#viarnne went there too
synthaphone · 2 years
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Ben’s original species/color + the first four morphs- Striped Quiggle was baby-3rd grade, Cloud Shoyru was 3rd-8th grade (wanted to be cooler), Darigan Ixi was high school and the first couple weeks of college (needed to be COOLER), Christmas Blumaroo was for one weekend of college (was drunk at a college party and got dared to), and Woodland Wocky was the rest of college (“it symbolizes my personal growth and my journey to being an adult professional”)
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synthaphone · 5 years
has viarnne ever tried to stand up for ben or tell ben to not care about their a-hole dad bc his opinion on how u live shouldn't matter?
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okay, way too much answer under a cut though
i’m still working out a lot of the details- they both have complicated feelings about their dad, and their relationship with each other also got sort of caught up in that
phineas wanted his sons to be like, smaller versions of himself, that follow his directions perfectly, fall in line with his tastes and opinions, fulfill the traditional requirements and steps he believes are markers of success, and don’t do anything that he feels could embarrass him. this obviously wasn’t good for either of his kids, but it was especially bad for ben because basically from the moment he was born his dad was like, hm, no, i can already tell that this googly eyed frog child is not to my liking
viarnne has been kind of standing up for ben since they were really little, but he’s also afraid of being the focus of his father’s annoyance, so he tends to try to distract or deflect anger away from ben, rather than outright calling his dad out for anything. he doesn’t want to be in ben’s position and ultimately isn’t willing to go far enough out of the way for ben to risk ending up there with him
when they were younger, ben was terrified of their dad, and so viarnne would deflect attention, hide with him somewhere in the house where they wouldn’t have to interact with him, try to distract him by playing games, etc.
when they got older their dynamic sort of changed- ben ended up becoming the responsible one, while viarnne was falling behind in school and felt sort of insecure about his younger brother seemingly becoming smarter and better than him
so that + their father’s disapproval continuing to be disproportionately directed towards ben was not great for their relationship. 
i don’t know if viarnne ever told ben up front that he was on his side, either... i feel like he’d try to just like, indirectly show his support, which is... ultimately not as reassuring as saying ‘hey it sucks how dad treats you, and he’s wrong’ would have been!!!!! i dunno, maybe he’d come through a couple times, but its hard to know atm, i’ll have to decide on that later and it’ll depend on whether or not it makes sense
i think viarnne is actually rather empathetic, but not brave enough to actually step up if he fears it will put himself in too much danger- prior to his death, anyway
he and ben eventually work a lot of this stuff out.
none of this response actually explains that picture and i’ve already talked too much, but they are referring to their dad. phineas doesn’t buy that his dead son’s soul is in a robot, but he thinks a judge might, and he’s got a lot of money riding on this lawsuit over his son’s death and has no qualms about hiring people to destroy a piece of machinery to ensure that things go more smoothly
(maybe that’s borderline too evil, like but like, real CEOs do way more evil stuff and also despite me taking parts of this story really seriously i still am currently running with the plot element of viarnne dying in a pie factory explosion sooooo i guess i’ve got some tone discrepancies to work through)
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synthaphone · 4 years
reasons i focus on viarnne and sam so much:
literally dont have as many solid plot events and relationship beats pinned down for any of my other characters
easy/fun to draw
what if i only know how to write one kind of relationship dynamic? if this is the case i can never let anyone find out, including me. i couldnt live with the shame
what if i pivot to try and work out other character relationships instead and it doesnt work and i lose interest in everything and then i have nothing? id have wasted over a year of my life on working on a story that ultimately went nowhere (i know it wouldnt be a total waste but. its a scary thought)
i just like them
anyway i am sure i will work on other characters in relationships more eventually, i will work through these fears
heres this meme- i filled it out on my phone, hence the extremely rough penmanship
theyre both in their early to mid twenties and arent more than a year or two apart in age, (no idea who’d be older, it just doesnt matter), uhhhhhhhhh sam’s obviously taller than viarnne but also i think he was a little taller than viarnne when viarnne was alive, too (not counting the horns). viarnne naturally floats a little lower than sam’s head
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