#and then zoro walking by Sanji chatting up a man later and smiling to himself
bidisastersanji · 4 months
Thinking about this scene from Arcane - “you’re hot, cupcake. So what’ll it be? Man or woman?” But ZoSan and my knees are weak
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{I was reading this other fic & I really like the idea of the reader getting pushed down to thinking their not good enough for the anime character then they run off later on get encourage words from their friends, I really loved it so I tried it with one of my long time OC character}
Zoro x OC (Zay)
Humans were disgusting in every way possible. It was a normal thought for Zay a demon and literally only himself.
Of course, there were some humans who could regain his mind to morals and right ways, but then again…
Luffy a silly childish Captain, and a overpowered rubber man the strongest on the crew, the childlike boy was able to make him join the straw hats
Most of the crew where normal well maybe, not counting the devil fruit users
Zay a demon.
Franky is half cyborg not normal, Sanji is basically human?
Nami I don't know that woman can rob you faster than you could say "Fuck!"
Usopp... I don't think a long nose like that can be counted as normal
And then there was Zoro. He is 100% pretty much human...
 Well maybe?
In other words, this man was unbelievably attractive. With his sexy body and the way he train none stop letting sweat drop from his well built chest and abs, it made Zay's heart beat out of his chest getting all Sanji-like.
Well maybe only in Zay's eyes.
Zay has the most attractive boyfriend in exsistins. But sometimes, not so much could be said the same for Zoro's personality.
When Zay asked Zoro to be with him, it came as a surprise, he didn't have any talent he has a shitty personality and well his looks... well?
Zay is a tall man about same as Sanji's height, His whole body is covered in bandages which are used to hide his burned skin. With his short black hair and his sharp yellow eyes.
In the end Zoro said yes.
It was a normal hot summer day, on a summer island the straw hat crew decided to dock at, the whole island just being a tavern where by passers can stop to restock booze or sit back and relax with thier own BBQ near the tavern.
The hot sun high in the sky the tavern was stopped out on a small hill near the ocean waters as there where many customers pirates civilians and some marines.
The island welcomed any costumers along as thier a paying costumer.
Many at the bar drinking till thier hearts satisfied, some cooking up thier own little feast. One rare sight that there where many people laughing and chatting along with each other,
The Tavern owner let the bar out side multiple tables and seats set out for all the customers, the bartender refilling drinks giving them too waitress who's handing out drinks to the others that where outside the tavern.
The Straw hat crew decided to grab thier own little table near the shoreline setting up lawn chairs under an umbrella, Nami and Robin relaxed drinking and chatting with each other.
Luffy, Usopp and Chopper ran off to explore the small island running around like silly children.
Franky and Brook was all up in thier own conversation at the table.
Sanji at thier little table with a grill, cooking up some delicious mouthwatering BBQ, dress in a apron without a shirt and some short pants.
He was sipping his wine glass eyeing all the girls who were walking pass the table in their bikinis while doing his work.
Zay and Zoro laid a blanket under the shade of a tree nearby drinking from thier mugs enjoying the taste of booze on thier tongues, sitting next to each other, Zoro in his swimming shorts, exposing his bare chest with a large scare bare into flesh it kinda gave into his attractiveness.
Zay was just looking at Zoro from time to time when he gaze away Zoro would also be taking a few glimpses next to him at Zay who was dress only in his swimming shorts his whole body covered in bandages not a peek of skin showing
The scent of his delusions cooking traveled through the air making Zay a little hungry.
The Straws, being the some famous pirates, drew some attention from the people there.
Zoro facked a loud yawn slowly placing an arm around Zay's waist, the faking made him chuckle, he and Zoro bordly took another sips of thier drinks. Just enjoying thier drinks and each others company
That’s when the whispers began to float from a table near them, all girls.
Being Zay also known as the thriller of death, and from the demon race Zay gained a big reputation before joining the straw hat crew, by terrorizing towns and being Heartless.
His sensible hearing was able to immediately pick up the whispering
 “Is that Roronoa Zoro?”
“The pirate hunter?”
“Is that Zay? I tought that weirdo died in a crossfire back ages ago?”
“Why would the fuck would a demon like him be with Zoro?”
“You think his dating that Mummy?”
“He’s a beast and just eww. Of course his going to leash on the nearest person he could find.”
“In reality all the rumours about an Psychopath and bloodlust killing machine, all lies bet he only hide and pretend to play it big?”
Zay quietly placed his drink down, taking a glance at Zoro.
