#wild pineapple butt
liecoris · 1 year
@wild-pineapple-butt moved old thread to here:
「But it's true~! And I think you already are~」 Mukuro said with a soft laugh in response, a small smile on her lips as she get placed on the edge of the tub。 What she said did have truth to it, she didn't care what other's thought of her typically, Renji's thoughts and opinions on her were the ones she cared about。
「As it should~」 Mukuro hums softly when his lips press against her forehead and she tilts her head more into his touch。
「Perhaps~ but if the situations were reversed, I'd be thinking the same way,」 Mukuro said with a smile。 「Which, now that I'm thinking about it, why did you go with being a bartender and not just a host? I'm sure all the recruiters were just dying to get you to join。」
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codename-freya · 2 years
~*~ All too thin, emerald eyes haunted and bruise-like circles underneath them, the petite blonde had run away for her safety. She was scared. Any sleep she had was fitful, reminders of what had happened to her. Tonight was no different. She'd been hiding within nature trails, trying to not be picked up and brought back to where she ran from. Her small frame tossed and turned in her sleeping bag, shaking. Normally she'd be woken from her sleep by nightmares. This night an inhuman screeching brought her out of that light sleep she'd been in. She bolted upright, eyes shooting open and looking around for what woke her. Another screeching had her quickly exiting her sleeping bag and getting up from the ground. At first she didn't see where the sounds came from. She didn't know the danger she was in. She had no idea until her eyes spotted what had woken her. It screeched again, towering over her too small frame, monstrous. Any color she had drained from her face as Kaisa looked up. In a moment dread filled her lungs as the creature leaned down, peering at her with hunger in its eyes.
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The girl turned on her heel and started to run, instincts pushing her forward as they'd done before. Her feet carried her. They weren't quick enough as the creature gained on her each second. She didn't stop, she ran, trying to get away. As Kaisa looked back, seeing where it was she stumbled over a root system that had been walked around so often that they were prominent. One of her ankles twisted in such a way it brought the girl to the ground. First her left knee hit the uneven path and the rest of her followed, knocking her head against the brush and dirt. If she hadn't looked back, maybe she wouldn't have fallen. Kaisa felt hot breath on her and she looked up, the mouth of it nearing her.
She let out a terrified and hoarse scream. She tried to push herself backwards, attempting to get away and yet her back hit a thick trunk.
"Help!" Her voice rasped out, fear tangling itself in that one syllable. She cried out again as it neared her. Blood dripped from the wound on her head from where she'd hit it and she trembled thinkikg this is where she would end. Sheer terror strangled her ability to think, to feel the pain from her bleeding head and her ankle. The scent of the creature's breath met her nose and tears welled in her emerald eyes, matching the color of some of the leaves within the dark trails.
"Please! Help me!" She cried, begging someone, anyone.
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baiika · 8 months
@wild-pineapple-butt says: DELICIOUS! but uh probably burns the shit outta you
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I'm only hearing upsides?
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katsu-at-the-bottom · 9 months
"Yo! Happy Birthday!" Renji seemingly appears out of nowhere, as he drops down from a rooftop to appear in front of Katsu. He throws a neatly wrapped package of cookies at the other. "Here, catch! From yers dearly! Hahaha."
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"Holy shit... Be kind to your ankles, dude." Katsu caught the bundle of cookies and pulled one out. "Aww sweet! Sugar cookies! I love the crunchy crystals! Thanks, bro!"
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mcmcntomorii-later · 1 year
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Renji snuck behind his lover, who was too busy making breakfast to notice him tiptoeing closer to her. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to her neck, nibbling a little on the soft flesh there before pulling her close by the waist. "Good Mornin', Mukuro."
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Mukuro was humming a soft tune as she cooked, her guard completely down as well as in her own world somewhat, so it was rather easy for Renji to catch her off guard。
A little yelp leaving her lips when his lips pressed against her neck, the surprise short lived when his teeth gently nibbled against her skin。
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「And good morning to you too, my darling~」 She grins, leaning back and tilting her head to press a quick kiss against his jawline。
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【 random action themed prompts 】 ♡ 【 accepting 】
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shizukesafukutaicho · 2 years
°\ The lieutenant of the Rokubantai was one he felt as though he could talk to him about anything. Rindō was a little stressed, one of his younger subordinates was giving him some issue. He liked the young Shinigami but he needed advice in how to handle someone who was a little hard headed and not willing to take some time to rest. He knew that the more experienced lieutenant had some experience, therefore he was coming to him in confidence.
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'Abarai-san, thank you for taking some time for me. I appreciate it,' he signed and gave a small smile, 'are you up for providing some advice?'
@wild-pineapple-butt liked for a starter
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hiyorisarugaki · 2 years
"Taste that! Taste it, taste it, taste it!" (RIP RENJI) \(; A ; )/
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7ambofgod · 2 years
“You know, there are days that I really hate this job.”
. Nemu does not hate or love her job. She only does as she is asked. That is her purpose. But as she watches Abarai, fiddling with his lieutenant badge and eyeing the poor settlements in Rukongai warily. They have been given their orders.
. "If you are uncomfortable purging souls, I am capable of completing this task alone, Abarai-Fukutaichou."
. She can sense his unease. Whilst she cannot change the rules they are given, she can remove... some of that discomfort. She does not understand why she wants to do it, only that Abarai Renji is one of those distinctly loud shinigami that had a lot of friends. He was popular among the lieutenants and the seated officers. He always had a fan worshipfully trailing after him or whispering excitedly whenever he glanced their way or if he has noticed them.
