#will prolly scrap within the week
occasionaltouhou · 3 years
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honestly? of the prompts i’ve done lately, i had the most fun writing this one
The young girl carefully drew the last section of the outermost circle with chalk, then once again checked the book next to her to confirm she was right.
This was difficult, because it was in a language she couldn’t read, so she had to go off what she’d been able to learn from her master and what the images in the book told her. But from what she could tell, everything was right. All the symbols were where they should be, and the herbs and stones scattered at the corners of the pengrams within the interlocking circles were all correct, down to the gram.
She placed a single lit candle at the corners of the largest pentagram, the one that dominated the centre of the summoning circle, and began to chant. It had taken her a month to learn how to pronounce some of these words, and she was worried that her master had begun to become suspicious about why she wanted to know them.
But her master was out right now, and wouldn’t be back for at least a week, so she’d taken the opportunity to sidestep her entirely. If her master wouldn’t tell her what she wanted to know, then she’d simply summon someone who would.
As she chanted, the firelight of the candles flickered and began to spread, carving the shape of the circle in the air, over and over again, until it were as if there were a pillar of flame before her. The blinding light and blazing heat almost made her bite her tongue, but she caught herself and continued slowly, steadily.
She spoke slowly, steadily, until the final syllable was uttered. The flickering flames suddenly shone a bright white, and they released a shockwave that threw her backwards and shattered the windows of the little home.
“--in the middle of something!” cried a woman’s voice in Japanese, from the centre of the circle. The girl blinked as the flames began to fade, and a humanoid shape appeared standing in the circle. She grinned, scrambling over to the edge of the circle and kneeling respectfully.
The figure looked around, her form still invisible through the smoke and the dying flames. “Where am I, anyway?”
“I have summoned you!” declared the girl, her squeaky voice sounding far too childish to her ears. “Lord of the Northwest, I have summoned you--”
“‘Lord of the Northwest’?” repeated the figure, waving her hand in the air to clear away the smoke. “Ain’t heard that one before.”
Then, to the girl’s shock, the figure leant right over the edge of the circle and looked down at her.
The figure was a tall woman in her late thirties, dressed in a knee-length black coat with dozens of pockets over a black skirt with a white apron. Messy blonde hair, some of it pulled back into a long ponytail, flowed out from beneath a large black witch’s hat and framed a sharp face with bright golden eyes.
She examined the terrified red-haired girl for a moment, glanced around the room, and then glanced down at the circle. She made an odd expression for a moment, and then laughed weakly. “Oh, man, I remember this.”
“H-h-how did you break through the circle?!” asked the girl desperately.
“Are you kidding?” replied the figure. “This thing’s riddled with mistakes. Just look… here, here, here, here, and here, there’s spelling errors,” she gestured vaguely around her, and then placed her foot on a segment of the circle right in front of the girl, “but it’s really here that’s your main issue.”
“Wh-what’s wrong with it…?” whispered the girl, eyes wide.
“Well, you got the names mixed up, didn’t ya?” said the figure, smirking. “Ya got the addresses right -- ‘here’ and ‘hell’ -- but you put King Paimon’s name in the recipient’s place, and ya put your own name in the addressee’s place!” She laughed to herself, a bit more confidently this time. “That said, can’t say it didn’t work, though.”
“H-huh…?” murmured the girl. “B-but… then…? Who are you s’posed to be, then?!”
“Ain’t that obvious?” The figure stepped fully out of the circle, and the red-haired girl scrambled backwards until she was up against the wall. “I’m you, ain’t I? Kirisame Marisa, in the flesh and everything.”
The younger Marisa began opening her mouth and closing it like a dying fish.
“That said…” The older Marisa glanced around the little building. “Man, can’t believe I used to live here. Ahh, I’m tryin’ to remember the stuff the older me said last time, but I can’t. Guess that means I can just say whatever, and it won’t matter, though?” She tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Or maybe it just means that I’m not gonna say anything important, anyway.”
“Y-you’re me…?”
“Sure am!”