The look in his eye showed that he wasn't happy mostly pissed but he kept his cool, so there was no doubt that he heard them too.
His eye narrowed at thier table as more whispers about the Zay left thier mouths. The black haired Male let out a small breath, more of a sigh trying to calm himself down. They were just a bunch of jealous whores, Zoro wouldn’t think any less of me… would he?
A memory flashed past Zay as he moved away from Zoro taking off his hand from his. Kuina. Of course, Zay remember the name, Zoro childhood friend.
Not long after they fell in love..
Zoro trusted Zay very much he even opened up to him about his past, until a girl Zay doesn't know of came up the way Zoro spoke about her made him unsure about Zoro's feelings toward himself.
Zay would have understood if Zoro loved her. After all, not only was she described as pretty, but she kind and nice at the same time. Zay, on the other hand was the exact opposite rude and careless, would probably lose half himself in bloodlust nearly 10 seconds of a battle killing who ever gets in his way.
“Babe?” Zoro's voice brought Zay out of his thought. “Are you okay?”
“Fine. Whatever.” Zat growled before standing up walking off not hearing Zoro's questions. Leaving the swordsman.
Zay passed Robin and Nami both girls saw the look on Zay's face, he walked off to the Sunny it was a short walk as he went to the boys room slamming the door shut falling onto his and Zoro shared hammock.
The black haired Male felt his heart sink. Heavy breaths began to escape his mouth. Not only were he on the edge of riping off those girls heads and furious thinking so, but he couldn’t stand them.
Zay thought that maybe with Zoro there he would just drink the night away and stay at the swordsman hip being lovavble. He definitely helped, but the whispers that filled his ears were the last things he wanted to hear.
“Zay? Is everything okay?” Nami's voice traveled through the door as she knocking, Zay forced himself to look at the closer door, not a second later he flopped his face into Zoro's pillow with his hungry bloodlust grin.
“What? what do you want Nami?” Zay huffed an even more annoying thing to deal with.
“Is this about those annoying girls?” Robin questioned. “You don’t deserve that, Zay. No one does!”
“But their right,” Zay mumbled. “I’m rude, heartless, probably dengerous… Zoro deserves someone better, someone nice, cute, and more human girly someone who could be of actual love.”
“You’re actually very helpful, if it not for you Zoro would probably be training or sleeping himself to death.” Nami exclaimed, determined to prove Zay wrong. “You might not know the whole story. Zoro has never been happier ever since he met you! You take care of him, love him and you’re always there for him!”
“Zay you probably haven't heard what he says about you?” Robin asked, a gentle smile “He’s always telling everyone, Zay is mine and no one dares to take him from me I'll cut anyone down. Zay he loves you so don't push him away”
“Sush it you idoits-”
“They're only jealous, your the most basass bitch there is.” Nami and Robin said together and the two of them burst into giggles and Zay let out a loud hateful laugh.
He wanted to beat them up so badly, words ain't gonna cut it.
Zay let out a small sigh thankful for such good words. “Yeah. You useless girls are right for once.” and with that the blacked haired man slamded open the door waking pass them, Nothing left to say to the two.
Zoro found Zay in about an hour or so, after Zay left the boys room. He was a little worried but. He knew he should have told those girls off, after all, they were the reason Zay got angry.
“Hey, are you- oof!”
Zay clenched his eyes closed as he pressed his lips to Zoro's. His hands found Zay's waist as he pulled him closer to himself.
Feeling their tongues dancing with each other's the taste in thier mouths mixing and the biggest was the booze. The heat rising Zays fingers ran through the green hair of the swordsman, Zoro tightly wrapped his arms around Zays hips pulling him closed leaving no space between them they're skin would've been pressing together if it wasn't for Zay's bandages in the way.
Zay slowly pulled away not really wanting too, his cheeks a little blush and his eyes not leaving Zoro's.
“Well damn, ... your so fucking sexy”
Zay let out a low moan and buried his face in Zoro's neck. As the swordsman let out a low chuckle, kissing Zay's cheek softly.
“I love you.”
“You better cause you belong to me... and I love you too.”
(Almost to what Zay looks like {and Yes I know who this is}🖤❤🖤)
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623-624: "Time for Tearful Goodbyes! Departure from Punk Hazard!" and "G5 Destroyed! Doflamingo's Raid!"
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Those veins will blow any second! 
You need to relax. Subscribe to Headspace. Take a yoga class. Kill some innocent Marines--- oh...
