#x. answer | lulu | ☾
miidnighters · 12 days
@goldenboybridgers said ❝ can i ask what happened here— how did you get this one? ❞
Lulu twists her leg to better show off the mangled muscle that is her left calf. There's no doubt that this is the one xyr referring to.
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"I got caught in a trap when I was a pup. Was held for hours before someone was able to get me out - partially because I was panicking and thrashing and the works. She's basically cooked, now." Despite everything, the declaration is almost fond.
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azsazz · 2 months
Lucien x Reader [Starfall Week Day 7]
Summary: @starfallweek Day 7 Prompt: Character A and B spend Starfall in a different court, learning all of the traditions.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,339
Notes: This one also goes out to the anon who was begging me for some Lulu action 💙
The wind brushes his copper hair over his shoulders and the sun makes the freckles dusting his nose shine. You watch your mate spread his arms wide and throw his head back, drinking in a deep breath of the crisp, fresh Autumn Court air. 
He never thought he would be back.
It has been a long many years since he was exiled from the Autumn Court on the happenstance of falling in love. Falling in love with someone that his father didn’t approve of. Falling in love with someone who wasn’t his mate. 
Lucien had every intention of marrying Jesminda, lower fae or no. His young heart leaped happily in his chest whenever she was around. They were both blind to their problems as a couple, brushing off their arguments to roll around in the grassy fields, watching the leaves change color over their heads.
It had taken a long time to get over her. He never really did, honestly. Of course, the love that had been so fiery and new, scorched him when she died. But it was nothing like how it is with you, his true mate.
Lucien turns his head over his shoulder, tears lining his russet eye. The mechanical one whirs softly, and the smile on his lips shakes a little, making your heart ache in your chest. He holds a hand out to you, wanting to share this moment with you. 
The moment he can freely cross back into Autumn Court territory without fearing for his life.
While your mate had found a new home in the Night Court, found you in the Night Court, this isn’t a moment he’d allowed himself to think about, no matter how many promises his older brother made in their passing moments at meetings or gatherings. Their father is finally dead and Eris crowned the new High King of Autumn. 
He swears he can hear it, the joy across the lands carried on the winds blowing you closer to him. Lucien smiles sneakily at that look you give him. So he used a little mixture of his Autumn and Day Court powers to sweep the wind up. He wants you in his arms, how can you be upset at that?
You reach up with your free hand, caressing Lucien’s face, wiping at the lone tear rolling down his cheek. 
“Are you ready?” you ask, with a soft smile.
His throat works around a swallow and he takes your hand, kissing your palm so sweetly. “With you? Of course.” 
The Autumn Court is everything you thought it might be, but even more so because Lucien looks like he’s never left. 
There’s something about being in the territory that has awoken something long lost in your mate. The air, fresher than the other courts, filling his lungs with the scents of pine and sap, cinnamon and pumpkin. The black you thought he looked striking in is nothing compared to the hues of the autumnal clothing he’d almost immediately switched them out for; the olive greens and deep navy’s, crimsons and nutty browns.
Your first pit stop had been the bakery his mother always took him to when he was young. He missed their sweets deeply, and you laughed at the amount of pastries he tried buying. Lucien had hand fed you a caramel treat and your eyes widened at the burst of flavor that hit your tastebuds. There was no stopping either of you from spending a pretty coin on the treats filling your arms sky high.
“This one, my love, is a Starfall tradition,” he explains, handing you a sample of the warmed treat. It looks something similar to a Night Court treat you remember your mother making. Popping it into your mouth you nearly melt at its deliciousness. 
“Luc, we need to buy all of these,” you say in amazement, not waiting for his answer before you’re opening your mouth to speak to the worker. Lucein’s chuckle warms you to your very bones but you pout as he guides you away from the shop.
“There will be plenty more at the Woodland House tonight, my love,” he says with a grin. “My family hires a specific baker every year during the month of Starfall to make sure they never run out. Trust me, with seven boys running around, they were constantly in low supply.” 
