#zosan arcane au
anniilaugh · 4 months
One fateful night we brainstormed about One Piece (very zosan) Arcane au with @bidisastersanji (bless your beautiful mind) and ended up hallucinating about badass dyke Vi!Zoro with hextech energy swords 👀
(EDIT) Added the au link above!
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201 notes · View notes
bidisastersanji · 4 months
Thinking about this scene from Arcane - “you’re hot, cupcake. So what’ll it be? Man or woman?” But ZoSan and my knees are weak
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86 notes · View notes
mellyssageversee · 6 days
Noble Hearts - Chapter 2
ZoSan Royal AU
Summary: The threat of famine looms over the Kuraigana Kingdom as resources dwindle. Suspicion grips the royal Mihawk family when the prosperous Germa Kingdom offers aid by means of a transactional alliance. As tensions rise, the unforeseen connection between two princes may decide the fate of their kingdoms.
Chapter 1
Zoro gazed out of the window, his eyes tracing the expansive fields and towering trees that marked the path to the Germa Kingdom.
The journey felt endless, the hours dragging on as they sat cramped in the carriage. Zoro shifted his weight, attempting to alleviate the stiffness that had settled into his limbs. He couldn't help but wonder if Perona and Mihawk were as uncomfortable as he was, though their composed demeanors gave no indication of any discomfort.
Perona was engrossed in her spell book, her attention focused on the intricate symbols and arcane diagrams that filled its pages. Meanwhile, Mihawk remained perfectly still, his eyes closed as he rested against the carriage wall, seemingly unfazed by the bumpy ride. Yoru, Mihawk’s beloved sword, rested in the empty seat next to him.
In an effort to divert his attention, Zoro leaned closer to the window, taking in the picturesque scenery of the Germa Kingdom. The dirt path they traversed wound through vast grassy fields, and in the distance, sunlight glinted off the surface of the ocean.
Cracking open the window, Zoro allowed the refreshing sea breeze to filter into the stuffy carriage, relishing in the salty tang that filled the air. There was a serene beauty to the landscape that captured his attention. The distant cries of seagulls and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze created a peaceful atmosphere that eased the tension in his muscles.
When the carriage came to a halt at the entrance of a grand stone castle, Zoro wasted no time in stepping out onto solid ground. Instantly, a wave of relief washed over him, the stiffness in his limbs dissipating as he stretched. The familiar weight of his three swords at his hip provided a comforting reassurance as he prepared to face whatever awaited them within the castle walls.
Imposing soldiers approached them; their serious demeanor did little to ease Zoro's already present frustration.
"We will need to take your weapons before you enter." One of the guards stated firmly. The second guard began to reach for Zoro’s beloved Wado, but abruptly came to a halt when he saw the swordsman’s eyes burning with fiery hatred.
Zoro’s hand instinctively moved towards the hilt of his sword, ready to defend his right to bear arms. After enduring hours of uncomfortable travel, this unwelcome demand was the last thing he expected.
Mihawk intervened, placing a hand on Zoro’s shoulder, his touch a silent warning to temper his anger. With a calm yet authoritative tone, Mihawk addressed the guards, his golden eyes flashing with a hint of warning.
"I believe there is a misunderstanding. I have already discussed this matter with King Vinsmoke." Mihawk explained, his words measured and diplomatic. "Our weapons are of great importance to us and remain in our possession at all times."
“We cannot allow any weapons that could pose a threat to King Vinsmoke’s safety.” The first guard advised, drawing a weapon and pointing it towards the Mihawks.
Their demand to relinquish their weapons only added fuel to the fire burning within Zoro. His hand tightened around Wado’s hilt, ready to defend himself and his family if necessary.
But before tensions could escalate further, a voice intervened, cutting through the tension with a sense of urgency.
“That’s enough!”
Zoro turned his gaze towards the castle entrance, where a young woman with striking pink hair similar to Perona’s emerged.
"The Mihawk family is a special case. Didn’t Ichiji tell you this in your morning briefings?!" she admonished the guards with a piercing glare.
Caught off guard by the woman’s intervention, the guard faltered, lowering his weapon.
“My apologies, your highness. We were not made aware of the circumstances.” The guard hastily corrected his mistake under the princess's stern gaze. It was at this moment that Zoro realized they were in the presence of Germa royalty.
The princess offered an apologetic smile in an attempt to defuse the situation.
