#zip for the win
have a good night :] feel free 2 answer this when u wake up but anything abut zip? i see him as like the sameish age as bif to clarify hes just. short, like prof
I feel awake enough to make a post about this before work
about age: they're all adults. Blob, Zip, and Bif are all pretty close in age but Bif is def the oldest out of the three. Arty's the youngest and Professor is in his 40s somewhere
Zip is basically in the middle somewhere but yeah he's older than Blob but slightly younger than Bif. maybe a 1-2 year difference
clarifying further: Blob, Zip, and Bif are in their 20s, Arty is entering her 20s (so she's 18-19) and again Professor is in his 40s
Zip is very very hyper, he just. doesn't sit down. the skates don't really help
I would imagine that regarding sports, he's sort of like a jack of all trades. he can do almost any sport like track, basketball, baseball, you name it, he can probably do it
I think it's mentioned somewhere that he did have a sports team of some sort, but of course, with the war happening I'm pretty sure they don't meet up as much
Zip seeks thrill, so of course he's into more extreme sports like bungee jumping or skydiving. it's not what you'd expect from a little guy like him but trust me he's done a LOT
mainly comes from him being so small, and he thinks it's funny when people ask him what he does for a living and he goes "I jump from cliffs"
he likes to see the looks on their faces
I think his being in the war and basically being a scout for the color underground definitely drained him a bit, or at least slowed him down
like real talk: he probably saw a lot of shit. a lot of it was in downtown/blanctown and I think it stuck with him a bit. being stuck in a giant hamster wheel was also not very fun for him + he was still in his skates so that's WORSE
he definitely hangs out with Bif because they share an interest in sports. they work out together and give each other tips and tbh I think Bif is an inspiration to him
and I don't mean that in a romantic sense either, they're good friends and Bif is just. a very good role model
he and Blob are also good friends and I see their relationship to be like a sibling-type thing. Blob's the younger brother and Zip often finds himself telling Blob not to do something or trying to get him out of trouble
zip can be unhinged and absolutely energetic but he's not stupid and he's not that gullible, anything relating to the inkies he'll def partake in but pranks and stuff are a hard maybe.
he's challenged Pinky to a race before and you can imagine how that went. he lost. no, he's not sour about it
he probably has a tiny interest in electronics and wires and has probably tinkered around a bit with the professor. he's a good influence. part of the reason why Z-jumps exist but he also kinda realized that Blob needed a better way of getting around since he's kinda. slow
+ pistons as well. honestly, he should work with the professor a bit more. he's kind of a lil genius
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aueua · 5 months
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aqua predator preyas...
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stainedsoles · 7 months
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slipping in some art to quench this fandom's inner gloinkqueen after nearly-- or roughly, 3 months of art block
we love to play games with Caine!
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maculategiraffe · 1 year
my dad had the basketball game on and the baby had paused running around being a fireman to watch the screen for a moment. one of the players shot and barely missed and the baby clenched his fist and went "no!!!"
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emblazonet · 4 months
Omg I'm so hype, I found a vintage 90s 100% lamb black leather coat at a thrift store yesterday and it's FULL OF POCKETS (with button flaps and zips on it!) and it not only fits perfectly but it's got lots of ease and movement in the arms. There's barely any wear on it, just a bit around the cuffs. And the kicker? It was only $38!
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koko2unite · 2 months
trying to clear up fortnite weeklies but they are so hard (not really im just bad at the game)
"enter bunkers 3 times" I dont even know what they look like
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Listen i know its hot and trendy to dunk on joe biden right now but i am begging you guys to have a MODICUM of critical thought. This is literally the exact same shit that happened in 2016 and you guys are falling for it again except you LITERALLY KNOW HOW IT WENT LAST TIME so you have no fucking excuse. Im not asking you to like him, just shut your mouth please. The most influential nation in the world is about to go into an election between a boring old white guy with poorly aged politics and a literal fascist who wants to do away with democracy. Thats it. Moratorium on blaming biden. You can criticize the US response to israel all you want but this genocide joe shit has got to fucking stop.
We are staring down the barrel of the single most dangerous election in us history. It is entirely possible that if this election goes wrong there will never be a chance to fix it outside of outright war. The US response to the genocide in Palestine has been appalling but you need to pick literally any other target than the single man on the planet who can protect us from a literal fascist takeover right now. Its literally been goddamned proven that puppet accounts sowed discord about hillary in 2016. Its crazy to think they wouldnt be doing it again.
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victory-cookies · 4 months
bought some more shit from the vintage market today and was showing my coworker at work and she said that I have good style and that “if we were roommates she’d totally be nabbing stuff from my closet to wear” so I am winning today
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moteldogs · 8 months
number of trim pieces held on to my car with twist ties is up by 1
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cupcakes-are-ours · 2 years
it's them!!!!!!❤️💙💛
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purposefully-lost · 10 months
In the verses where they dated Chris 100% gave Rabbit his first blowjob on school grounds okay thank you
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hatersmad · 2 years
forgot to say i'm top 0.01% mountain goats listeners surprising fucking nobody
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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bruh he rly can't be stopped
ike was in second place at 95 wins, let that sink in for a minute
#DCB PoR Run#it's usually a smaller gap between him shinon and haar in rd but in por forget it#he gets over 100 wins higher than second place almost if not every single time#in rd there are more like... rly tough ''can do it by themselves'' units#but in por oscar is the only one i trust to just fly out there and zip zip zoom#and thus... we get this LOL. i don't even do it on purpose it's just... how i play#i DID do some differentish stuff this time overall but my top units were all mooostly the same#i reused a few that i hadn't used in ages and i started using haar pretty recentlyish#he's not rly that amazing in por and it's hard to do much with him in this game bc he joins so late#and i have most of my units figured out by then except ranulf who i know i'm saving a spot for#but at least he gets to make up for that in rd a whole lot. i actually told myself that maybe#this time in my next rd file i should take someone else who isn't haar to the tower of guidance#bc he usually falls off a tad bit for the tower and almost never doubles at that point#so in theory i could trade him out for someone i haven't brought in before like caineghis or renning or smth#but LISTEN I ALWAYS CHOOSE MY UNITS WITH MY HEART FIRST AND FOREMOST#that's why i keep picking tormod over pelleas even tho i want pelleas too#but by then i have too many mages/healers and tormod is better to have bc he has his double A support with sothe#also ig bc haar always does so much for me prior to the tower that i feel bad not bringing him lol#actually hey maybe i could swap haar for geoffrey next time... thonkers...#the question is if i can actually go through with it by the time i get to that point LOL#anyway oscar in por is the only one who is this great and im so proud of him
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elytrafemme · 1 year
date with girlfriend was amazing :D however they will NOT let me pay for anything we buy so far and i am so mad about it
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moshpitpuppyx · 1 year
also fob selling a hoodie box set with an autographed cd is insane . take my fuckinf money
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sarajeneyfer · 2 years
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