#yogiri hayate
lets-make-ensemble · 2 years
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chizuruyakumo · 2 years
[Translation] Hayate Yogiri 1
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"Haha, no need to thank me. I was just doing what anyone'd do."
Location: Courtyard
Hayate: Heads up, ball incomin'!
... Hup!
Whew, that was dangerous. Are you okay?
If you're walking close to where people are practicing, you've gotta keep your wits about you.
If I hadn't caught that soccer ball just now, it would've been a direct hit to the face.
Haha, no need to thank me. I was just doing what anyone'd do.
I was pretty cool and manly just then?
Hey, I'm a girl y'know~.
... Well, I've got nothin' but brothers in my family, so I guess they might've rubbed off on me a bit.
I've got two older bros and three younger, see, so is it any surprise I turned out a little more boyish than the average gal?
Well, it suits me better than being a girly girl anyway... It's 'cause of them that I've become a woman that can protect anyone, y'know?
Ahaha, maybe I'm throwing my chest out too much with that one... Feels sorta embarrassing, even if I'm the one who said it. ♪
❖ peace (tler twit) ❖
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yahuntao · 27 days
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Month: May Writer: Akira Chapters: 14 Characters: Ichika Kodama, Hayate Yogiri, Sakura Itoh, Kaede Sagawa, Reika Enjouji, Saaya Hotta, Natsumi Minami, Renren Ryusenji, Tsuyuri Hassaku, Koyoi Hoshiumi, Yuri Natsuno, Maria Yumeji
1 - Athletic request ①
2 - 体育会系の依頼②
3 - 文化系の依頼①
4 - 文化系の依頼②
5 - 対立構造
6 - 八朔つゆりの場合①
7 - 八朔つゆりの場合②
8 - 空手部に体験入部①
9 - 空手部に体験入部②
10 - 空手部に体験入部③
11 - 空手部に体験入部④
12 - 翌朝
13 - 保健室にて①
14 - 保健室にて②
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nomorewhitepeople · 3 years
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kimisaki · 7 years
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notice for the next scout 『white day gacha』 featuring hajime, hayate & hiyono. (starts at 02/27, 18:00 JST)
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2dcharacterbirthday · 7 years
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Name: Yogiri Hayate From: Ensemble Girls! Date of Birth: 3 September Gender: Female More info: http://ensemble-girls.wikia.com/wiki/Hayate_Yogiri
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meteorgreen · 2 years
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"I want to be by your side as an equal, as your partner in life."
Location: Chapel
Hayate: Hiyono... Thank you for allowing me to be the Champion of Justice.
But from here on, rather than be by your side in that way... I want to be by your side as an equal, as your partner in life.
Hiyono: P-Partner in life...?! This— This is happening all so fast! I— I—!
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Location: Hiyono's House
Ahh, what a nice dream...
Yogiri-san and I... getting married? It couldn't happen anywhere else but in such a sweet dream. ♪
(Sighs...) I slept in until noon... At least we're off this week.
I ended up pulling an all-nighter writing a rough draft... I really shouldn't, though— it's a bad habit to fall into.
If I get too used to sleeping in like this, then I'll still be waking up late by the time spring break ends...
I'm the Student Council's secretary now. I have to do my best to break bad habits and get my life together.
After all... Since I'm a member, the rest of the students will look to me as an example of a model student...
... But can I really be that girl for them?
On top of that, Mother and Father are away on a trip together...
It's wonderful that they're still so close after all this time, but was it really a good idea to leave their only daughter and a cat behind...?
Well, at least I'm not alone.
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Hiyono: Mao~, c'mere kitty cat...♪
I'm always so busy, aren't I? We don't usually get to spend time together...
But I promise, I'll do my best to take care of you this week. Meow, me~ow! ♪
Mm... You don't really react too much to your name, huh?
Having three of them is tough, isn't it? All of us call Mao something different...
Ahh, it sure is difficult to decide on just one... ♪
Oh? Are you hungry, Mao? Let's get you something to eat then, wait right here. I'll get you a little milk...♪
Um, we should still have some in the fridge... Huh?
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Hayate: Oh, you're awake! You know, I was about to go give you a shake myself, Hiyono.
You're able to get up yourself even on spring break, huh? Man, you're amazing. ♪
Hiyono: H-Hiyono...?! Wh—Why're you using my first name out of the blue like that?!
M-More importantly... Wh-Why're you in my house, Yogiri-shan...?!
