#this is so shit so if a better artist wants to draw this pleeeeease do
adamsrcnan · 2 months
i am by no means a fanartist but i have this little headcanon of jean developing a nervous habit of fiddling with renee's cross necklace so i had to scribble it down
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854 notes · View notes
hijoonie · 7 years
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader Rating: Explicit Genre: Fluff, smut, angst / athlete!jungkook, artist!jungkook Word count: 24,263
Summary: Jungkook only cares about three things: Baseball, painting and his team, but soon he’s adding you to that list when love comes flying at him fast and hard, knocking him right on his ass. 
A/N: .... listen.... idk how 24k happened, but it did. I can’t stand looking at this any longer lol so please forgive any minor mistakes. Big shout out to @taechulo for helping me out with the plot for this bad boy & @jacksonsjams for being such a wonderful beta reader 💕
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It could have been his imagination, but Jin swears he feels the slightest tickle of rain on his face, so he reaches out his hand, palm upturned, to confirm his suspicions.
“Hmm.” He narrows his eyes at his dry hand, then glowers up at the overcast sky and heaves an irritated sigh. The weather forecast had lied. Again. This was the second time this week that, instead of sunshine and high temperatures, they were instead given downpour and gloom. Well, it wasn’t pouring yet, but Jin wasn’t about to get his hopes up.
“Alright boys, let’s pick up the pace. I want to get in at least some practicing before it starts to rain,” Jin calls over to his team, all stretching their limbs and grumbling a collective ‘Yes coach.’ They all look as miserable as Jin assumes they feel and just the tiniest part of him feels almost sorry for making them practice. Almost. The team needs to kick their practicing into high gear if they want to be ready in time for the new season and that meant no slacking, so Jin shakes off the slight guilt with ease.
He instructs half the team to do interval throwing – a partner drill where they throw the ball back and forth - while the other half of the team does base running.
Three rows down, doing the interval drill, Jungkook nurses a wicked headache and catches the ball that comes whizzing at him from the opposite end. He throws it back and Jimin catches it in his glove easily, yawning tiredly and putting little effort into his next throw.
“Fuck,” Jungkook grumbles right as the cowhide ball meets the leather of his glove “Why couldn’t he have just moved practice to tomorrow? He knows we’re all fucking hungover from Yoongi’s party.”
To his right, Yugyeom snorts “Because it’s Jin. Just be thankful he didn’t give us a lecture like last time.”
Jungkook only sighs, tips the brim of his baseball cap lower and shakes his head. He’s not done complaining; probably won’t be until the ibuprofen kicks in and the stabbing in his temple subsides. “And how the hell does Taehyung always survive the night and come out unscathed?! I mean, look at him! He’s literally doing cartwheels over there!” Yugyeom looks and yes, Taehyung is doing cartwheels in the grass while he waits his turn to run the bases. Yugyeom snickers but Jungkook doesn’t see the amusement in it.
Jungkook is a miserable bitch while hungover and he will never understand how anyone could not be. He always feels like a pile of shit – twice stepped on – the very next day. So seeing Taehyung so upbeat and… okay, makes Jungkook overcome with an urge to chuck a water bottle at his head. But he likes his friend too much, so he refrains and instead throws the ball back at Jimin.
“Whoa. Who’s that?” Hoseok says from Jungkook’s left, drawing him out of his self wallowing and making him turn to look in the direction Hoseok is drooling in. Jungkook’s eyes dry quickly from how hard he stares; jaw dropping only a sliver so that a whine of air could escape his lungs.
During Jungkook’s moment of awe, the baseball clocks him right in the forehead before Jimin can squeak out his name in warning.
[Seokjinnie]: Left my wallet sitting on your counter this morning. Think you could drop by the field and give it to me on your way to class :D?
[You]: … you gotta be kidding me
[Seokjinnie]: Pleeeeease~
[You]: This is the third time this week you’ve forgot it!! I swear to god I’m going to glue this damn thing to your forehead.
[Seokjinnie]: You wouldn’t dare! It’s made of premium leather!
[Seokjinnie]: ….soooo you’re going to drop it off… right?
[You]: Yeah yeah, after I buy a coffee with your card
[Seokjinnie]: Brat!! <3
With a nice, steaming to-go cup full of coffee and Jin’s wallet securely placed away in your bag, you weave through the early morning hustle and bustle of the city, dodging elbows and biting back the urge to scream whenever you get trapped behind someone exceptionally slow paced.
Although it’s Spring, the weather reminds you much more of Autumn. The air has that crisp bite to it like like how it feels in October and you’re glad you hadn’t packed away all your knit sweaters just yet, feeling nice and toasty in the oversized grey one that you’re currently wearing.
By the time you reach the university, strolling across campus and to the baseball field, the remaining sip of your coffee has grown cold and so you toss it in a nearby bin, nearly discarding your phone with it and giving yourself a mini heart attack. You clutch the device to your chest for only a moment and yelp when it vibrates between your collarbones.
[Seokjinnie]: Are you here yet?? I’m hungry and want to buy snacks from the vending machine…
You roll your eyes at the message and slip your phone into the pocket of your jeans. You can see Jin standing between home base and third, staring down at his phone and fidgeting his thumbs above the screen, probably contemplating sending another text. He hates it when you don’t reply quickly.
Ducking into the dugout, you avoid tripping on scattered shoes and bags, crinkling your nose at the sour smell of sweaty socks and men’s body odour, and pop out onto the dirt.
“Jin!” You call over to your friend who lifts his head and waves. He wanders over to where you stand, offering him his wallet at the end of your outstretched arm.
“Took you long enough.” He takes the wallet, then rubs at the top of your head, ruffling your hair. You whine, swatting away his hand and trying to pat down the mess he’s made; running your fingers through your strands until you think you’ve tamed it all.
“Be grateful I even brought it, I-“
Your sentence is cut short by the thunk! and loud yelp coming from a few feet away. You glance over Jin’s shoulder to see a crowd of guys standing around their teammate who was lying on the ground. Jin is quick to spring into action, jogging over to the group and without really thinking, you follow suit.
“What happened?” Jin questions, easing into the heart of the group that makes way for him. Somehow you find yourself right in there with him, peering down at a young man with his eyes screwed shut and half his face covered by his two large hands.
Jimin looks up from where’s he’s crouching on the ground next to the other boy. “I-I hit Jungkook! I threw the ball and he apparently wasn’t looking and it got him in-“
“Ow, fuck! My head!” Jungkook bellows.
“Yeah, there.” Jimin’s voice quavers, blanching the longer he stares at the bloodied gash on Jungkook’s forehead.
The rest of the team murmurs amongst themselves, idly standing by until Jin instructs them to keep practicing. There was nothing to see and standing around wasn’t helping anyone.
“Y/N, take care of him while I go find the first aid kit.” Jin nudges you forward, hand pressing into the small of your back and you bumble towards the guy on the ground.
“W-what?!” You awkwardly stammer.
“You’re a doctor!” He calls over his shoulder, already halfway to the dugout.
“A veterinarian!” You correct, though really, he isn’t wrong. You were just a different kind of doctor. One who treated furry friends, not grown men.
The low moan of pain coming from around your feet draws your focus back to the situation at hand “Oh. Okay, okay.” You drop to your knees, not caring that the dewy grass was staining your jeans, and reach your hands out to where the guy clutches his head. He’s reluctant to let go when you try to gently pry them away.
“You gotta let go – uh..” You glance towards the other male – Jimin, you believe his name is – in hopes that he’d provide you with the bleeding one’s name. But he doesn’t, just remains still, worrying his bottom lip and occasionally blowing deep breaths upwards so that the air flutters his caramel coloured hair.
“Jungkook,” The injured boy provides instead, letting his hands fall away and resting them across his stomach.
“Jungkook,” You parrot. He likes the sound of his name wrapped up in your silvery voice.
“You’ve got a pretty nasty cut here, how about you sit up a bit so I can get a better look at it, hmm?” Jungkook simply grunts in response but does as he’s told, though the movement makes his head spin a bit and he feels like he wants to throw up. Was it the injury or was that just his hangover acting up? He wasn’t sure, but what he does know is that the way you press your hand between his shoulder blades, aiding his movement, has him feeling just a tad bit more stable and alive.
You dig around in your purse, retrieving a water bottle and a few napkins you had stashed away. You pour some water onto the napkin and very gently press it against the wound. The coolness and the pressure makes Jungkook hiss and you whisper an apology. You use your free hand to push back his sweaty bangs and try not to blush from the way he’s silently watching you. He’s cute, you have to admit. Probably looks cuter without all the blood on his face.
“Got it!” Jin exclaims, waving the first aid kit in the air and placing it in the grass beside you.
“Ah, Jimin! Do you mind grabbing me the antiseptic wipes and gauze?” You thought it best if he was distracted with helping because the queasiness written all over his face was really beginning to worry you, and you did not want to deal with vomit too.
“Okay,” He mutters, searching around the first aid kit until he comes up with each item you requested.
You instruct Jungkook to keep holding the pressure to his head while you tear open the antiseptic package. Once in hand, you replace his hand with yours and peel away the bloodied napkin, beginning to wipe around the wound and biting back a sadistic laugh that bubbles in your chest each time Jungkook let’s out a soft whimper or whine, sounding far more delicate than he looks.
“Gauze?” Jimin hands it over and you hold it to Jungkook’s head “Oh, and that tape right over there,” You wag your finger at a roll of medical tape and Jimin snatches it up with a look of question “Yup! Thanks.”
You manage to do a pretty decent job at patching Jungkook up, if you do say so yourself, leaning back a bit and taking a look at your handy work. “Hmm, not bad.” You unfold yourself at the knees and straighten out on your feet while Jimin helps Jungkook onto his own.
“He’ll probably need to head to the clinic though. Might have a concussion but if not, he should still get some rest,” You tell Jin who nods his head.
“Thanks, Y/N. Would you mind taking him there on your way to class? Since you’re right next door?” He feels bad for asking so much of you today but he’ll make it up to you with dinner later on.
You smile and nod your head, allowing Jimin to maneuver him around so that Jungkook was slinging an arm over your shoulder and you were wrapping yours around Jungkook’s waist.
“I can walk, I’m fine…” Jungkook speaks softly; embarrassed.
“I know you can, but just lean a little on me for a while okay? You just got hit in the head. Don’t want you stumbling ‘cause you’re dizzy and smacking the other side, now do we?” You grin when he titters a little and shakes his head no, letting you lead him away from the field and the team that hoots and hollers after him. You don’t know why they do it, but you assume it’s just a baseball thing (you don’t want to assume anything else).
“There we go.” You slip out of Jungkook’s hold after you seat him on the edge of an empty bed, waiting for the nurse to finish up with another patient.
“Thank you,” He mumbles through a shy smile, peeking up at you through his lashes and dear god – the sight makes you want to melt into a puddle on the floor because he’s just so darn cute and you want to pinch his cheeks and pat his head and- you carefully remind yourself that he is not a puppy no matter how much he may look like one right now.
“No problem at all.”
Now that it’s just the two of you and there’s less blood, less people and less open space, you take the opportunity to take in his appearance. He’s dirty – grass stains on the knees of his off-white coloured pants and dirt up the side of his outer right thigh, grime on one cheek and drying blood trails on the other. He’s wearing a black jersey with the number one printed on the back; ‘Jeon’ underneath it, ‘Jets’ written in red across his chest. Dark brown hair hangs into matching rich, coffee coloured eyes and you get lost in the way he licks at his soft pink lips.
Jungkook fidgets in his spot, feeling self-conscious from the way you’re so obviously eyeing him up, but also feeling confident because he has yet to see a reaction that’s anything other than interest.
He waves a hand in-front of your face and you blink a couple times, stiffen and flush in humiliation for having been caught. Not that you were really trying to hide it.
“S-sorry, I just-“
“It’s okay, you don’t have to explain,” He clears his throat a little “So, your name’s Y/N?” He remembers from earlier on.
“Yeah, it is. Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise. Are you, uh… Jin’s girlfriend…or something?” Jungkook feels silly for asking, but his curiosity was getting the better of him and he just has to know.
Has to know if he has any chance at all with you.
You snort and toss your head back, laughing “I love the guy, but not like that. He’s my best friend actually. Met him a few years back when he was tutoring for some spare cash. I sucked at chemistry and he saved my ass from failing.”
“Ahhh.” Jungkook nods slowly and stamps down the relief that was threatening to spill out and paint ‘Please let me rock your world’ across his forehead. He wants to say more, has this urge that’s scratching in the pit of his belly to get to know you but you’re glancing at the clock on the wall and frowning.
“My class is about to start so I gotta run. Take care of that head of yours, yeah?” You throw him a wave over your shoulder, already halfway to the door before he can even process fully what you just said. So he dumbly waves back, looking a little dazed.
He doesn’t even get a chance to ask for your number before you’re out the door and leaving him alone in the room with nothing but a throbbing head and a weird fluttery feeling in his stomach – Constipation? Or was it nausea? Maybe he should get the nurse to check his temperature too.
The repetitive vibrating beside your head makes you groan tiredly as you reach over and blindly grab at your phone, fully intending to deny the call but ending up accidentally accepting it.
“Y/N?” You can hear faintly “Y/N? Hello?” A little louder this time. The third time you hear your name you suck in a deep breath and peel your eyes open, pat around for your phone until you find it half under the pillow.
“Hello?” You reply, voice hoarse.
“Are you seriously sleeping right now? It’s two in the afternoon!” Jin’s voice is too damn loud in your ear and you have to pull the phone a good distance away.
You wipe at the drool at the side of your mouth and sigh “I was up all night working on a stupid paper.” Your eyes squint and burn from way the sun reflects off your floor boards and shines right in your face. “What’s up?”