Oda has knocked it out of the park yet again. Now Doflamingo has entered the game, the implications of the wider criminal network of New World pirates has come to the fore. This, of course, means Law’s plan to take down Kaidou is not only super ambitious but also fraught with peril.
Considering I go on and on about peril like a broken record, this is a good thing.
And sorry about that last mini hiatus, by the way. Blame it on full rewrites and Resident Evil 2.
“Watcha thinkin’ bout, Luffy?”  “Chikkin.”
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“And thus the Strawhat crew spent some time intoxicated during their celebrations.”
Eloquently summed up by the Narrator, I feel. xD  Totally love how the Strawhats can switch from party mode to sober and ready to sail within minutes. Guess that’s part of the pirate job description. Things change on a whim out there in the New World. Sobering up fast is a vital survival skill.
There was a mini recap of the terms of Law’s alliance with Luffy. Smoker wanted to know what was going on. “There’s no way you believed I’d keep a promise to a pirate like you. If you really wanted to silence me, you had plenty of chances to kill me. What are you planning to use Strawhat for?”
At first I was like, what the hell, Smoker? Stop being arsey with all the Marines vs Pirates crap. You only escaped Punk Hazard alive because you teamed up with Law. Everyone’s on the same page right now. What happens on Punk Hazard stays on Punk Hazard. None of your men will rat on you for chatting to Law. Later, of course, I changed my opinion on this.
The recap of the Law/Luffy alliance chat revealed a bit more information about Kaidou. According to Law, Kaidou the Beast is known as the most powerful creature in the world. Creature, I think, being the operative word here because he might not actually be human?
One of those hype-building silhouette stills showed up, with Big Mom, Blackbeard, Kaidou, Shanks and Whitebeard. Couldn’t make out much of Kaidou, so I’m still none the wiser on the appearance front. Maybe he’ll be hairy, with that whole beast thing he’s got going on.
Back in the present, Law was characteristically cagey about the chat with Smoker. He told Smoker there was no real reason he let him live, but turned round and spilled that he was “planning on heading to Green Bit.”
I’m still confused about the Green Bit scene. Mainly because I have no clue where/what it is. Is is a code name for Dressrosa? Is it another island completely? Is it a town somewhere in the New World? Or is Law trying to throw Smoker off the scent because he doesn’t want his favourite smokey Marine to be endangered again?
Whatever the case, Law had some final business to attend to before waving goodbye to Punk Hazard. Caesar, Baby 5 and Buffalo were chained up in a corner and drew the filthiest looks when he walked over. (Well, Baby 5 and Buffalo did. Caesar was still unconscious.) They really are acting as if Law has betrayed them somehow.
Doflamingo also keeps calling Law a brat. Vergo was also riding the brat train hard. Can’t help but think Law was affiliated with Doflamingo when he was a kid. Maybe he resented it all these years and this is overdue payback.
We hate love hate love you JUST GO BEFORE WE CRY!
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At the harbour, the Strawhats continued to be absolute diamonds. Apparently, Nami and Chopper refused to sail until they knew the kids would be okay. The good news is that Vegapunk himself offered to help cure the kids of Caesar’s meth candy! Wonder what Vegapunk is thinking right now. He used to work with Caesar. Probably, “Always knew that guy was an asshole.”
As Luffy couldn’t be bothered waiting for another Marine ship to arrive, he told Smoker to just take the SAD tanker and send the kids home on it. Good decision, given a feathery menace was approaching at speed.
The scene with the G5 pretending to hate the Strawhats - erecting a protective banner so the kids wouldn’t be able to thank the dirty, cheating pirates - made me mad at first. I thought, damn, was that ungrateful or what? The Strawhats were the reason they escaped Caesar’s lab with their lives. If the Strawhats hadn’t been there, they would be locked up in cells and the last thing they’d ever hear would be a hiss of gas and a soft, “Shurorororororororo....”
But when the foghorn blasted and the ship set sail, Oda revealed some of the G5 guys’ inner thoughts. Sanji lead them out. Zoro and Tashigi teamed up. Law and Smoker fought together. Usopp guided the Minions to safety. Chopper and Nami helped the kids. Then I saw the sweat drops and the oddly tight jawlines.
Yup. They were fronting.
When Tashigi called them out on their rudeness, they even admitted it. “But Tashigi-chan, if we don’t stop insulting them, we’ll end up actually liking these outlaws.”
Ha. It is way too late for that, G5. You love the Strawhats. No one can escape the roaring event horizon of their charm.