And wearing an apron on top of that! It's almost sinful— no, it's a blessing from God himself to see you like this!
Hayate: Why this, why that... Huh. So you don't remember?
Even though our registration was accepted just the other day?
When all was said and done, you told me we'd be using each other's first names from then on. ♪
Hiyono: Re-Registration..?! Th-Then... Then we really did get married?!
Hayate: Yup, we did. Women who're at least sixteen years old can get married, so against our parents' wishes we did just that.
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Hiyono: Th-There really is one... So... That wasn't a dream? This is real?
Hayate: It wasn't a dream at all~. We went to a country in the south, remember? Everyone from Kimisaki joined us, and we had a biiiig ceremony...
You and I swore we'd never leave others' side, remember?
Hiyono: Oh, oh my gosh... I do remember something like that from my dream, but to think that it really happened...♪
Hayate: Leave your doubts behind. That's why... You oughta call me by my first name too, y'know?
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Hiyono: H... Hayate-san.
Hayate: Ehehe... Now I'm the one feelin' shy. ♪ Thanks, Hiyono.
Hiyono: M-My heart's beating so fast... but I couldn't be happier. ♪
Hayate-san... that apron really suits you. ♪
W-Wait... Are you making lunch for me?!
Hayate: Yeah, I was cooking somethin' up. Should I have asked before I took over the kitchen?
Hiyono: Th-There's just no way I could make you cook something for me, Hayate-san!
Please, allow me! Take a seat! I'll make something for you instead!
Hayate: Everything's already done though, y'know~? C'mon, you're the one who oughta be taking a seat.
You were working aaaaall night on a story, weren't you? I tried waking you up in the morning, but you just wouldn't get up.
Hiyono: Y... You saw me sleeping?! Oh my gosh, how embarrassing...!
Hayate: Why's that a big deal? We slept together, y'know?
Hiyono: Huh?! Ahhh, oooh...
Hayate: H-Hey Hiyono, are you okay? Your face is red as a beet.
Hiyono: Oh my gosh...
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Fumi: Ooooh, what a delicious look on your face! ♪
Hiyono: Eek?! C-Chief...? What... What're you doing here?
Fumi: Hiyono~, really? Don't you remember what today is?
Hiyono: Um, uh... Oh! It's April Fool's, isn't it?
Fumi: Ding ding, we have a winner! I really pulled the wool over your eyes, huh?
You got me good with your little trick during Halloween, so I thought I should return the favor. ♪
Hiyono: Yeah... you did. Haya... Mm, Yogiri-san, were you in on this too?
Hayate: Yeah, sorry. Midori-san's not that great of a person, but... Let me explain.
You've always done so much for me, so I just thought I'd try and help you out in return.
So... when she mentioned that she'd get me a spare key for your house if I pitched in, I jumped at the chance.
You've been so hard at work with the rest of the new Student Council, and... I couldn't help but worry about how you'd be doing over spring break, Sasame-san.
Hiyono: Ah, I see... My parents do trust the Chief, so that makes sense.
Hayate: Haha, some "Champion of Justice" I am, huh? Even if I went into this for you, it was still inexcusable.
But... I won't ask that you forgive me after the fact, there's probably nothing I can do to make it up to you.
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Hiyono: No, you don't have to worry at all, Yogiri-san. In fact... I'm really happy. ♪
But... if you really do want to make it up to me, then... Is it alright if I call you "Hayate-san"? Just for today.
Hayate: Yeah, of course. We can be married, just for today. Through sickness and health, Hiyono. ♪
Hiyono: For today and today alone, I'll be in your care, Hayate-san...♪
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engirls-cg · 7 years
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[正義の味方] hayate yogiri
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sevenarchive · 9 years
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Ensemble Girls! // Yogiri Hayate
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chizuruyakumo · 2 years
[Translation] Hayate Yogiri 2
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"Whoo-hoo, I'm free baby! I've gotta go work on some props, so I'm leavin' the rest to you! Thanks, have fun!"
Location: School Gates
Hayate: Leeet's see, what was I supposed to do today... right, right, it was to help out the Drama Club.
It's not often I get a request from 'em, I wonder what it is~.
I guess I could fill in for a role if needed— then again, they said the performance was this coming weekend... It's gonna be pretty tough to memorize my lines before then, I think, if that's the case.
Chika: Spr~ong! Giri, riiight? Thanks for comin'. ♪
Hayate: Don't call me Giri. I'm here about the Drama Club's request, so what can I help you with?
Chika: Ugh, she's just the woooorst!
That Eight-Eyed Chick threw all the work onto me, the poor helpless backstage hand!
She was all like, "I'm a director, so I'll direct the actors and leave the rest to you"!
And then she just— gave me like two thousand flyers to hand out!
You heard me, right? Two thousand! There ain't even that many students at this schoooool!
Hayate: Eight Eyed Chick... Ah, you must mean Konan-senpai. I see your problem now.
In short, you'd like me to lend you a hand gettin' these flyers out, right?
Chika: You mind helpin' a gal out...?
Hayate: A request's a request, y'know. Besides, we've gotta help each other out when time are tough.
Chika: Whoo-hoo, I'm free baby! I've gotta go work on some props, so I'm leavin' the rest to you! Thanks, have fun!
Hayate: You're leavin' already?! I've gotta do this all on my own...?
Chika: You'll be fiiiine! If you need a hand, just ask Helpman!
Hayate: H... Helpman? Who the heck's that...?
Ah... Well, that's just how the cookie crumbles, I guess. Let's get this done.
... The Drama Club's puttin' on a play! You don't wanna miss iiiit!
Mmm, two thousand really is too much for one person... I'm gonna drop before I finish givin' them out, aren't I?
... Oh? If it ain't the Transfer Student~. On your way home?
You wanna give me a hand? Thanks a lot.
That Tommy gal's a real pain in the neck... She just up and left me to do everything, see~?
I'm just glad you happened to come by and give me a hand... Seriously though, who's Helpman...?
❖ peace (tler twit) ❖
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yahuntao · 22 days
1 - Athletic Request ①
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Writer: Akira (日日日) Characters: Ichika Kodama, Hayate Yogiri Location(s): Classroom
Disclaimer: My Japanese isn't the best and my first language isn't English, so please forgive my grammar or mistranslations. If you notice any mistakes, please directly message me. Thank you for reading!
Hayate: "Hey there, thanks for coming to my shabby little place."
"I'm sorry I went through the trouble of calling you out."
"Should I call you 'Transfer Student-kun'?"
"It seems everyone calls me that. There's a new student in my class, too, so I guess we're getting mixed up~"
"Anyways, sit down, sit down. I won't take up too much of your time, okay?"
"Don't worry, it's not a day for love or anything."
"Ichigo, can you get me some tea or something?"
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Ichika: "Can you stop calling me 'Ichigo', Mr. Chairman?"
Hayate: "'Ichika', so simply 'Ichika' will do,"
"You're going to follow in my footsteps and become the ally of justice, right? It's great, right? It makes you look like a hero ♪"
"You were having trouble, weren't you? Calling in the name of 'Living God' or something like that?"
"You did a good and bad thing, as expected of a star of the sports committee ♪"
"That's the kind of fate you have, it suits you~! I have high hope for you ♪"
Ichika: "Ugh, I don't want to remember that, so please don't repeat it!"
"I mean, did you call me in to be your lackey?"
"I was told to leave the Kendo Club's practice because I was told the sports committee was having a fit......"
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Hayate: "Don't be so grumpy, I'm gone!"
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Ichika: "Oh my god, the chairman is always so selfish......"
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Hayate: "Well, and"
"Sachi, let me tell you something fishy."
"I don't want to make him spend too much time with me."
"On the other hand, if I keep it completely secret from him, he will definitely complain about it later."
"It's a pain in the ass..."
"Anyways, it's just that......"
"I guess you can finally relax now that the 'Student Council President Re-Election' mess is over, right?"
"Hey, I think another embarrassing situation is about to happen."
"I don't want to get in trouble if it turns into a big commotion that involves the whole school again,"
"Let's nip the bud of disaster as soon as possible, that's why I called you out."
"'Why did you call us?' that's the look on your face. Hey, too much modesty can be a turn-off, Transfer Student-kun."
"You are definitely the heart of this school. You are the eye of the storm so to speak."
"'Reappointed Student Body President,' he said,"
"Although it was the student council and the 'opponents' who were the main players, you had a big impact."
"You're the only boy at school. Nobody can ignore you."
"Especially this time, you're no stranger to this kind of thing."
"The student council, which you're a part of, can't ignore you either."
"I know it's a pain in the ass, but lend me your ear for a minute."
