#tumblr quality is kinda meh but hopefully you can still enjoy it ^^
its-flame-art · 6 months
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“wait a minute. wait a minute, Doc. ah... are you telling me that you built a time machine...out of a DeLorean?”
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austanza · 5 years
I’m not dead I swear
Tumblr’s just kinda meh now :(I really liked the blog, it gave me a place to talk about what I’m doing or how I’m feeling into a void where I don’t have to worry about stuff. But since I started playing Maplestory2 I managed to make some great friends and I ended up talking with them more than posting on the blog, and ever since then the posts stopped coming. It’s been a long time since my last posts so I figured I’d use this opportunity to bring my blog back from the dead!I used to check tumblr every day but ever since they age-restricted a lot of content it became a lot less desirable for me because it pushed out a lot of content/producers that I enjoyed/followed so I didn’t have much of a reason to keep myself on here, but now I realized I enjoy posting, even though nobody’s going to read them (but maybe in the distant future, when I’m long gone, someone important to me will dig this up and read about me! That’d be exciting).So I’m gonna go back to posting about whatever in the hopes that I’ll continue to enjoy it as much as I did back in the days I started posting in. So to update you on what’s happening, here’s what’s been going down since long ago:1) MapleStory2 was a big part of my life, I’d log on and do hours of grinding to get my dailies/weeklies done, and in the process I had made a big group of friends and we’d hang out every day! Unfortunately after a few months it fell apart and half of us ended up separating... but the half that did stick around is the side I’m with so I’m still happy with the good people I’ve come to know. I still join the discord with them every now and again, even though the falling out basically killed my motivations to continue playing the game, though I have been considering coming back... I just wish there were solo aspects to the game, because I hate relying on others to carry me (I’m dead weight, and I hate not contributing)... 2) League of Legends has been (mostly) kind to me so far. I’ve decided to play ranked a lot more often and see how much farther I can climb/how much I can improve in terms of my own abilities. As of this post I’m Silver I; just wish I had more time to play ranked! I can’t play during the day because of work (7am-5pm) and I share this connection with a bunch of people, not to mention the bad quality of the internet, so my connection suffers greatly... but I still think I can get far before the end of the season. I’ll keep you updated! 3) Work is kinda stressing me out. I used to be content with making the money we were making but now my dad has decided to partner with the university here and we’re going to transition to a dorm system... which means a LOT more people will be staying here all at once. I have a lot of anxiety because it’s just me who’s the most reliable out of myself and my sister, and she leaves her desk often, so people get locked out often. I hope we can get more people to work here soon because I don’t know how much more I can take without a break... 4) I don’t remember if I’ve said this before here or not, but I’ve gotten really deep into reaction channels on YouTube so that I can pretend to be watching anime and funny videos with other people to enjoy them together. They’ve been my main source of entertainment during work hours; if you haven’t seen them before give them a try!
5) I don’t have a capture card or anything so I can’t post videos about them but I’ve started playing Fire Emblem: Awakening on Lunatic mode and... it’s hard. But it wouldn’t be rewarding if it was easy so I’ll keep at it and post about it every now and again. I’ve also been addicted to CivClicker lately, trying to get all the achievements. It’s seriously a lot of fun, you should try it if you’re bored and want something to pass the time in a fun way. 6) One of my friends stopped playing Dungeons & Dragons with us so we’ve had to replace her. I tried to recruit a friend from my ms2 games but the group ultimately decided on someone else. That someone else is uncomfortable for me to play with, granted I’ve only had one session with the guy. Maybe I don’t like him because the character I designed was to help the friend (the one who stopped playing) do incredibly well- like a tag-team combo- but his character basically negates my character’s purpose... so it’s not been fun for me so far. I’ve only played one game with him so I’ll hope future sessions are better. If not then I’ll probably stop doing that too. I originally wanted to have fun with my friends playing the game so it might also be because I simply don’t know the guy that I feel alienated. Well whatever, like I said I’ll wait and see. TL;DR, I’m doing fine aside from some work-related issues and d&d stuff. I’ve had a lot of fun doing other stuff and will continue to have fun doing that stuff for as long as I’m able. You’ll know what’s going on because I’m back!!! Hopefully :)
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