Luffy was totally oblivious to it all. He just laughed and, “What weird Marines.” I mean, come on, G5. Don’t you realise by now that Luffy does not do subtlety?
As they walked to the ship, Zoro suddenly realised Law was tagging along. Usopp whispered in his ear, “Oh yeah, you don’t know. Luffy’s making trouble again.” Poor Zoro. Always the last one to know. xD
A brief flashback of all the major moments in the arc finished it up nicely. Luffy taking that DDM distress call, the fiery dragon, finding Kinemon, discovering Caesar had been drugging innocent kids, Smiley, Luffy declaring he would “kick Caesar’s ass and kidnap him” (best), saving Mocha, Caesar gloating about how well connected and protected he was before the final grizzly magnum smacked him out of the action.
A standard, uplifting ending with dramatic fanfare and Luffy shouting, “SET SAIL!”
But not quite.
For Doflamingo drew nigh...
Law Didn’t Spend Seven Years In Med School To Be Called Traff
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The scene when Law chatted to Doflamingo over DDM was probably my favourite across 623-624. It ramped up the stakes and reset the peril level to red alert. Only one might be tied with it.
Doflamingo bounded across the “sky path” (what is that?”) He bemoaned the fact it cut short. “You brats seem to have the devil’s luck.” He spied something floating on a raft below. He found Buffalo and Baby 5′s disembodied heads chained to it. He jumped down for a chat.
It was weird seeing Baby 5 and Buffalo so contrite. They kept declaring how ashamed they were. “I wanna apologise with my death. I was needed and couldn’t help,” etc. Doflamingo didn’t want to kill them. He needed answers.
What Doflamingo didn’t spy was a video DDM. Law’s voice spoke through it.
“What a surprise. I didn’t think the boss would come out himself.”
“Is that you, Law? Long time no see. Couldn’t you have stayed so I could talk to you in person?” At the point, Doflamingo was still supremely confident.
“If you’re looking for Caesar, he’s with me.”
To hammer home the point, Caesar’s wheedling voice cried, “JOKERRRRRR, PLEASE SAVE ME!” (Lol, oh Caesar.)
“Where are Baby 5 and Buffalo’s bodies?”
“That’s not what we’re talking about,” Law said, taking back control of the conversation. “Let’s make a deal.”
“Don’t try to be so tough,” Doflamingo laughed. “A brat shouldn’t try to act like an adult.” (There’s that calling Law a brat again. Plus, Doflamingo tried to take back control of the situation by ignoring Law and pressing his own agenda.) “Where are you right now? You shouldn’t anger me?”
“Anger? Your most important trading partner is Kaidou the Beast. You’re the one who shouldn’t anger him. What do you think would happen if he found out you couldn’t make SMILEs anymore? He’s not a man you can negotiate with. There would be a brutal battle. You would be killed.”
For the first time, the slasher smile was wiped off Doflamingo’s face. Forehead veins began to throb. That had obviously hit a nerve.
“You’re taking this joke too far, Law. What do I have to do for you to give back Caesar? What are your demands?”
And there it was. It definitely hit a nerve because Doflamingo has deigned to negotiate with the brat. Kaidou really must be something if he can intimidate Doflamingo. 
Law’s demand was kind of weird. It must mean something, but I have no idea what yet.
“Give up your Shichibukai post. Throw away everything you have gained these past ten years and return to being a normal pirate. Of course, if you do that, the Admirals will hunt you down. You have until tomorrow morning’s news. If I see you’ve retired from the Shichibukai, I’ll contact you again. If I see nothing, negotiations are over.”
I have no idea why Doflamingo *needs* the Shichibukai position so badly (other than being able to live on Dressrosa, I guess) but Law threatening to take it from him in exchange for Caesar made him M. A. D.
Multiple veins popped.
It was not pretty.
I guess Doflamingo is now on a deadline. Here’s hoping he does not catch up with the Strawhats before they reach Dressrosa. For that is their canon confirmed next destination! They are sailing to meet Doflamingo on his home turf. Foolhardy? Of course! It wouldn’t be the Strawhats otherwise, right?
Meanwhile... Back On Sunny
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This was so funny. Chopper fixing up Caesar so he can beat him all over again. Even Sanji said, “What kind of doctor are you?” But Caesar, though. Imagine bitching and moaning, “Oweeee, it hurts!” when you gleefully killed tons of people without a flicker of remorse. You deserve it, Caesar. