Dan this episode :( I hope he joins the gang soon, so we can see more of him.
- Gram and White look so happy at the rally in next episode
- This was a good episode. Good White development. Good Sean backstory. Throwing more angst, confusing feelings, anger, cuddles, and tears on the SeanWhite fire. And of course, giving us the Gram/Yok heart-to-heart I didn’t know I needed. :)
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