You laugh with your mate, enjoying the shining of his eyes at the fond memory. You want to hear more of the good times he’s had in his home court. It’s not something he often speaks about, because there are more bad than good, but when you do get to hear one of his favorite memories, it always makes you smile.
“So, what does tonight have in store for us?” you ask, popping some of the chocolate and caramel drizzled popcorn into your mouth. Another Autumn Court staple. Your mate is going to turn you into a sweet-tooth yet.
“First, we have a formal dinner with the family,” Lucien explains, and you can see how the joy melts into nervousness. He hasn’t seen the entirety of his family since the day he was chased out of the Court, where two of his brothers died at the hands of him and Tamlin. He’s not sure how the remaining brothers besides Eris feel about him. Pyrolas doesn’t care about anyone’s presence besides his own, but he is the son so much like his father. Conleth never wanted problems with anyone, and Oakland was ever the rational one. If any of his brothers might have missed him, he would put his coin on those two.
“We don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” you offer softly. You would never make Lucien do something that he didn’t feel comfortable doing. You’re sure there’s a nice place the both of you can hide out until the party afterwards begins. Or perhaps you can check into an inn and celebrate Starfall in the streets with the rest of the peoples of the Autumn Court.
“No,” he shakes his head and rolls his shoulders, straightening his spine. “I’ve missed out on Starfall dinners for long enough. I’m ready.”
You nod, offering him the tin of popcorn. “Want some?”
“Thank you, my love,” Lucien smiles, taking a handful. “Besides, Eris mentioned that he was pulling out all of the stops this year. Told me that it is going to be the best Starfall this court has ever seen.” 
You hum, wondering just what that sly, new High Lord might have planned.
“What happens after dinner?” you ask, trailing along a path leading up to the Woodland House. You’re not sure how far it is, but you don’t mind the walk with your mate, drinking in the scenes the court has to offer.
“Then, we’ll congregate on the outer porches and there will be drinks of all kinds,” Lucein explains, perking up again. “You’re going to have to try the cinnamon one, my love. It’s my favorite.” Your mate laughs at your grimace. Cinnamon in the form of alcohol is not your favorite. “There’s also one that tastes like Yulemas. You’ll love that one.” 
“Don’t let me drink too much, Lucien Vanserra,” you tease, “Or I won’t be able to participate in the after Starfall activities.” 
You squeal as Lucein drags you off the path and presses you against a nearby tree, dipping down to taste the taunt from your lips. His tongue brushes the seam of your lips and you part easily for him, moaning when he presses his quickly thickening cock into your hip.
You’re breathless when he straightens, feeling as giddy as ever, like the first time you and he ever kissed.
“How about some pre Starfall activities, my love?” he asks, licking the remnants of you from his lips. His russet eye glows bright and his mechanical one clicks softly.
You take his hand and pull him away from the tree, dragging him back up the path. “Come on then, Vanserra. Show me what you’ve got.”
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danosrosegarden · 10 months
crazy for you (part one) - mitzi fabelman x fem!reader ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
{contains: meet cute fluff!}
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Another shift at the diner, another evening of ache coursing through the balls of your feet and bitter exhaustion coating your veins. The checkered pattern of the shoe-scuffed floor of the diner had nearly been burned into the back of your brain. You saw the baby blue color that was splashed on the walls in the dark behind your eyes when you closed them at night. The smell of bitter coffee coated the skin inside of your nose.
Your work drained you. It was branded on your blood cells, sunk through into the deepest wrinkles of your mind. And it would all start again, bright and early, first thing tomorrow morning.
You rung out the waterlogged cleaning towel in the sink and wearily untied your apron when hell's bell's rung. That was what you and your coworkers called the door chime. And ten minutes before closing, at that.
"Welcome to LuLu's!" you called. "I'll be with you in a moment!"
You concocted a plastic smile and spread it across your face wide, trying to slow your fiercely racing heart pumping red-hot frustration.
The woman standing meekly in the doorframe was short, her brown eyes sparkling in the buzzing lights. A small, weary smile was spread across her blushing face.
