#this is just a silly little place I come to reblog 157 posts in an hour and then log off for another 3 weeks
dvmb-4ss · 11 months
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Google show me this guy as a cat plz
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what devious things are they planning. what deeds will they do.
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lost-in-sokovia · 1 year
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I posted 2,305 times in 2022
That's 2,264 more posts than 2021!
1,086 posts created (47%)
1,219 posts reblogged (53%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,361 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#btw soph - 1,075 posts
#paul dano - 157 posts
#andromeda✨ - 153 posts
#anon ask - 142 posts
#anon - 137 posts
#🌻 anon - 118 posts
#august edward nashton - 115 posts
#auggienation - 102 posts
#auggie nashton fanclub - 99 posts
#edward nashton - 78 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#i don’t want sympathy please don’t hit up my inbox like oh im so sorry like it’s fine i just have zero other outlets right now
My Top Posts in 2022:
alright, okay. You know who’d be like the cutest dad? Laszlo! Absolutely. No one can tell me otherwise. His baby got him wrapped around their tiny finger. A cookie before dinner? He shouldn’t give in but they look so sad!
don’t tell mommy
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disclaimer: 1. i wrote this at 1AM so there’s that 2. i’ve never actually seen the alienist because i can’t handle gore, but i like to think i’m still qualified enough to write for laszlo✋🏻
no matter how hard you tried, laszlo continued to one-up you and make you seem like the bad guy in comparison.
it had been a beautiful day; laszlo had a day off, so the two of you decided to take your daughter outside the city to a beautiful countryside where she could run and play among the flowers and tall grass in the meadows.
winifred loved when her father was home. he was the best storyteller and never failed to make her laugh with little tricks he played and silly faces he made. things at the institute had kept laszlo occupied and away from home recently, so this was a dream come true for little winnie. hearing her joyous laughs as she twirled in the grass, flower petals getting caught in her soft chestnut hair, and cheeks rosy from the sun.
after spending all afternoon relaxing on a blanket next to your husband as your four year old ran about joyously, your tiny family returned to the city to end the day with a meal together at home. winnie fell asleep on the way back as you gently picked the petals out of her hair, and ended up having to be carried up from the carriage. she continued to nap for thirty more minutes after being gently placed on top of you and laszlo’s bed, where she often decided to nap.
as she slept, you and laszlo busied yourselves about the kitchen, talking quietly and reminiscing on the day you’d had so far.
“how long do you think she’ll sleep?” laszlo questioned. you glanced in the direction of your room before looking back to your husband’s gaze.
“mm, i don’t know… if she sleeps any longer she won’t sleep tonight. could you go wake her up?” you asked in response. laszlo nodded with a smile before turning in the direction of the closed door.
as he slowly opened the door he scoffed to himself and shook his head at the sight of his daughter absolutely passed out. her skirt was bunched up and her little bloomers visible, her hair disheveled from both the day of play and sleeping on it, and her mouth slightly agape. laszlo crept towards her and cautiously sat down besides her, stroking her hair ever so lightly.
“kedvesem,” he cooed quietly. no response. he simply kept stroking her hair as he watched her chest subtly raise and lower as her breath escaped her lips. “kedvesem, my darling, it is time to wake up,” he tried again. he earned a shift and a nose scrunch from the little girl as she took a deep breath and closed her mouth. laszlo smiled and leaned down to kiss her head. “winifred,” he whispered. his daughter instinctively moved towards her father and curled up against his legs and waist in the fetal position, letting him know that though she heard him she did not care.
“come sit with papa, hm?” laszlo offered. he watched winnie’s eyes barely open as she sat up, before weakly crawling onto laszlo’s lap and resuming her sleepy state once more. “did you have good dreams? full of rabbits and music and the color green” laszlo whispered happily, listing off a few of his daughter’s favorite things. winnie nodded weakly and her eyelids began twitch. laszlo waited patiently until her eyes were half open and making eye contact before smiling and bouncing her gently in his lap. “look at those beautiful eyes, édes kislány! there’s my winnie,” laszlo cooed.
“papa,” winnie began slowly. “i’m hungry.”
