#you aren’t standing with Israeli people when you don’t condemn their extremist government/military
prole-my-tariat · 7 months
You know, you don’t have to have an opinion about what Hamas or any other victims of ethnic cleansing have done or will do in response to genocide.
You can just acknowledge how horrible genocide is and do what you can to not promote it. There’s no need to say “I don’t condone what Hamas has done.” No one cares. No one is asking you to have an opinion on a response to a colonial takeover that isn’t tearing apart your family. No one is asking for your input on how people who have been murdered for decades fight back against their oppressors. No one needs your moral high ground.
Instead, put that energy into your own government. Pressure them to stop supporting genocide. Force them to stop being complacent in the face of ethnic cleansing. Hell, focus on the ethnic and cultural cleansing your own governments are in acting on your neighbors near you and in other countries.
extremist governments around the world are utilizing your “horror” and “outrage” at resistant movements to convince you that these situations are just as bad as completely dehumanizing and murdering a whole group of people.
Promote the voices of those affected and stop pretending that moral high ground is more practical than direct action. Especially when it isn’t your life or your loved ones lives on the line.
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