“What are your plans tonight?”
“Uh, nothing. Probably going to just order some takeaway and watch Netflix, why?”
“Change your plans. I want you to come to the baseball game tonight. Hey! Don’t whine! I know you hate baseball but at least come and support me. The team has been working hard all spring and this is the first game of the season. It would mean a lot to me if you came.”
You mull the idea over in your mind: Baseball? Boring. Lot’s of people? Too loud. Hot dogs and pretzels? …
“Alright, I’m in. But only for the damn pretzels. I’m not going to enjoy myself and you know it.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever. We’re throwing a party after whether we win or lose, so either way, prepare to drink your face off.”
It wasn’t often that Jin held parties, or condoned them, but when he did that meant everyone was getting shitfaced and no one was waking up without feeling like they’ve emerged from the pits of hell.
“Yes dear,” you coo sarcastically and Jin scoffs.
“Game’s at six, so get out of bed you lazy troll.”
“Love you~” is all he says before cutting the call.
Half of you wants to ditch the game just to spite Jin for calling you a troll, but the other half is feeling very curious about seeing the state of Jeon Jungkook, and because your curiosity has always gotten the better of you, the latter half wins. So you toss the covers back and trudge out of your room and into the bathroom for a shower.
By the time you reach the baseball field it’s nearly seven and the game has long since started. The Jets have a score of two to one against their rival team, The Eagles, and as you awkwardly shuffle past people in the stands to find a seat, the crowd begins to roar and the announcer comes over the speaker shouting: ‘Number 23; Kim Taehyung with a homerun!’.
You squint out into the field and see said player jogging around the bases with a wide smile and bumping fists with another teammate who you remember as Jimin.
You’re quick to find a seat after the audience settles back down. You’re far enough away that Jin can’t possibly see you and you briefly contemplate leaving since he’d have no clue, but the smell of fresh pretzels keeps you rooted in your seat and waving the vendor down so you can get your hands on one.
Baseball is not a sport that interests you. Matter of fact, you’re not interested in any sports, so you find yourself feeling rather bored and out of place. You watch as both teams run around, hit balls, catch balls and throw balls without a single clue about what any of it means or what the purpose is.
It isn’t until the seventh inning that your phone dies and you no longer have anything to occupy your time, that you start to (semi) pay attention. The home team is playing the field while the visiting team is batting. You glance around at each player on the home team, vaguely remembering names and trying to put them to faces.
Often, when you and Jin would get together he would talk about the team and the boys. He’d once listed off all twenty-five of their names but you couldn’t remember a single one, so he narrowed it down to the nine main players, telling you not only their names but also a bit about their position on the team.
If memory serves you right, then you think it goes like this:
Yugyeom: first base
Taehyung: second base
Hoseok (“The boisterous one” Jin had said “You’ll know what I’m talking about when you meet him”): third base
Jimin: shortstop
Yoongi: left fielder
Jackson (or was it Jason?): center fielder
Chanyeol: right fielder
Namjoon: catcher
And last but not least…
Jungkook (the ace): pitcher
Ah yes, Jungkook. He was easy to pick out from the many guys all dressed in their uniforms and sporting baseball caps. At first you aren’t completely sure if it’s him but when he pops up the brim of his hat and you catch sight of his full profile, you know. His features are soft but distinct and he stands tall and proud on the pitcher’s mound, gaze fixed ahead of him as he positions himself in the dirt, fist in his glove. You watch as he inhales deeply and at the end of his exhale he pulls his arm back and throws his pitch – a splitter to be exact (so says the announcer. Not like you had any clue what that meant). It flies so damn fast that by the time you blink, it’s already in the catcher’s mitt and the first strike is called.
It carries on like this for two more innings; The teams alternating between batting and playing the field. Jungkook throwing pitches, some batters struggling to hit, other’s getting their moment and cranking it out into the field. You find yourself fascinated by the way Jungkook licks his lips after every pitch as if he can taste the speed of it this way.
From his head, you work your way down his body, watching the way he throws himself into his sport; raising his leg and twisting his hips, gracefully regaining balance after he turns. You swallow hard when your eyes come down to his round, accentuated butt that looks too damn good in his pants and his thighs that flex beautifully each time he moves. You want to smack yourself when you get so caught up in the sight of him that you choke on a piece of your pretzel, eyes watering and struggling to breathe.
By the ninth inning the scores are tied. The Eagles have two men on bases three and one, and all they need is one more player to reach home plate in order to win. The atmosphere is tense, everyone anxious to see how it’ll all play out. You even find yourself at the edge of your seat, holding your breath.
Jungkook reels back and throws a pitch that has far too many hopes riding on it. The crowd is silent and the only thing that slices through it is the loud crack of the ball meeting the bat. It soars out into left field and Yoongi is running towards the wall, head turned back with his eye on the ball. He has his glove out, ready, and collides with the back wall when he jumps for it, desperate for the catch.
There’s a brief moment where you think he has it, but instead of throwing the ball back, he’s instead snatching his cap off his head and tossing it to the grass in frustration. It’s a homerun. Knocked right out of the field. All three of the players make it to home plate with big smiles and the cheers from the opposite side of the audience clash with the disappointed cries on your side.
The Jets lost.
This only meant one thing: Jin was busting out the expensive tequila tonight and you were guaranteed to be completely smashed by the end of the night.
Needless to say, by the time eleven o’clock rolled around, you had become everyone on the team’s new best friend (all thanks to the alcohol).
You dance with Jimin, Hoseok and Yugyeom; smack dab in the circle and not complaining about the way they move against you. Welcoming it, really.
Get destroyed in a game of beer pong with Jackson as your teammate, Namjoon and Taehyung on the opposing team.
Excitedly chat with Yoongi and Chanyeol about the newest Drake album and discuss your favourite songs.
But there was one guy missing from the mix.
You had seen Jungkook briefly when you arrived at Jin’s. He had waved at you from his seat on the couch as Jin dragged you to the kitchen to get a drink. From there you had become too preoccupied with officially meeting everyone and participating in activities that you hadn’t found the chance to slip away and find Jungkook. Not that you had been looking for him, even though your constant peeking around the room said otherwise.
He seems to always disappear like smoke each time you think you catch a glimpse of him, turning back around only to find someone completely different in his spot. So, you stop looking and focus more on enjoying yourself.
The amount of alcohol in your system was enough to make a heat pool in your stomach and creep across your skin. Things grew a little fuzzier and Jin’s lame jokes became a little funnier.  You were glad you dressed comfortably – opting for black jeans and a white tee, matched with your favourite pair of sneakers –  because a number of times you were having to pee was excessive and would be annoying wearing something a little more complex.
On your way to the washroom (again) Jin jumps out of nowhere with a mischievous grin and two shots in hand, both looking a little discoloured and suspicious. He shoves one towards you, spilling a few drops on the carpet and you take it, eyeing it warily.
“Shots!” He yells over the loud music and you snort and roll your eyes; because, obviously. You bring the shot up towards your lips but when you get a whiff of it, you pull it away quickly.
“What in the fuck is this?”
“Uhm,” Jin furrows his brows, thinking hard “Tequila, vodka and a little splash of whiskey.”
“Oh hell fucking no. Get this shit away from me.” Holding it with only your thumb and index finger, you hand the shot back
Jin whines and starts to pout, clearly drunk as fuck and unhappy that you’re denying his death concoction.
“C’moooon~ Just drink it! It’ll taste so super good, I pinky swear.” He bats his lashes but you stay firm, shaking your head and crossing your arms.
“Nope. Not a chance. Go try and kill someone else.”
“Fine! …Namjoonie~!” He scampers off towards the back deck where Namjoon was sitting with Yoongi and Taehyung, all three of them passing around a blunt (and hastily snubbing it out the moment they spot Jin coming their way).
You sigh and shake your head, not looking forward to that fucking mess in the morning, before you find your way through the crowd of sloppy drunks and down the hall with your sights set on the bathroom.
Once inside you lock the door and reach for the button of your pants. A sudden, loud sigh causes you to yelp and slap a hand to your racing heart. You stare down the shower curtain with confusion and curiosity, stepping over to it and pulling it back.
“What in the-“
“Hi!” Jungkook smiles widely, showing all his teeth and eyes curving.
You giggle at the sight of him – lounging in the bathtub, a glass of water between his legs and hair a tousled mess. Even in his odd and messy state, he looks good. Drunk, but still good.
“What are you doing in the bathtub?” You ask, seating yourself on the edge of the tub near his hand. He stretches his fingers as if to touch you, realizes they don’t quite reach, and gives up.
“Hmm, it’s comfortable here.” He simply shrugs and looks at you as if that was the most obvious answer.
“I doubt it’s comfortable, you’re just drunk and think it is.”
“Okay, maybe. But it has water!” He gestures to the tap like it’s some grandiose item on display and you crinkle your nose.
“Please don’t tell me you’ve been drinking water from this tap,” You mutter through a sigh, holding back more laughter.
“Uh, no?”
You’re almost disgusted by how cute he is. Disgusted by the fact that even though he’s been sitting here drinking tap water from the bathtub, you still want to lean in and kiss him.
Just because. There’s no reason. People are allowed to kiss. It’s fun.  
“I see your heads all better.” You reach out and brush a lock of his hair away from the spot he once had a gash, noticing the faintest scar in the florescent lighting.
Jungkook nods his head, takes another sip of his water and places the half full cup back down on the floor of the tub. You’re impressed that he’s taken time to find somewhere quiet to sober up, knowing full well that your dumbass would probably still be downing shots if you were in his position.
“It is, yeah. All thanks to you.”
You only flush in response. The two of you just kind of sit there, staring at one another, not sharing what you’re both really thinking and only enjoying the swim of your heads and the way the room seems to spin even though it definitely isn’t.
It isn’t until you notice yourself sagging, leaning in towards Jungkook who doesn’t seem to be backing away, that you find yourself again.
“I-I should go. Jin’s probably chugging a bottle of whiskey right about now.” You go to get up and as you pull yourself away, Jungkook leans forwards and grabs hold of your wrist, spinning you back towards him.
Now, he definitely didn’t mean to do it, but somehow you end up toppling over (from lack of balance in your drunk state) and come crashing down into the tub and right on top of him. His body cushions your fall, but it doesn’t save you from the cup of water that spills onto your leg and seeps down towards the crotch of your pants.
You squeal when the coolness soaks against your warm skin, gaping at the damage.
“I look like I peed myself, Jungkook!”
“Did you?”
“No!” You swat him in the chest and turn to glare at him but the slight anger is snuffed out by the pleasant way he’s looking at you.
He’s hugging you against him, his right arm around your waist and the left across your back holding your hip, with both your legs in a tangled mess; damp and bent to fit.
You suck in a shaky breath, blushing down at him from where you hover above, hands pressing against his chest.
“You’re really beautiful, you know? I thought that the first time I saw you. Actually! That’s the reason I got hit in the head.” He giggles cutely and the sound makes your heart jump. You want to scold him for being so dumb but in this moment you feel nothing but flattery and highly aware of how warm he feels against you.
“Can I kiss you?”
You jerk your head back in bewilderment, eyes wide and ears ringing. You wonder if he’s joking, but he shows no sign of laughter or teasing; just a look of patience.
“O-okay.” Your words come out practically a whisper and habitually you let your eyes fall closed, waiting.
“You, uh… you mind leaning down? I can’t reach.”
You crack an eye and let out a slight laugh, feeling thoroughly embarrassed but regardless of that, you lower yourself down anyways.
His lips are soft and warm, a little slick from when he licked them nervously. He parts them only a little – enough to fit them against your own, and presses in a little firmer. The tip of his tongue shyly licks at your bottom lip, coaxing you into more and you readily let your jaw go slack.
Jungkook licks into your mouth, tasting the tequila and lime on your tongue and as silly as it sounds, he thinks he can get even drunker off it.
His tongue tangles around with your own and he sighs happily into it, hands smoothing up the expanse of your back. You’re familiar with the touch of a man, the way they grope your ass and try and touch any and all parts of your body that you will let them. But Jungkook isn’t like them. He finds enough joy in kneading his fingers into your waist and dragging his hands up to your shoulders where he can press you just the tiniest bit more against his chest. He makes no move to dip a hand into your pants or reach a hand under your shirt to cup a breast. It’s refreshing; makes you want to melt into him all the more and kiss him breathless.
It feels like hours, lying there and kissing him in a bathtub with water-soaked pants and a drunken haze, but in fact it has only been mere minutes. Minutes that are rudely interrupted by Taehyung.
He comes crashing into the bathroom, door banging against the wall and just stands there with his mouth hanging open. You’re quick to pull apart from Jungkook, though very much reluctant, and stare at him feeling extremely embarrassed.
“Are you fucking in the bathtub!?” He yells a little too loud. You want to smack him upside the head because Jin would kill you if he heard.
“What?! No!” You wiggle out of Jungkook’s hold, not missing the slight pout he has on his face as he lets his arms fall away from you. “How the hell did you even get in here? I locked the door!” You clamber out of the bathtub and wobble a little when you get to your feet.
“I have m-my ways,” He hiccups and stares you right in the eyes (or at least he tries. He can’t really see straight right now) and you can tell that he is way too far gone. That and the way he’s swaying from side to side gives it away. A spark oh hope lights within you and maybe if you’re lucky because Taehyung’s so drunk, he won’t remember this in the morning.
Jungkook manages to get himself out of the bathtub as well, smoothing out his clothes and trying to look at least somewhat composed. Taehyung looks him over once, smirking and shooting his friend an overly exaggerated wink, then looks back over at you. He trails his eyes down your body, getting lower and lower until he gasps.
