#wait thats a lie actually this is the second failed shiny
microwave-core · 9 months
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I didn't catch her :(
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bubblyani · 4 years
(Bruce Wayne x Reader)
A Bruce Wayne One Shot
Genre: Fluff
Request by: @tealaquinn. Thank you so much.
Author’s Note: This was quite an interesting request. Truthfully it was kinda challenging for me but I hope I did it enough justice. Enjoy!
Soundtrack: “Tongue” by Maribou State (lyrics in italics, and between the **xx**)
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“Master Wayne!”
The elderly, yet controlled voice of Alfred Pennyworth echoed from the brick walls, to their rocky counterparts, ringing against the running waterfall that was set against the cavern beside the underground section of Wayne Manor. Taking a few steps further,  the seasoned Butler of the Wayne family finally laid eyes on the one he was searching for. The one who perched beside his computers in his simple t-shirt and shorts, while his eyes remained glued on to the screen.
“Master Wayne…” Alfred repeated, in a softer voice. “Not now Alfred…” Bruce Wayne replied with urgency, giving no consideration to pass a glance. “He’s right, Alfred. He seems very busy right now”
Eyes, hands parted from the keyboard in lightning speed, anyone would have assumed they caught on fire. Turning his head, Bruce got up from his chair, in the style akin to a child’s upon seeing Christmas presents early. For only one voice managed to do that to him: Yours.
Standing next to Alfred, you leaned against one of the brick walls with your arms folded and your lips curled up into a smile.
“Y/N!” Bruce breathed. Your smile grew bigger. “Hey Bruce…” you said affectionately.
A part of you badly wished you knew him longer, just so you could proudly shout out, “Yes, we were friends since childhood” or “Yes, I’ve known this man since University”. But it was truly unfortunate that you could not. You were simply “someone he was seeing…” , and that was the actual truth. Running into each other one fateful day at a Yacht party wouldn’t necessarily be the perfect meet cute but, the both of you were equally grateful to be there, for he managed to save you from a night of boredom, and you were relieved to hear that you did the same for him as well. Intellectually and empathetically compatible in an instant, it did not take that long for the eccentric billionaire to ask you out. Typically, you wouldn’t care to be seen with people like him. But he was different for sure. And you did not regret saying yes, for every date you was simply a window of opportunity for real conversation, to actually dig into each other’s lives with genuine curiosity and care. If anyone ever looked at the two of you, hoping to see an eager gold digger trying to tame his heart with her body, they would embarrassingly look away, for they were sourly mistaken. For it seemed like two friends, passionately conversing with occasional flirts every now and then.
“May I… take your coat, Ms. Y/L/N?” Alfred finally inquired, making you look down at your long trench coat.
“Oh…” you chuckled, nodding  “..Thank you” allowing him to peel it off your frame, revealing the Silver Spaghetti strapped dress that reached up to your knees. Paired with silver high heels and simple, classy jewelry adorning your wrists necklace and ears, your long shiny hair was pulled into a high ponytail. Given Bruce’s reaction, you knew you’ve done a good job. Walking away with a knowing smile on his face, Alfred left the two of you alone.
“As much as I appreciate the impromptu visit, what brings you here?” Bruce asked, eyes never leaving you as you took steps towards him. With eyes widened and hands on your hips, you scoffed. “You’re kidding, right?” You said, “Kathleen Gray’s fundraiser was tonight. I just came from that” you said, showing your outfit as you did so. “Wait! That was tonight?…” Bruce asked, to which you nodded in acknowledgement, “Huh…” he said to himself in realization.,“You know, for some reason I assumed you wouldn’t come…” he said, while offering you his own seat by the computer.

“Well, since Wayne Enterprises donated a ton of money, I assumed you would…” you replied in an instant, taking the seat nodding in thanks. The moment you sat down, the moment you stared at the computer screen, you could figure out the reason for his absence tonight, “But… that’s all done now…” you said quietly. You wondered if he could sense the remorse in your tone. You felt guilt in the tip of your tongue.
“You look beautiful, you know” You smiled, turning in your seat upon hearing Bruce’s comment. Every time he’d see you, he would never fail to say that. But every time he did, it felt like the first time, for it was different every time.  As if he saw something differently beautiful every single time. It was never obligatory. He really meant it and you appreciated it.
“Yeah well…” you began, looking down at your outfit, “ it looked much better with the whole pretentious lighting” you said, as both of you chuckled together.
“Trust me, it looks great here too” Bruce quickly added for it escaped his lips so fast, making you slightly blush. Clearing his throat, he continued “How was the event?”