“well, mommy and i are making dinner, would you like to come out with us?” laszlo asked. winnie sat emotionless in his lap for a moment as she pondered her options before giving a small nod against her father’s shoulder. laszlo clicked his tongue and bounced her slightly.
“come, let’s go see mommy,” he announced. winnie slid off laszlo’s lap before grabbing his hand as he stood up. she continued to blink her eyes awake as the two of them walked slowly into the kitchen where you smiled.
“hi winnie-boo, did papa come wake you up?” you asked. her sleepy expression slowly turned into a smile as laszlo gave her hand a squeeze.
“somebody said she’s hungry,” laszlo added.
“well, papa and i are making dinner, you can keep us company,” you winked. winnie slowly let go of her father’s hand as her little feet began to pitter patter about the kitchen. you smiled at your husband as he walked over to resume his work in the kitchen.
as the two of you worked, winnie walked about and occasionally peeked out the window to hear and see the bustle of new york city in the evening.
her wandering eyes eventually found the cookie jar and lit up, eagerness flaming inside of her.
“mommy,” you felt a tug at your skirt. you looked down at your daughter whose eyes (that were exactly like yours) peered up at you hopefully. “can i have a cookie? i’m hungry.”
“no, my love, dinner will be ready soon okay?” you declined gently, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. winnie’s eyebrows furrowed as she let out a huff before trying again.
“mommy please,” she persisted. you shook your head once more.
“baby i don’t want you to spoil your appetite, just be patient okay?” you calmly responded. winnie’s little foot stomped and you couldn’t help but laugh to yourself, choosing not to respond. with ever her father’s determination, she decided to switch plans. she knew she wasn’t going to get anywhere with you, but there was someone who would turn the world upside down for her if she asked.
walking innocently up to her father, she tugged at the hem of his vest and put on her best puppy dog eyes.
“papa,” she began. laszlo paused putting the plates out on the table and looked down at her, his heart melting at her cute little face. “can i have a cookie?”
laszlo did not miss a beat as he grinned and nodded. “of course kedvesem,” he confirmed. winnie’s eyes lit up as laszlo followed her to the ceramic jar containing the coveted chocolate chip cookies. laszlo was known to not think very thoroughly about his daughter’s requests, only wanting the best for her and willing to give her whatever she wanted to make her life enjoyable.
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282 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
I absolutely adore august!! Could you pls right something cute from before Eddie went to Arkham?
this is just something small i decided to write, i’ll be writing more about like, baby baby august because i have ideas :) i hope you enjoy this though!
so i can kiss you
“august edward nashton, give daddy his glasses back.”
the five year old giggled as he looked around in the clear frames, way too big on his little face. he sat in his father’s lap and edward laughed as auggie continued to turn his face the other way when eddie tried to grab his glasses. you sighed and shook your head, a small grin creeping across your lips as you walked over and hoisted your son into your arms.
“i look just like you daddy, don’t i?” auggie giggled as he looked at you with big, magnified green eyes. you tilted your head back and opened your mouth in surprise, causing your son to laugh hysterically.
“you know your daddy cannot see a thing right now,” you reminded with a smile, glancing to your boyfriend on the couch. edward shrugged and laughed, standing up to meet you.
“mommy is right, i wish i could say you look like me but i don’t even know!” edward agreed, looking at his son with exaggerated sadness. august glanced between the two of you and clumsily lifted the glasses off his face, no doubt smudging the lenses with his little fingers. he held them out to edward, who took them and placed them back on his face before smiling widely and holding out his hands. “there he is!! i can see my beautiful boy again!” he exclaimed, ruffling auggie’s soft brown locks.
august laughed and you smiled widely, listening to edward talk sweetly and lovingly to his son.
“daddy, why do you wear glasses?” august asked as his little hands played with eddie’s shirt. eddie groaned as he lifted august from your arms and into his, giving the boy a few more hair ruffles.
