#this is what it feels like when the random tabaxi joins the party
oriwitchyartz · 2 years
this isn't entirely my fault
blame my friend and its discord server QwQ
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azaleawriting · 4 years
If Emotions Shown as Bright as a Full Moon, You Would See a lot More than I Let On
Br’aaxi vent fic. I’m sorry if they are out of character, this was more just for my own mental health. Hope you still like it!
Spoilers for S2 Ep16 (technically)
Summary is it starts with S’aad and ends with Taxi braiding Br’aad hair.
That’s it. That’s the entire fic.
The wind blows through the trees. The evergrowing trees that seemed to go on forever. Gods, Br’aad was so tired of these fucking trees! He’d been in the woods for maybe a day but it seems like a year. The only good news is that they were getting close to passing this hunter’s “tests” and they could defeat her soon.
Taxi made the suggestion to take a long rest before they faced her, and everyone agreed after Vel backed him up. The party settled down and decided who would be taking watch when. Taxi, Vel, Redd, then Sylnan.
After checking it wasn’t alive, Br’aad leaned against a random tree. He was going to simply stare at the midnight blue sky until he felt tired enough to sleep but something caught his eye. Vel and Taxi were talking amongst themselves away from the rest of the group. They were laughing about something. 
Br’aad smiled, though sourly. The two always had the greatest synergy in the team. Sometimes Br’aad was jealous that he didn’t have someone for him like Vel was for Taxi. A friend with mutual interests, able to seriously talk about any topic, have actual conversations, and able to challenge the other to get better. Br’aad was just the funny man in the group. Comedy relief, is the word? No one took him seriously, and that made him feel restricted. He couldn’t talk about anything without making a joke, or his companions won’t like him anymore. He loved making jokes, of course, but sometimes he just wants a nice heartfelt talk with someone. No jokes, no jests.
He sighs and looks over at Sylnan, talking with Mountain and Redd. Things had not been the same, not at all. They were still close, but not like they were before. He rubbed the tattoo on his cheek. This was the single thing that tore them apart. And instead of fixing it like a good brother, like a good person, he ran. He left the Wharf and stayed in another city for a whole year until finally returning home. And even now, after spending a few months back together, their relationship had not mended at all. There was still a rift between them, and Br’aad had no idea how to fix it. It was breaking his heart.
Br’aad slammed his head back onto the bark of the wood a lot harder than he should have but he doesn’t care. The sky looks gorgeous tonight. Bright moon with millions of stars. Reminds him of a certain realm he visited…
There is a sound next to him and Br’aad jumps, misadjusting the ring he was subconsciously messing with. The ring that Gith gave him actually. What was his name…?
Looking over, though, he sees Taxi sitting criss-cross and smiling at him. “Hey Taxi!” Br’aad smiled back while he placed his hands in the dirt and changed the way he was sitting so he can turn to his furry friend.
“Hey Br’aad! Daydreaming?” the Tabaxi replied glancing up at the moon before looking back down at Br’aad.
“Guess you could say that. What brings you over here though, weren’t you talk to Vel?”
“What? Vel fell asleep 20 minutes ago? So did everyone else. We’re the only two awake.”
Br’aad glanced around, and just like Taxi said, everyone was asleep. He blushed a little; he didn’t realize how long he had been thinking. He knew it wasn’t good for him.
“Yeah, seems like it. I’m not really tired though. Might stay up and annoy you for your watch” Br’aad snickered, hoping this would deter Taxi from the Half-elf so he could wallow in his thoughts in peace.
His mouth only curled up in a grin. “I might like that actually! It gets lonely in the forest, and it would be nice to have some company” he mumbled as his eyes transferred to the woods around them. The far off gaze coupled with the sad look in Taxi’s eyes did not sit well with Br’aad at all.
“Cool! I can totally be some company! Yep!” He tried to play up his personality to how it usually was, but it’s very hard. The constant stress made by the hunter has had a toll on all of them, and the inter-party fighting only fueled the fire. Br’aad was not having a good time.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, neither party knowing what to say, Taxi piped up “Hey, Br’aad, can I try something?”
“Yeah, of course, what is it?”
The tabaxi gestured for Br’aad to move forward, so he complied and Taxi sat down behind him. “I’m gonna braid your hair! I-if that’s okay.”
Br’aad giggled. Taxi was always hesitant on doing anything, but that’s what Br’aad liked about him. He thought about things before doing them. “Yeah, sure! As long as you make me pretty!”
Br’aad soon felt furry hands run through his hair, clawing out the tangles. The adventures had made his hair longer, which was nice, but also a lot harder to handle. Being away from any sort of way to take care of his hair was definitely another contributor.
The hands were nice, though. He hadn’t had someone play with his hair since he was 10. He closed his eyes a let himself relax, though still keeping an ear out for any suspicious noises.
