#vix’s inbox of wonders 🔮
18, 28, 33 with your fav ship of all time 💖💖 love u crab
You’re going to make me pick my favorite ship?? Key why would you make this so hard 😭😭
I’m doing buddie because I love the gay firefighters bye
18. Who is a cat person / Who is a dog person?
Hmm. Buck is the golden retriever man so I say he is a dog person, but Eddie screams cat person.
28. Who is the book worm?
Evan “Buck” Buckley is a giant nerd and we all know it. He is Spencer reid level nerd and won’t admit it so I say him.
33. Who would wear “not guilty” T shirt / Who would wear “sin” T shirt?
You see the answer to 18? Just flip them, there’s your answer
Love you too crab 🦀
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Learn to know your mutuals and followers ❤️
1. Knitting
2. Writing
3. Reading (currently reading the ACOTAR series)
4. Baking (I stress bake though)
5. Photography
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RED ALERT: Austinnnn has a new stylist. a good one.
Are we talking about today’s outfit?? Because I’m about 99% convinced his mom picked it out after Thursday’s sweater vest as a shirt
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Dude (gender neutral), your blog is like a dark reflection of who i’ve become. I recently got refixated on All Time Low for what feels like the 100th time and I’m currently also very mentally ill about Outer Banks, literally losing my shit over finding someone with the same disorders
First off, I didn’t know how to respond to this at first haha. I started listening to all time low in 5th grade (so 2007) and then got into OBX in 2021 when I had Covid!
My most recent hyperfixation is 9-1-1 😂.
Also, dude is ALWAYS gender neutral 😂 same with the term fangirl imo
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What’s Austi done now?? 👀👀👀
Nothing 😂 @teelagurl558 just made a comment that all Austins are the same person and I was like…you right.
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i loved episode 5 so much because topper being a part of the heist was amazing and his dynamic with them was so funny
Yes! I was so disappointed that attitude didn’t stick but like what can you do 🤷🏻‍♀️. I love my little arsonist
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hey my name is vix, I’m like the #1 Drew Starkey and Austin North fan, glitter & crimson makes me cry, my wife is my soulmate, and my cat eats everything I’ve ever loved. Oh, also, I crochet huge blankets and love Captain America’s ass almost as much as Bucky.
This sent me 😂. Spot on except I knit and not crochet
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16. A song from a film/TV series?
So when OBX came out, I knew I’d heard Left Hand Free somewhere before but I didn’t realize where until I watched Captain America: Civil War again this week and realized it was also used in that movie
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Taking Austin's virginity 😵
This is an idea 🤔🤔
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We need to have a talk with Austin's stylist. He had such a glow up there for awhile and now it's just sad especially in comparison to the others.
Unfortunately his sister got engaged and can no longer dress him so he is now left to his own devices 😂
I’m kidding but like who seriously dresses our man? Who lets him dress himself
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40 bc I’m curious
40. Write a 9-word fic
Taking a deep breath, she looked down and jumped.
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spinningintheshadows · 4 months
29, 34, 43, 44 from the ask game I just reblogged 💖
29. How do you like your shower water?
Firey pits of hell
34. Is there a song you know every word to by heart?
….maam you know me and you know the answer to this is yes. Multiple
43. What’s your take on spicy foods?
Give me all the spice
44. You get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
……uhhhh I think I’ll just message this one discord
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spinningintheshadows · 9 months
How dare Austin look like that?!
I wanna give him the capri sun special
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Hey girlie just wanted to let you know there’s no reason for you to tag a x oc fic as a x reader fic. Like really it’s just a waste of time having to scroll past it :/. I know you probably put it that way to get more attention to it but like if people wanna read about an oc they’ll look for it.
Or I can tag my stuff what I want. It doesn’t bother you. I don’t even post my writing on this blog anymore and even when I did everything was posted under a read more so like if you’re scrolling and come across it it’s not like there’s 10k words to scroll through.
Also pls do not call me girlie I do not know you and it makes me uncomfortable
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1, 12, & 17 for the outer banks questions!
1. when did you start watching the show?
2021, right after season 2 came out. I had Covid and needed something to watch.
12. who has the best style?
Female wise? Kie, imo. With the males it’s JJ because I can’t get behind the tiddy shirts with John B
17. is there a character you think you would’ve dated at some point but it wouldn’t have worked out? if so, why?
Hmmm I think if I would’ve it would be Rafe but only because I believe he has a soft side we don’t see, but it wouldn’t work out because he became increasingly toxic
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Do you have any rafe or drew plus size reader fics?
My smut “wanna do it anyway” is implied plus size reader x rafe!
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