"Are you closed?" she asked. "It's okay, I'll come back tomorrow."
Something inside of you flipped. "No, no, it's fine, you caught us just before closing," you said. "Can...can I get you something?"
The woman, dressed in overalls and a crisp white shirt, scoffed out a laugh and slunk down into a booth. "Just...just some water."
You walked to grab her a cup. You sensed something in her demeanor that was tired. Awfully tired, awfully caged in.
"Here. On the house."
Bags pulling at the skin under her eyes, the woman took the cup from your hand and gulped half of it down before taking a breath and finishing the rest.
You stood in front of the booth and watched the woman stare at the cup, shaking her head gently.
"Sit. Sit with me," she said softly.
You sat across from her.
"Is...is everything alright?"
She took a deep breath before answering. "I don't know anymore."
You nodded your head. It didn't matter that you'd just met the woman...you felt an odd sort of spirit tugging you towards her, urging you to say more.
"I'm sorry if this is weird," you felt yourself saying without the words even registering in your head, "but if everything's not alright, you seem to be holding it together pretty well."
The woman cocked a brow. "I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean."
You cracked your knuckles anxiously. "I mean, come on, a person who's really falling apart couldn't maintain those bangs and nails. You're stunning, ma'am."
The woman laughed, unbridled and laced with a soft snort. "Oh, you're too kind."
It was your turn to raise an eyebrow at her. "You don't believe me?"
She stared out the fingerprint-smudged windowpane with a soft, wistful smile. "Well, I haven't exactly felt stunning in a while. Gosh, honey, you've made my evening."
You tried not to blush at the name she called you. It sounded like liquid candy being poured into your ear when she said it; thick and sugary sweet.
The woman stood from her seat, smoothing her hair. "Well, I won't keep you. You've probably got people at home waiting on you."
You chuckled. "Oh, no, it's just me."
"Just you?" She pointed to your left hand, where a band wrapped around the base of your ring finger.
"This is just decoration," you explained. "I...well, to be frank, I don't have much luck with men."
She smiled sweetly at you. Like she understood your frustrations. Like she knew your secret. "That's quite alright, honey."
Before she could open the door to leave, you called out to her. "E-excuse me, ma'am?"
She turned around, the swoops of her blonde hair flipping as her head swiveled to meet your gaze.
"I didn't get your name."
"Mitzi. Mitzi Fabelman."
You repeated it in your mind. You unwrapped the sound like a moist cupcake, the crumbs of her name tumbling and locking themselves into your brain. Mitzi.
"Maybe you could come in earlier next time, Mitzi."
Mitzi smiled brightly at you, pink lips turned in an enchanting curve. "I'll sure try."
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miidnighters · 3 months
@sorrowsick Temperance said "oh, god. wait until they see what my penis looks like."
Lulu pauses.
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"Is that cos you prefer those like, bad dragon tentacle things instead of just regular dick-shaped dildos like the rest of us?" Not that Lulu was going to judge but she also thought the logical thing to do here was not to show it off if Temperance was worried about what people would think. Or invest in something more typical and keep the weird shit just for herself.
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miidnighters · 2 months
@sorrowsick Rosie said ‘i hate having to do that. i can’t help thinking it’s pandering to popular prejudice.’
Lulu hums.
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"No offence, but you look like the kind of woman who doesn't normally give a shit." It's a frank observation, in the way that most of her observations are, thickened by accent. "Just don't do it if you don't wanna."
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miidnighters · 4 months
@cragsnow said "how did i let you drag me into this?" | PROMPTS FOR SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES
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"I don't know what you're worried about." Lulu hasn't even removed her bow from where it's slung across her shoulders. Clearly, she's not worried as they approach the mouth of the cavern, even though by all rights she should be - who knew if the information they'd gotten was reliable?
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miidnighters · 1 month
@lcngdays Kennedy said “ i got your shirt all bloody. ”
"I mean yeah, but you've got bigger problems." Sure, theres a big smear of blood over the sleeve of her shirt, but they had bloody palms from where they went down and they were both currently sitting on the pavement looking at each other. A bit dumbly, in Lulu's case.