He heard Taxi mumble something and he was about to ask him to repeat it when he felt the stem of a plant go in his hair. “Hey,” he opened his eyes and glared at Taxi playfully “what are you doing?”
Taxi chuckled and put his hand up in defense. “I’m just putting flowers in your hair! Stick them in the braid to make it prettier! That’s what you wanted, right?”
Br’aad’s eyes lit up. It did sound pretty! “Yes! Do that!” he practically demanded, making Taxi laugh again before Br’aad turned back around and let Taxi mess with his hair all he wanted.
Practically the whole watch went like this: Br’aad with his eyes closed, Taxi braiding his hair, and the calmness of the forest enveloping them in comforting silence.
Near the end of the watch Taxi cheerfully exclaimed: “Done!” Br’aad opened his eyes and turned his body around to face his friend. Taxi clapped his hands and smiled brightly. “You amazing!”
Br’aad carefully reached back and felt his head and hair. Taxi seemed to make three braids on his head, all with small flowers stuck strategically in them. They joined to form one big braid that flowed through the rest of his hair length. It finished with a tiny ponytail, tied by multiple long-stemmed flowers chained together and tied tight enough to hold.
“It feels great! Too bad I can’t see it.” Br’aad smiles at Taxi, who seemed satisfied with the answer. They both stretch and crack the bones that stiffened from the 2 hours in one position. Br’aad goes to get his bedroll and lay it out before Taxi stops him.
“Hey, Br’aad. I really enjoyed this time together. I hope you don’t think I dislike you or anything because you’re honestly a great person. Not a lot of people tell you this, but it was really fun to just hang out like this. I hope we can do it again sometime.”
Br’aad’s face turns a slight pink. He was not expecting this, but he definitely wasn’t complaining. “Ye-yeah. It would be great to do this again.”
Taxi grinned widely and skipped over to wake up Velrissa for her shift. Br’aad watched him leave with a warm smile. Maybe he wasn’t just the comedy relief.
He rolled out his bedroll and laid down on his stomach. He made sure that his braid wouldn’t get messed up as he slept, and he closed his eyes, falling fast asleep with a small grin on his face.
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usagi-zakura · 5 years
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Yesterday I went to a DnD-session fully expecting to get a TPK... 
Reason being last time we entered a forest that was protected by a powerful spirit, it had been angered by a group of demonic creatures who had attempted to burn the forest down (in retaliation of a previous adventure where we helped defend the forest from said demons...the forests’ inhabitants still warned us not to come back though...) We weren’t actually planning to go deep into the forest though, just pass through on the road that went straight past it. 
The characters involved were: Animal in the Woods- My tabaxi druid. A Half-troll barbarian blood hunter. A human fighter. And an elven wizard. 
At first it seemed to go fine. Some of the wildlife were a bit vary, but that’s what wildlife does...but then we were attacked by a pack of wolves, and most of us got caught up in entangling vines. 
The wizard tried to break through but failed because she had to pass a strength DC of at least 20... she can get a maximum of 19 in a strength saving throw and that is if she gets a natural 20 (and no, despite common misconception natural 20 is NOT an automatic success...its an automatic hit on attacks, but not on ability checks) seeing no other option, she decided to use burning hands... 
Forest spirt is NOT a fan of fire... Also the half-troll barbarian started throwing poison bombs... we decided it was probably time to just book it at that point... 
Woods transformed into a giant elk, and carried the rest of the party out of the forest (the wizard cast reduce on the half-troll so he was basically dwarf-sized, otherwise I would not be able to carry him.) 
We kept running with the spirit in hot pursuit, constantly being almost out of reach. He did get in a few attacks on us though, but the fighter attracted most of them (if anyone tries to attack his mount he can redirect the attacks on himself) then...he died.
We kept running and eventually it seemed the spirit stopped following us. We were almost out of the forest... until it cast a spell. 
That’s where the previous session ended... on to last night. 
The fighter’s player had intended to join with a new character, but sadly he was busy. So there we were, the three of us.  The troll, the elf, and the tabaxi (now finally out of wild shapes) lost in the forest...
A thick fog started surrounding us and we had no clue were we were anymore, not even the wizard who had an ability that always let her know where north was... 
Woods tried to climb up a tree to look around but it seemed no matter how far she climbed she could never reach the top...the tree was also filled with some very confused looking birds.
After that we just picked a random direction and started walking, refusing to stop to rest as we just wanted to get out as soon as possible. 
After four days of walking non-stop through the fog, we came across another traveler.
Woods went up to try and help him despite her companions’ protests, and tried asking the man how long he had been in the forest.
He seemed to avoid answering any of her questions though, and when she told him about the fighter we lost he simply said ominously “so that’s why there was a new tree”... fun fact the last time we were in this forest we had come across some weird trees that had armor sticking and weapons just sticking out of them, as well as giants’ bones.