"Hello, revered guests of the Germa Kingdom. I am Princess Reiju," she introduced herself, her tone welcoming. "Please accept my deepest apologies for the misunderstanding. I hope this experience does not sour your visit."
Despite the princess's efforts to smooth over the situation, Zoro couldn't help but still feel irritated. His grip upon Wado's hilt remained tight. The guards' lack of awareness and their treatment of his family as potential threats left a bitter taste in his mouth.
"No harm done." Mihawk responded calmly. "However, in the future, I suggest you keep your guards well informed of our arrangements. If we are to form an alliance, it would be in the best interest to ensure the safety of all parties involved."
“They mean no harm-“
Mihawk raised a hand to silence Reiju’s interjection, his demeanor shifting into one of stern authority. A threatening glint flickered in his golden eyes, his features darkening with a fearsome intensity.
"I am not speaking solely for our own safety," Mihawk continued, his voice low and commanding. "I say this for the safety of your guards. Anyone foolish enough to draw a blade on me or my children does not usually live to tell the tale."
The guard who had originally brandished his weapon towards Zoro visibly recoiled, a hint of fear creeping into his demeanor as he took a cautious step back, the subtle clatter of his armor betraying his unease.
“I see your fearsome reputation is well deserved, your majesty,” Reiju bowed in approval. Trying to salvage the less than welcoming arrival, she turned her attention to Zoro. “You must be Zoro, a pleasure to meet you,” Reiju said, her smile warm but her eyes sharp, as if probing for something beneath the surface.
Although wary of her intentions, Zoro nodded in response, offering a curt but polite acknowledgment.
Turning her attention to Perona, Reiju's demeanor shifted to one of playful familiarity. She took Perona's hands in hers, her smile growing more playful as she spoke. "And you must be Perona. I have a feeling we are destined to be great friends."
Zoro observed the interaction with a sense of skepticism. While Perona seemed thrilled at the prospect of making a new royal friend, Zoro couldn't shake the feeling that Reiju's friendliness was more strategic than genuine. It seemed too convenient, too eager to win them over, especially in light of the impending alliance between their kingdoms.
"Please, follow me to the throne room. My father and brothers are waiting for us to join them.”
The Mihawk family followed behind Reiju, their footsteps echoing off the cold stone floors of the castle. The surroundings were starkly different from what Zoro was accustomed to.
Although the Vinsmoke castle displayed bright vivid colors in their decor, the building felt devoid of the warmth and familiarity Zoro was used to in his own home. The bright lights cast harsh shadows, lending an eerie atmosphere to the corridors.
As they entered the throne room, Zoro's eyes were immediately drawn to the imposing staircase leading to King Vinsmoke's throne. The room was adorned with trophies from battles past, including what appeared to be horns from Dracons. An uneasy shiver ran down Zoro's spine at the sight.
“Welcome!” The Germa King's booming voice loudly reverberated off the stone walls. King Vinsmoke greeted the Mihawk family with exaggerated enthusiasm, his arms outstretched in a theatrical display. Alongside him stood his sons, lined up like soldiers at attention. “I finally get to meet the reclusive Dracule Mihawk!”
Zoro observed his father's reaction, noting the subtle twitch of Mihawk's eyebrow in response to being labeled a "recluse" by a stranger.
“King Vinsmoke, thank you for hosting us for the week.” Mihawk replied with practiced courtesy, his golden eyes scanning the room as he assessed their hosts.
Zoro mirrored his father's scrutiny, observing the Germa siblings. While three of the princes exuded a relaxed demeanor, bordering on disinterest, Reiju and the fourth prince stood with military precision, their posture rigid and alert. Zoro's gaze lingered on this prince, noting his straight-backed stance and striking features. With golden blonde hair, eyes as blue as the Germa ocean, and a hint of facial hair, he stood out amidst his siblings. Despite himself, Zoro couldn't help but admire the prince's rugged appearance.
Zoro, his attention lingering longer than intended, suddenly found himself locked in an intense gaze with the prince. Quickly averting his eyes, he schooled his expression into a stoic mask. Heat rose to his cheeks, betraying his attempt at indifference. This was no time for distractions; they were here for important negotiations.
“Allow me to introduce my children.” Mihawk spoke up again. He gestured to each of them. “My daughter Princess Perona and my son, heir to the Kuraigana throne, Prince Zoro.”
As Mihawk introduced his children, Zoro and Perona stepped forward, offering respectful bows to King Vinsmoke.
“Thank you for inviting our family to your lovely Kingdom.” Perona greeted the king with humility.