“…Why’s your hair blonde?”
The older Marisa raised an eyebrow. “‘Cause I like it blonde. So do you, ya just don’t realise it yet. But trust me, red really ain’t your colour.”
The young girl was quiet for a moment. “S-so… how are you here…?”
“Oh, you summoned me from Hell,” remarked Marisa casually. “I was down there solvin’ an incident as a favour for Eiki, and suddenly felt myself gettin’ dragged away. Next thing I know, I’m up here.” She tapped the circle with her foot again. “Oh, yeah, your date’s out, too.”
“B-by how much?”
“That’s a secret~!” The older Marisa winked. “I can’t go tellin’ ya stuff about the future like that, y’know. I could be forty, or I could be four hundred. But I ain’t sayin’.”
“So… what can you tell me…?”
“Hm… maybe, don’t go trying to summon a King of Hell, for one thing!” The older Marisa threw her arms out. “I mean, look at this! What did you even think you’d get, aside from a one-way trip straight down? Surely, you couldn’t have thought you’d actually succeed?”
“I did succeed,” replied the younger Marisa stubbornly. “I summoned you! I just need to put more security in next time, and--”
“There’s no amount of security a human can put in place to repel someone like Paimon, y’know,” said the older Marisa, and the young Marisa sagged slightly. “Trust me, demons ain’t the way to go. You just gotta learn the hard way, by readin’ a whole buncha books until you know everything they say. It’s more satisfyin’ in the end, at least.”
“That’s what Lady Mima says, too,” she muttered.
“Oh, is she around?” asked the older Marisa brightly, and then thought to herself. “No, I did this when she wasn’t around, right.” She glanced at the shattered windows. “Well, I guess I’ll at least fix that up before I go.”
“You’re leaving so soon?!” asked the younger Marisa, almost throwing herself at her older self. “Please, there’s so much you can tell me!”
“Can, but ain’t gonna!” replied the older Marisa smugly. She took a small watch out of her pocket, made some adjustments, and then wound it backwards. The younger Marisa watched in awe as the shattered glass returned from where it had fallen outside and once more solidified into unbroken windows.
“You’ve got to teach me that one, at least!!”
“No way! D’you know how long it took me to learn how to do that?!”
“I don’t! I don’t know how long it took you!”
“Well, you’re gonna find out someday!” The older Marisa began rummaging through the kitchen’s meagre pantries, and after a few moments emerged with a slightly stale bread roll. “I’m gonna take this, alright? Not my first choice of food, but I’ll take what I can get. I ain’t paying for Hell’s overpriced fast food if I can help it.”
“Just keep workin’ hard, and one day, you’ll get to be me!” The older Marisa took a wand from inside her coat and began tapping the ground. The chalk on the floor began to flow, changing its shapes as she carefully stepped over it to stand in its centre.
“But don’t you have anything to tell me?” pleaded the younger Marisa.
The circle began to shine, and the older Marisa considered for a second. “Actually, y’know, it prolly can’t hurt,” she mused, and grinned. “Alright, kid, so about your metal scraps--”
The circle flashed, and the older Marisa vanished unceremoniously. The chalk on the floor suddenly lifted itself into the air and condensed itself back into a small piece of solid chalk. Aside from the melted candles, there was no evidence that the ritual had ever been performed.
The younger Marisa stared at it for a moment blankly. It seemed that a lot had happened, and it seemed that not much had happened at all. But finally her gaze turned to the book at her side, still open to the page with the summoning circle on it. She carefully closed it, and placed it back on the bookshelf in her master’s room.
She took out another book. This one was simpler, and it was in a language she understood. There was still a week left until her master got back, and she’d at least have liked to have shown her something; some sign that she had grown, even a little bit.
Maybe it was the fact she knew how far she could go, now, that gave her that little bit of extra confidence.
She sat down at the little home’s table, and began to read.
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yshai-tia · 5 years
Character Interview: Y’shai Tia
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► Name ➔  “Y’shai Tia, nice to meet’cha.”