“Did you piss yourself?!”
You’re going to kill Taehyung if the liquor doesn’t do the job first.
Two weeks have passed since Jin’s party, and two weeks since you’ve seen Jungkook. Of course, if you really want to see him, you could easily show up to one of baseball team’s games, but you didn’t want to risk the flurry of questions you’d surely get from Jin since never before have you gone to a game willingly.
You thought it best that Jin remains in the dark about your interest in Jungkook. There was no sense in telling him when there was to say – you had no idea how you you felt about Jungkook other than thinking he was attractive. You barely even knew him at all and other than the kiss you shared, there was zero going on between the two of you. Plus, Jin has always been overly protective of you simply because he ‘views you as his younger sister’. He never believed any guy was good enough for you and has this annoying habit of driving away any potential boyfriends because of it.
You love the guy and appreciate how much he cares about you, but sometimes he’s a pain in the ass, cock blocking you so much that you can’t even remember the last time you got laid.
So, you settle on keeping it a secret from him, for now. Possibly for a long time if anything were to happen between you and Jungkook, you weren’t sure. Either way, you didn’t want Jin fucking this one up.
“Hmm?” You pull your eyes away from the ride that kind of reminds you of a spider, only it’s spinning rapidly with flashy lights and blaring music, unlike the real pest.
Your close friend, Sunmi, is at your side with a cone of purple and pink cotton candy “Me and Hyojin are gonna check out the shoot drop ride! Wanna come?” You glance behind Sunmi’s shoulder and spot Hyojin staring up at the shoot drop, watching in horror as it plummets towards the ground quickly. You giggle and turn your attention back to Sunmi.
“I’m good, I’ve been waiting in line for almost twenty minutes for the ferris wheel and there’s no way I’m giving up my spot now.”
Sunmi just rolls her eyes and sighs “Fine, suit yourself.”
“Good luck getting Hyojin on that thing,” You gesture to the said girl and Sunmi turns to look, smirks and turns back to you.
“Oh she’s getting on it. We made a bet and she lost, so she’s got no choice.” Sunmi giggles before giving you a small wave, running off to Hyojin and leaving you alone once again.
You and your two friends decided that after a long and tiring week of studying for upcoming midterms, you needed a break. So when Saturday rolled around, the three of you made your way to the pop-up fair that came to town that week. It was conveniently timed and just what you all needed.
Ahead of you were a group of young teenage boys and girls who were trying to get on the ride without tickets, buttering up the ride operator in hopes of getting their way. Unfortunately for them, their tactic did not work and they’re booted out of line which meant that you were now second in line and would have to wait one more round before getting on.
“Ticket please.” The operator drawls, taking the ticket of the person in front of you and also pulling away your ticket the was sticking between your fingers.
The guy must have thought that you and the person ahead of you were together, and you suddenly start to panic, not at all interested in riding with some stranger.
“Ah! W-wait I-“ The operator ushers you forward and you stop short on the platform, gawking at the young man sitting in the seat.
“Y/N?” Jungkook says with surprise, not expecting to see you and certainly not expecting you to be his partner on the ride. He was planning on going on it alone, just like you.
“Take a seat, ma’am.” The ride operator urges and you think you can hear a hint of annoyance in his voice.
Well, at least riding with Jungkook was better than riding with someone you didn’t know.
You seat yourself next to him, trying not to pay too much attention to the way your knees bump together. The operator lowers the bar down and once he checks to make sure it’s secure, he steps back and starts up the ride.
Neither you nor Jungkook really say much for the first few minutes, slowly going higher and higher. It’s only when the ferris wheel begins to circle you back down that he finally breaks the silence.
“Are you here alone?” He questions and you kind of want to laugh because normally people start off with a ‘Nice to see you again. How are you?’ But you’ve now grown accustomed to the unconventional conversations and odd meetings you have with Jungkook, so it doesn’t bother you.
“Nah, I came with some friends. You?” You glance away from the view of the crowd and flashy rides to look over at Jungkook with a small smile.
“I’m here with Yugyeom, Tae and Jimin,” He tells you.
Jungkook would normally be looking over the expanse of the city, taking in the way the lights shine in this late evening and the way the buildings tower high above him, even at the height he is now, swaying in the seat at the top with you by his side. But instead, Jungkook is looking at you – ignoring the awkward I-want-to-talk-but-don’t-know-what-to-say atmosphere between the two of you – and taking in the pleasant features of your face and the way the wind tangles your hair, causing it to fall into your eyes. Or how you nibble on the inside of your cheek in what he assumes is a habit of mindlessness.
He wants to reach out and run his finger along the outline of your lips, along your jaw and down the slope of your nose. Run his fingers through your hair and draw you close. Jungkook bets you feel soft and warm underneath your hoodie and he itches to indulge himself in it.
You’re beautiful, painfully so, and Jungkook can’t help but get completely lost in it each time he’s in your presence.
It’s been a long, long time since he’s felt this desperate to get close to someone.  
The ride stops with the two of you nearly at the top again and with you stuck with him for the time being, Jungkook takes this golden opportunity to get to know you.
“So what’s your story, Y/N?” He speaks softly, trying not to startle you out of the silence that the two of you were caught up in.
“My story? Like… what? You want to know my life’s story from day one?” You snort, finally looking at him once again and it makes him feel giddy. Makes you feel shy.
“Well, maybe not that far back, but yeah.”
You become painfully aware of how close he is to you when he reaches up to push the hair out of his eyes and his arm rubs against your own. Even through the thick hoodie and Jungkook’s own layers, you can feel the warmth that he radiates and you have to physically grip the bar across your lap in order to hold yourself back from curling up into his side.
“Hmm,” You click your tongue in thought and stare off into the distance; thinking “I moved here after I graduated high school and ended up working a bunch of different jobs for about a year in order to save up for tuition. I’ve always been fond of animals and knew that caring for them was the thing for me, so I applied for the veterinarian program at our university. I really underestimated it though,” You pause to take a breather, glancing over at Jungkook to make sure he’s actually listening and sure enough, he is, a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips. “It was really hard in the beginning. I struggled a lot and almost failed a few classes. That’s when I met Jin. I couldn’t really afford a tutor, so Jin let me pay him in the form of books instead. Oh, yeah! I forgot to mention, I worked in a used bookstore for quite some time. Anyways,”
The ferris wheel moves yet again, and you’re now getting lower as people get off and a part of you starts to panic. You weren’t ready to get off yet. Jungkook seems to sense this and pulls two more tickets out of his pocket.
“Don’t worry, we can go again,” He reassures you and you nod.
“Okay. Anyways, so Jin tutored me for quite a long time and we became really great friends. The classes got a little easier… though to be honest it was mostly because I started to apply myself. I was pretty lazy in the beginning.” You laugh, giving Jungkook a sheepish grin “I found a new, better paying job and was able to move off campus and into my own apartment. And… Honestly that’s about it, there’s nothing all that interesting to tell.”
“What about your parents?” He questions.
“Still back home. They live on an orchard and my mother wanted me to stay behind and run it with them, but my father wanted me to chase after the things I want in life. So, of course, I didn’t listen to my mother.”
When you reach the bottom, Jungkook hands the guy his two tickets and instead of getting off, you begin to lift backwards.
At some point in the middle of you talking, Jungkook’s left arm had found its way behind you, the tips of his fingers just ghosting against your shoulder. You say nothing about it and let yourself relax further, leaning yourself more towards him.
“So what about you? What’s the ace pitcher’s story?”
Jungkook snorts and takes a deep breath while you try your best not to stare at the way his chest puffs out and the t-shirt under his sweater pulls taut against the muscles there.
“Moved away from home as well, for school. When I first got to the university I met Hoseok and Taehyung, who then introduced me to Jin and the rest of the boys. At that time, Jin hadn’t graduated yet and was only captain of the team. I’d never played baseball before, but Jin saw potential in me so he made me work like a dog one Spring and put in a lot of time training with me. By the time game season came round, I was unstoppable and the teams new lead pitcher. Not to brag or anything.”
Jungkook often feels embarrassed talking about his success in baseball and with the team. He doesn’t want to come off cocky, at least not to you, but you don’t seem to think he is because you’re sitting there and smiling up at him, listening intently.
“What are you studying then?” You ask. Not that you meant to assume, but your mind automatically goes to some business program or even something to do with fitness. Mostly because of how he looks and his interest in sports, or maybe just because you group him together with all the other jocks you’ve come across.
Jungkook visibly blushes, scratching at his chin and looking a little hesitant. This tugs at your curiosity and you poke him in the side, telling him to spill the beans. He jerks at the sensation and coughs out a small laugh. It tickles him and you smirk, storing the information in the back of your head.
“Ah, well…” He licks at his bottom lip “I’m in the fine arts program. Majoring in studio arts. Painting, to be exact.”
You can’t control the way your jaw drops and your eyes widen, taken aback by the completely unexpected information he gives. You definitely did not peg him to be an art lover. Guess that goes to show how you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
“So you paint?! What’s your preferred medium?” You weren’t necessarily and art lover but you did appreciate it.
“I like using oil paints.” He peeks over at you and you kind of really want to kiss him right now.
“So you’re a popular jock, slash sensitive artist, slash mega hottie? Wow. The whole package, hey?”
Jungkook quirks a brow and smirks “Mega hottie? I didn’t know you viewed me that way, Y/N.”
You feel the flush of your cheeks and look away, shrugging; trying to play it off “I mean…”
“Let me paint you,” Jungkook blurts, surprising himself and you all in one go.
“W-what?” You tug the sleeves of your sweater so that they cover your hands “N-no way,” You laugh “I’d make a horrible subject.”
“No, you wouldn’t. Really,” He’s speaking softly. Honestly. “I know I was drunk when I said it, but when I told you I thought you were beautiful, I really meant it. From the moment I saw you that day at practice I just knew I had to paint you. Everything about you is so stunning and I just – I want to capture that on canvas.”
Your heart stutters inside your chest and you feel so flustered you can’t even think straight. There was nothing special about you, or so you thought. So, why would Jungkook want you?
He does want you, though. And he makes it very clear and now the question is looming over your head and Jungkook is gnawing at his bottom lip, feeling nervous that maybe he’s come off too strongly and made you uncomfortable.
Your expression softens and you give a small nod. What harm would it do if you just sit there and let him paint you?
“S-sure, Jungkook. If you really want to…”
Jungkook huffs a sigh of relief and lights up “I do. I really do.”
The ferris wheel comes to a stop again, and you’re brought out of this odd, warm moment with Jungkook when the operator jostles the safety bar. You’re the first to get off this time and you feel a heavy disappointment settle in your stomach. You still want to sit there with him and talk, maybe build up enough courage to get close to him. You’d sit on that ferris wheel all night, if that meant spending just a little more time with him.
When the two of you touch solid ground, Jungkook turns to you and you don’t miss the the spark of excitement in his eye.
“If you’re free tomorrow, do you want to meet me at the arts building?”
“O-oh! You want to paint me… like… right away? I thought you meant in the near future.”
Jungkook’s face falls and you wave your hands in the space between you two. “No, no! Tomorrow’s perfect. What time?”
“five in the evening? That’s when it’s usually empty so it’ll just be us two, no one will bother us.”
Ah, fuck. You could feel the heat in your cheeks again and you might as well just tattoo yourself red because this was getting ridiculous. Nearly everything he says has you feeling shy and flustered.
“Okay, five it is.”
“Y/N!” You turn around to see Sunmi and Hyojin approaching you. They come up to you and Jungkook, and Sunmi starts to babble about how Hyojin nearly passed out on the ride. And while she’s chatting with you, Hyojin shares a look with Jungkook. One filled with familiarity and hurt on her end – reserved and awkward on his.  
“Hey! Jungkookie! There you are we’ve been looking all over-“ The boys come up to all of you and Taehyung cuts his sentence short when he spots Hyojin. “Oh… hey, Hyojin. Nice to see you again.”
You’re paying attention by now and wonder if Hyojin knew them all. Maybe they were in the same class?
“Sure, Taehyung.” She’s curt with her response but only you and Taehyung seem to notice.
Before you all part ways, Jungkook kindly asks for your number and you enter it into his phone. Hyojin grows oddly cold and closed off but you choose not to pry and instead turn your attention back to the boys, waving them off and wishing them a goodnight before you and your friends head off in search of the mini doughnut truck.
What exactly are you supposed to wear to a painting session, when you’re the subject to be painted?
“No,” you grumble, sliding an old, raggedy t-shirt out of the way “Hell no. Why the fuck do I even have this?” You question as you stare down at a black, fishnet top in horror. Then it clicks – it was Sunmi’s. Moving on. You contemplate a little black dress but this was not the club you’re going to, nor a date, so you move past it.  
“Hmm,” You pull out a pair of light denim overall shorts with frayed legs, looking them over and thinking. You check the weather on your phone, confirming it’s warm enough that you can get away with the piece, and match it up with a simple black floral short sleeve top. It’s not fancy, nor too frumpy, and all together the outfit makes your confidence climb just one more tier upwards.
You choose to keep your hair down and your makeup light, not wanting to look as though you’re trying to impress Jungkook (even though you are, but you’d never admit that out loud). By the time you’re done and slipping on your low top white Chucks and throwing your bag over your shoulder, it’s already four thirty.  
You make it to the train station just in time. If all went smoothly, then you should end up at the campus about five minutes to, which would give you just enough time to get to the arts building.
You settle in for the ride, plugging your headphones in and zoning out with your music. It’s relaxing, which is what you really need because you’re more than nervous for tonight. Normally you exude confidence but the way Jungkook looks at you, get’s close to you but not enough at the same time, makes you shy and jittery.
Stupid Jungkook and his stupid affect on you.
