#zeev kelsey
cinderswrench · 2 years
happy bday to cinder.. my favorite character to exist. ever. here’s to another year🥂🤍
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cinderswrench · 3 years
I’m taking my role as the official tlc fanfic promoter seriously so here’s my first rec… I just finished reading this literally 30 seconds ago and it’s called What If… by lilybelle14 (idk if they have a tumblr) on ao3 and guys. guys. it was so good. SO GOOD. it’s got angst (for you elwin). it’s got fluff. it’s got comedy. it’s got everything. plus the length hs perfect for this story. anyways let’s hype it up I’m obsessed!!!!
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cinderswrench · 3 years
cinder and thorne have crazy sibling vibes (like fred and george) and kai and cress have supportive older brother younger sister vibes and that’s all I wanted to say
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cinderswrench · 3 years
people... it’s time. despite being on tumblr for an unknown number of years, I’ve never actually introduced myself <3 (or mayhe I have once... idk)
there’s not much to introduce... I’m elizabeth. I don’t go by any nicknames but I’m not offended if you call me something else! my favorite color is blue. I’m a gemini (if you care lmao) and my insta used to be @cinders.wrench but I’m really only on here now! I’m a lunar chronicles blog but I reblog a lot of other things (renegades, hp, pjo, activism, etc). don’t hesitate to reach out for older sister advice, friends, tlc things, literally whatever I’m an open book online :-)
I don’t do a ton of original content anymore (I do sporadically and I’m currently working on some in my drafts). I will always reblog what you make (plz tag me so I see it- if you have a tag list... get me on there!!) if I miss it genuinely my apologies I’m usually pretty busy irl so I miss some things!
ily all so much and never hesitate to reach out! idk if I come across as an older scary tlc blog (the fact that I have been on insta/here for like six years is crazy to me (was I allowed to be on the internet too early? maaaaybe... but I got an insta in fifth grade (not when I started the tlc blogs) so what can we do about that now)) but I promise you I want to see what you’ve written/drawn/created! literally I will be friends with you in real life like why not. okay that’s it if there’s anything else you want to know let me know!
also: if I don’t respond to your message or see your post I promise I’m not ignoring you!! I’m bad at responding and sometimes I have really spotty wifi that doesn’t let me open certain things! Also- I’m still active even if I’m not on here for a while!
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cinderswrench · 3 years
the lunar chronicles/percy jackson au!!
goldy parents:
Cinder: Hephaestus
Kai: Zeus
Scarlet: Demeter
Wolf: Ares/Mars
Cress: Athena
Thorne: Hermes
Winter: Aphrodite or Persephone
Jacin: Apollo
Iko: Aphrodite
lmk if you want any explanations!!
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cinderswrench · 3 years
some people draw beautiful artwork for The Time it Takes to Fall (ttittf😌) by @salt-warrior
instead, I have drawn this
salt warrior... this one’s for you <3
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cinderswrench · 3 years
1, 4, and 18 💙
1) fav tlc character: cinder. love her. our queen. that’s all that needs to be said <3
4) least fav tlc character: aimery probably. he was a creepy man who was TOO attached to winter. I just really don’t like him. bad vibes
thank you @cindersnightmare ilyyyy
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cinderswrench · 4 years
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What do we think? I like Stars Above and the Fairest cover! I really like what they did with Levana and the Kaider scene is just so cute!! I also like how they included Iko (I feel like people leave her out a lot ://) and I like how Winter is drawn!! Ok next I totally love the artist but it’s just not what I imagine when I think of the tlc art like the style isn’t by favorite and I don’t like how Iko’s skin is really light and how Cinder looks reeeeally light (she is a dark skinned Asian and I’m not debating that because it’s literally a fact). Aaaand scarlet should be much curvier, thicker, fatter, whatever you want to call it than she looks (those are all good things btw... Fat = good. Skinny = good. Medium = good. All bodies = good). Also why does Channary look like that... I don’t want to say she’s ugly but 1) she definitely should be Asian looking Cinder looks exactly like her with her glamour and 2) she’s kinda creepy idk. I just don’t love replacing the covers with these. I really like the original art that was drawn at the very beginning! I don’t remember who drew it but there were two sets that everyone went by until Wires and Nerve and I wish we could go back to that:(( There were the headshot looking ones and the lineup of them standing! (I like other art besides those omg dw but I feel like most of the fandom imagines them how the artists on tumblr draw them which is how I imagine them so I wish that that art was used or one of those artists was used to create something for the covers or just other official artwork idk. That being said I love and respect the artist and the art is still gorgeous!
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cinderswrench · 4 years
Torin gives me big Captain Holt from B99 vibes
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cinderswrench · 4 years
cinder and cress during that last battle scene in winter: thorne what do you have?
thorne: a knife
cinder/cress: NOOO
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cinderswrench · 4 years
Cinder: Gryffindor
Kai: Hufflepuff
Scarlet: Gryffindor
Wolf: Hufflepuff
Cress: Ravenclaw
Thorne: Slytherin
Winter: Ravenclaw
Jacin: Slytherin
Iko: Ravenclaw
—— second choices
Kai could be Ravenclaw
Thorne honestly could be Hufflepuff
Iko probably is Hufflepuff
Disclaimer: I love all of the houses!! None are bad and they are all great in their own ways!! I’m a Ravenclaw if you were wondering! If you want me to explain any of my choices I’d be happy to!!
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cinderswrench · 4 years
Ok hear me out
Selene Blackburn gives me big Ariel vibes
Winter Hayle-Blackburn as Flounder
Jacin Clay as Sebastian (it just fits ok)
Carswell Thorne as Scully
Thanks for listening
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cinderswrench · 4 years
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cinderswrench · 4 years
ok so I thought that thorne was 23 for the whole series and cress was 16 and that’s why people were freaking out but no? thorne is 20 and she’s 16 which is A LOT LESS than I thought like it’s not great but it’s honestly not bad
anyways he’s 22 in the epilogue so idk what I was thinking but I just figured I’d share
also I know people have Lots of opinions and that’s cool but I was thinking the age gap was 23 and 16 but it’s actually 20 and 16 which I feel like is a lot different especially because none of them go to school but like it’s cool if you disagree like I get it it’s still not great but like it’s not 23 and 16 so just let me live I’m just happy he’s 20 over here
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cinderswrench · 4 years
ok but imagine kai with thick black glasses though... that’s what I want to see
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cinderswrench · 5 years
hi guys if you’re a tlc/renegades/marissa meyer blog PLEASE comment or respost or something so I can follow more active blogs!!
I want to make some friends and spread that awesome marissa meyer content!!
(I also like harry potter so if if you like hp then let me know too)
ok now ily bye
<3 cinderswrench
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