“Oh you know the usual…a whole load of ass kissing and then dinner and dancing” you said, getting up and sitting on the side of the table, offering him the seat, “Would have been less sufferable with you around…” gesturing him to sit again, “So thats why I’m here…to be a little cross with you for not coming” you added with a mocked British accent. Sitting down, Bruce chuckled again.
“Well please accept my apologies…” he said, to which you shook your head playfully.
“Nuh huh…that won’t do Wayne, I rejected to dance with at least dozen gentlemen tonight cause I wanted to dance with you first…” you pouted teasingly.
“You didn’t have to…” “Oh…But I did…”
“In that case, what can I do to make it up to you?” He surprised you by taking your hand. You didn’t know why but, for some reason, the way he looked at you, and the way he held your hand, made you feel at peace for a moment. A kind of peace you never felt before. Blinking it away, you chuckled.
“Well…maybe your powerful friend can help” you said, with a mischievous smile. “And how exactly?…”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bruce Wayne was never hesitant to make amends with a grand gesture, be it an expensive dinner or an expensive gift. All expensive.
But letting you ride the Bat-pod? Certainly unexpected.
The impressively stylized two wheeled machine darted from the secret exit of Wayne Manor, just making it on the suburban road nearby in the late hours past midnight.
“I still insist you change” Bruce said loudly, as he sat behind you. Sporting leather jacket and jeans, he looked worriedly at you, especially when you literally had taken the wheel in your evening attire. With your dress hiked up high enough, your entire legs and thighs were exposed to the midnight air.
“It’s fine…” You replied casually, with your eyes on the road, “Why? Are you distracted?” You asked, adding a smug tone, for he could not see your face. “Best if I don’t say anything” He replied, making you laugh, “Are you okay with the controls-Whoa!” He exclaimed as you increased the speed for a second, making it jerk. “I’m good, Wayne!” You replied in assurance. “Yes, clearly”
Taking in a deep breath, you soaked in what you indulged. The tall, majestic trees, embellishing the sides of the lonely road, passed within seconds as the cool wind blew through you. It was chilly, yes. But the heat caused by your excitement within was enough to protect you.
“Ah…this is perfect” you yelled out, “You know what we should have? Some-” “-music?” Bruce finished the sentence for you, “Way ahead of you” he said, taking your phone out from his jacket. You smiled to yourself. Clearly this man knew you just as you knew him. “Just put it on shuffle…”
As soon as the music began to play, you knew what it was, and it never felt more perfect.
The way the electronica melody started off slow, blending in with the pluck of  the cello strings as the melody naturally picked up speed to it’s original rhythm. The way the haunting voices harmonized and paired with the rhythmic bass. Filling both pairs of your ears, before the female lead vocal made her entrance:
**No light when I ask you, that's a shame**
Smiles were all that you had, as the song continued:
**No high better than you, easy**
Did not matter how many times you’ve listened to this song, you simply could never get enough of it.
**I'm tripping over my own tongue, Lie! Desire, like an illness, chokes me You lit me up so smoke me oh
You made it so obvious ….that you’re not in love You never gave a damn bout us… 'cause you're not in love**
“You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?” Bruce’s voice landed on your ears, suddenly interrupting the hypnotic musical chorus. Your eyes widened.
“You kidding me? Hell yes!” You said excitedly, “I mean…why should you have all the fun?” You added teasingly, making him chuckle. “Someone’s been jealous!” “Guilty…”
**No time to regret this, what we've done**
Your sight was suddenly disrupted slightly by a huge strand of hair that landed on your face. Shaking your head frantically, you attempted your hardest to toss it back.
**Still I second guess it, cold feet**
You felt like a downright idiot doing so, until Bruce came into your air, lightly brushing it away from your face.  
**I'm tripping over my own tongue Lie! **
His fingers, they tickled your skin, awakening it as they brushed against it. “Thanks…” you said, looking at him involuntarily. “Eyes on the Road, kid…” he said, quickly putting both his hands over yours as he took control. “Right…” red in the face, you looked straight ahead.
**Love has been and gone and now I'm numb**
For a man who found it hard to put his trust on others except a very few, he placed his trust in you faster than expected. And you did not exploit it. You were patient with him, even those moments when he suddenly ‘had to leave’ for ‘an emergency’, you were certain you’ll find out the reason why in due time. And surely enough, you clutched your chest in surprise when Bruce Wayne showed up at your window one night, except he was The Dark Knight, thus revealing his secret. Shocked you were yes, yet the only way you could think of responding was to embrace him, interrupting his apology for concealing all this time. And tonight, when you stared into that computer screen, when your eyes wandered over those scars he bore in secret, you were reminded again of that guilt you felt in your tongue.