There was a subtle shift in King Vinsmoke's demeanor, his welcoming smile faltering ever so slightly at Perona's words. His outstretched arms dropped to his side, suggesting a hint of discomfort with being addressed by her.
Blatantly ignoring Perona, King Vinsmoke gestured his hand towards his own children.
“These are my own brood. You have already met Reiju. These are my sons Ichiji, Niji, Sanji, and Yonji.” King Vinsmoke turned his gaze to address Mihawk.
Perona’s smile looked a bit more strained after being dismissed so rudely. Zoro felt his dislike of Vinsmoke start to grow, and it only reinforced further when the King snapped his fingers to summon his son, Sanji, to approach. It was a demeaning gesture that he could never imagine Mihawk doing to him or Perona.
“I have arranged for Reiju and Sanji to escort your children around the grounds while we discuss more important matters.” King Vinsmoke declared while Sanji took his place next to Reiju.
As Sanji approached, Zoro scrutinized him more closely. He was surprised to see the vacant look in Sanji’s eyes. It was a look Zoro recognized all too well from Perona’s soul crushed victims on the battlefield: a hollow emptiness that spoke volumes.
"It was my intention to have Perona and Zoro sit in on the negotiations," Mihawk stated firmly, his tone brooking no argument. "They both play integral roles, and given that this is Kuraigana's first attempt at negotiating an alliance, they must be equipped with the knowledge to handle such matters independently."
Zoro watched as King Vinsmoke's expression shifted from surprise to annoyance, his eyes narrowing into a glare. Mihawk's unwavering gaze met the Germa king's, conveying a sense of serious determination. The tension in the room grew as the two leaders locked eyes, their silent exchange fraught in unspoken challenge. Despite Vinsmoke's attempt to maintain a facade of composure, the strain in his smile betrayed his displeasure.
"There is no need to start negotiations right away." Reiju interjected, attempting to relieve the tension that had settled between the two leaders. "After such a long journey, it would be wise for everyone to unwind and familiarize themselves with the castle grounds. Perhaps I can take Perona on a tour?"
Zoro's unease deepened, sensing the subtle undercurrents at play. The suggestion to delay negotiations didn't sit well with him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that the Vinsmokes were attempting to keep them separated. His instincts bristled at the notion.
"It would be an honor to explore your home with you." Perona spoke up, surprising Zoro with her readiness to agree. He shot her a questioning glance, wondering why she would agree so easily. Mihawk's gaze lingered on Perona, prompting her to elaborate, "Understanding each other's kingdoms is crucial for a successful alliance. Plus, it would be best to get to know each other before starting negotiations."
Zoro noticed a faint smile tugging at the corners of Mihawk’s lips, a subtle indication of his pride in Perona’s diplomatic response.
“Very well,” Mihawk conceded, redirecting his attention to King Judge. “We will accommodate your request to tour the grounds.”
King Vinsmoke’s lips curled into a smug grin, reveling in his apparent victory. That grin made Zoro feel another surge of irritation at the king.
“Come! We have much to discuss.” Vinsmoke declared, draping an arm around Mihawk’s shoulders as if they were old comrades. Mihawk remained composed, concealing any discomfort he might have felt at the action. The two monarchs departed, followed by Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji. Meanwhile, Perona excitedly led Reiju out the door, eagerly asking questions about the castle’s features.
Zoro shifted uncomfortably, feeling out of place as he watched his family depart the throne room. Now it was just him and Sanji… the prince he had been admiring earlier.
“Your brothers won’t be joining?” Zoro inquired, hoping to avoid being left alone with Sanji.
Sanji shook his head, his gaze fixed on the exit through which the others had left.
“No, your highness. They are busy attending to their usual duties.” Sanji answered, still not meeting Zoro's eyes. The formality of being addressed as "your highness" by another royal caught Zoro off guard, but he chose to let it pass for the moment.
“And you are not?” Zoro prodded, curious about the prince's own workload. “A Germa Prince like yourself surely has a mountain of responsibilities to tackle.”
Zoro observed Sanji's reaction carefully, noting the slight wince that crossed his features at the mention of responsibilities. It seemed he had struck a nerve.
“I tend to have more free time than they do.” Sanji's response was guarded, but Zoro sensed a hint of discomfort.
“Is that why you got the cushy job of keeping me away from the negotiations with my father?” Zoro asked, cutting straight to the point.