You jolt when your phone vibrates against your hand and you tap the notification, looking over the message you received.
[Jungkook]: The studio is empty!
[Jungkook]: i’m just setting everything up rn so when you get here come up to floor three. room 312.
[You]: K. getting off the train in about 10 so see you soon.
Alright, so you lied a little. You get off the train in fifteen minutes because it was running a tad bit behind schedule. By the time you make it to the university the sun was already beginning to set and you marvel at the way the sky begins to turn a pretty pink and orange.
Why Jungkook chooses to paint you and not this sunset, you’d never know.
When you reach the room, you knock on the door before pushing down the handle and opening it up.
Jungkook’s perched on a stool, large canvas in front of him and a table at his side holding all of his painting instruments and colours. He’s wearing a black beanie, a loose grey tank top that shows off his arms, black sweats and worn out dark brown boots. It’s simple but it’s magnificent.
The sight of him has you sucking in a sharp breath and absentmindedly checking for drool but nope, there’s miraculously none there.
“Hey! You made it!” He calls from his seat, waving at you with a paint-stained rag clutched between two of his fingers.
You close the door behind you and walk over to his side, glancing at the huge array of oil paints on the table before smiling up at him “Yup! So, uh, where do you want me?” You ask, looking for a safe, paint free spot to place your bag and decide that on top of his backpack would do just fine.
Jungkook guides you over to a platform, and in the middle of it is a medium sized block with a cherry red sheet draped across it. For the background there is an equally red sheet pinned up and the whole set up gives you this odd feeling that maybe you hadn’t quite dressed appropriately for this, but then again, Jungkook never specified when you had asked. He just said it ‘didn’t matter’.  
Jungkook glances over at you, his bottom lip caught between his teeth and a wavering look of uncertainty in his eyes.
You narrow your own eyes at him “What?” You ask suspiciously.
“Uhm, well…” Jungkook looks between you and the set up “I was hoping that you’d be okay with modelling for me… nude.” He drags the ‘u’ in the word and finishes with a hopeful smile.
You just blink up at him, processing his request in your mind before laughing “Yeah right, funny joke, Jungkook.”
“Really, I’m not kidding.” And he really isn’t, if the very serious expression on his face is anything to go by.
You shrink into yourself just the slightest, a pang of fear stabbing into your gut. Was he insane? Did he really think you’d just strip down in front of him and let him paint the very precious parts of your body onto a canvas that may or may not be seen by others?!
The hesitation and guarded look on your face makes him splutter, waving his hands in the air. “It’s strictly for artistic purposes! I swear! I’m not some weird pervert.” He reassures you.
Although he did enjoy the female body in sexual circumstances as well, when it came to his art he was very professional.
“I-I don’t know Jungkook. You haven’t even asked me on a date and you’re already trying to get me naked.” You rub at your arms self consciously, half joking and half being serious.
Jungkook only laughs behind a closed fist “Okay, well how about this? If you pose for me nude, I’ll take you on a date, whenever and wherever you choose. Hmm?”
You poorly try and hide your pleased smile behind pursed lips. The thought of going on a date with him wasn’t all that bad and so against your better judgment and the little voice inside your head protesting against this loudly, you agree.
Jungkook is thrilled and not just because you agreed. Sure, he’s happy that he has a new, beautiful subject to paint and he’s positive that the painting will come out perfectly, just because it’s you. However, at the same time, his little heart was rattling around inside his chest because oh my god he’s going to see you naked. He’d be lying if he said he hasn’t imagined it before and now he was about to lay eyes on the real deal.
Jungkook’s secret crush on you was really fucking with him.
“Okay so just get undressed and place your clothes over there,” He points to where the both of your bags are “It’s the safest spot where they wont get anything on them.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and waits.
You stare him down, expecting him to turn his attention to something else while you undress but he makes no movement to do so. You clear your throat a little before speaking.
“You mind turning around? It’s bad enough you’re going to see me n-naked. I don’t want you watching me strip also.”
Jungkook blushes deeply and spins on his heels, pressing his palm to his forehead “Shit! Yeah, sorry. I’ll just... look this way,” He mutters, staring out the window. He thinks he can see the lights of the fair in the distance but he can’t be sure. There are too many lights in Seoul that it makes it hard to differentiate between this and that.
While he’s turned around, you nervously unhook the straps of your overalls and let them fall, the metal bumping against your bare thighs. You step out of them and toss them to where your purse sits and then peel off your shirt.
The overalls catch Jungkook’s eye and he looks to where they land perfectly on top of the bags, then your shirt follows and he has to take a deep breath to calm his beating heart. The pale blue panties and bra that land on top of it all has him gulping, running a hand down his face and convincing himself to get it together. He’s here to paint, not fuck. Though at this moment he really prefers the latter.
“Okay,” You practically whisper and Jungkook takes one last deep breath before turning himself around.
You’re completely naked (duh), just as he figures you would be, but what he wasn’t expecting was how fucking good you look standing there, arms crossed just beneath your breasts and knees turned inwards – nervous. He can see how badly you’re embarrassed by the warm tint to your skin and he desperately wants to express how amazing you look but he doesn’t; fears it’ll make you curl in on yourself even more and that’s the last thing he wants.  
“R-Right, okay,” He finally stutters out, moving from his spot to come up to your side. “I want you to sit on the block up over there,” He points to the block draped in red and you move, slowly seating yourself on top “And I want you to lean yourself backwards so a quarter way down your back is pressing into the edge.”
You position yourself as instructed; lower back pressing against the edge of the block, leaning back until your shoulders hit the platform underneath you. It’s not cold, thanks to the red sheet but even still the goosebumps form on your skin.
“Okay good, now I’m gonna place this smaller block under your feet, okay?” He grabs said block and shuffles over to where you awkwardly plant your feet. When you give him the nod he’s looking for, Jungkook places it down, lifting your legs just slightly out of the way with one hand, while the other positions the block where he wants it.
Jungkook goes into artist mode without really thinking, wrapping his fingers around your ankles and gently positioning you to how he wants you. One of your legs is bent at the knee, your foot flat against the small block, while the other is straightened out. He runs his hand up and over your knee, stopping about mid thigh where he coaxes your leg to spread just the slightest.
Your heart is thumping so loudly in your ears that you can barely hear yourself think. He touches you so delicately and it sends a chill up your spine and against you wishes your nipples begin to harden both from the feeling and the slight draft, so you bring your arm up to your face to hide behind your hand.
When he’s happy with the placement, he makes his way up towards your head, eyes briefly skimming their way up and along the length of your exposed body. When he gets to your shoulders, Jungkook reaches across you to adjust your right hand so that your upper is flat, elbow bent and the edge of the block presses into your palm as your fingers drape across the top of it.
His shirt brushes against your chest, making you inhale shakily. You wonder if he notices how sensitive you are when he gives you the side eye, but he says nothing, and so you say nothing as well; just let him adjust your other arm so that it’s the exact same on both sides.
“Just relax,” He whispers “Can’t have you all rigid.” And you really try but it’s so damn hard when he’s looking at you the way he is and his hands are on your naked body. You almost want to whine about it and demand he be naked too, to make things even, but then things would really get out of hand because there’s no way in hell you’d be able to control yourself in that kind of situation.
Jungkook gently grabs hold of your chin, thumb brushing against your bottom lip and did he do that on purpose? He’s turning your head away from him, just slightly, so that you’re staring at red and he’s got just enough of your side profile that the features are noticeable but not too distinct.
It feels like a lifetime, just lying there having him poke and prod at you, adjusting this and that until he’s content with the positioning. It isn’t until he’s fanned your hair out a bit, and draped the remainder of the sheet down and around the rest of the platform, that he steps back.
“Perfect,” he breathes “Now don’t move until I say so, okay?”
“Mhmm,” You take in a deep breath. You don’t even want to know what you look like right now and you don’t even want to think about how horrifying it would be if someone walks in. So you focus on something else, occupying your mind with errands that you have to run and remembering which chapters of your textbook you need to read.
Jungkook takes his time with choosing colours and placing them on the palette. It’s mostly because he wants to pick out the perfect ones he needs but it’s also because he’s giving his shaking hands time to calm down. He’s never been to jittery and unsettled while painting. You were the first of his subjects to turn him into such a mess and he’s had a lot of different models.
When he does finally put the brush to canvas, everything just flows from there. His strokes are smooth and precise and he’s no longer seeing you, but the art that is you. Jungkook drags his brush along, curving it when your body curves and taking his time to get it right. He wants to stay true to how you are, lying there perfectly exposed and completely vulnerable, but he adds his own flare to things when he sees it fit. He blurs some of the contours of your body, strays away from fine details and relies on contrast values to fill in the blanks.
He smirks to himself when his eyes sweep over your chest, your nipples standing tall and proud, and he pleasantly breaks focus to entertain the idea of what they would feel like caught between his teeth.
On the other side of the spectrum, you yourself are entertaining a very sinful idea of Jungkook naked and on display, just as you are, but instead of painting him, you’re riding him.
How your thoughts went from what groceries you needed pick up to this? You weren’t sure, but you were enjoying yourself nonetheless.
As they progressively grow dirtier, the heat between your legs progressively grows wetter. You shut your eyes and take in a deep breath, aching so badly but not wanting to be caught. You very discreetly try and press your thighs together, searching for some sort of friction that will make your desperation that much easier to bear, but when you do Jungkook clicks his tongue and asks you ever so nicely not to move.
When you do it again, he places his things on the table and gets up from the stool, the wooden legs screeching against the flooring. You hold your breath and look slightly to the side where he stands at your feet. He reaches out and presses his hand to your thigh, spreading them back apart and pauses for the briefest second before pulling his hand away, making sure to let his fingers drag across your skin which makes you nearly moan, but you bite down on your tongue to deny it an exit.
Jungkook is definitely not expecting to come over to a sight like the one he is blessed with. You’re glistening between the legs, dripping onto the sheet so that it darkens in it’s damp state and making everything all too obvious. He almost groans when he sees it and fights himself from sticking his head between your legs and tasting you. He has to remain professional. It wasn’t uncommon for nude models to become turned on in the middle of it. But what was uncommon was the artist getting turned on as well, which Jungkook was currently trying desperately not to be.
Twenty more minutes pass and you really can’t handle it anymore. Not just the desperation to touch yourself, or be touched, but also the ache in your back was starting to really bother you as well.
“Jungkook,” You say his name with a little too much whine and a little too much need “Are you done yet?”
Jungkoo swipes his tongue along his bottom lip “Not quite. Just a little bit longer, sweetheart.” It was a lie. Jungkook finished about a half an hour ago and didn’t need you to pose any longer. He got the outline of your body and all that was really left was colouring and background work, which all could be done without you. He just didn’t say anything because he was enjoying looking at you, daydreaming of what it’d be like if you were in his bed rather than in the studio.
The endearing nickname makes you tremble and you’re almost at the point where you’re ready to demand he come and fuck you, but you have more dignity than that.  
“M-my back hurts and it’s getting late,” Both were true but it was mostly because you couldn’t stand the sexual frustration any longer.
Jungkook tosses the paint brush down and comes over to where you lie with his palette in hand.
“Okay, you can move. But don’t stand up just yet. I’ll move the blocks.” He pushes away the small one first until the balls of your feet are on the platform. Jungkook then pushes away the large block and smirks when you lie flat on your back with a sigh of relief.
“Why can’t I stand up?” You question, not that you were in that much of a hurry now. Lying down flat felt really good.
“I just… want to try something.” His voice is gruffer than before.
“Like what?” You no longer feel so embarrassed having him look at you naked. It’s been over and hour and a half of him doing it, so by now, it’d just be silly.
“Can I paint you?”
You give him a weird look “You just did?”
Jungkook pauses, looks to his palette and then to your body. “let me rephrase that. Can I paint on you?”
He’d never painted on another person’s body before, only ever having done it on canvas. Though, as he was quickly finding out, everything about you was different and he was finding himself tempted to feel and try new things with you.
You don’t really have to think about it because having him touch you sounds heavenly. You give him a nod and simply watch as he dips his index and middle finger in blue, a half smile on his face.
Jungkook starts in a safe zone, dragging his fingers down the length of your arm, leaving a trail of blue behind. He traces a circle into the back of your hand before scooping up some more paint and starting at your shoulder – where the other line began – and traces down and across one side of your collarbone. He did this on both sides of your body, taking his time to outline the curve of your waist, over your hips and down your outer thighs. When he finishes off the circles on the top of your foot, he goes for the white.
You let a soft whine when Jungkook’s fingers slowly trace around your nipple, circling the erect bud. A shiver runs up your spine when he does it to the other, and when he paints a line down between your breasts, slowly travelling down to your navel and stopping right at your pubic bone, your stomach dips and summersaults.
“Pretty,” He sighs.
“Please…” Your voice is barely a whisper and he has to strain to hear you “Touch me more, Jungkook.”
You ask so nicely – desperately – that he can’t find it in himself to say no.
Jungkook reaches behind himself and wipes off his paint slicked fingers on the rag in his back pocket until there’s no longer any traces of blue or white. He leans over you, looks over your appearance and the way you bat your lashes at him; waiting. He never would have predicted that he’d have you like this – naked and trembling, begging for him to touch you while he finger paints your body – but he’s not complaining. Fuck, he’s not complaining at all and it’s taking everything in him not to jump your bones and ravish you right here, right now.
He knows he’s played long enough. Made you wait for too long and you are way more patient than he ever could be. Jungkook reaches down with clean hands now, gently running his finger tips along the length of your neck until they find their way into your hair, tangling them in the strands as he leans down to kitten lick at the seam of your lips.