► Are you single ➔ “Yep.”
► Are you happy ➔  “Aye, sure, why not? I’d say I’m pree’ chuffed.”
► Are you angry? ➔   “Naw, I’m good.”
► Are your parents still married ➔  “Married? Like bondin’, right? That’s a city slicker thing, so naw.”
► Birth Place ➔ “Raincatcher Gully, out in Eastern La Noscea. Wouldn’ encourage ya to go findin’ exactly wherebouts... family ain’t exactly wild ‘bout company.”
► Hair Color ➔  “Black.”
► Eye Color ➔ “Blue on th’ left, green on th’ right, a common combo among Seekers, y’know?”
► Birthday ➔  “First Umbral moon, on the... twenty-eighth day. Early born in the year, Ma used to say I was an eager kit right from birth.”
► Mood ➔  “Still chuffed, mate.”
► Gender ➔  “A lad, las’ time I checked.”
► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer.. was always warm where I grew up, yeah? The cold is a helluva nasty thing, I’ve come to learn.”
► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Mm.. the morn’. Got more daylight to burn aheada ya.”
► Are you in love ➔ “Wif what?” cue head-tilt.
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Hells, that’s a lot to feel all at once, ain’t it? Interest at sight, sure-- curiosity at sight, aye, a deep, simmerin’ curiosity you can’t ignore.”
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “Huh, not much time on me hands since leaving home t’ forge such things, ask me again some other time, yeah?”
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔  “Cor, I sure as hells hope not, that’d been right awful of me.”
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “... Hum. No? But-- am lil’ scared maybe ‘bout being held back, y’know. Being controlled. If it’s a worthy cause though.. I give it my all. Always. Jaguar’s promise.”
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Hugged..? I don’ think-- oh! Few days back I helped Joye out wif some chores, she hugged me when she thanked me, that count, right?”
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “If I do they’re damn good at keepin’ secrets-- c’mon lemme enjoy the admiration a little!”
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “Dunno. Hard to say, like to think I bounce back pree’ quick from most things, so all’s bene.”
► Love or lust ➔ “Call me a sinner but why not both? Do I gotta choose?”
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Lemonade. La Noscea shores grow some crackin’ fruit.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Bet’cha get a real kick askin’ Miqo’te this, don’tcha? Both are cute buggers, don’t make me choose.”
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “Hmm, s’good to have people you can trust good an’ proper.”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “How ‘bout... a wild night out that turns into a romantic night in that has us snoozin’ away the day, if ya catch my meanin’.”
► Day or night ➔ “If ya asked me some moons ago I’d’ve said day in a heartbeat. But. Night’s gotta lot of fun waitin’ to happen if ya give it a chance.”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Cor, more times than I can count.” A wide, bashful grin spreads across his features then, lost in nostalgia. “Firs’ time was when I was just a kit; took some of my littermates out of Jaguar territory, told’m we were goin’ on an adventure, heh. No one got hurt or nothin’ but Y’mijoh Nunh gave us such a dressin’ down, gods, I can still hear his voice ringin’ in me ears. Feels like a lifetime ago and yesterday all the same.”
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “No way, we Miqo’te have crackin’ balance, y’know? Tails ain’t just for show-- no those damn stairs in Ishgard don’ count, those things are bloody ice-covered death traps.”
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “... Aye. Who hasn’t?”
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “In a way, I kinda did when I left, but. Wasn’ out of want for disappearin’ none, no, just felt like.. the right thing to do, y’know? If anythin’ now I’d like th’ opposite, to be noticed for what I can do. Earn my keep in this life and all that.”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “’Nother hard choice, damn. Not fair-- y’know that look when folk smile, really smile, they get a whole toothy grin that splits their cheeky face that they can’t hide for the life of’em? Th’ sort that reaches their eyes an’ makes’em light up all a sparkle? That’s tops.”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Shorter’s cute. Too many of those tall as fuck Elezen an’ Au Ra blokes who tote ‘round their height, usin’ it to be all aggressive over ye. Right assholes the lot of’em-- no I ain’t jealous, I ain’t pouting!”