“Is it that obvious?” Sanji’s response caught Zoro off guard. Instead of denying the accusation or deflecting, Sanji met his gaze head-on, a faint smile touching his lips.
Zoro bristled at Sanji's nonchalant response. It seemed the prince wasn't taking him seriously.
“Yeah, it was.” Zoro retorted irritably. Silence settled between them as Zoro weighed his next words carefully. With a sharpened glare, Zoro declared, “You know you can’t stop me from joining the negotiations.”
“After what I just saw, I can’t help but agree.” Sanji replied with a casual shrug, his tone oddly nonchalant.
Zoro's brow furrowed in frustration. Sanji's response only fueled his annoyance. What game was this prince playing at?
“Your father seems very intent on having you and the princess involved in your kingdom's affairs.” Sanji continued, his gaze meeting Zoro's with an earnestness that caught him off guard. “I have never seen anyone bold enough to glare at Judge the way King Mihawk did.”
Zoro's skepticism softened slightly at Sanji's explanation, but he remained wary. He scrutinized the prince for any sign of insincerity, but found none. Sanji's casual use of Judge's first name was a curious detail that didn't escape Zoro's notice, adding another layer of complexity to the prince's character.
Zoro had taken too long with his silence. Sanji began walking to the double doors without him. He watched Sanji's retreating figure, feeling a surge of panic at being left behind. His mind raced with conflicting thoughts, unsure of whether to follow or stay behind.
“Well…” Sanji paused and glanced back. “Are you coming?”
Zoro's resolve hardened once again at the question. He squared his shoulders, refusing to be swayed so easily.
"Why should I follow you?" Zoro asked defiantly as he clenched his fists at his sides. He couldn't shake the feeling that the Vinsmoke’s were trying to manipulate them, and he refused to be led blindly.
Sanji turned to face him fully, his expression calm and composed despite Zoro's resistance.
"To get to know you better, your highness." Sanji’s reply was so sincere, Zoro was tempted to believe him. "If this alliance is successful, then we may be seeing more of each other. It would be better if we got along."
Zoro weighed Sanji's words carefully, his initial skepticism giving way to a begrudging acceptance. The honesty and respect Sanji showed him were unfamiliar, almost unsettling, to the swordsman. With a reluctant nod, Zoro followed Sanji towards the double doors, his mind still swirling with uncertainty but open to the possibility of building a tentative rapport with the prince.
They traversed the corridor adorned with paintings of King Vinsmoke, feeling as though he was being scrutinized by each one. It was an odd sight to see so many portraits of the same man in one place. He didn’t even include his children in the portraits.
“This way will take us outside, your highness.” Sanji broke the silence between them to lead Zoro towards the castle grounds.
Zoro’s brows furrowed at the title.
"Why do you keep referring to me that way?" Zoro asked curiously.
Sanji glanced at him, a hint of confusion dancing in his eyes. "What way?" he inquired.
"'Your highness'... I'm not really used to other royals referring to me this way." Zoro explained, feeling the weight of the title like an ill-fitting cloak. "It feels... different."
Sanji raised an eyebrow, genuinely intrigued. "How do other royals usually address you?"
Zoro hesitated, memories of disparaging remarks and mocking tones flooding his mind.
"I would prefer it if you called me by my name." he replied firmly, deflecting Sanji's question with practiced ease.
“Zoro?” Sanji genuinely looked surprised by this. “That’s rather informal for someone of your status, wouldn’t you say?”
“In case you haven't noticed, my family isn't exactly what you would call traditional." Zoro shrugged.
Sanji's surprise softened to a smile.
"Fair point. Well, if you’re Zoro, then I’m Sanji. We’ll be on equal footing."
Zoro's exterior remained stoic, but inside, his heart raced. The notion of being on equal footing with a blood born royal was unheard of. He tried his best to keep his emotions at bay, refusing to let himself be swayed by the unexpected gesture of equality.
"If that works for you." Zoro replied evenly, his voice steady despite the emotions stirring within him. He reminded himself of his purpose, his duty, and resolved to maintain his composure no matter what.
As they stepped out of the castle, Zoro decided to steer the conversation towards more significant topics,"Does your Kingdom usually seek alliances with others?"
Sanji's gaze shifted to the horizon, his brow furrowing slightly as he thought over question. It was clear he was carefully considering his response, perhaps weighing the complexities of diplomacy and politics that governed their respective kingdoms.
