#you can understand now why venom!noir occurred to me
whaliiwatching · 8 months
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he is so. to me
closeups of my favorites <3
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tsuki-chibi · 3 years
Ladynoir July Day 26 - Reveal
This story is part 5 of a series: a sequel to my Marinette March, Adrinette April, Marichat May, and Ladrien June stories; I highly recommend reading those first.
You can also read this story on AO3: Hurricane
“Then tell me,” Snake Noir said. Behind Émilie, Ladybee straightened up and grabbed Nathalie’s body. She slung it over her shoulder like a bag of bricks and swung away on her yoyo – probably going to meet Rena Rouge, Snake Noir realized. They hadn’t discussed that, but it was a smart move on Ladybee’s part to remove Nathalie from the equation entirely.
He looked at Émilie again, realizing that she hadn’t bothered to look in Nathalie’s direction even once even though she must have heard Ladybee using Venom. It was like she just didn’t care, and that only served to underscore his realization that the mother he had missed so much was gone – if she had ever really existed. This person standing before him… Snake Noir didn’t know who she was.
“Tell me,” he said again. “Tell me why it’s so important. Tell me why you and Father were messing around with the Butterfly and Peacock miraculouses in the first place.”
“The fact that you have to ask tells me that you wouldn’t understand,” Émilie said bitterly, shaking her head. “In retrospect, I sheltered you too much. Your father always told me that I did.”
“What do you mean?” Snake Noir demanded. It seemed like every word out of her mouth only confused him more, and that was frustrating in ways he couldn’t put into words.
Why couldn’t she just be upfront and tell him what he wanted to know? This was the same sort of attitude that he consistently ran into with his father. Gabriel had always been the kind of person who just expected everyone to do what he wanted, and usually didn’t care enough to explain the reasoning behind his decisions. As frustrating as that was, Snake Noir had gotten used to it.
He couldn’t ever remember Émilie being that way, but now he found himself wondering if she had always been the way and he just hadn’t noticed.
After all, experience as Chat Noir had taught him that it was a lot better to get people to follow your orders when you approached them in a kind but firm way. That had especially been the case in the beginning, when the people of Paris hadn’t been as willing to blindly trust him and Ladybug. And sometimes, when it came to people who were really stubborn, it was easier to tell them a sugar-coated lie…
How many times over the years had Émilie lied to him? How many times had she just told him what he wanted to hear, only for things to ‘not work out’? How many times had Adrien traded something that he really wanted, like going to public school, for his mother’s love and attention?
Because she had always done that, hadn’t she? Made life seem so special when it was just the two of them. He’d always thought that she spent so much time with him because she wanted to, but now Snake Noir found himself wondering if she had just done that to keep him under her thumb. His connection with the world beyond his mother and father largely been restricted to Chloé and people he worked with.
Even if that wasn’t true – and certainly, Émilie would deny it if it was – it occurred to him then that he would never be able to take her word for it.
The rose-colored glasses were gone, and the curtains had been pulled wide open, and the reveal had happened.
At this rate, Snake Noir would never be able to think well of his mother or his father ever again.
“Just don’t question things you can’t understand!” Émilie snapped. “Lucky Charm!”
He tensed, taking a cautious step back as the yard was flooded with red light. He wondered if he should activate Second Chance. Ladybee had cautioned him not to do so until the right moment, because they would only get one chance at it. But when was the right moment?
Émilie caught the Lucky Charm in her cupped hands and made a jerking motion. Then she threw whatever it was on the ground. Snake Noir cried out as a series of sharp bangs and painfully bright lights started flashing right in front of him. He clapped his hands over his eyes, but the lights had been so bright that the echo of them continued to flicker across his closed his eyes.
“Snake Noir!” Ladybee cried out a few seconds later, grabbing his shoulders. “Are you okay?” Her voice sounded far away, just barely audible over an annoying ringing.
“I’m fine,” he said through gritted teeth. “Where is she?”
“She ran into the mansion and activated the defences,” Ladybee said, and Snake Noir swore. His delay and failure to activate Second Chance had made things infinitely more complicated.
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