"The troublesome trap this time is... that's right,"
"I'm sure the school newspaper will make a big deal about it, anteing something like..."
"'The battle for the homecoming club'."
0 notes
chizuruyakumo · 2 years
[Translation] Authoress & Heroine
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"Don't cry, Sasame-san. I'm sorry for teasing you... I'll take responsibility for your tears, so let's get married. ♪"
Location: Classroom
Hiyono: ...~♪
(Hee~! I made a lot of progress on the manuscript today!
It feels so good... Things are really shaping up~, I guess writing newspaper articles really has improved my writing skills a lot. The words are just spilling out ooooone after the ooooother. ♪
The Chief always gets onto me about writing too much, though~... A lot of what I put down gets rejected, but I think my writing skills really are improving.
But more than that, the fact that even one person reads my words is enough for me. The Chief always, always reads through them really thoroughly, and others, like Yogiri-san, always look forward to them too.
I'm happy just being able to write, but it makes me a hundred times happier to know it's being read! Ahh, I wonder if I'm even allowed to be this happy...? ♪
I'm so glad that the Chief found me and invited me to join the School Newspaper... Though the work itself is important enough, I've gained so much more than just that too~...♪
I used to spend my days fidgeting in the corner of the classroom, writing all by myself... And now I'm so relaxed, the words just flow right from my fingertips ♪
I want to write so many things, my hands can't even keep up. Ehehe, maybe I'll do what the Chief does and start running... I absolutely need to improve my stamina.
I'm the only one who can write this story! And I'll work hard so no one can even think about taking it away from me! Let's go go go~! ♪ )
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Hayate: Sasame-sa~n. ♪
Hiyono: Eek?!
(H-Her face is so close! What's going on? Did I somehow fall into a fantastical world while I was writing my manuscript?! Ohhhhh my godddd!
My heart's about to give out! Ah, I thought it was just my imagination, but Yogiri-san has been rather forward lately, hasn't she?!
It's more than I deserve, and I know I end up acting so weird around her because of it!)
Ah, um... Y-Yogiri-shan? Do you need shomething from me?!
Hayate: Not really. You were just making some pretty funny faces, so I came over to see what was up~♪
Hiyono: Hhh? I was?
Hayate: Yeah. I was worried about you because recently, it really seems like you've been on the verge of crying... But then you started making all kinds of other faces, like you were angry or happy about something. It really threw me for a loop, you know~?
Hiyono: Ahhh, I'm so sorry... I get really into whoever I'm writing at the time, so I end up making the same faces they do... For example, if a character gets stabbed in the stomach, then I end up having a stomachache myself.
Hayate: Ooh, so you really feel for the character you're writing, huh? I didn't know you could make that many faces. ♪
You always turn your head down and pull your bangs to hide your face when you're around me... You mumble your words, too.
But you know, I really do wanna see all kinds of expressions from you. Why don't you cut your bangs already? You should show off that cute smile of yours, Sasame-san. ♪
Hiyono: Eek?! D-Don't touch my hair! That's a really sensitive spot for some people, you know? They could label that as sexual harassment! Ah, but I don't really mind it myself...
I-I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I must be a real eyesore, aren't I? If you'll excuse me, I'll go back to writing in my corner of the classroooooom!
Hayate: Wait, don't go... Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you while you were writing. Is it it for the newspaper?
I've been really busy with softball practice lately, so I haven't really been able to do anything Champion of Justice-like lately... I thought that maybe you'd been having some trouble with your writing 'cause of that.
But instead, you've been writing something up nonstop... I couldn't help but think that maybe you found yourself a new Champion of Justice besides me.
Hiyono: Oh nonono, absolutely not! To me, you're the only Champion of Justice in the whole world, Yogiri-san! I love you more than the stars do the sky...☆
Hayate: Oh, that's a relief. I love you too, Sasame-san. ♪
Hiyono: Ah, ahh?! Y-You shouldn't joke around like that! M-M-My heart's gonna give out! Uuu, I wish I'd recorded you saying that...!
Hayate: Heheh. If you want, Sasame-san, I'll tell you "I love you" as many times as you'd like~. ♪
Hiyono: W-What's going on? Did you hit your head or something like that? Or are you just saying sweet nothings to me as part of a punishment game? P-Please don't force yourself!