“Bruce I…” you began, taking a deep breath, “I’m sorry about earlier…” you said, as you felt him look at you confusingly.
You continued, “I should know better…You’re out there…here…doing something more important…than going to a stupid black tie event. I mean, you’re literally trying to save this city. I guess I was being selfish… just wanted a reason to…spent some quality time with you”
**You made it so obvious ….that you’re not in love You never gave a damn bout us… 'cause you're not in love**
The volume you spoke in was soft, yet you wished he heard you.
“Well…” you finally heard him reply, “I’m glad you did” Sighing with relief, your eyes widened once again.
“Whoa! Look at that!”
Jaw dropped, you gazed at the view of Gotham that was finally was within your sights. An entirely daring side to you emerged when the roads changed from country suburban to the metropolitan. Empty streets awaited Bat-pod, welcoming it to ride freely and wipe the night time solitude away. The interlude played right on time as the bass took a rest, and those haunting voices returned:
**Rolling… down… into the wildest dream**
It was so quiet all the sudden, with just a beautiful vocalise floating over your ears. Like a calm before a storm, something brewed inside you. Your eyes were illuminated by the lights that shone ahead. And then the repeated melody grew louder, syncopating with the lights that shone from the buildings down to the street, increasing the adrenaline within you, giving you a rush. They kept alit as the voices kept singing:
**Rolling…. down… into the wildest dream**
You felt invincibility coursing through you.
**You sent my soul… downstream**
Taking a chance, you slowly increased the speed of the bike, making the lights that passed increase in speed alongside you. Funny how it perfectly paired up with the hypnotic musical chorus that began once again. The rhythm syncopated with your sense of excitement and increase of your heartbeat. Laughing with pure ecstasy, you screamed victoriously in celebration of a freedom you never knew you could posses.
Sneakily, you stole a glance of Bruce across your shoulder, giving him a smile. A smile that could be translated in a million ways. And that’s when he saw it.
A woman of capability, pure bad assery, shining from exterior to a degree she shone from within as well. All from pure euphoria.
“Wow…” he muttered under his breath, “Holy Shit…”
The moment he said it, the moment those words caressed your ears, you suddenly felt his heart beating evidently faster against your back. And you swore your own rhythm changed into matching his.
**You made it so obvious...**
You felt the presence of his hand a little bit more than usual. And how you liked the fact it still stayed on top of yours. It made you feel warm, warmer than the excitement that brewed within you.
**You made it so obvious ….that you’re not in love**
Funny, you would have never imagined an evening filled with an adrenaline high could finally convince the both of you to come to terms with what really brewed between the two of you.
**You never gave a damn bout us… 'cause you're not in love**
And just like that, you couldn’t really relate to the words you just heard, for they were quite ironic.
For the feelings were quite the opposite, and most definitely mutual.
@erika92pu​ @christianbalefanatic​
Check my MASTERLIST for More :)
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random quotes i dont want to lose
I KNOW I EVEN LOOKED UNDER THE VOLCANOE!!-me talking about missing crab :( it was shiny and RIGHT THERE...so i hugged it-katie a Dumb: "Epic fail," a phrase used to make fun of someone's failed attempts, written by people living in their parents' basements. Dumb: "It's like a car crash, you can't look away," a crude attempt at justifying having terrible tastes in entertainment. If you fall off the Sears Tower, just go limp and pretend you're a dummy and maybe someone will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.-owlcity Few things in this funny world make me laugh harder than Patrick Star. That silly little sea star is hilarious.-owlcity My buddy asked me to look after his pet goose while he was away. The goose and I watched movies and went for rides on my motorcycle.-owlcity Have u ever run out of toilet paper & tried wiping yourself with the empty cardboard tube? I just tried 4 u. Doesn't fly right.-dane cook did you just try to shoot me with the wii remote?-mariah **on a horse** dont grab on to me-me i have to or ill fall off!-mariah TUCK&&ROLL mariah tuck and roll-me PRINCE CHARMING: knows all the words to the veggie tales songs :) Ghandi once said that what ever you do in life is insignificant, but that it's very important that you do it. I tend to agree with the first part.-remember me "if i wasn't watching a sad movie right now there would be a hole in the wall..." "what movie?" "saving private ryan" "oh NICE" wait. we arent going outside for a tornado drill?-sammie t. "whoa turn your torch down hot rod" koss boss taylor swift songs are what every girl wants to say justin bieber songs are what every girl wants to hear This is for the people who fought for this country and died so that we could vote. This is for all the people who live their life with love and this is for the people who live their lives in hatred because they're only trying to be loved. This is for all the believers and non believers and for our future generations who will get to vote because of the people who have fought for this country and most of all this is for the people whose main goal in life is to make this world and this country far better then it has ever been- stevie wonder "a lot of people ask me 'hey duncan are you sure you know how to fix buses' and what i say to them is no i don't but i did stay at a holiday inn last night" "If there is an eternal heaven, may it be blessed by horses, especially those who have arrived there via hard passage. And if there is an eternal hell, may the gyps, barbers, and butchers enjoy there stay"-the horse god buit "holy crap the swat teams guns are HUGE" "HOW BIG?!?!" "like the size of two louies!"