“No, the Germa Kingdom rarely seeks alliances,” Sanji replied. “This would be our first, but Judge frequently engages in business deals with other prominent figures in high society to bolster our economy. One notable example is Duchess Linlin Charlotte and her 85 children.”
Zoro abruptly stopped walking after hearing of the Charlotte family's size. He couldn't help but gape in disbelief at the staggering number. Sanji paused to look back at him.
"85?!” Zoro’s eyes were wide with shock. "They aren’t all biologically hers, are they?!"
Sanji nodded, his tone matter-of-fact. "Yes, all 85 of them are her biological children."
Zoro's mind reeled at the sheer magnitude of such a family. While Sanji seemed unfazed by the information, Zoro struggled to comprehend the logistics of managing such a vast household.
"That seems a bit excessive, doesn’t it?" Zoro questioned, trying to process how it was physically possible to bear so many children.
Sanji bit his lip, seemingly trying to contain his amusement. A hint of a smile danced in his eyes, momentarily breaking their usual emptiness.
“She once expressed her desire for a strong bloodline.” Sanji explained.
“I think she had that strong bloodline locked in 80 children ago.” Zoro quipped.
Sanji’s hand flew to his mouth in an attempt to stifle the laughter that escaped him. The gesture caused a subtle warmth to spread within Zoro, it filled him with a sense of satisfaction at having provoked such a reaction from the stoic prince.
Two guards walked past them and Sanji's demeanor shifted abruptly, his smile vanishing as he adopted his usual serious expression once more. Zoro couldn't help but notice the sudden change, finding it curious. Once they were out of earshot of the guards, Sanji resumed speaking in a formal tone, as if nothing had happened.
“Dutchess LinLin is very strategic about land control." Sanji explained. He motioned for Zoro to follow him again and they continued their tour. "By having so many offspring, LinLin has married off many of her children and has acquired a considerable amount of land and resources this way. They are largely responsible for Germa’s growing wealth. Besides Judge, she is the most powerful monarch in the Germa Kingdom. She holds power not only over her own children but also their spouses.”
Zoro furrowed his eyebrows, processing the information. "So her kids are just pawns for her to control?" he questioned, unable to hide the disbelief in his voice.
“Don’t all royals see their children that way?” Sanji replied bitterly.
Zoro felt a surge of protective pride for his own father upon hearing Sanji's words.
"Mihawk doesn’t see us as pawns. He respects us and values the work we do for our people." Zoro stated firmly.
Sanji's smile softened into a sad expression.
"He’s a rather unconventional King." Sanji remarked, his tone devoid of contempt or disapproval, a departure from what Zoro was accustomed to hearing about his father. Instead, there was a hint of fondness in Sanji's voice, which intrigued Zoro. It made him wonder about what kind of King Judge Vinsmoke was and what made him different from the typical monarchs.
The two strolled onto the Germa Castle’s training grounds, and Zoro couldn't help but notice the impeccably manicured green grass, adorned with freshly painted lines. It was very different to the well-worn training grounds of his own kingdom, where signs of constant use were evident in the patches of bare earth and worn equipment.
“Judge takes a lot of pride in our training facilities.” Sanji remarked, breaking Zoro's reverie. “He demands that the grounds remain constantly maintained. Perfect fields yields perfect soldiers.”
Zoro couldn't help but grimace at the notion.
“Seems artificial to me.” Zoro retorted. Sanji regarded him with curiosity, prompting Zoro to elaborate. “The battlefield isn’t perfectly kept like your grounds. Don’t you train your soldiers to handle the unexpected?”
“We manage just fine,” Sanji shrugged, his tone casual. “Judge has told us about Kuraigana’s army. Your Kingdom’s strength can almost rival our own.”
Zoro narrowed his eyes at the Prince.
“That sounds like a challenge.”
“I didn’t mean for it to be.” Sanji hastily clarified, sensing the tension he caused. “I spoke out of turn. Maybe we should continue the tour?”
Zoro wasn’t about to let it slide.
“No, I’d much rather see if your fancy training grounds match up to the hype. Show me what the Germa might is all about.” Zoro retorted with biting sarcasm.
Sanji paused, weighing his words carefully. “You are a visiting Prince in our Kingdom. I wouldn’t want to ruin negotiations before they even begin by hurting you in a fight.” Sanji replied.
Zoro couldn’t help but laugh at the notion. Sanji, a seemingly lazy prince with an abundance of free time, thought he stood a chance against Zoro and his perfected three-sword fighting style?!