Hayate: Mm... Anyway, let's take it back a step. If it's not an article, then what're you writing? Can I read it? I'm a huuuge fan of your writing, you know~! ♪
Hiyono: Wait, not yet! I'm not done yet! Y-You shouldn't want to read it, I just–I just wrote it on passion alone, from the seat of my pants! A-At least let me edit it first, please!
Hayate: Nope~, I'm gonna read it. ♪ Out loud, too~. ♪
Hiyono: Waaaaah, stop iiiiit! Don't look at it, Yogiri-san, I'll die from embarrassment! Haa... Haa... Whew, look! I've used up every last bit of air raising my voice!
Cough. Yogiri-san, you're such a bully. There's no way I'll marry you if you keep this up.
Hayate: Wow, you're that embarrassed by it? I don't really get it, since I've never written a book before... I'm more of a sporty girl, so I don't even read that much.
Don't cry, Sasame-san. I'm sorry for teasing you... I'll take responsibility for your tears, so let's get married. ♪
From today on, you'll be Hiyono Yogiri. ♪
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Hiyono: Ooooh~! Oooh, ooh ooh ooh!
Hayate: Wow, you really sound like Umezono-san from Class B right now... Kind of like a monkey. Sorry, sorry, I went too far. ♪
But I'm serious, this is one interesting piece of work. There's some words I don't really know, but... from what I can get, it feels like something I'd like... Can I read it once you're all done?
Hiyono: Uuuu~! You're a bully, Yogiri-san! There's no way I'm letting you read it!
Hayate: I said I was sorry... I really have reflected on my mistakes, okay~? I promise. ♪
Hiyono: Uuu... I thought you were a picture perfect, ideal Champion of Justice... But when you're spoken to, it's more like you're airheaded — or rather, you're careless.
Hayate: Ahaha, sorry. Did I crush your image of me?
Hiyono: Mm-mm. Rather, the articles have been received pretty well recently, with others saying that they're thankful to see a more human side to the Champion of Justice. It really isn't right to just idealize someone in your mind.
I'm glad to know you, Yogiri-san, even if it's just through jokes like this... It's nice, like I've gotten closer to you even the littlest bit. ♪
But honestly, this novel is far from finished, and it may be a while before I can show you it. It's a long story, and since I'm handwriting the whole thing it's slow going.
Hayate: Uh... I can't say I know what you're going through, buy why don't you type it up instead? Or can't you?
Hiyono: I could, but... The Chief says that, "When you're young, you should write everything by hand. That way, you'll memorize words, phrasing, and idioms more than you would by typing them, so break open a dictionary and learn 'em one at a time."
Hayate: Huuuh. That girl's actually got a good point, huh? Yeah, you should definitely challenge yourself when you're young. If you don't and you just take it easy, you won't learn a thing, right?
But I've already read this far, so I'm pretty curious about what's next... Will you tell me what the story's about, or at least what you've got so far?
Let's talk more, Sasame-san. I'll challenge myself right beside you. ♪
Hiyono: Uh... Well, I guess talking to someone would help clear my head if I need it..?
Hayate: That's right. So, first off, tell me this: who's modeled off of me in this story? I wanna know who I'm gonna feel for when I read it.
Hiyono: Eh, huh? No one's modeled off of you, Yogiri-san, because everyone dies in the end! And even if it's just a story, there's no way I could cruelly end your life!
Hayate: Wow, that's one hell of a spoiler you just dropped...
But I'd like it if you put me in there too, okay? If everyone's gonna die in the end, then I'll swoop in and save them Champion of Justice style. ♪
Honestly, I don't really like myself that much... I'm too boyish, too awkward... But when you write me, Sasame-san, I really feel like I could love myself.
So please, Miss Authoress! Write about me even more~! ♪
Hiyono: Uu, uuu... But if it won't be good if I get attached to a certain character, you know? It'll make them harder to kill when I should... But, well... I guess I can try?
I want to write your story more, too. I want to fill out all the details, now and forever. ♪
Hayate: Good. Now then, I've gotta stay on your good side, Miss Authoress, so I don't die. You've got day duty, right Sasame-san? Let me give you a hand~. ♪
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Hayate: I've been meaning to ask you if I could for a while, actually, but it took a while to get to that point, ahaha. ♪
Hiyono: Heehee. Yogiri-san, you really are pretty awkward around me, aren't you...♪
❖ peace (tler) ❖ honeyspades (proofer)
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kimisaki · 7 years
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[凛々しき返礼] yogiri hayate
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