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔  “Figure if yer attracted to someone there’s somethin’ you’ll find intelligent ‘bout them; book learnin’, street smarts, good wif their hands. One in the same prolly.”
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “Hm. Both have their merits, aye? Though I guess... ain’t there somethin’ nice ‘bout the thought of wakin’ up next to a ‘nother warm body? Someone who fancied ya ‘nuff to stick around. Shit, thas’ corny to say, ainnit?”
► Do you and your family get along ➔  “Back when I was still around, aye, mostly. Love me Ma to death, and Y’mijoh was a good Nunh-- stern, but real fatherly like to just ‘bout everyone, no matter if he was yer sire or not. Sure there were some who.. who didn’t like me an’ my Ma all that much, for real stupid reasons if ye ask me, but. For the most part.. was good. Miss’em.”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “Naw, why be so glum? Ups and downs, topsy-turvy like any other life really. Been out an’ about long ‘nuff now to have heard other folks’ stories, we all got our triumphs an’ trials.”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “Guess I sorta did, huh? Puttin’ it that way sounds so kittish though...”
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “From what? A house? A job? A bar? Nay, well.. maybe almost on that las’ one.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Naw, I ain’t ‘fraid to butt heads when it comes to conflicts, sometimes a good scrap is good for a friendship y’know?”
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Pree’ good I s’ppose.”
► Who is your best friend ➔ “Hrmm.. guess don’ really got one proper since leavin’ home--oh! How ‘bout my ‘bo? Omelette sticks by me no matter where I drag th’ poor yellow sod, thas’ best friend standard to me.”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “No one I hope, not even me, where’s th’ fun in knowin’ all me secrets? Though Omelette might be comin’ pretty close what with how often he listens to me ramble... how good is a Chocobo’s memory?”
Tagged by: @placesyoucallhome​ (thank ya muchly!)
Tagging: ​ @warriorof-sun-light​, @amahrigold​, @trahja-tia​, @silvertail-ffxiv​, @miqojak​, @lady-vagrant​, @lightdevoid​, @nijah-wolff-ffxiv​, @natali-tia​, @toe-ab​
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Hraefn’s Outfits #1
I’ve been having trouble writing so I’ve been rewatching overlord and drawing my boy to cheer myself up. Life’s just kicking my ass tbh- only Hraefn being too damn pretty has soothed my sorrows. With anger.
I kinda wanna talk about the outfits so here we go~
The first outfit, winter-themed because obvious. Hraefn has no blood and can’t really get cold (even though he has a major weakness to frost/ice), so even though he’s “trying” to “lay low”, here he is wearing next to nothing. Tbh, he’s got plenty of winter outfits that actually cover him up, but dammit he’s got a reputation to live up to! (Resists cold/freezing effects)
Second, 99% of Hraefn’s under armors are lingerie, I’ll be honest there. 50% of his armors (and 99.999...% of what he wears outside of serious battle) show that off. I got inspired by a pic, then kinda left it a million years behind haha~
Third, inspired by Sothis of Fire Emblem: Three Houses (more specifically Byleth in Sothis’ outfit. I’d link the pic that made me go ‘okay, I’m adding this to the AU right hecking now’ but it’s spoilers~ & was also a tweet that I forgot to like and retweet before my short attention span took over I’m sorry you beautiful artist--) but unless you were looking for it, it’s prolly not noticeable, I scrapped all my more heavily inspired designs. It’s for my 700 year AU I might make a post about some of my AUs sometime? idk
Random Fact (transcribed because my handwriting sucks): Hraefn ranks #1 for playtime in YGGDRASIL.
Was ‘within’ even grammatically correct? Idk, I’ve been up for like 2 days now bc toothache.