“i can’t see as well as you can, i didn’t eat enough carrots growing up,” he joked. august gasped lightly and you chuckled, edward shooting you a wink with his sparkly green eyes. “so i need these so i can see you and your mom better,” he continued. he reached out an arm and pulled you close to him, you resting your head on his shoulder and looking at your son inches away from you. “plus,” edward added. “this way i can see your mom whenever i want to kiss her.”
he leaned down and you cupped your hands on his cheeks as you kissed him, and august stuck out his tongue and exclaimed in disgust. you smiled against eddie’s lips before he pulled away and grinned at you.
“daddy that’s gross!” august laughed. you gasped in mock offense and eddie bounced your son a bit.
“gross?” edward repeated loudly. auggie scrunched his nose before edward kissed his head. “your mommy is so beautiful, she deserves to be kissed every single day,” edward said between peppering kisses all over his son’s face and head. august laughed as eddie pressed a kiss to his nose and you hummed in amusement. “i hope you look like your mommy when you’re older,” edward not-so-quietly whispered. auggie shook his head.
“i wanna look like you,” he argued. it was your turn to press a kiss on auggie’s soft cheek.
“that’s fine by me, you can be handsome like your daddy,” you agreed. pink dusted over edward’s cheeks as you leaned forward to kiss him again, eddie covering auggie’s eyes this time. august gagged and yelled as he batted away his father’s hand.
“icky!” he exclaimed. edward suddenly flipped him upside down, holding him by the ankles and august screamed joyfully. “daddy, let me up!” he begged between laughs.
“i’m not done kissing your mom!” edward replied as he looked down to his son. you giggled as you swiped some of the hair out of his eyes before reconnecting your lips. eddie swung august side to side gently and you broke the kiss from laughing.
“pick him up, babe,” you implored softly. edward nuzzled his face against yours before pulling your boy back up correctly.
“come on auggie, let’s go read a story,” edward cleared his throat. you watched as your son clung onto his father and pet his hands through eddie’s hair.
“mommy is so pretty,” you heard your son say. you smiled sadly and pressed a hand to your heart.
“isn’t she?” eddie replied enthusiastically.
“can i marry her?” august asked. you giggled lightly.
“ah sorry buddy! i was already planning on doing that.”
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332 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
ohh ok tommy prompt….let’s think….. how about, ohh how about taking all his shirts and sewing a little heart under the collar (where it can’t be seen) and like not telling him until one day he catches the reader doing it? Or maybe like it’s late at night at arrow house and there’s a storm and tommy wakes up to find reader gone but she’s really just on the porch watching the lightning and then they sit and watch it together?❤️❤️❤️
as someone who used to have HUGE anxiety surrounding storms but now find them kinda calming, i love the storm idea :)
found comfort
tommy began to regain his consciousness as a loud clap of thunder shook the roof of arrow house. he blinked his groggy eyes a few times and ran a hand down his face as his vision adjusted to the dark bedroom.
he turned his head to look at you, but upon being met by your absence he cleared his throat and sat up, looking at the disheveled sheets where your body once laid. he placed his hand in your spot on the bed, the body heat nearly gone. he slowly swung his legs out of the warm covers, clad only in his underwear. lightning flashed through the curtains and another rumble of thunder gently shook the delicate objects in the bedroom.
tommy listened to the pouring rain outside as he walked slowly down the staircase, running his hand along the smooth wooden railing. he glanced from side to side looking for you, until he found the silhouette of a figure outside the large doors, it’s head tilted up at the sky as it’s robe blew gently in the wind.
tommy grinned to himself, making his way over to the doors as carefully as possible, not to startle you. when he was finally close to you he snaked his arms under your crossed ones and around your waist, placing his head on your shoulder. you calmly took ahold of his hands in yours, placing them on your heart as you gave them a light squeeze.
tommy turned to look at your face, your eyes being lit up by the occasional lightning and the rain dampening your hair that blew in the wind. he kissed your jawline before looking up to the sky just as you were.
“you left,” he mumbled with another kiss. you inhaled and exhaled slowly, taking in the atmosphere around you.
