#we love awkard noya in this house
karasuno-volley · 3 years
anon request : saw that you were wanting requests and if you still want them.. i’m the needy mf for the job 👁
might i humbly suggest nishinoya (or you can pick someone else im not picky lmao) with a crush who used to get asked out or confessed to as a joke a lot and they think he’s making fun of them when he asks them on a date? if that makes sense 😅☝️
real boys are being assholes to me lately because i dress kind of alternative and they don’t seem to like it! i don’t want them anyways but it kinda hurts still 🙌‼️ i just kinda think about like how no 2d man would treat me like this lmao
thank you so much if you decide to do this volley !!
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pairing : nishinoya + gn!reader 
warnings : none? if you want something tagged, let me know!
a/n : yes! i’m usually only writing requests now because of my intensive course i’m taking lol so keep ‘em coming !! i hope you like this, it was a lot of fun to do and i don’t get to write noya too often :). likes / reblogs appreciated, no reposting please !! love, volley.  
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     For all of the times he’s followed Kiyoko around with Tanaka, Noya knew deep down that she wasn’t really his type. She was pretty and responsible, sure, and he did enjoy goofing around with Tanaka and flirting occasionally, but he’s pretty confident in the fact that Tanaka is actually the one in love with her. 
     Just tonight, Tanaka was talking about Kiyoko the way someone would talk about someone he’s going to marry. Nishinoya had never felt that way about anyone— come to think of it, had he ever even had a crush?
     The moon shines bright over pavement, the glow of the streetlamps lighting his way as he takes his walk back home from the gym. Late night weekend practices gave him time to think about stupid stuff. It’s when he’s thinking about relationships that he sees you a few steps in front of him. Sometime later, he would brag and say it was love at first sight, that there was magic in the air, but for now, Noya yells your name, attempting to catch up to you.
     “Hey, uh, Y/N!” 
     He stumbles at the sudden turn and glare you give him.
     You are used to this. The constant teasing and fake confessions. The phony I love yous and begs to go on a date. They were never serious. Each time, you tried to let it roll off your back, but sometimes it really did get to you. 
     Nishinoya didn’t seem like one of those types, but after three proposals of a date today, you weren’t in the mood to talk to anyone, let alone someone you barely knew. Though you did feel bad when he stumbles in response to your stare. 
     You watch as he slows to jog. “Do you need—?”
     “No.” You cut him off quickly, and turn to leave almost immediately. 
     “Wait, hold on!” Noya laughs a little, though it was more nerves than anything. You never really stood out to him in class or around the school due to the uniform, but now that it was Saturday night, he noticed you. “I, uh… I like your outfit.” Why was he feeling this way? Noya wanted to hit himself over the head, forget this ever happened. 
     “Um, thanks?” You aren’t used to a legitimate compliment. Half of you still thinks someone’s hiding around the corner with a phone on record or something. Before you could say anything, Nishinoya does manage to get out his previous question. 
     “Do you need a walk home?”
     No, you don’t. You know this, but something about Noya’s awkward movements, the way he stares at the ground… “Sure, I guess. If you’re also going this way.” 
     This nighttime walk home quickly became the routine for the two of you. 
     Three weeks later, there’s a knock at your door on Saturday morning. When you open it, you’re surprised to see Noya there. He’s still a little awkward around you, no matter how long the pair of you have actually been walking home together. This is the first time you’ve seen each other in daylight, and Noya’s quick to speak. 
     “Y/N, I just wanted to ask… Do you want to… I don’t know, go somewhere today? You can choose! I just figured since I didn’t have practice tonight that maybe you’d still want to hang out, I guess.”
     You watch him for a moment, waiting for the punchline. Noya speaks again, on the verge of rambling. 
     “If you don’t, then that’s okay. Or if you’re still going to work on some group project or something at the school and want me to walk you home still, I guess I could still show up, or—.”
     “I just don’t want you to think that I’m one of those guys that do that… thing or whatever, because I’m not! I think I could be really, I guess, good for you? If that makes sense—.”
     “Noya!” You finally reach out and grab his hand. Boy, does that shut him up.  “I can be ready in the afternoon if you want to go get something to eat. Does that work?” He nods, and a few seconds of silence pass before you suddenly realize you’re still holding his hand. You pull away gently. “I’ll see you at noon, okay?” 
     Nishinoya finally comes to his senses. “Uh, sure! I’ll be here.”
     As the libero walks away from your house and down the street, Tanaka comes out from around the corner, looking expectantly. “Well?” 
     “Well, what?” Noya says, a huge grin on his face. “I wooed them, of course! As expected of me.” He laughs, jogging on ahead, and Tanaka doesn’t have the heart to say he saw it all from the distance. He shakes his head slightly, before running to catch up with his best friend. 
     “Oi, Noya! Don’t think you’re getting out of the team run later just because you’re going out with your crush!” He yells, laughing as he attempts to catch up with him.
master taglist : @beanst0ck​, @owlnymph​ ( send an ask or message to be added ! ) 
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