Yeah, anyway, in those 12 years running (he joined on launch because ‘yes! freedom!’ and played every day until shutdown) and with Miyuki’s schedule, he spent a little under or over 80% of those twelve years in the game. (Specifically, on a normal day he’d spend 83% (rounded down) of his time in the game. Spending only 4 hours to sleep and eat. Somedays he spent longer, even going a week just leaving to eat on occasions. Other days, he left the game because his father came to visit)
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kichimiangra · 5 years
For poor artists...
Okay so weeks ago I came across a post (That I can’t seem to find now...) that roughly went like this: “All you tumblrites with depression need some hobbies to help with depression because hobbies help.”
“Not everyone has the privilege of being able to afford hobbies!  Hobbies cost money!”
“You don’t need expensive stuff to draw!!!  Draw on scrap paper!  Napkins!  Go to the dollar store!”
Now for weeks since seeing that post it keeps coming back to me... almost hauntingly.  It’s not that I can’t comprehend that people can’t afford expensive art supplies, on the contrary I very much remember being like that!  But today you poor artists have access to something wonderful that I didn’t growing up:
Under the cut let me tell you a tale about a wonderful place that could have granted my wish for art supplies growing up!
And that place is called Wish.com!
(Disclaimer #1: Almost everything I’m talking about here are supplies that I myself have personally purchased and tried using AND STILL DO!)
(Disclaimer #2:  I don’t believe that good supplies make a good artist, but good supplies can help make a good artist better/ make their life easier!)
Now growing up I did not come from a wealthy family.  I had 3 siblings, all of us close in age so we were kids/ teens together.  My father worked in a warehouse and my mother was a stay at home mom because it was impossible to find an affordable babysitter considering that My older sister had trouble in school with bullies and a reading disorder, I was an un-diagnosed autistic devil-child, my younger sister had severe asthma and was always sick, and my younger brother was deaf.  We all kinda needed special attention.  As you can imagine we didn’t have a lot of money, and as I got older and more Artish meant I had to make due with what I could get.  That didn’t mean I went without, just often had to save and wait for what I could use, which followed me to adulthood.  Had Wish.com been around in my teens it would have been a godsend and I’m patient enough to wait a few weeks to get my order!
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God I love these things!  These ball point pens with 10 colors are what I use for story boarding comics and note taking!  I used something like these when I was in college because notes were much easier to organize and read when color coded!
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“But KC!  I like to sketch with blue/red pencil first!” Lookie here!  Colored pencil lead refills in all sorts of colors!  Cyan works great and so does the red!
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Now I didn’t know they came this small until recently but I LOVE this 0.3mm Mechanical pencil!!!  The lines are so thin and small!!!  I have literally never seen anything smaller than a 0.5mm in a store!
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Now I like mechanical pencils for their consistent lead size as you draw! They’re just a click away from being back to sharpness!  But you may want a 0.5mm and a 0.7mm and this 3pc set is soo sleek looking!  It’s good to have a 0.9mm too! I used to have a spongebob .16mm pencil I stole from my brother but it went missing!  I have never found another one that HUGE again! T_T
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Speaking of pencils this nice little set comes with a mechanical pencil+lead+a white plastic eraser.  They work great though the eraser is not my personal fav...
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THESE are my favorite erasers to use!!!  Not only are they cute colors but they’re a good consistency!  They’re softer than a plastic eraser but a bit harder than a gum eraser so they feel really good to erase with and do a good job!!!
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If you really like working with Pencil you can prolly just get a cheap #2 pencil at a dollar store or a box of them at Walmart, but I Really like the feel of a 2B pencil!  This lead holder comes with some replacement lead too so you don’t have to worry about sharpening it to nothing!!
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This set of Graphite sticks are a little messy but it comes with all kinds of lead hardness and you can use an x-acto blade to sharpen them to different size points!!!
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This is a pretty basic but nice sketch set and has a lot of size options to pick and buy from!!  I’ve used the small 32 set and it has everything you need if you love pencil art!