-marian My stomach yearneth for the ubiquitous golden arches of burgerdom. my second fear in life is pooping while giving birth.- krissy. because i took karate-ALYSSA HA! because your asian-me always be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle we stopped checking for monsters underneath our beds because we realized they were inside us At a certain part in your life. Probably when too much of it has gone by. You will open your eyes and see yourself for who you are. Especially for everything that made you so different from all the awful normals. And you will say to yourself, "But I am this person." And in that statement, that correction, there will be a kind of love. everything is amazing and no one is happy also realized today that she reminds me of my mother and i dont like it- alyssa johnson GINA the trees say something-mariah what do they say?-me .....ronald.-mariah Did you see that guy in the car-mariah no...why-gina he was KINDA attractive-mariah i slept in castles and fell in love because i was taught to dream ♥ "one day this year... we will have a conversation.."-mariah or one day he will transfer to a different class because he thinks youre mute-me you cant even imagine the heart attacks ive had, the hot flashes that have burned me, or the awkward moments that i have been through and rofl that could also be the case-mariah when i saw you i fell in love, and you smiled because you knew- william shakespeare rice is a great thing if youre hungry and want to eat two thousand of something I love photos, because the best thing about it is that it never changes even when the person in it does the greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do i lie awake but im still a dreamer to live is the rarest thing in the world. most people exsist thats all. even after all this time the sun never says to the earth "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky-Hafiz Art is our only salvation from the horror of existence when i was a little girl i used to read fairy tales. in fairy tales you meet prince charming and he's everything you ever wanted. In fairy tales the bad guy is very easy to spot. The bad guy is always wearing a black cape so your always know who his is. Then you grow up and you realize that prince charming is not as easy to find as you thought. you realize the bad guy is not wearin a back cape and he's not easy to spot; he's really funny, and he makes you laugh, and he has perfect hair.- Taylor Swift we never really grow up; we only learn how to act in public it's like pull my finger except it's pull my tail and _______-mariah *playing tennis ball lands on the line* Me-is it out if it lands on the line? Mariah - well... in wii tennis it's in Mariah-movie night? Me-heh. at your grandma's? outside? facing he who shall not be name's house? *mariah talking about being hungry and having no food* But I need sustenance-Mariah eat your words. they're big-me "it's always those people who seem so happy all the time, so you never suspect it... I just want to be there for them, because no one deserves to feel so hopeless that living becomes unnecessary..." "there's no string in my pants and I think my underwear is showing"- Mariah "I don't know the actual meaning of maturity, but for me maturity is when a person hurts you and you try to understand their situation rather than hurting them back" "and if you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror, look a little closer, stare a little longer because there is something inside you that made you keep trying despite everyone who told you to quit" "Great horses are not often easy horses. They have big egos and idiosyncrasies and quirks and foibles. Horses of a lifetime do exist, but only for riders so skillful, tactful, and courageous that they can unlock and then reveal the brilliance of their equine partners.” — Denny Emerson "If you want to know what someone fears losing, watch what they photograph" “I have about a kajillion faults but I love really hard. I cry a lot. I laugh a lot too and sometimes make other people laugh so hard their stomachs hurt. I care about every single living thing this galaxy has cooked up and am passionate about the life that surged through their veins or roots. I will help, always, if asked. I can speak in lots of accents, maybe not well, but I do it anyway. I believe in miracles living in ordinary things and I am not afraid of death. I am not so great at crowds. I wish on superstitious things. I write a lot, and am still baffled you read…I think we are going to be ok. I think we have work to do.” "Never wish anything away. Not even the pain, it’s here for a reason. If you ask for a sign, expect it to come. And if you find someone you love, keep them close, forever, in whatever way you can." "Crushes—the best and worst parts about being single. A lot of people think it’s the nights, but I still find hope in the darkness, magic even; it’s easier for me to imagine a sweeter ending when the stars are out." "Something inside of me died quite a while ago. But it could come back. I could." There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there is so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.— Zayn Malik
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