This Jungkook is different. Different than the one in the bathtub. Different than the one in the university clinic. Though he’s still slow and gentle, taking his time with you and you appreciate it, but inside you’re screaming for him to be quicker; rougher.
He throws himself over you, legs on either side of your own, caging you in. Jungkook wastes no time, ducking down and pressing his lips against yours, tongue coaxing your lips to fall apart and they do, giving him access to your mouth where he licks at your tongue. He groans when you respond immediately, kissing him so fervently that his head swims. You nip at his bottom lip and he growls, putting distance between you not because it hurt, but because he wants to seek out your jaw where he plants a kiss.
Jungkook drags his tongue down your throat, sucks at the base of it until it’s discoloured and bruised. He makes his way lower, listening to how you whimper from above; spurring him on. He flicks his tongue against your left nipple and your hands fly to his head, yanking his beanie off and grabbing at his hair, jolting from the sensation. Jungkook reaches his hands up and wraps long fingers around your wrists, gently pulling them away from his hair before pinning them beside your head.
Normally he’d allow you to touch him, put your hands wherever you pleased, but right now? Right now Jungkook wants you pinned to the ground, completely at his mercy. He went far too long just looking and now he was ready to touch and play, completely undisturbed.
“Ah!” Your back arches off the ground when Jungkook sucks your nipple into his mouth, circling his tongue around and around before he catches it between his teeth and tugs just the slightest. It’s not painful, the opposite actually, but it does leave you breathing heavily. You clench your hands into fists when he pulls away, dragging his tongue down your torso right next to the line of blue. He kisses and bites across your hips, smirking when you plea for him to stop teasing already.
Jungkook gives a squeeze to your wrists, a silent command to keep them beside your head and you so you do, no matter how badly you want to clutch onto him – dig your fingers into his shoulders and just feel some part of him.
Jungkook adjusts himself accordingly so that he’s in between your legs, face level with your core and you’re not ashamed by how wet it is. He nips at the insides of your thighs and trails kisses inwards until his breath – hot and heavy – is fanning against your heat, making you tremble.
One lick and your jaw’s already dropping, bunching the red sheet in your fists. It’s languid and long, starting from your slit and running all the way up to your clit where he circles it around, testing the waters. Jungkook is pleased with the way you react when he drags his tongue across the sensitive bud, a strangled moan leaving your throat. The sound makes his cock throb in his pants, so he continues to do it over and over, feeling you buck up against his tongue, seeking more.
He curls his arms under your thighs, grabbing at the tops of them, long fingers digging into the soft, warm flesh. He holds them firmly, sliding his tongue down until it’s at your entrance and he’s dipping the tip inside. It’s only then that your hands fly from your head and into his hair once again, grasping onto the strands and urging his face further between your thighs. You fear he might scold you, but he says nothing other than a wordless grunt, licking into you and tasting how sweet you are.
“J-Jungkook,” You mewl beneath him, your stomach knotting and muscles tensing. You want to cum, so badly, but he’s swatting your thigh and murmuring ‘Not yet’ into your core and you start to pant.
It isn’t until your shaking all over and whimpering, begging him to let you cum, that he slips one hand away from his hold on your thigh and replaces his tongue with two fingers.
You jerk your hips up at the same time as a cry leaves your lips. Jungkook uses his other hand to hold your hips down while his fingers curl inside of you, stroking your sweet spot over and over. He’s licking at your clit, drawing patterns on and around it, humming against you each time you moan his name and the vibrations make your head tilt back.
You screw your eyes shut, moan out an incoherent string of curse words and his name all mixed in one as you come undone. Thrown off the edge and plummeting head first into your orgasm.
Jungkook pulls his head away, wanting to watch the way your face contorts as you cum around his fingers, stroking you through your high. The sight is just as beautiful as the one of you smiling.
When you whimper from the sensitivity, he slowly slips his hand out and wipes his fingers on the sheet, then wipes his mouth off on the back of his hand, licking his lips and picking up whatever lingered behind.
He’s straining in his pants but he knows his time will come some other day. Or at least he hopes. So he ignores it and focuses on the way you lay limp, panting with you eyes glazed over and he can’t help but laugh at how cute you look.
“We should probably get you cleaned up.”
“Y-yeah. I’m all blue and sticky now.”
“I kinda like you blue and sticky.” He smirks and you nudge him in the side with your knee.
“Shut up and help me to my feet.”
When you’re as clean as you can get, you slip back into your clothing. You ask Jungkook if you can see his painting and he says you can, though he warns that it’s not finished yet but you don’t care.
The painting causes you to smile brightly, stepping forward to get a closer look – completely in awe. It’s absolutely beautiful and you can’t believe how talented Jungkook is. The way he captures you makes you see yourself in a different light. A better one.
Before you leave, you make sure to get Jungkook to promise that he will show you the finished piece the moment it’s done and also to never show it to anyone other than you (though you wouldn’t be that mad if he did).
It kind of just happens; you and Jungkook’s relationship.
He stays true to his promise – taking you out on a date which consisted of grabbing lunch, spending time at an animal shelter and playing with all the fur babies and eating ice cream while browsing through the market. It was simple, enjoyable and everything you could have asked for.
Jungkook had held your hand without a word, lacing your fingers together and not letting go. He snapped photos of you with the animals and swallowed hard from how cute you looked side by side with them. He even boldly licked the ice cream from the corner of your lips when no one was looking, which you elbowed him for because ‘that’s embarrassing!’. Jungkook even walked you to the train station and kissed you goodbye, and on his way back to campus he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.
You had him hooked already.
Everything from there just fell into place. Both you and Jungkook agreed to keep things on the down low – not that you were ashamed of your relationship but because it caused fewer problems that way. You told him how you wanted to keep it from Jin for as long as possible and he didn’t pry as to why, because he too felt the same (for his own reasons which he didn’t express to you).
When around the team or your friends, the two of you just played things off as though you were really close friends now. When he’d walk you to class, going completely out of his way, and Sunmi would question it, you would just laugh and say that you two were having a really good conversation and he had the time. It was a lame excuse, you knew, but she seemed to buy it. And if she didn’t, well… she didn’t say anything to you.
You even attended all of his baseball games, cheering the team (mostly him) on from the stands. Jin had grown suspicious in your sudden interest in the sport and you simply explained that you were now good friends with them all, and good friends come out to support each other. He just smiled widely and gave you the biggest bear hug, saying how happy he was that you were finally out and enjoying yourself and that you could see all his hard work of coaching pay off.
You went from a university student who spent most of her free time studying with little to no social life, to a social butterfly with the baseball team and your two female friends as your group. Many people gawked when all of you would gather in the dining hall, laughing and talking maybe a little too loudly. Many girls on campus would give you the coldest looks when you’d walk with Jungkook, arms brushing and his lips grazing your ear as he whispered something to you. You didn’t blame them. He was popular and hot, you weren’t, and so of course the girls would act hostile towards you.
The only thing about all of it that threw you off, was Hyojin. She was quiet and reserved when you were all together, stealing glances at Jungkook when she thought no ones was looking. But you were. You saw them all. You wondered if she had a crush on him like many other girls in the school and would frequently send silent apologies her way.
For the most part, everything was good. All of it from friends, the relationship and school were calm and perfect and you hadn’t felt this happy in a long time.
“Jungkook~” You purr, sidling up beside him on the couch and resting your chin in your hand “Play with me? I’m so bored.”
He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, feeling tired and one hundred percent done with studying. But he had a big test tomorrow and he’d already left the studying until last minute so he really has no time to spare, even if you’re looking at him so adorably.
“I can’t baby, I really have to finish these notes.”
The two of you got together earlier that afternoon to study and you did, diligently. However, somewhere around seven o’clock you became fed up and could no longer handle reading your molecular biology textbook.
“Take a break, hmm? You deserve one and if you don’t give you brain a moment to regenerate, nothing will stick.” You peek up at him through your lashes, batting them and giving him those puppy eyes that you’re too damn good at, and all he does is give you a sideways glance before letting his eyes fall back to his textbook, scribbling down some more art history notes. Nope. He wasn’t going to let those eyes work on him, even if it was incredibly hard to hold himself back from giving in.  
You pull away and sigh, drumming your fingers against your knee before whipping your head back in his direction “How about I do that thing you like?”
Jungkook peeks up and over the rim of his glasses “What thing?”
Gotcha. You smirk and lean in a little closer until your lips tickle against the shell of his ear. “You know; That thing I do with my mouth and the little bullet vibrator I keep in your drawer.”
Jungkook slams his textbook closed and throws his shit to the empty cushion beside him. “A short break won't hurt.” And you can already see the tent in his pants.
You win. You always win.
You hurry off to his bedroom, rummaging through the bedside drawer until you’re pulling out a black velvet bag. When you return back to the living room, Jungkook’s shorts and briefs are already around his ankles and his cock is standing swollen and tall, while his bottom lip is caught between his teeth, eyeing the bag in your hand.
“Eager, are we?” You snort, rolling your eyes and kneeling in front of him. “How long do we have?”
“I-I don’t know. Twenty minutes, maybe? Not sure what time it is,” He groans when your fingers wrap around him.
Twenty minutes turns out to be five, because just as you’re about to suck Jungkook into your mouth, Hoseok, Taehyung and Namjoon come barreling through the front door.
You jump back from Jungkook as though his cock had electrocuted you, shoving the vibrator into your pocket and flipping your textbook open while Jungkook yanks his shorts back up and painfully throbs against the material, grabbing at his notebook and pen.
“Are you guys seriously still studying?! It’s been like, five hours already!” Hoseok says while crashing down on the couch beside Jungkook who twitches just the slightest.
The other two plunk themselves down around the table, dumping a plastic bag full of snacks out onto its surface. Namjoon starts to pick through them and Hoseok leans over to do the same, but Taehyung is staring at you curiously.
You glance from side to side, furrowing your brows “What?” You ask, fidgeting with the corner of the page you were on.
“What were you guys doing?”
Both you and Jungkook visibly stiffen, but Jungkook shrugs “Studying, why?”
“Why are you both so pink??”
“It’s hot in here,”Jungkook says as though that was obvious.
“The A/C’s on,” Taehyung deadpans.
“You overheat when you work hard, Tae, and we’ve been working hard using our brains too much,” You pipe up, though you’re only being sarcastic, hoping he’d just tell you how dumb that is and drop it.
But he doesn’t.
“How can you study when your text book’s upside down, Y/N?” And sure enough, when you look down it’s upside down. By now, both Namjoon and Hoseok are looking at you and Jungkook skeptically.
“O-oh,” You start to laugh “No wonder this hasn’t been making sense. God, I’m so tired. I should probably head home.” You pace yourself while gathering your things, not trying to rush and make their suspicions grow.
“Talk to you guys later,” You wave, throwing your bag over your shoulder, smiling at the three goons and catching Jungkook’s eye for only a moment before you head for the door, slipping on your sandals and getting the fuck outta there.
Nothing more is said as the boys munch on snacks, Jungkook upset that his boner deflated without any fun and completely fed up with studying and so he joins them on the floor, pouting only slightly.
It isn’t until Hoseok and Namjoon retire to their rooms and Jungkook and Taehyung are left in the living room playing video games, that Taehyung touches on the events of earlier once again.
“Seriously, what were you two doing when we walked in?”
“What? Nothing, I told you.” Jungkook keeps his focus on the game, doing his best not to die while running out into the open where he could easily be seen and shot.
“Oh so you’re telling me that huge fucking erection you had was nothing?”
Jungkook chokes on the gummy worm in his mouth, feeling all sorts of disappointment when the disturbance causes him to die from a headshot.
Taehyung just cackles at his side. Nothing gets past him. Not a single boner went unnoticed on Taehyung’s sex radar.
“No but really, are you two fucking or nah?”
“We’re dating,” Jungkook confesses.
Now it was Taehyung’s turn to choke on a worm and Jungkook cackles when his character ends up getting blown up by a grenade.
“What the fuck! Don’t bullshit me, Jeon. You don’t date.”
“Yes I do!”
“Oh yeah, since when? You haven’t had a girlfriend since the eighth grade. All you’re interested in is humping and dumping, not that I’m saying you’re a douchebag or anything… well, I guess that kind of makes you one now that I think about it, but you get my point.”
Jungkook just sighs, waiting for his character to re-spawn “I don’t know, that’s the old me. I really like her, Tae. She’s special.”
Taehyung snorts and rolls his eyes so hard Jungkook thinks they’ll fly out of his head “The old you, my ass. Just a couple of weeks ago you met that chick at the bar and fucked her in our bathroom! I walked in and she was sitting on my toothbrush.” He frowns, thinking about how he had to throw it away after having it for so long. They had a good run.
“Okay! I get it! But that was before me and Y/N started dating.”
“You mean before you ate her out?”
“How the fuck-“
“Yoongi saw you. He went to see if you wanted to come out to eat with us since you stopped answering your texts. Poor dude’s scarred for life.” Taehyung pops another gummy in his mouth, running around the map and going ham on anyone in his way.
“Wait… does that mean everyone knows?”
Taehyung shrugs “Basically, except Jin. No one really tells him anything since he’s such a prude most of the time.”
Jungkook lets out a huge sigh of relief and focuses back on the game “It’s different this time,” he mutters.
“Mhm, that’s what you said about the last girl too.”
“I mean it!”
“Okay buddy, I believe you.”
And just because he feels like it, Jungkook takes Taehyung out with a missile launcher, making the other boy whine when his character explodes into pieces.
Later that night, while lying in bed, you get a text from Jungkook.
[Jungkook<3]: Soooooo… the guys found out…
[You]: What?? How?!
[Jungkook<3]: Apparently Yoongi saw us in the studio…
[You]: omg..