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FINE LINERS!!!  I have a story about Fine liners! Internet shopping hadn’t quite taken off yet for my family and the only store I knew that sold Microns/Fabercastelle fine liners was a local store.  They didn’t sell them in singles so the cheapest set you could buy was a $15 Faber Castelle set with 5 pens (Sm/Med/Lrg/Brush/Chisel).  Now $15 doesn’t sound too bad until you remember my family was poor.  How poor?  Poor enough where my sister and I would each get one of these sets for Christmas and store one away while sharing the other set in hopes of getting them both to last until June where I could get another for my birthday that will hopefully last BOTH of us until next Christmas.  I noticed when you buy Microns off of Wish.com you have a 50/50 chance of getting a knock off brand but these ones here worked pretty good for their price!
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“But KC!  Not only am I a poor artist... I’m a poor HIPSTER artist! I wanna kick it OLD SCHOOL!” WELL This is a nice cheap little set of dip pen nib holders and nibs!  The pink one is cute but I have the black one.  I personally love my Cork nib holder more but for plastic this one is decently comfortable to hold and a good price!  I find Nibs are a bit of “You get what you pay for” but if I was displaced into an apartment somewhere without any of my stuff and I wanted some dip pens this set would do just fine!  Dip pens take some skill to get used to so even if you want to just cheaply try some this is a good set to start with!  And if you want better nibs later on they fit right in these holders!
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I also have a very decorative (but functional) glass dip pen!  Unlike the metal nib dip pens above the glass one doesn’t really allow for a lot of variation in line weight, but if you want the line work to stay a consistent size then this one is pretty good for that, though depending on your paper it can bleed a bit... once again takes some practice to get used to it.
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Now you’re gonna need some ink for those dip pens!  I haven’t really gotten to try any black ink from Wish.com because I have a few bottles of black ink that I keep getting for birthdays and Christmas and such, so I haven’t run out and gotten to try a new brand.  COLOR ink on the other hand...  These little 5oz bottles have gold sparkles in it!! And they look nice to boot!  They can get a little expensive because on THIS particular order you can only order them one at a time (And pay shipping for each bottle) but you really don’t need all 24 bottles as a lot of the colors look similar to each other.
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Here’s a sketch of Keira Hagai from Jak and Daxter along with the supplies used to draw it (Notice the ink, glass and black nib pens and the 0.3mm pencil.  The only thing used not from Wish.com is the feather sweeper I made from sculpey and chicken feathers.)
The ink doesn’t work great as paint though but you know what does?
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PAINTS!  I didn’t buy this one but it’s a nice little affordable starter set with pallet and brushes!
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Now I’m a bit snooty, I prefer to buy watercolor paints in tubes and an empty paint pallet.  The paint pallet I have isn’t THIS one specifically but this one is a bit nicer than the one I DO have and a bit cheaper as well!  (Mine doesn’t have a lid the folds out into a paint mixing area)(Now I wish I had this one!)(Maybe when my current pallet runs out of paint...)
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If you use watercolor paints you’re gonna need some brushes!  This is a pretty good deal!  You get 12 brushes and get to pick either flat or round tip brushes!  They’re also not too shabby!
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I use a set like this though!  They has a water reservoir in the handle so you squeeze the water out and onto the paint!  The reason I prefer these is I have a lot of pets and they like to get into mischief, so having a pallet that can be closed if I get up for a bathroom break or water that can’t be knocked over is a must for me!!
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“But KC I like more... dry mediums...” Lucky for you colored pencils are all over the place on Wish.com!  You can get all kinds of different sets and sizes and some even have nice carrying cases too!  I haven’t bought any because I own a LOT of colored pencil sets already and don’t use them frequently...  I’ve also tried some chalk pastels from Wish that worked well enough on their own but the way I use them is grinding them into a fine powder and brushing them onto paper and that didn’t grind well...
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And What’s art without PAPER!?!?  Wish.com is tripping paper!  Whatever is in your price range look around!  I can promise you you’ll find a sketch book or two within your budget!  Some even name brand sketch pads!
And now some miscellaneous stuff:
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I LOVE binder clips!  Great way to keep all my paper together and in some places hang stuff up so I can stare at it a bit before continuing working on it!
