somacruising · 2 months
Tales of the Rays: Mirrage Prison
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Chapter 6: The Atoning Hero and Remorseful Chosen (Part 3)
Welcome back to the next part of Tales of the Rays! Here, we get a flashback with Kratos and Mithos back on their original world, as well as the members of the Salvation Front hunting down and finding Mithos.
Part 3 (6-3 Lotus Imperial Villa)
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Mithos: Oh, that’s good. I'm happy to hear that my sister's sickness is on the mend. …Without her, I’d really be all alone. 良かった。姉さまのオゼット風邪が快復に向かってて。……姉さまがいなくなったらボク、本当にひとりぼっちになっちゃうから。
Kratos: …You won’t be alone. I’m here, and so is Yuan. ……お前は一人ではない。私もユアンもいる。
Mithos: I don’t care about Yuan… Kratos, you’re…a unique human. But, you’re still a human and that means you’ll die long before me, you know? ユアンは別にどうでもいいけど……。クラトスは……人間じゃない。人間はボクよりずっと早く死んじゃうんだよ?
Kratos: I know. I’m undoubtedly going to die earlier than you. But…I’ll be sure to leave my soul to you when I die. そうだな。確かに私はお前よりは早く死ぬだろう。だが……私が死んでも私の魂はお前に託すつもりだ。
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Mithos: Your soul? What, does that mean you’re planning to become a ghost so you can stay with me? 魂?あさは、それって、クラトスが幽霊になってボクのそばにいてくれるってこと?
Kratos: No, that’s not what I mean. I would if it were possible, but I have no idea what happens after death. いや、そうではない。できるものならそうしてやりたいが死後のことなど私にはわからぬ。
Kratos: But, maybe I can give you some guidance on how to live… No, saying it outloud is too cliché. I’ll stop. だが、どう生きるのかという指針を……。いや、言葉にすると陳腐だな。やめておこう。
Mithos: …No, I understand. You’re saying that your way of living will remain inside my heart. ……ううん。わかったよ。ボクの心にクラトスの生き方が残るってことだよね。
Mithos: That’s how you’re going to guide me, right? In that case, I’ll feel a little less lonely. そんな風にボクを導いてくれるってことでしょ?そうしたらボクも少しは寂しくなくなるね。
Kratos: I don’t know if I can actually lead you that way… そのように導けるのかはわからぬが……。
Mithos: Fufu, I’m looking forward to it, Kratos-sensei! ふふ、期待してます。クラトス先生!
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Kratos: (In the end, I wasn’t able to guide Mithos. But, in this world, I—) (結局私はミトスを導けなかった。だが、せめてこの世界では——)
     [ Scene Change ]
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Zelos: Hey, Kratos! I finally found you! Why were you flying all the way over here? We've been looking for you for hours. おい、クラトス!やっと見つけたぞ!なんでこんなところを飛んでたんだよ。捜すの大変だったんだぞ。
Sync: I’m relieved you’ve found your long-lost daddy, Idiot Chosen. 迷子のパパを見つけられて良かったねバカ神子。
Kratos: …I don’t recall becoming the Chosen’s father. ……私は神子の父親になった記憶はないが。
Zelos: Funny, that. I’ve become a son, too. We can talk about our horrible memories later. Tell us what you’re doing out here. 奇遇だな。俺さまも息子になった。おぞましい記憶はねーよ。で、何してんだよ。
Kratos: I apologize. I don’t have time for this. There’s somewhere I need to go. すまない。少し時間をくれ。行かねばならないところがあるのだ。
     [ Scene Change ]
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Mithos: Get out of my way!! そこをどけ!!
Caius: Mithos! What the hell is going on!? This isn’t like you! ミトス!どうしちまったんだよ!いつものお前らしくないぞ!
Mithos: “Isn’t like me”? What the hell do you know about me!? いつものボク?お前にボクの何がわかるって言うんだ!
Shing: …Tsch. Caius, you have to get away, at least. My legs…I can’t… ……くっ。カイウス、お前だけでも逃げる。オレは……足が……。
Caius: I won’t leave you! 逃げられる訳ないだろ!
Caius: Hey, Mithos, you and Mercuria were the first people in this world to accept that I was a Leimon… a Lycanth, right!? なあ、ミトス。この世界でオレのレイモーン……獣人の姿を認めてくれたのはお前とメルクリアが最初だっただろ!?
