#was sitting there thinking ‘…would Superman give a commencement speech??’
zenlosingit · 1 year
With it being graduation season atm I haven’t been able to stop thinking about what heroes would be involved in it— more specifically which ones would be roped into making commencement speeches.
The top contender is Superman, hands down. I imagine in his early years someone sent an invite asking if he could be their speaker at their college grad not thinking he would accept, then low and behold he agrees and some very lucky kids get to have Superman wishing them luck and sending them off into the future at their graduation ceremony. After that, dozens of invites get sent each year to have him come speak— despite that Superman isn’t a college alum— and he just only accepts one a year because he can’t put himself through doing fifty in one month.
Other contenders I think would be Wonder Woman, Flash, maybe a Green Lantern and a few handful of other heroes. It would really depend on their popularity and likability if a hero would be chosen as a speaker so it’s always a toss up each year. (Green Arrow definitely tries each year to be a speaker but no one sends him an invite and it drives him up the wall. One year he nearly exposed his identity to the public just to prove to that he was a college alumni)
The one person no one can ever get is Batman because he always ends up rejecting invites to be a speaker. It never deters anyone, yet they’re always unsuccessful, until, one year a student somehow persuaded him and a few months later the graduates at Gotham U are staring gobsmacked at Batman as he gives a quick speech wishing them luck. It’s makes national news.
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