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I like art markers and not many truly can fill in the shoes left by Copic brand markers.  I have tried a handful of copic alternatives (And watched even MORE comparison videos by other people who own said markers.)  I feel like there is no such thing as a GOOD CHEAP QUALITY art marker.  There are lots of sets on Wish.com that (For their prices) are what I consider “Cheap enough to tinker with”  When I was in highschool back in 2007-9 I really really really wanted Copics and was resentful that I was poor and couldn’t get any.  I would get so angry when I saw 14 year olds on deviantart who drew like ‘14 year olds on devintart’ but had no less that two 72 sets of copics. I know, it was rather petty of me to be resentful of younger more fortunate artists... The trade off with my parents was that I would settle for Prismacolor markers, bought 1 per week with a 40% off coupon provided I did all my chores and kept my grades above failing.  That was the closest I ever had to an allowance.  Throughout the years I’ve settled with ‘Tinker Markers’ (Cheapish alternative markers) and Ohuhu, Prismacolor, and Touch New seem to be the better alternatives.  Just don’t go looking for a brush nib >.<!
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MASKING TAPE!  Always good for taping things to other things!!  Unfortunately I feel like Walmart gives you bigger rolls for better deals so if it’s going cheap I’d say you don’t need tape from Wish...
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Aaaah!  A light board!  And another long trip down memory lane!  Last October going into Inktober I noticed there were people throwing little fits about Inktober itself and if it’s okay to do it with a digital medium.  One persons comment stuck out (And echo’d in my brain) where they said (And I’m paraphrasing): “How am I supposed to focus on my ‘self improvement’ with traditional art if I just can’t draw from the anxiety of knowing that every pen stroke is permanent and I could completely ruin my drawing at any second without the CTRL+Z and layers!?!?!?!” To which my first knee-jerk reaction was: “Wow kid... I think you have waaaay more problems than inktober if your anxiety levels are THAT high that you can’t just accept an oopsie doodle and try again...” But then I do remember a time when I was like that.  In college I scheduled a really bad semester with too many classes, mostly art classes.  One was a classic Pen and Ink class which I did fear screwing up, not because of anxiety of failure but because I would have to start over on my homework, and that would take time from all my other homework.  Time I didn’t have.  I found a large sum of money on the ground ($100.00) one day, waited a month (Nobody claimed it), donated half to my local animal shelter (As is a karma thing in my family with ‘found money’) and used the other half to buy a light board (With a 40% off coupon.)  It was the size of a shoe box, thick and clunky, and didn’t get very bright, but it did what I needed it to.  If I screwed up on ink homework I’d throw a new paper over it and start again.  You can be cheap and use a window on a sunny day, but light boxes (or light boards now) are so affordable and sleek and thin and wish has a lot of them!  I have a cheapish but large A-Line tracing board that sits on my drawing table and fits well and honestly saves 40% of what anxiety I would have putting pen to paper (If I hadn’t been drawing freehand so long that I just don’t get that kind of anxiety over it)
If Wish.com was around when I was a teenager art supplies would have never been THAT big of a deal and I wouldn’t have had to ‘Carpool’ 3 fine liner sets per year with my sister!
Really, I know there will still be people out there who still can’t afford some of the things listed above, but if you have an inclination to try art whether it’s with pencils, paints, markers, pastels, ink, dip pens, fine liners, whatever you lean towards, Wish.com has a cheap affordable version that may not be the best quality out there on the market, but thinking back 15 years ago little KC would have loved to save up some money, order some new supplies, and wait a month for them to arrive so she could use them.
Once again most of the supplies listed above have been bought and used by myself.  There are some great materials at mostly affordable prices on Wish.com so if you are poor like Little KC was you probably know the patience of putting aside a dollar here and there and having to wait, or if you are well off but don’t want to spend too much on a hobby you haven’t tried yet and don’t know if you’d like Wish.com has you covered!
And if you’d like to, Reblog this for other poor artists so they know they don’t have to share their fine liners!
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