The half-troll told Woods to get away from the guy in giant (the most obscure language both of us knew) so she tried to take a few steps away only for the man to tell us “We told you not to come back here”
Suddenly four dire wolves came out of the fog and surrounded us, as the man transformed into a half-wolf creature... he also bit Woods. 
DM asked me to toll a constitution saving throw, she failed. 
This is fine...
Somehow we actually managed to beat the wolves without taking casualties, mostly thanks to the half-troll barbarian, but it did leave our wizard with only one HP left, and I was out of spells so there was no more healing for her.
Being a druid Woods had heard rumors of what happened if someone got bit by a werewolf and the troll promptly tied her arms up just to be on the safe side. She didn’t protest...
We kept walking for a while longer, and eventually the fog actually seemed to let up. 
We were now extremely exhausted (level 3 exhaustion) from walking around and not resting for days, (We were also doing gritty realism so even a short rest would have taken all night). However the fog finally disappeared as the wizard tried to cast dispel magic. 
Turns out we were also surrounded by birds... 
The troll basically just passed out, and the wizard decided to cast Leomund’s Tiny Hut, Woods electing to stay outside because...y’know... lycantropy. 
Despite the image above though we never actually got to experience a lycantropic tabaxi... because we were promptly swarmed by birds and killed. 
After all that... we were killed by birds. 
That’s honestly kinda funny...
I’m not too upset about the druid dying... I was honestly thinking of replacing her anyway because I feel like after all this mess she might just give up being a druid at all after watching her friends burn and poison several parts of the forest (even if it was in self-defense) but I am kinda sad she never got to learn to fly (she was level 7, druids get flight forms at level 8) and also...that I never got to be a lycantrope cat :p (The DM did inform me that if she HAD turned she would have had to pass a pretty intense wisdom saving throw or be taken over by the spirit...at which point she would probably be put down by her party members. But I kinda think it would be a cool end to the character...bit cooler than being murdered by birds anyway :p ) 
We’re not ending the campaign though even though all our characters are pretty much dead at this point... we did leave an NPC-party member behind a few sessions ago, so I belive the plan was that he would ask for help from other adventurers to help stop an invasion.  I’ve already started working on a new character, a half-elf celestial warlock. 
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artific3r · 2 years
Sorry for the random message but I saw the tags on your reblog and I’m so curious what the concept behind your your rogue/bard concept character is!
hey, thank you so much for asking about my favorite unnamed dnd tabaxi. she brings me so much joy (because i am wringing it out of her and drinking it.) I am now going to type for a very long time.
She is unnamed and maybe a pirate. the original concept behind her was that I thought it might be interesting to take the concept of "having the character who already did everything already in their backstory" which is something a lot of beginner players do, and try an do it deliberately, with the intention of "whats life like for the character who won after it's over?"
so it's the whole "character who's out for revenge for killing my whole family and burning down my family home" deal, topped with a "I'm going to kill the noble with my dead brother's dagger," joins the noble's guard and climbs up the ranks to get closer to him. But uh oh, he's got a daughter around tabaxi's age, and now they're falling in love, and they're getting engaged, and the tabaxi thinks that maybe, just maybe, she can stay living with the noble, and his daughter, and it feels like home with her, just for a moment. but what's this, hamlet style, the noble is asleep one night and the daughters asleep elsewhere in the manor, and tabaxi realizes in that moment that she'll never be at home with him around, and in a moment of pure selfish fury, she kills him with her brothers dagger while he sleeps, and then flees into the night, never to be seen by these people again.
and tabaxi never told daughter about her family or her plan or what the noble had done to tabaxi, and whilst noble was not a good man he was a good father, and daughter loved him a lot. what happens with daughter after tabaxi bails is not my business. She flees, maybe stowing away on a ship (which is how maybe pirate happens, idk, she's been iterated and changed a lot and her initial concept was pirate) and she spends years just drifting aimlessly through the world, getting into fights and getting drunk and partying and doing whatever the hell she wants to because she won goddamn it and now she can live how she wants in peace (it doesn't feel like she won but she tells herself she's happy). and it would be in this unhappy, aimless, guilt ridden, hedonism-as-a-form-of-escapism state that she joins whatever party she would be a part of.
what happens with daughter would either be up to the dm, or, if i could find another person willing in the same campaign, another player would play daughter, theoretically searching for revenge, but at that point it would be up to whoever is playing her. if it is revenge tabaxi would absolutely let daughter kill her, because she did the same thing to noble, and she wants the cycle of revenge to stop (and maybe tabaxi believes she deserves it)
she can't go home because her family was home and that was burned to the ground and she can't go home because she didn't kill home when she killed noble, but at the same time, she did. <3 messed up dnd character, she makes me a little insane but it's ok im funny and awesome so it's cool
jesus this got. really long. like i saw it coming but still what the hell.
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