[You]: Jungkook!!!!!!!
[Jungkook<3]: I know I know! I’m sorry :( I didn’t think anyone would come .. well other than you lololol okay no, but seriously he just came unexpectedly and I guess he saw us in the middle of things. Told the others.
[You]: Omfg… well does Jin know too???
[Jungkook<3]: Nah. Tae says they left him in the dark about it so it’s all good.
[Jungkook<3]: Don’t worry babe, they’re all really cool about it and things wont be weird. Everything will be the same so don’t stress.
You let out an irritated sigh, pinching at the bridge of your nose. You seriously could not believe Yoongi had seen you in such a way. You’d never be able to look at him the same way again.
[You]: Okay
[You]: Gonna try and sleep now, night <3
[Jungkook<3]: Night cutie. Dream of me~ <333333
Jungkook was right. Nothing was weird (other than the fact that neither you nor Yoongi would meet each other’s eye). Everyone was really chill about it, except for Sunmi who was one of the last to find out when Jimin had let it slip during lunch one day. She screeched so loudly you thought your ear drums had burst, but no, you could hear her loud and clear when she started giving you shit for not saying anything while everyone else laughed.
It wasn’t until a month later that everything just kind of… snowballed.
Jin stayed over at your house after a night out drinking with his co-workers, banging at your door around two in the morning and scaring you half to death. Of course, you let him in with no qualms and put the big baby to bed on the couch, making sure he had water and a bowl.
You woke up fairly early, though you were hoping to sleep in since you didn’t have class until the afternoon. But the construction next door and god awful sunshine had the opposite in mind.
You head for the kitchen, still dressed in your pajamas and pull out all the ingredients for breakfast before turning the coffee pot on.
You’re frying away an egg when Jin comes dragging his half dead body into the kitchen and making you yelp when he leans over your shoulder to stare down at the egg.
“What the fuck!” You elbow him only lightly but he complains like you’d just given him the uppercut. He’s nauseous and irritable, with a horrible headache and feeling weak all over.
“Sit down, I’ll bring you your food,” You tell him, placing the over-easy egg on top of a bowl full of steaming rice. You grab the full glass of water you already poured and the pain killers, along with the food, and carry it over to where he sits with his face against the table, groaning.
“Water,” You place it in front of him “Pain killers for the headache, and your favourite hangover meal: fried egg and rice with ginger mixed in- for the nausea.” He looks between you and the food and cracks the widest grin.
“You’re an angel.”
“Oh, I know. Now eat up.” You reach for the mug of coffee already sitting on the table, plopping yourself down in the seat across from Jin. While he wolfs his food down, moaning every so often about how good it tastes, you scroll through your social media newsfeeds.
Jin quickly finishes up his food and shoves the bowl away, less nauseated from the hangover now and more full to the point of explosion. He takes a moment to appreciate how you made him breakfast and nearly sheds a tear thinking about how blessed he is to have you in his life. Nearly, because he still remembers how you had taken away his box of cookies last night, telling him to stop being such a pig and that was just rude.
“So…” he starts and you peek up from your phone, taking another sip of your coffee and swallowing it down.
“You and Jungkook, hey? When did that happen?” You startle at his words, mentally cursing.
“How’d you know?”
Jin scoffs and crosses his arms over his chest “I’m not dumb. Plus, I heard the guys talking about it one day when they thought I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Oh… yeah… Me and Jungkook.”
You’re expecting him to have that usual teasing tone he has when it comes to you and guys (it’s playful of course, he means no harm), wiggling his eyebrows and giving you a stupid grin before he does a one eighty and goes into lecture mode. But this time is different. Jin’s not smiling, in fact, he looks like he’s holding back a frown, and his tone comes off so serious that you’re suddenly feeling nervous.
“It’s… new. We’re still getting to know each other.” You defend, wiggling in your seat uncomfortably, not liking the way he’s scrutinizing you.
“So it’s not serious?” He asks, hoping that it isn’t.
“I didn’t say that. It is. He’s my boyfriend.” You begin to feel frustrated with how he looks like he’s so disappointed in you. You know he’s always been protective, but this was Jungkook. He’s sweet and good to you. Jin has no reason to not like him.  
The silence weighs heavy in the air. You bounce your leg impatiently, waiting for him to say something but he’s just mulling it all over in his mind, nodding his head slowly and humming every so often.
“Just say it!” You finally blurt “Just say whatever the hell you’re thinking. And be honest.”
“Honest? Alright.” Jin lays his hands flat on the table and looks you directly in the eye “Don’t date him.”
You roll your eyes at him, but he shakes his head and presses his lips into a firm line “I’m serious, Y/N. Don’t date him. Don’t get to know him any further, don’t kiss him, don’t fuck him, don’t anything with Jeon Jungkook.”
“And why not?” You can’t help the venom that laces your voice. Why shouldn’t you date him? What the hell was the big deal? Did Jin just not want you to get close to a member of his baseball team?
“He’s a playboy, Y/N. Always has been and probably always will be. He’s with a new girl practically every week and I don’t want you with someone like that. He’ll only hurt you. Jungkook is only interested in getting laid.”
Jin scowls when you burst out in laughter.
“Are you kidding me? Are you sure we’re talking about the same Jungkook here? He’s gentle and caring. Really sweet and bashful and I really fucking like him. If he was a playboy, I would have caught on by now. You sure you don’t have the wrong idea about him?”
Jin sighs deeply “I’m sure. One hundred percent. I’ve seen him take home one girl from the bar, and then come back two hours later in search for another. I’m serious, Y/N, don’t get tangled up with that guy. I love the kid, I really do, but I care about you just as much. He’s bad news.”
There’s this funny jumble of feelings that washes over you – a feeling of denial but at the same time, this teeny tiny sliver of belief that maybe, just maybe, Jungkook was who Jin was making him out to be because really, why would Jin lie to you? He did know him better, even if you had been dating for almost two months.
You feel uneasy and fidgety, unable to keep your leg still as it bounces even harder under the table.
You know Jin would never say or do anything to hurt you, but you stick firmly to your belief that Jungkook is a better person than that.
“I appreciate you looking out for me, Jin. I really do, but I really like Jungkook. I haven’t been able to get him out of my mind since that day he got injured. And it’s silly, I know. He’s a year younger than me and we don’t have all that much in common. I don’t know him fully yet, and he doesn’t know everything about me but… but when I’m with him it feels so right. He’s someone really special in my life and I think this could really work out, you know?” You shrug. “I love you and you know that. You’re my best friend. But please, can you just… mind your own business with this? He makes me happy, so why can’t you just be happy for me?”
Jin clamps his mouth shut, not saying what he truly wants – that you’re being stupid and blind. But you’re right. He should mind his own business. It was your life and he should just support you and be happy for you.
“Okay,” Jin lets out a sigh and pushes himself out of the chair, walking over to your side and wrapping you up in a big hug “I’m sorry. I’ll support your decision.”
You close your eyes and nuzzle against his shoulder “Thank you,”
You held a lot of belief in Jungkook. Really thought he cared for you and maybe, jus maybe, even loved you.
But you were just a fool and you should have known better. Should have known to trust Jin, whom you’ve known for years, over someone you’ve only known for a couple of months.
It’s a little after three thirty by the time you step out of class and into the hall, heaving a sigh because damn, that class was boring and made you feel overly sluggish than usual for a Tuesday afternoon.
You have about an hour and a half before you have to be at work in time for your shift, so you make your way to the dining hall. You pick up two sandwiches – one for you, one for Jungkook. He was currently at baseball practice and you had a sneaking suspicion that he probably had no time for lunch today, so you decide you’d pop by and bring him something to eat. That and it never hurt to see his face.
The playoffs were nearing and the Jets were practicing for longer, playing harder and aiming higher to come out on top as the champions for the postseason tournament. They still had a little under a month to make sure they secure their spot and stay on top of the rival teams, so the pressure was on.
Between practice, game days and classes, you and Jungkook were finding less and less free time to spend together. You didn’t mind too much though. You were preoccupied with your own things, juggling work, school, sleep, and preparing for your clinical practicum. The two of you were managing somehow.
“Hey!” You call out to the boys as you reach them on the field. They’re all either lying down or sitting on the grass, sweating through their t-shirts and looking worse for wear.  
“H-help us, please.” Jackson reaches out and grabs at your ankle “We’re dying,” he wheezes.
“Jin working you to the bone like usual?” You laugh, shaking Jackson’s hand off of you when tries to claw his way up, dragging his weak body with him.
Yoongi snorts from underneath the baseball cap that covers his face “I swear to god he wants us dead,”
“Yeah yeah, quit your bitching. At least I gave you a break!” Jin spouts, coming up behind you and laying an arm across your shoulders.
“For only five minutes!” Yoongi barks back.  
“At least it’s better than no minutes,” Jin turns his attention to you “Looking for Jungkook?” He asks.
“Mhm. Brought him some food,” You shrug “Where is he?”
“Oh, so you bring Jungkook food but not us?! Friends off, Y/N, friends off.” Taehyung shakes his head, and both Hoseok and Namjoon cackle so you flip all three of them the bird and smirk when they gasp in mock hurt.
“Ahh, I think I saw him heading towards the stands over there to take a leak,” Yugyeom jerks his thumb to his left.
“He couldn’t do his business in the toilet just down the path?”
“Nah. Why piss in a toilet when you can piss in the great outdoors?” They all giggle and you roll your eyes.
“You do realize we’re smack dab in the middle of a giant city, right? This ain’t no great outdoors,” You point out and Yugyeom just waves his hand in the air.
“Minor details, Y/N.”
Fools. All of them.
You wave goodbye, not wanting to stand there and kill anymore brain cells trying to converse with these dimwits, and head over to where Jungkook supposedly is.
It takes only a split second for your heart to pang hard against your ribcage before falling into your stomach (or at least that’s what it felt like) and then you’re sagging, feeling even more deflated than earlier. You take a step back as if some otherworldly force is forbidding you from going any further and a soft puff of air slips past your lips.
Jungkook is there. Oh he’s definitely there, with his back pressed up against one of the metal beams, Hyojin pressed up into him, small hands holding the sides of his face.
And they’re kissing. Not some small, innocent peck that’s the result of a buildup of courage and nerves. No, it’s a heated, desperately needy kiss chockfull of a desire so strong that it would make a person’s head spin.
The worst part is, is that you can see it. So clearly you can see the way she’s licking into his mouth, saliva coating her purple stained lips, pressing her obnoxiously large tits against him and whimpering as if his hand was stuffed under her skirt. It might be, you don’t know. You can’t see him very clearly.
It all weaves together in your mind. The odd looks Hyojin gave Jungkook, the awkward atmosphere between them. How she grew cold and insensitive towards you, and now seeing the two of them kissing.
You feel so stupid for not having caught on sooner.
Without even thinking you reel back your arm and chuck the sandwich you had bought for him, right at the two of them. Even in a state of rage, you still manage to have good aim and get Hyojin right in the back of her big, fat head.
They pull apart and she turns to scowl, a ‘What the fuck!’ on the tip of her tongue but she get’s no chance to yell it. She gapes at you with frantic eyes, hands suddenly shaking.
And then it’s Jungkook’s turn to look. He has this confused expression written across his face, mixed with unpleasantness. But the moment he locks eyes with you, he’s blanching, looking panicked yet nauseous.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” You laugh but it’s not a joyous one. Jungkook opens his mouth, snaps it shut and opens it again, a strangled whine and the start of a sentence slipping past his lips but you don’t even give him the chance to make himself sound intelligible.
“I don’t want to fucking hear it, Jungkook.”
You turn on your heels and book it back towards the field. You’d be amazed by the speed if you weren’t so focused on keeping yourself upright.
You make it to where the guys are and you have absolutely no intention of stopping, but Jin steps in your way and you slam into his chest and all the air in your lungs exit your body in a broken sob.
“What’s wrong?!” He asks, panicked and looking you over to make sure everything is where it should be.
“Jungkook?” Jimin looks confused as he comes up beside you two.
“H-Hyojin?” Taehyung chokes out her name from where he stands with the rest of the boys.
Jungkook skids to a stop when he reaches everyone, bending over and holding onto his knees as he catches his breath.
“Y-Y/N, please…” He pants but you don’t get a chance to tell him off because Jin is spitting out his own words.
“What the fuck did you do, Jungkook?!” And everyone is silent. Jin doesn’t often get mad but when he does, everyone is left speechless and uneasy.
Hyojin hesitantly steps up next to Jungkook, keeping an arms length of distance between them. She rubs at her lips, face flushed and meets no one’s eye.
“Jungkook…” Taehyung says softly, carefully as he steps forward.
Everyone looks so disappointed and angry with him and all Jungkook wants to do is scream. Every time he tries to speak, either you or Jin is yelling at him and he doesn’t get a single moment to defend himself. To explain. Hyojin makes it worse by not speaking up and in this moment, Jungkook greatly wishes the ground would swallow him whole.
“Y/N, just let me explain. I swear, it’s not what you think.”
Instead of yelling, you just shake your head, wiping at your wet eyes “No, there’s nothing you can say.”
“There is! I di-“
“Don’t you dare yell at her!” Jin shouts, hugging you a little tighter.
You just want to go home. Go anywhere, because anywhere would be better than here. You’re embarrassed, ashamed and wanting nothing more than to cry – a good cry, with the fat tears and the runny nose. The one where you wail until your throat goes raw.
“I gotta go,” You say suddenly, yanking yourself out of Jin’s arms and he scrambles to pull you back, but you’re stepping away too quickly and now everyone turns and is looking at you.
“Y/N,” Jungkook steps forwards and reaches out to grab onto your hand but you pull it away quickly, throwing him such a cold look that he has to step back, press his hand to his chest where his heart aches.