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"Are you gonna be fine to get wherever you're going like that? Or like, my apartments just there," She points to a building across the road. "If you're not too wary of stranger danger and wanna like, wash up. I'm not a murderer, I promise."
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miidnighters · 1 month
@sorrowsick Cross said "if you die, it's not really my fault."
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"I'm not gonna die." The exasperation of her words is belied, a little, by the way she is nose down, ass up, looking at this plant. "Like, it's not even poisonous mate."
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miidnighters · 1 month
@cigarettesandcoffee Salem said "that's not what you usually say when we're alone."
Lulu blinks, unsure of how she should proceed. As far as she understood it, they were just friends who made out a little (a lot) or sometimes more after they'd had a little wine (although it had taken drinking less and less to get to that point lately).
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"I'm not really sure what you want here."
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miidnighters · 2 months
@factsfcrged sent “   It’s not my safety that I’m worried about. ”
"Listen, champ, it probably should be." Sure, there was someone on the loose, staling their remote worksites in the forests of Virginia, but at least she knew how to be outdoors for more than five minutes at a time. The good Doctor here looked like a particularly bad sunburn would take him out at the knees.
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Setting down her pack, Lulu turns to look at him. "If old mate manages to get me through the wilderness with all these samples then maybe he deserves me." she informs him, deadpan through her thick accent. "How are you going to go with all the bugs?"
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miidnighters · 3 months
@exquisitexagony Arthur said “ I’m going to let myself be a little unhinged today, as a treat. ”
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"Being a little bit unhinged goes a long way." Lulu nods solemnly. "But if you ask me, you're already well on your way, breaking into people's apartments and shit."
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miidnighters · 4 months
send 🎲 to generate a kiss! / lulu! if you feel like it
@fangmother | kiss roulette - A kiss along the hips
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When Lulu considered how to thank Rainer for her help with her laundry, it was probably only a surprise to the elder that they'd ended up here. The jeans were destined for the trash, butt hat hadn't stopped Lulu giving Rainer the rest of the tour - making it as far as the bedroom before she started batting her eyes and biting her lip and nudging Rainer back towards the bed.
Now, heavy boots are planted either side of Lulu's knees, and she's pressing kisses to the thin skin of Rainer's hip bone, nipping lightly and smoothing the area with her tongue. Deft hands make their way to Rainer's belt, and heavy eyes look up the line of the elder's body.
"Can I?"
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miidnighters · 3 months
@amadaans Jyotsna said ‘every power has its limits.’ | vengeful  -  v.e. schwab  sentence starters
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"Is that your way of telling me you can't teleport us to a coffee shop right now? Sad, truly." Lulu guesses they'll just have to go the old fashioned way.
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miidnighters · 22 hours
@hungryyheart said "that was different. those were extenuating circumstances."
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"Be that as it may," Clearly she is not to be deterred in this opinion, eyeing him over the top of her laptop. "Wombats are better than rabbits for food. No slower, sure, but they're fatter so you get more meat. Actually, roo's are probably best but they're vicious bastards to catch."
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miidnighters · 12 days
@platiinums Stain said ❛ are you trying to get us in trouble? ❜
"I cannot be held responsible for any trouble we do or do not get into."
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Which probably means she's done the troublemaking, and Stain here is probably about to get swept up into whatever collateral shenanigans happens to come next.
"Actually, I think we should get out of here. Like. Quicksmart."
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miidnighters · 14 days
@platiinums sent [ shoelaces ] Dacre bends down to tie Lulu’s shoelaces
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"Oh, you're a fucking legend, mate." Lulu has arms full of bagged cuttings, boot stuck out front of her, which the stranger was now tightening the laces of. She'd put on quite the production, huffing and puffing and miming her dismay at needing to put down the mass of plants she was holding - until, of course, someone had taken pity on her and come to her rescue. "I owe you one."
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