. She has no such charm in that regard. But she knows that souls affect him. Their presence or absence affects him. She has known this because she analyses how his reiatsu changes around certain people. His reiatsu, his blood pressure, the once steady and strong beat of his heart increases just a fraction when a certain dark-haired Kuchiki is around.
. "I will ensure their deaths are painless." Nemu believes this might be important to Abarai.
. She forgets to realise this might be important to her, too.
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aegisdux · 2 years
‘ you look nice. ’
From here:
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"Abarai-kun." The sole mention of his name made the old man to stand up from his chair, with a couple of fingers caressing the edge of the desktop to slowly approach the younger with a faint smile drawing on his already tired face.
"That is quite a compliment." Kyoraku chuckled, hand that reached his straw hat to tilt it upwards. "I do appreciate your courtesy to enlighten my spirit."
Once he responded to those beautiful words, the captain commander disposed himself to go to the nearest furniture and from inside, a bottle of sake was hidden between a stack of papers.
"I am pretty sure you would not mind to share a tiny fraaction of your time drinking with this poor old man, right?"
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adelha-mathilde · 9 months
Continuation of this birthday thread with @wild-pineapple-butt here:
Adelha gives Renji an excited grin to nod her head. "A festival? That sounds perfect. I would love to go to a festival with you, Renji. Although..."
The lady then frowns to look down at her current attire. Which is her usual long green dress that is obviously quite old and worn out. Her sigh one of resignation before she gets an idea. looking back up to Renji to blush and chuckle at him. "Maybe we should go on a shopping date first? I think it is custom to wear a kimono to a festival. Which I do not have and have never purchased before. So I think I need some help with that."
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liecoris · 1 year
@wild-pineapple-butt moved old thread over to here:
Seeing just how excited he became when Mukuro accepted his invitation to lunch, Mukuro's own lips would grown into a large smile and a little laugh would leave her lips when an arm was flung around her。
Sure, it was something that she wasn't expecting but it wasn't like she hated it。 Maybe that was because she hardly had anyone she could really consider a friend
「It's alright!」 Mukuro said with a short laugh, a friendly smile still on her lips as he realized what he had done and backed away。
Besides, it wasn't like he was a total stranger, she knew him (well, not really), so the sudden half-embrace wasn't horrible, plus she'd be lying if she said it didn't feel nice。
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codename-freya · 2 years
@wild-pineapple-butt liked for a starter
~*~ It had been a long time since she'd seen Renji. In that time she'd done a lot of work, trying to better herself and maybe overdoing it. She admired Abarai-fukutaicho's drive and what he'd done to get to his position. She didn't want to be a lieutenant, but she wanted more than anything to prove to herself and those around her that she deserved to be there even after some of her mistakes she'd made in the past.
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"Abarai-fukutaicho? You're back," she said, excitement in her tone and some scuffs on her face like she'd just recently finished some training.
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baiika · 1 year
@wild-pineapple-butt cont from legacy
Momo wants to call bullshit, wants to remind Renji of the times she laid with Sousuke Aizen, how she would've died for him for the longest time, but that seems spectacularly mean to do to someone she regards fondly.
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Instead, she says, "Flattery will get you nowhere with me, Renji." She jostles him with a playful smile. She never means that shit. "Besides, I've always thought you're brilliant. You were the first of us to realize something was amiss with Kuchiki's execution. You've always been very good at evaluating the enemy."
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ratherembarrassing · 4 months
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i am going to be obsessed with this outfit for the rest of my life
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perspextivexx · 4 months
@wild-pineapple-butt Ask
Himawari had been approaching Vice Captain Abarai to ask him a question, but hesitated seeing the expression on his face. She turned to walk away, before talking a deep breath and walking back over and talking a seat next to him.
She folded her hands into her lap and took in the scenery, blowing a stray hair out of her face to look at it. The trees moved slightly with a breeze, and the faint sounds of the rest of the every day business amongst Soul Society were behind them.
After about ten minutes of silence, she finally spoke up to say something, awkward and nervously fidgeting with a stress ball she kept in her uniform pocket.
“This is one of my favorite spots - if I couldn’t sleep, it’s a really nice place to watch the sunrise.” She spoke quietly, trying not to disturb.
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glacialdeath · 1 year
💞 - expressing their feelings 😓 - acknowledging mistakes
@wild-pineapple-butt Ask muse how good they are at.. 💞 - expressing their feelings
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"I express myself perfectly well. I tend to have an opinion on most things. And if I've got a problem you're sure to hear about it. I don't tend to hold back my words either."
Rukia tends to think her expression is mostly verbal and more literal, but she has a stronger connection with expressing her feelings in physical ways that's not as easily obvious. It's more accurate that she acts on feelings the most, especially with feelings she wants to repress. If she sees a pitiful face that makes her mad she'll punch it without thinking before scolding it. If she's sad she'll lie about it but have some need to reach out to others if they're nearby.
😓 - acknowledging mistakes
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"...I don't make mistakes. So I don't acknowledge them either."
She's speaking a bit backwards, but truthfully she doesn't tend to acknowledge mistakes. Rather than acknowledging a mistake on her part she tends to correct or make up for it without giving a lot of attention to the original problem. Rukia tends to be pretty present-minded most of the time, and acknowledging mistakes is a bit too past minded to be something she's too comfortable with
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