هل تستحي من أن ترفع يديك إلي ربٍّ حَيِيٍّ يستحي أن يردهما صفرًا؟
Are you shy to ask from a Lord that is shy to return you empty handed?
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today i heard your name and broke down crying.
it was all i could do to not feel soul crushingly lost.
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may Allah ﷻ accept the aches in your bones and the fire in your heart
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story time:
i was in the masjid praying taraweeh (socially distanced) when the musalla of the woman to my right caught my eye. in that moment, from that angle, i felt as though i was sitting in the haram facing the rawdah, in the exact spot i would usually be breaking my fast in. i was transported spiritually and i felt a peace of heart that i haven’t known for a long time. this is how ramadan is supposed to feel.
after ending the salah with salam, i turned to her and asked her where she had gotten her musalla from since it was so beautiful. she wasn’t sure but i told her that looking at it makes me feel like im in madinah. then we went on our merry ways finishing off the rest of the taraweeh.
as i turned my head to the left to read the last salaam of my witr, a bit of fabric caught my eye. i looked up confused and was met with the woman trying to hurry away. i called out to her, “oh, no! wait! i didn’t want your musalla, just to let you know that it’s beautiful.” yet she insisted i keep it.
this is the spirit of Nabi ﷺ that lives on in every one of us; magnifying this spirit is what ramadan is all about.
now, every time i pray on my new musalla, i don’t only feel like i’m in madinah, i feel the love of Nabi ﷺ thanks to the beautiful gesture of this kind woman.
may Allah ﷻ accept her and all that she does. ameen.
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الله أكبر
something amazing happens when you say allahu akbar
you make zikr of Allah ﷻ, most high
and you acknowledge the insignificance of everything else
including your own whims and desires
your zikr, in essence, means
"i am nothing,
i come from nothing,
i will return to nothingness
only through Allah's ﷻ Grace am I ever anything."
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i long for those sujood that would alleviate all the stress and pain of this worldly life the moment my forehead touched the ground
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i turn to you my Lord ﷻ, recognizing that no other can mend my broken heart
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Please stop treating women like our existence is fitna
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sometimes the very people that are meant to root for you are the ones tearing you down
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an open letter to anyone facing their demons this ramadan
tw: brief mention of anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and abusive relationships
Your struggles are valid. Ramadan being the most blessed time of the year and also being one of the most difficult are not mutually exclusive. We are sometimes made to feel like Ramadan is magic in that only good and beautiful things can happen in Ramadan and that we shouldn’t be “downers” by expressing negativity in such a special season. Muslims from around the world try, within their individual capacity, to reap the benefit of this month. We are all trying, some of us are trying our absolute best and some of us are struggling to try to do very little. In some capacity, we are all fighting our inner battles. It’s made even more difficult when you remove those outwardly distractions that we use as emotional crutches like tv shows and songs. And even though you might be trying, it doesn’t change the toxic behavior of those around you. You might be feeling trapped in an abusive relationship, a dysfunctional family, or an unhealthy community, any and all of which contribute to feeling like you are just not doing ramadan right.
But that’s ok.
Because Allah ﷻ knows how hard it is for you. He ﷻ sees you fighting through your depressive slumber to get up for salah. He ﷻ is looking on as you battle an eating disorder at the iftar table. He ﷻ is watching as you pray taraweeh while full of anxiety. Allah ﷻ knows what you are going through, and He ﷻ is most grateful, the only One who can ever understand and reward you fully.
may you find tranquility, reward, and Allah’s ﷻ love this ramadan. ameen
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i’m just done with the disappointment of the dunya
oh Allah, make me yours and you become mine
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2020 reflections and thoughts going into 2021
2020 was the year many of us will remember as the year of the global pandemic, the whirlwind elections, and- more widely- the worst. but like with anything in life, this past year has had it’s highs and lows. don’t get me wrong; i don’t ever want to experience that gut-wrenching feeling that preys on the pits of your stomach as you drive past a massive freezer truck stationed in the street to collect dead bodies. but i think it’s important to look at every aspect of the situation. undoubtedly, 2020 saw some horrific moments, but we also saw some incredibly heroic ones. local grocery drives, teachers who showed up outside of students’ houses to help explain difficult lessons, and those who gave it their all on the front line are all reasons for us to have hope for humanity yet. so, even though this past year doesn’t feel like a bag of mixed apples, we really do have a lot to be grateful for. and so, without further ado, here are my 2020 reflections:
Allah ﷻ is with me, regardless of whether i’m in the masjid, at home, or in the haram. He ﷻ can be found ‏أين ما كنتم
one of the greatest forms of worship is serving the creation. praying nawaafil salah is undeniably a good deed, but the positive affects seem to stop at the one praying. when you help someone else, your impact has a butterfly affect towards your whole community
sometimes things are going to be messy and imperfect and that’s ok. you might miss assignment deadlines or not keep up with your journaling routine, but that really is ok. you are allowed to make a mistake. just recognize that it was a mistake and go forward accordingly
Allah ﷻ’s plan is the best plan. simple as that. don’t stress too much about planning out the perfect route to graduation or the next steps of your career to the point where if things don’t go as you had planned, you start to spiral. instead, have an idea of what you want to do but don’t be too attached to things following your track, since Allah ﷻ will protect you from what’s bad for you and only give you what’s best for you in the long run.
be there for others without any expectation of reciprocation. just do it for the sake of Allah ﷻ. He ﷻ will reward you. expecting from the creation instead of the Creator ﷻ is like asking a baby instead of your parents; it’s bound to leave you disappointed and under appreciated.
even if you struggled to get through today, be optimistic about a better tomorrow. it’ll help you stay grateful to Allah ﷻ for what He ﷻ has given you.
lastly, no matter how hard things get and how low you fall, remember Allah ﷻ is looking at your heart. your relationship with Him ﷻ is constantly evolving, so stay focused on doing the next best thing. if you missed your salah, be sure to pray the next one. if you prayed your salah, be sure to read quran. if you read quran, be sure to implement what you recited. always focus on the next good deed you can do, because we can never do enough for the Lord ﷻ who has given us everything.
going into 2021, i have some personal goals for which i’m hoping to implement certain habits to eventually achieve them. feel free to adopt some into your own routine as well:
more punctual daily azkaar
reading daily
a healthy sleep routine
dressing for success
less procrastination, more action
i kept it real simple this year because i know that these new habits will lead to overall self improvement, rather than achieving any one major milestone. i’ve got a lot to say about why i chose the items that i did, so check back for updates inshaAllah.
‏ونسأل الله ﷻ التوفيق
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my rage boils inside of me like a tea pot rolling on, screaming for some slight release; or perhaps something much less violent, like the thousand year old magma plotting beneath the earth’s surface to, at any moment, erupt and completely change the lives of those who live peacefully above it.
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three sides to the story: your side, my side, and the screenshots
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one of my greatest joys in life is making people cry
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it’s not ideal but i’m at the point where i’m my own support system right now
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