“i used to be scared of storms, tommy,” you recounted to your husband. he nodded, his messy raven hair tickling your cheek and you grinned. “but now i’ve grown up and i’m no longer scared. i find comfort in the rain, i just wanted to come out and bask in my achievement.”
you and tommy stood still for a moment, rain drops hitting your faces every so often as the two of you rocked side to side. he shivered ever so slightly from the cool wind and you grasped his arms tighter.
“baby you must be freezing, let’s go back to bed, yeah?” you offered, pressing a kiss to tommy’s temple. tommy’s big blue eyes were still focused up on the sky, not responding to your proposal. you waited a few more moments before adjusting yourselves into a proper hug, your head on tommy’s bare chest as he held you close.
“no, let’s stay out a little longer. i’ve found the same comfort that you have in the rain.”
337 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
surprise, baby
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don’t come for me guys okay? especially the marvel fandom - my loves i promise i haven’t betrayed you, this man is just intoxicating🥴
warnings: angst, fluff, pregnancy, suggestion of abortion, language, jonathan being a bit of an asshole but he makes up for it (??)
you waited nervously in his office, listening to the clock tick-tock tick-tock as your heel bounced restlessly on the floor.
jonathan usually preferred you didn’t come visit him at work, he didn’t enjoy having you exposed to all the creeps who roamed gotham city. you weren’t afraid, however. you knew your husband wished to help people psychologically and that he dealt with some of the worst criminals in gotham city. the acclaimed dr. crane worked to help those who needed psychological attention in order to keep gotham safe for its citizens.
all that to be said, to a certain extent, you also knew your husband wasn’t a saint.
you fidgeted with the hem of your skirt nervously, constantly glancing at the ticking clock. one of jonathan’s assistants said he would be in shortly, as he was finishing up in a meeting. in the fifteen minutes you had alone to yourself in his office you had already paced, fidgeted with a few items in the drawers of his desk, drawn little doodles in his calendar, and talked yourself down from a panic attack.
the afternoon sun was bright in jonathan’s office. the blinds were barely opened, and you took it upon yourself to open them more to let in more light, telling yourself to breathe in the sun and think positively.
yeah, as positively as those pregnancy results received only thirty minutes ago at the doctor’s office.
you grabbed a lone picture frame from your husband’s desk to be met with an image of you genuinely smiling in bed one morning. with your hair disheveled and the sheets pulled above your chest, your nose was scrunched, your eyes were closed, and your grin was plumping your cheeks. you scoffed and shook your head, slightly embarrassed at the candid picture he had decided to print out of all the other pictures he had of you, but it still melted your heart he saw you as beautiful and perfect no matter how you looked.
you were torn from your thoughts as you heard footsteps approaching outside. you quickly placed the frame back where it was on the desk and took a deep breath. he would be happy. tick-tock. this was exciting. tick-tock. a new chapter for you and him-
“hello my angel,” jonathan’s smooth voice greeted as he opened the door. you turned your head to greet your husband with a smile as his icy blue eyes looked at you lovingly through his glasses. he shut the door behind him and walked over to you, kissing your lips gently. “i wasn’t expecting to see you here today,” he continued on as he took his seat across from you. you blinked, trying to hold back any sign of anxiety that he would surely pick up on.
“i know, i’m sorry… my plans got changed and i just needed to come here to talk to you,” you explained with a nervous smile. jonathan’s loving expression faltered slightly as he analyzed your tone and body language. he blinked, parting his pink lips before speaking.
“something wrong, (y/n)?” he asked quizzically. god, you hated when he went all dr. crane on you. you were his wife, for god’s sake. you took a deep exhale, trying to straighten up.
“johnny, i have some news for you,” you began, your stomach doing absolute somersaults as you bit your lip. jonathan’s blue eyes stared at you as he awaited your announcement, unsure of what to expect. “i’m pregnant.”
jonathan sat there. he just sat. sat there like stoic dr. crane, professional dr. crane, as if you were venting to him about your mental dilemmas and troubles. he blinked his long eyelashes after a moment and took off his glasses, setting them on his desk.
“i’m sorry angel, what?” he asked, leaning forward slightly as if he needed to get closer to hear you. you blinked, your jaw open as you took in his unexpected reaction.