“Those are definitely fighting words if you think you can take me down.” Zoro declared confidently. With a swift motion, he unsheathed his sword and stepped onto the training field. One sword would be more than enough to handle this pretty boy prince.
“You’re a bit stubborn, aren’t you?” Sanji smirked in response, a flicker of amusement crossing his face. “Fine… but the fight ends as soon as you hit the ground.”
Zoro scoffed inwardly at Sanji’s apparent arrogance. He was determined to end this fight as swiftly as any other. The prince casually removed his red cape, draping it over a nearby bench before sauntering onto the field.
As Zoro assumed his fighting stance, sword poised and ready, he couldn’t help but notice Sanji’s relaxed demeanor, hands casually tucked into his pockets.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Zoro quipped, eyeing Sanji carefully.
“What would that be?”
“A weapon?” Zoro prompted, Sanji’s smile only widened.
“I doubt I’ll need one.” Sanji retorted confidently, his smirk bordering on cocky. “You don’t seem like much of a challenge for me.”
The taunt struck a nerve with Zoro, igniting a spark of determination within. With a surge of adrenaline, he lunged forward, aiming to take the offensive.
It was only in that moment that Zoro realized he had fallen into Sanji’s trap. The prince had deliberately goaded him into making the first move. Despite his lack of a weapon, Sanji expertly countered Zoro’s attack with a single, fluid kick, catching him off guard.
Zoro flew backwards, his breath stolen by the force of Sanji’s powerful kick. Time seemed to slow as he found himself hurtling through the air, his gaze locking with Sanji's as he descended.
In that suspended moment, Zoro couldn’t help but feel a rush of conflicting emotions. There was the thrill of the challenge, the fiery determination to prove himself against Sanji’s unexpected strength. But beneath it all, there was something else stirring; a fluttering in his chest, a warmth that spread through him with every beat of his heart. Zoro's mind raced, his thoughts consumed not just by the fight but by the prince before him. Sanji’s victorious smile, genuine and radiant, left a mark on his heart, stirring feelings he couldn’t quite comprehend. It was a side of Sanji he hadn’t expected to see, a glimpse of vulnerability that spoke to something deeper within Zoro; a longing, a yearning he couldn’t ignore.
When he finally hit the ground, the impact jolted him back to reality, though the sensation of falling lingered. Zoro struggled to catch his breath, his chest aching, but his mind consumed by thoughts. Despite the pain, despite the bruises, there was a sense of exhilaration, of anticipation coursing through him. A recognition of something profound, something he couldn’t deny.
Sanji planted both feet firmly on the ground, and Zoro’s determination flared once more. Ignoring the protests of his bruised muscles, he pushed himself upright, his gaze meeting Sanji's with newfound intensity.
“Let’s go again.” Zoro insisted determinedly, though he nearly stumbled in his haste to stand.
“I think you’ve had enough.” Sanji replied with a light chuckle, his tone teasing yet gentle, his eyes alight with a warmth.
Sanji’s amused chuckle washed over Zoro, his genuine smile like a beacon in the midst of their playful banter.
“What? Are you afraid I’ll beat you this time, Curly Brow?” Zoro’s taunt slipped out almost instinctively, a habitual defense mechanism honed through years of training and battles. But as soon as the words left his lips, he realized the potential folly of antagonizing a member of the royal family they were trying to negotiate an alliance with.
Sanji’s laughter only grew at Zoro’s earnest determination, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he met Zoro’s challenge head-on.
“Alright, Moss Head…” Sanji’s playful retort sent a shiver down Zoro’s spine, his heart pounding with anticipation. He watched as Sanji began to stretch his leg, the movement sending a rush of excitement coursing through Zoro’s veins. “Just remember, you asked for this.”
The challenge hung in the air between them, sparking a fire in Zoro’s soul as he readied himself for the next round.
Sanji’s agility and precision was mesmerizing, a stark contrast to Zoro’s own raw power. Yet, despite their differences, they moved together with an uncanny harmony, like two halves of a whole. Zoro found himself entranced by the fluidity of their movements, each clash of steel accompanied by the rhythmic dance of their bodies.
As they sparred, Zoro couldn’t help but notice the subtle shift in Sanji’s demeanor. The once-hollow look in his eyes had been replaced by a spark of genuine joy, a transformation that Zoro couldn’t help but feel a pang of pride for. It was as if their shared battle had unlocked something within Sanji, allowing him to let down his emotional guard and embrace the exhilaration of the moment.