No one says a word. What can they possibly say?
You don’t mind because the silence is better than hearing any bullshit. You just drag yourself across the field, listening to the way Jin venomously tells them all to go home.
He chases after you and when he reaches your side, he doesn’t say a word. Just guides with you with a hand on the small of your back until you reach his parked car, getting in and shrinking against the seat.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asks after a while of driving, feeling anxious from the silence.
“No,” You deadpan. “Just take me home. Or to your house. I don’t care, just as long as there’s ice cream and a lot of liquor.”  
Jungkook looks around the bar, watching the patrons laugh and talk and it irritates him. He feels like shit and he doesn’t want to be here. Doesn’t want to keep drinking his glass of beer and doesn’t want to keep dealing with the way his friends cautiously tip-toe around him, their questions obviously written on their faces but uncertainty holding them back from voicing them.
They’d brought him here after you and Jin left the field in attempts to cheer him up and get him to spill the details about what the fuck even happened. He knows what they’re all thinking – that he’s been cheating on you with Hyojin. That the fling he had with her last year was more complex than he leads them to believe.
They were wrong. All of it was wrong.
“Alright, enough with this pity party,” Yoongi sighs, reaching for the jug of beer “Spill it Jungkook. What did you do?”
“Nothing!” He yells and the booth of people next to them turn to look at him but swivel their heads back around when Jungkook glares. “I didn’t do anything. It’s all just a big fucking misunderstanding.”
“Okaaay, then explain it to us?” Jimin puts his elbow on the table and holds his head in his hand, staring at Jungkook and waiting. They all are.
Jungkook knocks back the rest of his beer and slides the empty glass away when he’s done.
“Hyojin came out of nowhere. It was really weird, actually. She must have seen me leave you guys.” Jungkook runs a hand through his hair and tugs a bit at the strands in frustration “She cornered me. Started spewing this crap about how she’s in love with me and that I really hurt her when I ghosted her.”
“That was kind of a dick move…” Namjoon mutters around a fry in his mouth. Jungkook narrows his eyes at him.
“I’m aware, thanks. I know it was a dick move, I’ve been a dick, I’ll admit that.” Jungkook chooses to ignore the way they all nod in agreement “Whatever, anyways. She was asking me to give her another chance. Told me how she was miserable without me and that it was really affecting her life. I mean, I felt… feel bad about it, yeah. I should have let her down properly, but it’s been a year. I figured she got over it by now.”
“So, you kissed her as a sort of apology?” Jimin questions.
“What? No! Nothing like that even crossed my mind. I just wanted to get the hell out of there so I just told her that she’s pretty and all, and that the time we shared together was fun but I just don’t feel the same. I told her that I-“
“Love Y/N?” Namjoon finishes.
Jungkook presses his fist to his heart when it starts to ache again “Y-yeah. I think I really do love her.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty obvious,” Taehyung smiles over at Jungkook “When we talked while playing games, you said that she was different, that things with her were different. I didn’t believe you but… Watching you two together, I can see she’s really changed you. For the better.”
If Tae wasn’t so far away from him right now, Jungkook would hug him.
“I know I have a shit reputation but I really like Y/N and I don’t want to fuck this up.”
“But you already did,” Jungkook sighs, because Yoongi wasn’t wrong.
“Yes, but it wasn’t my fault. Hyojin just pounced on me and started kissing me. Yeah, okay I fucked up because I didn’t shove her off but I was in shock! I didn’t fucking expect it and I couldn’t even think straight for a solid minute. By the time it dawned on me that she was kissing me, Y/N had already seen it.”
“Ahhh,” They all say collectively and Jungkook slumps back in his seat with an exhausted sigh.  
“So tell her and make it right,” Yugyeom squeezes his shoulder in reassurance “Y/N’s a reasonable girl, she’ll listen. Just tell her the truth and then from there she can decide what to do.”
“And what if she doesn’t want anything to do with me?”
“Well, then that’s her choice and you’ll just have to respect that.”
“Here here.” Hoseok raises his glass before taking a sip.
It wasn’t exactly the answer he wanted. Jungkook wanted them to say that you’d take him back and that everything would be okay and you’d be in his arms by tomorrow. Only, that would give him false hope. Yugyeom was right, it’s all up to you and even though it pains him to think that possibly this could not go in his favour, he’d respect your choice no matter what.
Jungkook grabs his phone from the table and stuffs it into his pocket “I’m gonna leave. Find Y/N.”
“What? You’re leaving now!? I thought like, maybe you could leave in a while, or do it tomorrow. You promised me a game of pool!” Chanyeol, way down at the opposite end leans across the table, already drunk and feeling extra sensitive.
“Next time, I promise. I have more important things to take care of.” Jungkook points a finger at him and Chanyeol settles, grumbling to himself so Yoongi pats him on the arm and slides him another full glass of beer.
“Go get her, tiger.” Tae gives him a wink.
Jungkook feels the smidgen of gloom hanging above his head lighten up just a little at the thought of rectifying this mess.
“She’s not here,”
Jungkook’s shoulders slump. Jin’s glaring over at him and it makes him fidget uncomfortably.
“Do you know where she is?”
“No and even if I did, I probably wouldn’t tell you anyways.”
Jin’s anger was justified but Jungkook really really wanted Jin to cut him some slack because he was trying to make things right and Jin’s bitterness was not helping.
Jungkook sighs in defeat, nodding his head and turning to walk away. Before he can get far, Jin’s closing his front door and stepping up behind him, calling his name. Jungkook turns around and notices how Jin looks so closed off. It makes his stomach twist.
“Don’t talk to her.”
“Don’t talk to her. Don’t go see her. Don’t anything, you hear me? You fucked up Jungkook. You hurt her and if I find out you’re trying to weasel your shitty self back into her life again, you’re off the team.”
Jungkook balks, not believing what he’s hearing. Was he serious? Jin couldn’t do that, could he? Baseball had grown to be one of his passions and it was the connection between him and his friends. If he lost that, then he fears he might lose them all too and he doesn’t think he can handle that. They’re his family, after all.
“Jin, you don’t get it. I didn’t do anything. Just let me explain it to you and you’ll understand,” Jungkook’s bottom lip wobbles like he’s going to cry.
It doesn’t phase Jin. “I don’t want to hear your excuses and lies. I know you, Jungkook. I know the type of guy you are and trust me when I say that you’re not good enough for her. She deserves so much better than you. So, you’re going to stay the hell away from her. Let her move on and be happy again. I’m not going to let you hurt her.”
Maybe Jin was right. Maybe Jungkook was no good for you. In his mind, you always kind of were unreachable. This beautiful deity that he wanted so desperately to have and when you gave him the chance, he spent countless nights wide awake thinking about how unbelievably blessed he was. There was just something about you that flips his world upside down. Makes him wish that he could rewrite his past so that he can proudly stand by your side and be the good man that you believed he was. He wasn’t that man though, and he wasn’t sure if he ever could be.
It’s hard to break old habits, no matter how hard you try and maybe Jungkook was just fooling himself into believing he has changed.
“Okay.” The word tastes like acid on his tongue and he wants to take it back, to tell Jin that no, he wasn’t going to give up on you. But maybe this was all just some sick dream and he was never really meant to have you.
Jin says no more, only turns back around and slams his door behind him, leaving Jungkook to stand alone in the hall before he also leaves.
“Who was that?” You ask, looking away from the movie and up at Jin.
“No one, just the neighbor,” He lies.
“Oh, okay.”
You lift the blanket and gesture for Jin to sit down, draping it over his long legs when he does. He’s warm and gives you a sense of comfort. Being with him makes you almost forget about Jungkook.
Jin’s surprised by how well Jungkook obeys him. He really thought that the boy would at least try and go behind his back to contact you but he doesn’t. He would have known because you would have said.  
So he doesn’t kick him off the team. Even though he still kinda wants to just because the tension between them is unbearable and quite frankly making his job as the coach a little bit harder. But it’s more bearable than Jungkook messing with your feelings, so he bites the bullet every practice and game and tries not to let Jungkook under his skin. A small sacrifice for your happiness.
Little did he know that your happiness was right there under his nose, standing almost as tall as him and pitching balls like his life depends on it.
It hurts. A lot. More so than any other breakup that you’ve ever experienced.  
A month passes and he doesn’t call or text. Never messages you on facebook or comes knocking on your door. You don’t see him in the halls and only catch glimpses of him in the dining hall or library with the rest of the team. Your eyes never meet and you wonder if it’s on purpose, or a dreadful coincidence.
You’re still mad, of course. Jungkook cheated on you and you know in your heart you could never forgive him for it, but the fact that he doesn’t even try breaks your heart even further. He doesn’t bother to explain things to you or make things right. Doesn’t apologize and try and win you back. As dumb as it is, you’re pissed that he doesn’t even try and fight for you at all.
Deep in your heart you think this hurts more than the fact that he cheated.
It shows that he never cared about you and that nothing between you was all that important. You were probably just something fun for him in his time of lonely boredom and the thought stings.
You loved him. Still do, and every day is a challenge because he’s not there to embrace it with you.
But at the same time, you hate him. Hyojin too. It was petty but you knew your reasons were valid.
Sunmi stretches her arms up above her head and whines when her muscles stretch and loosen. The two of you have been up in the library for the better half of your day, catching up on reading and working diligently on assignments. The two of you made a pact that you would get serious for the last leg of the semester. It was helpful, not only for your grades but it also kept you distracted from getting caught up in your ugly thoughts.
“I’m gonna grab a coffee, want one?” She asks, shoving her books off her lap and getting to her feet.
“Ugh, yes. I don’t think I can last much longer without it,” You laugh and she sends you the ‘O.K’ sign.
You watch as she walks off and you can’t help but wonder how in the world she’s still single. She’s beautiful and curvy, with long dark brown hair and pretty eyes, always dressing her best and taking care of herself.
Your line of vision is disturbed when someone steps in the way. You shake your head and bring back your focus, only to find Hyojin standing on the opposite side of the table you were sitting at.
You automatically frown, glowering up at her and gripping your pen even tighter. It was safe to say that you two were no longer friends and the both of you did your absolute best to avoid one another at all costs. So why she was standing in front of you now, rubbing at her arms nervously and looking at her feet, you had no idea.
“Do you need something?” You question rather impolitely.
“Uhm, can I – can I talk to you?” Her voice wobbles and if you didn’t dislike her so much, you’d want to soothe her nerves.
“What could you possibly want to talk about?”
“It’s about… Jungkook.”
You slam your book shut and roll your eyes, sighing. You go to get up but she scrambles and begs you not to go.
“Please! I really need to tell you something. It’s about that day. Please.”
You immediately stiffen at the mention.
“Fine,” You agree, albeit a little reluctantly “Sit.”
“Safe!” The umpire calls and Hoseok shoots Jungkook a wide smile from first base.
The both of them occupy base one and base two and they’re relying on Jackson to bring them home.
The pitcher sends a curve ball his way and Jackson goes to swing, but he misses only by a hair. The first strike as called and he shakes his head, irritated that he was so close but not close enough.
Jungkook eyes up third base and sways just the slightest. The second baseman has his focus on the pitch ahead so Jungkook takes his chance and darts off towards third base. He can hear the opposing team shouting and the pitcher whizzes around and throws the ball so fast that Jungkook can literally hear it travel through the air. He thinks he’s toast but still presses on, close enough to the base that he slides in right as the ball meets the third baseman’s glove.
But he’s fast enough and his foot touches the bag before the player can get him out.
“Safe! The ump calls and Jungkook pumps his fist, pleased with himself.
Jackson cranks out a solid hit right out into the alley between center field and left. Jungkook makes it home, Hoseok gets to third and Jackson makes it to first in just enough time.
Jungkook feels good. He’s focused and determined to put his all into this game. They made it to the post season finals and if they were to win this game, they’d walk off the field as champions.
He pitches with precision and strength, a flow of good luck and talent running through his arm. The gods must be in their favour tonight because Jungkook’s serving strikes left and right, and the team is pushing hard, all on their game.
They play hard, bat hard and run hard.
The Jets are the last to bat for the final inning. The score is toe to toe with the opposing team at 10 to 8. The Jets need to get three more home in order to win this.
Yoongi’s batting before him. He doesn’t hit on the first pitch but come the second, he bunts it beautifully and the other team scrambles for the ball. Yoongi gets to first with time to spare.
It’s Jungkook’s turn.
The bases are juiced. He has to hit damn good in order to win this right here, right now.
He rolls his ankles, then his head and gets into position. He takes a deep breath and watches the pitcher’s movements. The pitcher’s got a good poker face, so Jungkook can’t really guess what kind of pitch he’ll be getting, but he’s ready for anything.
The pitcher sends a nasty slider his way and Jungkook throws himself into the hit. The ball goes deep and flies completely out of the park.
It’s a homerun.
Jungkook is overcome with sheer euphoria, smiling so big and throwing his hands up in excitement. The sound of cheering from the crowd sends a tingle up his spine and he feels damn good.
Yoongi, Chanyeol and Taehyung all make it home and Jungkook follows after, making his way around each base. When he reaches home plate the entire team is crashing into him, circling him as they shout and cheer in celebration. Jin is hugging him and Jungkook can see how proud he is in in the way that he happily smiles down at him, patting his back and praising his strong hit. They won the tournament and are taking home the title of Champions.
When all is said and done and the crowd has thinned out, Jungkook takes a moment to sit down and breathe. He’s sweating bullets, can feel them trickling down his temples and under his jaw. He seeks out water and gulps it back without pausing for even a second. The boys are all chatting around him, kicking off their cleats and stripping away their jerseys.