“i’m pregnant, jonathan,” you repeated, harsher than the time before. jonathan blinked once again as if you were speaking a language he didn’t understand. he then leaned back in his chair, his blue eyes staring at the ceiling as he swallowed. you scoffed, both hurt by his lack of excitement and pissed that your intelligent doctor was at a loss for words over this.
“shit…” he muttered, his hands behind his head. you did a double take and scoffed.
“babe i know we weren’t necessarily expecting this, but i had hoped you’d be a little more excited,” you began, trying to stay level-headed and talk it out with him. your anger slowly dissolved into panic as jonathan continued to be unresponsive. you stood up from your chair and walked around the desk to kneel in front of him, placing your hands on his knees. “talk to me jonathan, please,” you begged with worried eyes.
his eyes slowly lowered to meet yours, and he adjusted himself so he was closer to you and his hands were atop yours. your husband’s expression, though still very concentrated, still gave you warmth and comfort as you looked into his big blue eyes.
“and, we’re keeping it?” he verified with the slightest raise of an eyebrow.
you yanked your hands out from under his and stood up immediately, looking down at him with pure rage and aggression surging through your veins.
“was that a happy verification of ‘we’re keeping it’ or a disappointed ‘we’re keeping it?’” you barked. jonathan sat up in his chair, staring at you calmly as he took a deep breath. being the doctor that he was, he was very good at staying calm as you got angry at him and it took some effort to push his buttons.
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375 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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warnings: cursing, fluff, brief discussion of menstruation, the shelbys being the shelbys lmao
“alright, i’m tired of calling her ‘florence.’”
you looked over at your older brother-in-law who had just set down his drink as he made the declaration out of the blue. your eyes then looked over confusingly to tommy, who shrugged amusingly before both pairs of eyes gazed back over to arthur.
you, tommy, polly, and the rest of tommy’s siblings all sat around the candlelit dinner table together, a rare occurrence considering all the business usually being done. however, as more and more shelby heirs were born, efforts were made to let the children all get together as often as possible to ensure close family connections between all of them.
john’s children, ada’s karl, and your little florence louise ran rampant through arrow house as they giggled and occasionally yelled gleefully. the adults sat in the dining room, the kids only occasionally running through for being told not to run through the dining room. it was a calm evening, most of the family pretty well planning to spend the night in you and tommy’s home. the stars and moon lit through the curtains and soft candlelight illuminated the rest.
“arthur, ‘florence’ is her name, as well as what we’ve been calling her the past two and a half years… what do you mean you’re tired of her name?” you asked skeptically, a hint of amusement lacing your voice as you stared at arthur.
“you don’t just get to change her name,” ada chimed in with her eyebrows raised, looking at her brother like he was a complete idiot or something. arthur raised his hands in surrender and leaned back in his chair.
“lemme finish me fuckin’ thought, alright?” he defended calmly. all eyes were on arthur and you glanced once again to tommy, the look on his face reading “this is gonna be good.”
“call me stupid-“
“easy,” john interrupted.
“-, but ‘florence’ just doesn’t seem like a shelby name, y’know?” arthur explained. john broke out into laughter and you blinked with a puzzled expression. ada mumbled a “jesus christ” and finn looked as though he was internally pondering the question.
“not a shelby name?” you regurgitated. polly rolled her eyes.
“i think florence is a fine name, a very pretty name. i’m not sure what you’re on about,” she glared in arthur’s direction. “too many letters for you to write out there, arthur?” polly added teasingly and john punched his brother lightly in the shoulder. arthur ran a hand through his hair and looked up to the ceiling.
“it’s just the way it sounds,” he added with a sigh. you couldn’t help but let out a laugh at this point, glancing to your husband with a small smile plastered across his face. tommy wasn’t going to comment, no. he wanted to see how this would all play out.
“‘florence shelby’ sounds- hey! katie, get off your brother,” john snapped to his kids in the other room before continuing. “‘florence shelby’ sounds like a right fitting name to me…” john thought out loud.
“but like, it’s long, isn’t it?” arthur continued on, gesturing with his hands. you squinted.
“why don’t you count the syllables in it?” ada asked, glancing around.