Their clash brought them face to face, their breaths mingling in the charged air between them. Zoro couldn’t tear his gaze away from Sanji’s, his heart pounding in his chest as he found himself drawn to the prince’s magnetic presence. The scent of herbs and spices wafted from Sanji, a curious yet intoxicating aroma that only served to heighten Zoro’s senses.
Before he could contemplate the dizzying whirlwind of emotions swirling within him, their spar was abruptly interrupted by the sharp sound of a voice cutting through the air.
“What are you doing?!”
Zoro and Sanji both froze, turning to see Reiju and Perona standing nearby, their expressions a mix of shock and anger. Caught off guard, Zoro struggled to find his footing, his pulse still racing from the unexpected interruption.
Perona sped over to Zoro and grabbed hold of him. Her grip on Zoro’s arm was like a vise, pulling him away from the sparring match with an urgency that couldn’t be ignored. She distanced themselves from the Vinsmoke siblings.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” her voice hissed low in his ear, her words heavy with reproach.
“We were just sparring.” Zoro replied evenly, his voice calm despite the tension crackling between them. He sheathed his swords, silently acknowledging Perona’s disapproval.
“We haven’t even been here for a full hour, and you’re already jeopardizing the alliance!” Perona’s eyes flashed with anger.
Zoro glanced over to where Sanji stood, his own sister delivering a similar scolding. Despite the reprimand, Zoro couldn’t tear his gaze away from Sanji’s figure, illuminated by the soft glow of the sun. He watched as Sanji ran a hand through his hair, a gesture that revealed both of his mesmerizing blue eyes, still alight with the thrill of their spar. A rush of warmth flooded Zoro’s veins, his heart pounding with an unfamiliar intensity.
“Are you even listening to me?!” Perona’s voice snapped him back to reality, she tugged harshly on his ear. “Aren’t you concerned about the consequences if you had hurt a Germa prince?!”
“Not really. He seems like he can handle himself.” Zoro’s nonchalant response did little to ease Perona’s concern, but he remained unfazed, his attention briefly drawn back to Sanji. To his surprise, he found the prince’s gaze already fixed on him, their eyes meeting for a fleeting moment before Zoro’s cheeks flushed with heat, prompting him to hastily look away.
Perona’s keen observation didn’t escape Zoro’s notice. Her round eyes widened in surprise as she glanced back and forth between him and Sanji, a silent thought process passing through her eyes that Zoro couldn’t decipher. Whatever Perona deduced seemed to temper her frustration, her anger dissipating as she addressed him once more.
“Just remember why we’re here and stay out of trouble.” Perona cautioned firmly, but there was a hint of understanding. With a final warning glance, Perona let go of his ear, pivoted on her heel, and strode off with Reiju in tow, their figures disappearing behind a wall of tall hedges, leaving Zoro and Sanji alone once again.
When Perona and Reiju vanished from sight, Zoro and Sanji's eyes met shyly. Sanji's bashful glance drew a soft chuckle from Zoro, mirroring the awkwardness of their situation.
"Looks like we both got our fair share of sibling lectures, right Curls?" Zoro remarked, he kept his tone light despite the lingering admonishment from Perona.
Sanji's lips curved into a sheepish smile, a hint of amusement gleaming in his eyes as he nodded in agreement. The synchrony of their actions, turning to face each other simultaneously, sparked an unexpected burst of laughter between them.
“Your face when she pulled your ear… I didn’t take you as the kicked puppy type.”
“Me? Please, I’m more like the rebellious stray.” Zoro flashed a devilish grin Sanji’s way. The playful banter felt oddly comforting. Unable to stop himself, Zoro reached out to tousle Sanji’s hair, earning a mock protest from the prince.
“Careful there, Moss Head. You might get lost in the curls.” Sanji swatted Zoro’s hand away, his cheeks dusted pink. His eyes shifted to look at their surroundings to see if anyone was watching. “If we continue this, they are going to come back and scold us again!”
“You're probably right. Wouldn't want to push our luck." Zoro conceded, gesturing for Sanji to lead the way as they resumed their tour of the Germa Castle grounds.
Sanji paused only to grab his cloak, Zoro fell into step beside him, feeling a growing fondness for the blonde prince.
Despite his earlier suspicions about the Vinsmokes, being with Sanji dispelled any doubts. Zoro found comfort in their companionship, drawn to Sanji's charm and genuine laughter. With each passing moment, he felt more at ease and optimistic about the negotiations ahead.
