#will i write a worldbuilding theory post about obey me without mentioning judaism?
Part 2: Food in The Devildom and Celestial Realm
headcanons for what type of things the brothers' typically cook when its their day of the week to cook? who is the best, who is the worst? also- if you have time- headcanons for what you think devildom vs celestial dishes are like and if there's any difference to human cooking in prep or ingredients? just cooking headcanons! go crazy. can u tell i daydream about what devildom/celestial food tastes like everytime it gets mentioned 😳 like imagine poison apple pie or those cigar cookies 🤗
(Part 1 of this ask, the headcanons about the brothers’ cooking skills, can be found here (x).)
Food! One of the cornerstones of culture ^-^ It’s really interesting to see how a society’s culture affects its food and vice versa!
So what’s up with the Devildom and Celestial Realm?
The Devildom
Because we’ve spent the most time in the Devildom, we know more about the food there. Most of it is adjacent to human world stuff, but with weird— I mean, local ingredients. Poison apples, bat meat, cocktails you have to mix while under the effect of a siren’s song to get them to taste right…
I think the most interesting aspect of Devildom (and probably the Celestial Realm too) cuisine is the incorporation of magic. The siren drink from the 30s lessons comes to mind, but so does that rare Hell Coffee they mention at one point. The one that’s more bitter the more the maker loves the person they’re making it for.
Magic is highly symbolic, I wonder how that plays into Devildom cooking? Do you have to be in the right mood to prepare certain dishes or it’ll taste wrong? What creatures’ meat is considered common and what’s an upper class delicacy? Can demons taste magic in a way humans can’t?
Which brings me to Solomon, a legendarily terrible cook. Is he awful at all cooking, or is it his attempts to make Devildom cuisine, which incorporates magic, that fail because humans lack the senses to properly taste magic? Is he constantly pulling the magic equivalent of dry-rubbing pork with a fuckton of cayenne pepper? I have a funny feeling that he is.
Speaking of humans, let’s talk long pig. It’s mentioned a few times, mostly in the earlier lessons, that at least some of the brothers have either eaten entire humans, human meat, or a human soul before. I wonder how common human meat/souls actually are in the Devildom, because from the way everyone’s worried MC is going to be devoured, it seems like it’s pretty rare. (Which is weird if the Devildom is supposed to, in part, be Hell, but that’s a crack theory for another day)
Do demons need some weird nutrients only found in magic and/or souls? What’s up with cannibalism seemingly being at least kinda chill down there? (iirc Beel has been known to munch on a Lil D every now and then)
What would a soul even taste like? Are human souls the shrimp colours of flavour?
Alright, that’s sufficiently off the rails. NEXT!
The Celestial Realm
Perhaps this is Luke’s or Michael’s fault, but most of what we’ve seen from the Celestial Realm is sweets, which makes me think angels have sweet tooths. But! It also makes me think of Biblical manna, what G-d is said to have provided the Israelites to eat during our* 40 year desert trip after being brought out of Egypt. It’s been talked about in the Hebrew Bible twice, once in Exodus and again in Numbers.
It’s described as showing up with the dew at night, looking like flaky hoarfrost (the crunchy frost layer you sometimes see in the fall or winter on grass in the mornings, if where you live gets cold enough for that), or sometimes bdellium (which itself looks like prunes or dates kinda). Raw, it tastes like a honey wafer, but can be ground up and baked into cakes, which apparently taste like cakes made with oil.
Other fun thing about it: it spoils fast if you don’t eat it that day, unless it’s been saved for Shabbat/the Sabbath, because every morning the Israelites had to pick it by hand and no working is allowed on the Sabbath. Whether this is an inherent property of manna or just how G-d chose to present it to the Israelites as an encouragement of temperance is unclear. Because it’s the Bible. And not meant to be worldbuilding.
ANYWAY! That history lesson over, I find it interesting that the Celestial Realm, what’s supposed to be this place of rigid order and righteousness, is also home to something as simple and indulgent as sweets. It’s not that the Devildom or the human world doesn’t have sweets of course, but I can’t recall anything not sweet/dessert related from the Celestial Realm.
Also, it would be a massive disservice to my blog and personal brand if I didn’t mention the Furry Syrup. Why does the Celestial Realm have syrup that turns you into an animal? Is it a prank? A unique culinary experience? Is Simeon just really strange?
It’s not that weird for magic food to do something to the person who consumes it, it’s just kinda weird that it’s coming from fake-Heaven of all places. Is eating a full-body experience for angels? Is the Furry Syrup meant to do that, or is that some sort of allergic reaction because the brothers aren’t angels anymore?
It’s a mystery!
Well, I don’t think this was necessarily what you might have been looking for, anon who requested this, but it’s what I’ve got. I’d love to hear anyone else’s thoughts about food in Obey Me, especially food and magic bc there’s a lot of cool stuff you could do there imo.
*You’ve probably seen me say god or even God uncensored on here before, but in this case I’m talking about The Actual Abrahamic Big Man Upstairs, and as a Jewish person, we’re technically supposed to censor His name for Reasons. I tend to forget to do that digitally bc, well, you can’t ritually bury a tumblr post in the ground... But I remembered today, so I’m gonna try and do that. Life’s kinda complicated when you’re a jew who likes to read/consume media about bible fanfic okay? 
Also might have noticed I spoke weirdly in the first person when talking about the exile from Egypt. That one’s a force of habit from Passover/Pesach, one of the big Jewish holidays. We’re meant to talk about the events of Exodus in the first person, as though it happened to us, not just our ancestors, for Reasons. I suppose it’s a tribal/community thing. Idk, i’m not a rabbi, I’m not even really religious. I’m just a nerd who never went to shul but is Very Interested in my own culture and mythology.
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