“syllables?” finn asked from the side.
“as in how many parts the name is broken up into,” polly explained. finn nodded as everyone mumbled your daughter’s name and brought out fingers to count with.
no, flo-rence.
“i count two,” you announced. ada, arthur, and polly nodded.
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478 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I posted 190 times in 2022
37 posts created (19%)
153 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 60 of my posts in 2022
#artOh - 22 posts
#between us - 20 posts
#between us the series - 15 posts
#winteam - 15 posts
#my gifs to you - 14 posts
#win x team - 11 posts
#my only 12% - 10 posts
#my only 12 percent - 10 posts
#buts - 9 posts
#cakeeiw - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#i was just going to post a silly little gif with a silly little 'prem cry good' caption and then look what happened
My Top Posts in 2022:
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It's been a week and I'm still going feral at the knowledge that there was at least ONE time in uwma where we saw Team wearing Wins clothes to class and we had NO IDEA
103 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
"I made him cry."
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122 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Let's talk Body Language aka: Cake Sharing Eiw
The thing that kills me from episode 10 is not only the extremely obvious jealousy from Cake but the proprietary way he acted around Eiw in front of other people. Especially when he felt like his place was threatened.
Eiw was always avoiding Cake in high school so they very rarely did skinship in front of other people. When they did it was made obvious by the surrounding characters reactions. But now Eiw is comfortable in himself and around others, clearly Cake had decided touching Eiw is fair game.
No.1 aka: The One We Saw Coming (thanks episode 10 preview)
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The arm Cake put around his shoulder when they were leaving, Cake pulling him in closer and acting as a sheild between the two as they walked away. He made sure he gave Tal absolutely no way to have a physical interaction with Eiw as they left. Stunning work Cake, very casually done.
No.2 aka The Obvious Intercept
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126 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
MO12pc have done such an amazing job at showing the growth and ages of these characters changing in such little ways beyond wardrobe and hair updates.
There's the obvious tension when sharing beds now and the character growth such as Eiws healthy social life and Cakes disinterest in girls but the scene that stuck out to me the most despite how subtle was the change in their wake up routine.
The essence of it is still the same: Cake over sleeping, Eiw harrassing him to get up, the physical touch of Eiw dragging him out of bed.
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But the vibes from before and after are so different. There's this physical chemistry that wasn't there before, when they were young it was all Eiw pulling funny faces and Cake pulling awake from him.
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157 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I've been on tumblr for a long time but this is the first time I've bothered looking at Year In Review and I am absolutely dead at the fact aftg is in the top 10 for books?
Other older books being on the list I get, they're classics or fantasy so they're sort of always popular but aftg?
This book that is out of date enough that the main character un-ironically wears jorts?
This book that sounds like a dumpster fire if you try to verbally explain the plot to an outsider who has no prior knowledge?
When I read aftg years ago i borrowed it from a friend who got it in a lucky dip at our towns only bookstore, I was surprised back THEN there was a healthily active Tumblr tag. And I know Tumblr has a way of making even small fandoms feel big but I DID NOT EXPECT NUMBER 8 OUT OF 100 IN THE YEAR 2022
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407 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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skyshipper · 3 years
blog tag
I was tagged by the very sweet @the-blind-assassin-12 (who has the cutest dog in the world in case anyone is wondering). 💛
1. Why did you choose your url?
Oh man, I fucking HATE coming up with blog names because everything I come up with is usually taken.  I started this blog several years ago to celebrate my love of Nick & June from the Handmaid’s Tale. I hadn’t been on tumblr in quite a few years and that ship brought me back to fandom land. I chose “sky” because when I’m on tumblr I feel like my head is in the clouds and “shipper” because I was here to post about a specific ship. Idk, I don’t love it and it’s not even a good concept but it’s staying forever because I loathe coming up with new blog names. I also get really confused on my own dash when people change their urls?? Lol, I’m a visual person. So anyway, that’s it. That’s the name. It kinda sucks but here we are.