Caius: That’s enough for me! I may not know anything else, but you’re a good person! それで十分だ!他のことなんか知らないけどお前はいい奴だ!
Mithos: I’m not childish enough to be calmed by being called a good person. Move aside or I’ll kill you!! いい奴だって言われて喜ぶほど子供じゃない。どかないなら殺す!!
     [ Mithos starts to approach them, when Kratos appears ]
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Kratos: Stop it, Mithos! やめろ、ミトス!
Caius: Huh…? え……?
Mithos: !?
Kratos: You’re sword lacks meaning. それは無意味な剣だ。
Mithos: —You…how dare you show your face to me. You filthy, traitorous human!! ——よくも……よくもボクの前に顔を出せたな。裏切り者の薄汚い人間!!
Kratos: That’s right. But, no matter how much you hate me, I will not sit by and allow you to continue swinging that sword so foolishly. その通りだ。だが、どれだけ恨まれ憎まれても、これ以上お前にこのような愚かな剣を振るわせるつもりはない。
Mithos: Don’t you dare start acting like my teacher! I let you off the hook once, but now you’re betraying me twice! 今更、偉そうに師匠ヅラするな!一度は見逃してあげたのに二回もボクを裏切って!
Kratos: I’ve decided to start over. I cannot change what I did in our old world. それでも私はやり直すと決めた。それはこの異世界でも変わらぬ。
Kratos: I should have never decided to fall with you just to get you what you wanted, nor should I have betrayed you and hunted you down. 私がやるべきだったのは、お前の望みを叶えるために共に墜ちることでもお前を裏切り追い詰めることでもなかった。
Kratos: I neglected any real attempt to save you from your suffering. お前を苦しみから救う努力をすることを私は怠っていた。
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Mithos: ………。
Kratos: I’ve wished many times that I could turn back the clock. But that’s impossible. And here, you and I are nothing but reflections. 時を巻き戻せるならと何度も思った。しかしそれはできぬ。そしてここでは私もお前も単なる影にすぎぬ。
Kratos: Still—no, that’s exactly why I want to take this chance to right my wrongs. それでも——いや、だからこそ過ちを正す機会をくれ。
Mithos: …I’m not doing anything wrong. Those who hurt others should be prepared to face consequences. ……ボクは、間違ってなんていない。他人に害を与えた者は、その報いを受ける覚悟をするべきだ。
Mithos: You should know that, Kratos. You’ve already gotten revenge. You killed Kvar—you and Lloyd. クラトスもわかってる筈だよ。自分だって仇を討った。クヴァルを殺したんだから。ロイドと一緒に。
Kratos: I did. I couldn’t control my desire for revenge when faced with the one who killed my wife. All I got out of it was a momentary sense of elation and accomplishment. そうだな。私は妻を殺された復讐心を抑えられなかった。その結果、私に生まれたのは一瞬の高揚感と達成感だった。
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Kratos: But it didn’t last long. All those feelings vanished and all I had left was an empty void. No matter what I do, Anna…will never come back. しかしそれはすぐに消える。消えた後に。残るのはむなしさだ。どれだけ手を尽くしてもアンナは……妻は戻らぬ。
Mithos: …So what? Are you trying to say something nice about how revenge is pointless? ……それで?復讐は何も生まないなんて綺麗事を言うの?