Walking together, Zoro couldn't shake the feeling that this alliance might lead to something extraordinary.
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bidisastersanji · 4 months
Arcane One Piece AU (Fem!ZoSan centric)
Ok so this all started because of this post and galaxy braining with the amazing @anniilaugh can’t you just IMAGINE dyke Zoro circling and Kabedon-ing (pin against the wall) Sanji like “You’re hot, cook- so what’ll it be? Man or woman?” As they go into the brothel looking for information? SHE DREW THE BEST ART OF VI!ZORO RIGHT HERE BTW
Sanji is good with her legs so she would impress Zoro with her parkour skills
Sanji has a Taz British accent (like Caitlin has a British accent) but with lots of cursing (Zeff’s influence) “bollocks!” And some French cursing as well since he learned it as a kid (putain! Merde! Fait chier!)
Zoro wears the same hot dyke clothes Vi does- arms fully out, and pulls her hood on when she’s serious (like the bandana). She also has cool tattoos and the hand wrap things
She fights with hextech swords that look just like hilts until they’re turned on and the blades appear - she carries them looped in carabiners around her waist (seriously look at the art)
World-building wise: Underworld Zaun Kingpin Doflamingo (Silco) with the drug “SMILE” who has Piltover higher ups and police in his pocket (he has leverage like in one piece)
SMILE gives people strange powers but temporarily, like temporary devil fruits that leave you broken and drained
Powder is Luffy, Zoro’s adoptive little brother, they were raised by Kuma (Vander) after his failed revolution where their parents die, growing up with a small crew of misfit friends (including Kuina, who dies)
The tragedy happens and Zoro gets put into prison (on Doffy’s orders) while Luffy thinks Zoro abandoned him and is taken in by Doffy, becoming “Nika” (his unhinged alter ego is gear 5 like Jinkx is to Powder) , now growing up along kids like Law, Baby 5 etc . His hair went white from the stress of that fateful night/or he bleaches it
Caitlin!Sanji grows up in Piltover as a noble with the abusive Vinsmokes but runs away and gets taken in by a chef called Zeff (who lost his leg in the failed revolution but managed to start anew, tries to help Zaun how he can, sending food etc)
Zeff gets put in prison by the Vinsmokes to control Sanji and she’s forced to become an enforcer (Fem!Sanji in that little uniform oh god. Smoking her cigarettes with a stupid little hat and the gun she does her best to avoid using)
She still works after her enforcer shifts at the Baratie since shes always itching to cook, feed the hungry and to support party and carne and keep her adoptive dad’s restaurant alive (she knows of how bad people have it in Zaun, and before Zeff found her she was hungry and homeless)
Her weapon of choice is actually something she has strapped to her legs from her thighs to her calves (Zoro will be very distracted) some hextech steampunk looking thing that powers up her kicks and she can send her kicks energy forward to do mid range attacks
She uses her enforcer job to snoop around and try and figure out how to get her father out
Her lead takes her to Stilwater prison where Zoro has been beat and abused for several years
Cue scene where Sanji walks in to Zoro’s cell and sees her boxing like crazy and fuck she’s so hot wtf but also she feels terrible for her and her blood boils as she learns of the abuse she went through
Telling herself she must be going absolutely insane (but is she? She feels like this is the right thing. It’s fate) she forges release documents to get Zoro out, sure that her knowledge of the under-city will help her understand where the corruption lies and get Zeff back
Zoro immediately does not follow what she’s saying and goes on her own thing (PARKOUR!) and she impresses her by being able to keep up
Zoro still gets lost and turned around
Are you sure you know the under-city, mosshead?
Zoro stops at a street food stall and Sanji is annoyed at first- as well as disgusted by how she shovels it in her mouth, but softens and silently rages when Zoro shares that she’s been starved a couple of times in Stillwater
Cue the brothel scene omg
Circling Sanji and pushing her up against a wall “You’re hot, cook. So what’ll it be, man or woman?”
Zoro walking by Sanji talking up another woman in the brothel after her talk with Nami (head of the brothel) and smiling to herself
Jayce is Franky who is experimenting with the crystals to create hextech, Viktor could be iceburg, Vivi is the hot politician lady (Mel)
Firelight is “Sogeking” - zoro and Luffy’s childhood friend Usopp (Ekko)
Also Taller than Zoro Sanji aaaaa
Zoro calling Sanji “officer” to annoy her - only switching to “cook” and “curly” as an alternative nickname
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