2. Any side blogs?
Yep, but I pretty much abandoned it. I’ve found that one blog is more than enough to manage for me. I originally created it when I wanted to post stuff for shows outside of The Handmaid’s Tale. Then I decided that was silly and I should post whatever the hell I feel like. It’s very easy on social media to get caught up in likes, followers, reblogs, etc.....but ultimately I’m here for me.  I know 95% of the people who follow this blog came here for content for another show, but they don’t have to stay and that’s fine. I’m just out here doing my own thing, curating a list of shit I’m into at the moment.  If you’re into it too, then cool!  If not, that is also cool. 
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I’ve come and gone many times. I think I had a blog around 2014 for a show/fandom that shall not be named, which I rage deleted in a fit one day.  Then I had a lurker blog for a few years.  I think I’ve had this one for maybe 2-3 years??? I don’t think I logged in for the majority of 2020, because the pandemic rollercoaster took an emotional toll on me just like everyone else. I’ve made a conscious decision this year to only spend my free time & social media time on things that are making me feel happy, not anxious, frustrated or sad. Din Djarin brought me back here but I’ve stayed for Pedro Pascal. Pedro makes everyone happy, bless his beautiful soul. ❤️
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Nope. I tried queuing posts for a while but I just found it to be too much work. Now I just reblog/like stuff on the spot. 
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
To celebrate my love of Nick & June from The Handmaid’s Tale. I’m not really into the show anymore because the writing is total shit, but season one (when they were working off of Margaret Atwood’s novel) is still a masterpiece. 
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because Javier Peña is hot as fuck, that’s why. Listen, I have a hard time picking an icon and get irrationally attached to it when I do. There are so many great Pedro pictures and characters to choose from.  I still think of going back to my original Pedro icon from that Vanity Fair photoshoot because it’s one of my absolute favorite pictures of him and I still love it so much. I’ve been messing around in Photoshop trying to make a cool background for it and have failed miserably to create anything I like thus far.  So for now, Javi is staying.
7. Why did you choose your header?
Once again, because Javier Peña is hot as fuck, that’s why.  I never held a handgun in my life, but ohhhhh, so sexy when fictional characters I love do it. Same with the cigarette smoking. Good lord just thinking about this is making me feel things. 😅
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
This weapons set I made for Din. I’m still shocked that happened because that is BY FAR the most notes I’ve ever received on a post and it will probably never happen again. I peaked too soon, haha!  I just got Photoshop in February or March of this year after making mediocre gifs with a series of phone apps for years.  That was maybe the second or third set I ever made in Photoshop, so I was kind of stunned it took off like that. What can I say, everyone finds Din’s weapons as sexy as I do, I guess.  I do sometimes look at it and wish I would have made better quality gifs but I was, and still am, learning. Now when I look at I try and use it as a reminder that my gifs are slowly improving (at least I hope so anyway) and that makes me happy. I still get notes on that post daily which both surprises me and makes my heart all warm and fuzzy. 
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I’m not really sure because I never went through and counted??? Maybe 30ish?
10. How many followers do you have?
1363, at least 1200 of which came here for Nick & June. I hope all of you like Pedro Pascal & Star Wars because I’m going to be stuck in this mode for a long time!! 🤡
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
No, not that I can remember anyway. Tumblr & fandom in general are way more fun for me when I spend time focusing on good things.  Life (this past year especially) is hard enough. I just want to bask in the glow of Pedro’s beautiful heart and face, live in the fantasy worlds of Star Wars, read smutty things from amazing writers, and enjoy beautiful gifs & edits from content creators. All of these things bring me joy and that’s why I’m here. This is a positive vibes only space for me.
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
Too much??? I like to keep my work tabs open on my computer and then peak at pretty things throughout the day as a little reward when I get stuff done.  Sometimes that leads to unexpected breaks (like reading fanfiction at 11am on a Tuesday) but I’m not sad.  I work for myself so there is no one to get mad at me, just a pile of work that keeps growing because I’m screwing around.