Yugyeom is waving him over and so he gets up from his seat and follows him out of the dugout and as soon as he steps foot into the late evening sun, he stops.
Here you stand, with a soft smile and looking so perfect. Yugyeom heads back to the rest of the team and leaves the two of you alone.
Jungkook can hear his heart racing so loudly in his ears. All he can manage to do is stare at you and blink. He hadn’t seen you in what felt like a lifetime and to see you standing here, smiling, sends him into shock.
He looks so good, dirty and sweaty, red in the cheeks from playing hard. It’s the exact same way he looked when you first met him.
“Hi, Jungkook.”
You notice that he’s not going to make the first move, and you understand the reasons behind why, so you do it instead. You cross the short distance between you two, getting up nice and close so that you’re only a few inches apart. The heat that radiates off him is so strong that you can feel is wash over you and you bask in it for only a moment.
He remains still, just staring and you want to tell him to close his mouth before he catches flies but you hold off. There are more important things to say.
“Hyojin,” You start and he visibly winces “She came to me yesterday. Told me the truth about everything that happened.”
“S-she did?” He asks, swallowing the lump in his throat. He so badly wants to wrap you in a hug and kiss your face.
“Yes. She cleared everything up for me and at first I didn’t know how to feel. I was really conflicted and confused but… I took the night to think it over and I just want to tell you that I’m sorry.”
Jungkook feels his heart sink. You were sorry. Did that mean that you were done with him completely?
“I’m sorry that I never gave you the opportunity to explain yourself. Sorry that I never stopped to listen. God, I’m just so sorry.” You drop your eyes to look at his chest “I’ve missed you so much, Jungkook. Missed us. I-I want to go back to the way things were. I want you in my life, Jungkook. I want to put this whole entire misunderstanding behind us and just go forward from here.” You let out a heavy breath when you finish.
Jungkook just stands there for a moment, letting everything register in his mind. You quietly wonder if maybe it was too late and the damage was already done. If maybe he’s already started to move past things.
But you’re given your answer when his arms wrap around your waist and he pulls you in, hugging you tightly to his body. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, breathes you in and lets out a shuddering sigh.
“I’ve missed you too. And I’m sorry… for everything.”
You pull away just enough so that you can kiss him silly. It’s sloppy and mostly teeth because the two of you are smiling so widely, but it’s perfect.
From behind him, Jungkook can hear the other’s whistling and hollering.
When the two of you finally part, but not far enough where you can get out of his hold, he questions whether or not you were watching the game (more so, him) the entire time.
“I did. This time willingly,” you laugh “And I’m so proud of you! Congratulations on your big win, Jungkook.”
The blissful reunion is made even more perfect when you pull him down by the collar so that you can whisper in his ear.
“After the celebratory party, take me home so we can really celebrate.”
He didn’t think this day could get any better but boy was he wrong.
“Oh yeah, Jin also admitted to me that he threatened to kick you off the team.”
“I gave him a lot of shit for it so I don’t think he’ll be sticking his nose in our business again anytime soon.”
Halfway through partying at the pub, the two of you leave without a word to the others. Unlike everyone else, neither of you are drunk, wanting to stay completely sober for later, and so when you start whispering in his ear and kissing his neck, Jungkook practically drags you back to the parking lot where his car is parked.
The moment he unlocks the front door of his dorm, you’re shoving him through the entry way and pushing him up against the wall. You attach your lips to the base of his throat, licking and kissing at it as your fingers work on the buttons on his jersey.
Jungkook just lets you be, thoroughly enjoying the way you take the lead and chase after what you want.
You push the jersey off him and watch as if flutters to the floor, then yank his t-shirt up and over his head because that didn’t need to be worn any longer either. When he’s bare chested in front of you, pushed up against the wall and just watching you with curious eyes, you take a step back.
You remove your top and toss it to the floor, then shimmy out of your jeans shorts. Jungkook gulps hard when he looks your body over, taking in the view of how sexy you look in only a deep red coloured lingerie set.
“Were you planning for this to happen?” He questions you suspiciously, quirking a brow.
You just shrug, smirking “I was preparing for anything. But yes, I had this in mind as a potential end game for the night.”
Jungkook’s laugh is interrupted by a gasp when you suck his nipple into your mouth and follow the shape of his waist with light hands.
“Ow!” He jerks away when you nibble on the overly sensitive nipple, popping it out of your mouth and straightening out.
“What? Don’t like it?”
“I prefer your nipple in my mouth, thank you.” He reaches out and cups the back of your neck, drawing you into a hot kiss, wasting no time in dipping his tongue into your mouth and licking and caressing your tongue with his own.
While he kisses you, sliding his lips against yours and drawing a whine out of you each time he pulls on your bottom lip, you slip your hand between your bodies and run your palm against his forming bulge. To your satisfaction, it grows almost immediately in your hand.
“Hmm, there we are,” You say playfully and a little bit breathlessly when you break away from the kiss.
You move your hand along his length, stroking him through two layers of material but even still, you can feel the heat of his cock against your palm. Your other hand goes to work on undoing his pants, Jungkook keeping himself occupied with sucking hickeys onto the tops of your breasts, hands squeezing at your ass.
When his pants finally loosen, you shove them down to his ankles and out of your way, dropping to your knees and holding back a smirk when he groans from the way you slowly pull him out of his briefs.
He’s red and swollen, leaking precum from the tip and you waste no time in getting to work.
You swipe the pad of your thumb along his slit, spreading out the precum and lubricating the rest of your hand with it by stroking the head of his cock. You use your other hand to drag your nails up along his thigh until you reach his hip, grabbing hold of it. You give him a few pumps with your fist, twisting your wrist just right so that his breath catches.
His hands are tucked back behind his head but the moment your tongue licks at the tip of his cock, they’re falling into your hair and grabbing hold of the strands.
You drag your tongue along the underside of his cock, swirling it around the head before trailing back down just to do it all over again. He licks his lips and tugs a bit at your hair when you take him into your mouth.
You start slow, giving yourself the time to adjust to the intrusion before pulling back and sinking down even further until the entire length of his cock disappears past your lips. He weighs heavy on your tongue and you like the way he sucks a breath in sharply when you swallow around him, so you do it again.
Jungkook’s head knocks against the wall when he throws it back, lips parting to let out a moan that never comes; only a strangled breath in its place. You slide your lips along his length and take all of him so well without any complaint, swallowing around him and making him buck his hips forward.
You hum around him and his eyes drop down to look at you, tears pricking the corners of your eyes and fuck, you look so pretty like this. You pop off of him and replace your mouth with your fist, swirling your tongue around the head, sucking at it as though it were a lollipop.
Jungkook reaches down to place his hand over your own, coaxing you to tighten your hold on his cock, using both your hands to drag him even closer to the edge.
He slows his pace when he gets too close. He doesn’t want to cum like this – right here, right now. There’s so much more he wants to do to you first.
Jungkook pulls you up by your elbows, only whimpering slightly when his cock falls out of your hand. He grabs at your chin with one hand to tilt your head up so that he can lick a long stripe up your throat, while his other hand reaches between your legs and drags three fingers across your panty covered folds.
“You’re soaking, baby,” He breathes into your ear, taking the soft lobe between his teeth and pulling.
You whine when he presses his fingers firmer against you, his fingers getting coated in your juices even through your panties. He makes sure to press circles into the spot where your clit hides and even though he’s not touching it head on, the sensation is enough for you to jolt forward, knocking your forehead into his shoulder.
Your breathing is heavier and your whines become more frequent as he rubs you through the material. It’s so good, but not enough and you grip his forearm tightly.
“Jungkook,” You sigh and the sound of his name falling from your lips sends a bolt of electricity straight to his cock.
“What is it, baby? Hmm? What do you want?” The way he’s purring into your ear and sucking on the sensitive skin just below makes your head spin and your knees even weaker.
“I-I want you, babe, please. Take me to your bedroom and fuck me already,” You beg and it comes out so needy and high pitched that for a second, you wonder if it’s even you who’s speaking.
Jungkook wastes no time and taps your ass, waiting for your jump up and when you do, he hooks his arms around you and holds you by your ass, making his way to the bedroom and trying not to bump into too many things along the way.
He tosses you onto the soft bed and steps back to look you over. He can’t believe how lucky he is to have someone like you spread out like this, pupils dilated and swollen lips, looking up at him with an expression of pure lust painted clearly across your face.
“Fuck,” he growls, bending down to yank your panties down your legs and tossing them over his shoulder. He grabs your knees and spreads you wide, staring down at your folds and admiring the way you glisten even in the dim lighting from the lamp.
“Ah-ahhh!” You moan into the crook of your elbow when he presses in two, thick fingers. Jungkook is no stranger to your body and easily finds your g-spot, mercilessly stroking it repeatedly when he curls his fingers, pumping in and out of you.
If he keeps it up, you won’t last long because already you can feel your stomach tightening and a heat pool inside you. He can tell just where you’re at by the way you arch your back and the pitch of your moans and so he only continuous is ministrations for a few more pumps before he’s pulling his fingers free.
You don’t bother complaining because you know what he’s giving you next will be even better. Jungkook pushes your legs together and rolls you just a little so that your legs and hips are angled to the side and you're twisted comfortably at the waist.
Jungkook fumbles with the condom he grabs from the bedside table, tossing the wrapper away without any thought and rolling the condom down the length of his cock, shuddering at the feeling of being touched.
“How do you want it? You want me to be rough with you? Or do you want it slow?” It takes you absolutely no time to think on it at all.
“Rough, please.”
Jungkook’s pleased with your answer, leaning down and planting a kiss on the side of your ass cheek before giving it a slap and watching it jiggle.
“Tell me to stop if it’s too much.”
And when you nod your head in understanding, he brings one knee to rest on the bed beside you and braces himself with the other leg still on the ground.
Jungkook spreads your apart and pushes himself in between your folds, right into your heat and god is it even tighter inside in this position. He slides all the way in and once he’s buried to the hilt, he pulls back out only to slam forward again.
He fucks into you hard, pacing himself and each time his hips smack into your ass, your body slides forward. But you don’t go far because Jungkook holds on tightly to your waist with one hand, the other grasping your thigh and he drags you down and into each one of his thrusts.
“Oh-oh my god,” You gasp against the blanket when the pace picks up and he starts to pound into you, already breaking a sweat.
Jungkook has incredible stamina and agility and manages to keep it up without any struggle, grunting and groaning at the way you clench around his cock, the soft, wet walls hugging him perfectly.
You awkwardly reach behind you and unclasp your bra, wiggling out of the garment and discarding it up around the pillows. Jungkook takes his gaze away from where he fucks into you and zeroes in on the way your breasts bounce in time with his thrusts.
“Ahh, fuck!” He tosses his head back and shuts his eyes. Already he can feel himself reaching his climax and he needs to express himself somehow so he smacks at your ass and grins when you moan in response.
“J-Jungkook. Jungkook lift me up.”
Jungkook slows himself and pulls out completely, watching as you roll onto your back and get to your feet, standing tall on the bed with shaky knees.
Similar to how he carried you to the room, you latch on to him and he grabs hold of your ass, kneading into the soft flesh. The only difference this time is his cock is pushing deep inside you. This new angle feels equally amazing for the both of you as you moan in unison with Jungkook and you’re more than happy that his stature and muscles can handle the position because it’s by far one of your favourites.
You lock your legs around his hips and in he uses his hold on your ass to drag you up and down, aiding the thrusts of his hips.
You claw at his back, surely leaving behind angry red trails as you bounce on his cock. Jungkook tilts his head down and latches onto your right best, sucking and licking at it before the feral part of him takes over and he bites into the supple mound, leaving behind indents of his teeth.
It hurts but it’s so fucking good at the same time.  
You toss your head back with a low moan, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he repeatedly pounds into you, stroking your g-spot with every jerk of his hips.
“J-Jungkook. Fuck! Jungkook I’m gonna cum,” You pant and he pops off your nipple and growls out his blessing to do so.
You manage to snake a hand between the tight space between your bodies, reaching all the way down until your fingers find your clit. You rub at it, desperate for your release as you repeatedly moan his name like some mantra.
Jungkook can’t take it anymore. The way you tighten around his cock and the ever growing buildup in his loins has him racing to the finish line, the sound of his name dripping from your lips sending him crashing; cumming into the condom with a guttural moan and eyes screwed shut.
He doesn’t stop though, not until you’re throwing your head back and crying out his name so loudly he thinks that even the neighbours can hear. It feels amazing as he fucks you slowly through your orgasm, easing you off and onto the bed when it becomes too much for the both of you.
There’s nothing but both your pants and the sound of traffic filling the small room. Jungkook slips the condom off and ties it before tossing it in the trash can, coming back over to the edge of the bed where you lie and flops down next to you.
Automatically your curl into his side, resting your head against his chest and just listening to the way his heart races rapidly.
When you’ve both finally catch your breath and the two of you are calmer, you clear your throat and speak through a sated smile.
“So, the teams Ace scores the second homerun of the night. How do you feel, Mr. Jeon?”
Jungkook’s laugh sounds much deeper with your head pressed against him. “I feel like this is definitely my most favourite homerun of the night.”
The two of you laugh, naked and curled up into each other, enjoying one another’s presence. However, only five minutes pass before you’re popping up from his chest and looking over at him with a devilishly.
“What?” He asks, raising his eyebrows in question.
“You still got that little black bag with that little silver toy in it?”
Jungkook lights up at the mention, cock twitching in interest. You’re wiggling your brows at him and he thinks he’s dreaming as he stumbles over to the bedside table and snatches up the bag, flopping back down on the bed and tossing it your way.
Jungkook would be a fool to say he wasn’t in love with you, because if this wasn’t love, then he has no idea what is.
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