Kratos: I am. I can’t deny revenge itself, not after I fulfilled my own desires the way I did. そうだな。自らの欲望を果たした私には復讐そのものを否定することはできない。
Kratos: But, Mithos, even if revenge was the right option, the ones you want to take revenge on all died long ago. だが、ミトス。もし復讐が許されるとしてもお前がその気持ちを向けるべき者はすでに死んだ。
Kratos: You’re using your desire to save Martel as an excuse to hold onto your hatred. I recognize that now.  お前は憎しみという感情を、マーテルを救うための免罪符にしてしまった。私もそれを認めてしまった。
Kratos: That’s all I wanted to say. I was wrong. すまなかった。私が間違っていた。
Kratos: ………。
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Sync & Zelos: ………。
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Mithos: …That’s enough. I’m not interested in talking about this anymore. Kratos, heal Shing. You can do that much, at least. ……もういい。気がそがれた。クラトス、シングを回復して。それぐらいはやってくれるでしょう。
Mithos: Also, Zelos, you fly that masked guy over there. I’ll take Caius and Kratos can carry Shing. あとゼロス、そこの仮面の奴をつれて飛んで。ボクはカイウスをクラトスはシングをつれて飛ぶ。
Mithos: There's a hill a little further down the road that the Imperials rarely go to, so we'll go there. 少し先に、帝国の連中が滅多に来ない丘があるからそこへ行く。
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Sync: Heh… What a surprise. I noticed an Imperial messenger came sniffing around during that lovers’ quarrel of yours. へぇ……。案外やるね。アンタたちの痴話喧嘩の間に、帝国の伝令兵がここへ来てたこと、気づいてたんだ。
Caius & Shing: !?
Zelos: Well, it wasn’t like he was particularly good at hiding himself. まあ、気配を消すのが下手くそな兵士だったしな。
Kratos: Which unit was he from? あれはどこの部隊の兵士なのだ?
Mithos: It was Richter, judging from the armband. While he might have missed me, it’s still more trouble than it’s worth. I’m not staying. 腕章からしてリヒターだ。見逃してくれそうな気もするけど色々面倒だからね。逃げるよ。
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Caius: Hey, did you notice any soldiers here? なぁ、兵士なんてきてたか?
Shing: No, I didn’t notice anything at all, there were too many confusing things happening… いや、突然訳のわからない喧嘩が始まったから、全然気づかなかったよ……。
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444namesplus · 7 months
Aa Aarausi Abit Adage Ade Ae Aeetir Aevaka Aidedepi Aie Ao Aoi Ape Api Apiz Araperti Are Aredi Arei Arep Arese Ari Aropet Asi Asitiri Asoro Atedera Ati Atiero Atigidorru Atira Ato Atovet Bator Betap Bii Buo Dapi Dara Dare Dedap Deii Deiu Depero Dete Deti Dido Diptu Dired Diriri Diro Dirpid Dirpii Ditipir Doi Dorfirvegetat Dortesa Ea Edi Edo Edu Ee Efokipo Ei Eia Eire Ekeo Ekipakrerta Eo Eoe Eperou Epi Epudertet Ere Eri Erip Eriposi Eritiati Eroi Eros Eru Eruvrua Esei Etefpepira Etotikirri Etup Eusu Evatigise Fakkera Fao Fei Fere Ferii Fesurpia Feteteo Fiadi Fiero Fifaia Fifegiburi Figi Firez Firie Firoi Fiteefipu Fiuote Fogi Fopi Futragtiti Gaper Garta Gepo Geriite Gertit Gieaia Gipdo Gipepibee Giteo Goa Gogo Gora Gurorikapte Ia Ide Idod Iduia Iea Iee Ife Ii Iie Iikitog Iito Ikup Ioriru Iotare Ipea Ipiti Ira Ireritate Iri Iripii Iriri Iro Irutpapu Ise Isippi Isue Ita Itapita Iti Itii Itor Itori Ituteo Iu Kager Kapiura Kaua Keerirare Kego Kerteti Kidaperisip Kidsa Meiti Mia Nadaptii Noisir Oda Ofi Ogiitoppar Oi Ora Ori Orig Orireapet Osiri Osit Otepi Ou Paa Padai Padse Pafe Pafi Papire Para Parupis Pausa Pefe Pefi Pekairerir Perat Pereuri Pesa Pesadadetson Pesapariri Pesapim Petue Pifidparie Pifteasi Pii Piipe Pipi Pire Pirgu Pisu Piteifu Pitrooidi Piutaburre Pogdit Poraofi Porapi Poro Portut Poru Pote Poterakri Purorortipi Purpo Putaritor Rabu Rade Rafteiee Rai Raii Rapa Raparai Rape Rapepa Raptero Rarem Rarosret Rarriror Rarti Rasou Rasu Ratfipsi Rea Rebre Redpir Reeipe Reipare Reiroruu Repai Repesaeri Repfat Repo Rerat Rerfe Reropu Rerou Rerupagere Resasatiri Resre Retdoeti Ria Riae Riduoa Rie Rifibu Rigara Riie Riiriii Rika Rio Ripip Ripiu Ripo Riradao Rire Riri Rirpi Rirradi Riseg Risi Risro Rita Ritae Ritera Ritpa Roaefrasrif Roaepe Rodape Rofeti Roiti Ropti Roriti Roro Rorre Rosarusi Rotaite Roti Rotir Rotue Roturdurpa Rou Rozat Rozoiito Rua Rufase Ruo Ruppir Ruro Rusrire Ruti Ruto Ruu Ruupo Safirap Saikupare Sasiktipiso See Sefdopirudi Sefori Segir Sepi Seprat Seri Seritorie Sesi Sesporidrof Seto Setoietat Siaip Sidipi Siedu Sifpato Siiaigo Sipi Sirap Siresi Siru Sitesei Soi Soki Sopeie Soptariki Suderartip Surer Surpe Taapi Tadrepa Tagsati Tai Taoroipe Tapot Tardatese Tatore Tau Tazudi Tebi Teetap Tefefuve Tegdo Tepero Tepetu Tepito Tepu Terei Tereti Terida Tese Tesi Tetepi Teti Tia Tiditea Tie Tifas Tipatu Tipe Tipebo Tipi Tiprer Tira Tirade Tiraporukpu Tireripa Tirite Tisi Tisirozo Titarera Titea Titirdir Titiv Tize Toe Topii Tori Torre Torrii Tota Totefdafi Toto Totrai Tuero Tureri Tutaro Udutrerdav Ue Uo Uodip Upi Usa Usipe Utis Uto Uzo Viroefa Vitipotu Vopoi Ziafa Zifo Zigpu Ziro Zitirrite Ziu Zosda
