nisaaiwvaot · 1 year
Pareja Amateur Argenta cogiendo de lo lindo MOM knows DAD fucks DAUGHTER fodendo vizinha Spanking Gay Ass Red First time outdoors thick facial Cristi Ann may be a tiny too cute polvo doble casero Que rico monta esta chichona pawg mature wife loves my bbc sexo anal cbta Celaya Apaseo Guanajuato Lesbian sub whipped and fisted in bondage
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raintailed · 3 months
rain rain rain rain how do you draw iterators and slugcats btw like all your gyus are so shaped its so fun to look at theyre just little guys...
i'm gonna start with slugcats! my old guide from 2023 is here.
Note: "slugcat" refers to multiple species (slugcats are in a species complex). It can be hard to differentiate slugcat species, since some are very similar and hybridization between them is common where their ranges overlap. The species that Monk and Survivor are members of is called the "common slugcat."
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Slugcats are weird sorta-feline creatures that walk bipedally and have little hands. Their average height is 3'3" or about 1 meter tall.
Their basic body shape is a round head on top of a trapezoidal body. Their legs are digitigrade, they have human-like arms (that are often skinny lol), and their tails are thick and tapering. Slugcats also have retractable arms ig??? I have no idea how that would work
In terms of head shape, it's similar to a cat's, but with a somewhat taller forehead (bigger brain! more room for being Smart!). Slugcats usually have short muzzles, big eyes, and long ears.
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Note: slugcat arms usually rest in front of the body (think meerkats) rather than to the sides like a human.
Uhhh I like giving slugcats dewlaps (rabbit dewlaps are a good reference)!
And for fat slugcats, fat is usually stored in the tail (and dewlap) first. So naturally my gourmand has a big tail and a big dewlap :]
And!! I like to think that some slugcats have fur, and some don't. Hairless slugcats are slimy; furred slugcats have oily, waterproof coats. Some shorthaired slugcats have smooth fur like otters and seals do.
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TEEFS!!! Except technically, slugcats don't have teeth. Rather, they have sharp, jagged beaks (think cephalopods). Their beaks continually grow and they are self-sharpening. Because their beaks are really sharp, slugcat bites are always serious injuries.
The length of their "fangs" varies by species. Some carnivorous species have long fangs, for example.
And! They have bristly tongues like cats (and kinda like the radula of a gastropod).
For their paws, slugcats have 3-fingered hands and feet. Their claws vary; some individuals have blunt claws, some have sharp claws, others have retractable claws, etc.
The inner toe of a slugcat's foot is opposable, making it easy for them to grab onto poles with their feet. (Compare to scavengers, who mostly use their arms to climb.)
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SLUPPIES!!!!!! (don't worry about the fluffy one, they're just eepy)
Slugpups have different proportions than adults! Including having a bigger head, chubbier body, etc. Fluffy slugpups can also be a bit scraggly like longhaired kittens are.
My slugcats are basically egg-laying marsupials. They lay eggs, store them in their pouch, and then the eggs hatch into itty bitty babies. The babies stay in the pouch, feeding on milk until they're big enough to venture outside.
When pups are too big for the pouch, they ride on their parent's head or back. They also begin the process of weaning around this time, since by then they've started growing a sharp beak (i guess before that, their beak is dull and too small to self-sharpen?).
Note: some slugcat species are unisex and others are trioecious (having male, female, and hermaphrodite individuals).
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For expressions, ears are important!!
Neutral: ears relaxed. The relaxed position varies by individual; some slugcats have their ears rest slightly tilted back, for example.
Alert/interested: ears perked up.
Angry: ears pinned back. Very angry slugcats have their ears positioned so they're almost in line with the top of the head.
Afraid: ears pinned down (sometimes slightly to the sides, too).
Sad: ears droop to the sides.
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Slugcats mostly use their tails for balance, but they're used for some emotes too.
Upwards-curled tail is an excited or enthusiastic hello! Kinda like how some cats raise their tail when they see their human.
When upset, annoyed, or grumpy, slugcats may thump their tail against the ground (kinda like how rabbits stomp).
Some slugcats wag their tails when playing or excited. This isn't a universal thing, though.
Slugcats with fur may puff up their tail when startled or scared. They may also puff their tail when excited or playing, too.
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updated from the (previous) (drawings)
i did not draw their actual reproductive situation cause i don’t feel like it but they’re a little weird i think lol
they live on a carbon world w/ a 10 bar atmosphere orbiting a brown dwarf of some kind?? instead of water their biochemistry uses liquid ammonia. or maybe they are just some funny hexapods with soft fur and horse ankles.
i did finally really cement some ideas with their aesthetic and also, not pictured, they live in dome shaped little houses with thick mud walls probably... good for windy
also i got rid of that weird breathing setup cause i didn’t like it. idk how they talk now but i’ll figure it out.
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ferallindsay · 2 years
yeerks don't have three sexes
well not necessarily. I've seen all you animorphs fans saying this and I'm sorry but the source cited for this never says that at all. this is pure fanon, and fanon is fine, but it is treated as canon for reasons I can only assume are poor zoology education amongst the fans, so...
first, while we don't really know the fine points of yeerk biology, I think we all agree it's ok to extend terrestrial language to extraterrestrial beings when it's appropriately analogous. yeerks might not be true gastropods but they're slugs. I'll use the language of earth biology here even tho it's technically wrong in some instances
now. what aftran does say is that yeerk reproduction involves three individuals, for whom it is fatal. that does teach us a lot! a semelparitous mating strategy is presumably very unusual for sentient species, but possible living in such large colonies. but the thing is, everything we learn about yeerk reproduction is about their mating system, not their sexual system
mating systems describe which individuals of a species reproduce together and under what circumstances. sexual systems describe which reproductive functions different individuals can possess. my gripe here is that mating systems don't reliably tell us anything about sexual systems. the number of individuals involved in a mating act and the number of sexes a species has simply don't correlate
as examples, take dwarf mussels and western honeybees. dwarf mussels are trioecious, ie they have three sexes, but mating involves two individuals. how to classify sexes for western honeybees (and similar eusocial superorganisms) is its own wonderful discussion, but during nuptial flights, several male drones will mate with the queen and then die. mating involves 3-7 individuals but only two sexes
now I'm not saying it's impossible (your fanon is valid), but a trioecious species requiring one member of each sex to mate seems like a dangerous overspecialisation. maybe you think this is appropriate, since yeerks are already overspecialised so much in other ways, and I do like that interpretation
my own interpretation however, was always that yeerks are sexually undifferentiated, whether through isogamy or universal simultaneous hermaphroditism or something completely alien. it's also possible they have dozens of sexes, or worst of all, they could even be gonochorous (this is not a valid headcanon tho. grow up)
tl;dr just because mating requires three individuals doesn't mean there are three sexes. they could still have any number of sexes, or none, which seems mostly likely to me. this isn't really about whether they have three sexes, which is a fine bit of fanon, just about some biology that explains why it isn't absolutely canon
anyway I hope this was interesting or whatever. share your thoughts if you have em, or ignore me and continue talking about your space slugs and psychic centaurs
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