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
Nah. I’m here for pretty things, wonderful writing and nice people. If someone is an asshole I just block them, problem solved. Which has only happened to me once that I can recall and it was years ago. I try to only follow people that cultivate a space for kindness and positivity as well, that way there is nothing to argue about......just mutual pining over lovely things.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Ugh, love/hate relationship. I definitely understand why people who create things want as many people to see it as possible. It takes a long time to create gifs/edits/write stories so I see the value in reblogs and user tags as a way to boost posts to get your stuff out there in front of as many eyes as possible.  Personally, I feel like people should reblog things only when and if they want to do it.  I never want anyone to reblog my creations because they feel like they have to do that.  I want them to reblog it because it made them happy and/or they liked something I created. Believe it or not, I notice when a follower of mine is a person that usually only “likes” my posts and then suddenly reblogs something with the nicest tags about a post saying it’s pretty, they love it, etc.  For me, that’s extremely rewarding because something I made resonated with that person.  I also believe that if you’re creating things only for reblogs or likes then you’re focused on the endgame and competition (getting the most notes, etc.) which is never a good headspace to be in for creating things. I know that can be hard because social media creates anxiety, depression and imposter syndrome, but the amount of notes on a post really and truly does not always equate to the best content.  So much of it is timing, or a post getting boosted by bigger blogs so more people see it.  I try to create things for myself first and foremost and if I am doing that and enjoying myself in the process, who cares how many people see it/like it/reblog it? At the end of the day I want to like what I create and feel like I’m improving my Photoshop knowledge & skills. That’s why I’m here and that’s what I try to stay focused on all the time.
16. Do you like tag games?
Yeah, I do. Except the music questions.  Why are there so many music/song questions?  I’m the kind of person that lets someone else pick the music most of the time. I also listen to a genre to fit the mood I’m in rather than a specific artist 95% of the time, so I find those song questions really difficult. I also like tag games because I really love to learn more about other people here. I’m really flattered when someone tags me in something because it means they want to get to know me better and since I’m both introverted and shy I always find that really nice. 🥺
17. Do you like ask games?
Yes!! I always want to do those but if I’m being honest, I’m shy and anxious so I always feel like no one will send me any asks if I do it.  Lol, that is peak anxiety my friends. Let’s just say I’m working up to doing one someday. I absolutely love reading them when others do them.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
Certainly @javier-pena ......I mean, those Din Djarin’s hottest moments and Javier Peña’s hottest moments are straight up iconic. Also @sirtadcooper whose icons/headers are absolutely amazing, instantly recognizable and rightfully used by so many people because they are fucking awesome!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Oh yeah, so many.  I have creator crushes on tons of people that are not mutuals too.  Jfc, there are so many lovely people here creating amazing things.  I will say that @sirtadcooper is honestly one of the sweetest, kindest people I have met in this fandom and one of the most amazing content creators here. A true beacon of original content that I admire greatly. I love that I can pick out her work so easily and that she has a clear style. I aspire to get to that point with my creations some day. @javier-pena makes the mostly insanely crispy gifs and has been very kind about helping me with gif questions in my obsession quest to constantly learn how to become better.  I think her gifs are magic at this point because I just don’t understand how they look that consistently amazing all of the fucking time?? Idk, I’m just glad she shares them with us. @trashcora makes some really amazing gifs that I just don’t even know where to begin. Sometimes I look at stuff like this of hers and wonder if people really appreciate the amount of time it takes to create things like that??  Same goes for @millenniumsfalcon where I just can’t even begin to think about how to create gifs that complex and beautiful. I don’t even know what to say, I’m just going to continue to admire these creations from my little corner of the web. As for writers, I absolutely adore anything @frannyzooey writes. I mean, I’m suddenly living for Dave York porn and I’ve never even watched that film??? I’m convinced anything she writes is pure gold. TMTC is one of the best pieces of fanfiction I’ve ever read. I must confess I’ve only read about 3% of the amazing fanfiction in the Pedro/Mandalorian fandom because I get stuck on Masterlists like hers that are so consistently fucking amazing. That and most of my free hours are spent clowning around in Photoshop. I can’t wait to read more stuff from so many other people here. I promise I have a list much longer than I have time for, but I’m getting there!
Tagging: @keeper0fthestars , @teamnick , & @filthybookworm if you would like to. 😊💛
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