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deenzola · 4 years
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Congratz for getting xma, you two.
6.13 Happy Lloyd Mithos day 😳
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melongumi · 6 years
new Edgelord Designs for Ix and Mileena are currently my most favorite thing
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yakitsukeru · 7 years
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Months of saving for him paid off. I'm just...I almost died from the tension I gave myself during the Summon and he just POPS into my life (which pretty much started a new round of almost dying of happiness). Thank you Origin for blessing me with Leon's Mirrage and weapons. (; w ;)
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canotop-fanart · 5 years
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Yuri And Flynn
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pengiesama · 6 years
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did i do this meme right
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neylakiiroisenkou · 5 years
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Thank you TotRays for giving us this wonderful Veigue ♥
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kohakhearts · 7 years
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somacruising · 9 months
Jade Curtis’ Room Quotes
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General Quotes
“If you're looking to chat. I'm sure you could do better than me. But... fine.”
“Everyone has some redeeming quality within themselves.”
“My, my. You youngsters certainly are frisky.”
“Did you need something? I've not much free time, so keep it brief.”
“Hmm? Did you need something?”
Daily Gift Quotes
Day 1: “I see you’ve finally arrived. Well then, let’s get to work at once.”
Day 2: “I’ve heard there are people out there with all kinds of strange tastes. In any case, please accept this gift from me ♪”
Day 3: “There was a time when I was called the Necromancer… That’s right, it was back on my original world.”
Day 4: “It seems you’re having a good time. Let me give you that present you came here for.”
Day 5: [Day 2 repeated]
Day 6: [Day 4 repeated]
Day 7: “Thank you for your hard work every day ♪ Please accept this token of appreciation for everything you’ve done for us.”
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deenzola · 4 years
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Nazar Kocis goes brrrr
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melongumi · 7 years
I’ve downloaded Tales of the Rays, add me
Talliz: 675-371-739
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my-codename-is-bug · 6 years
thank u for answering the TotRays ask!! i wish u tons of fun and good pulls in the future!!
Ah, you’re welcome, and thank you! ^_^ (Yeah I’m definitely going to need that luck, Kanonno’s available again and I want to get her mirrage this time…!)
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canotop-fanart · 5 years
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can’t believe i forgot to post this! it’s asch’s skill Burning Havoc (紅蓮襲撃) in totrays and it’s super fun using it.  that is all..
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yukinomonshou · 6 years
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neylakiiroisenkou · 6 years
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I wanted to redraw Tear from her Valentine's Mirrage Arte in TotRays *.* (and an excuse to draw her in a chinese-style dress)
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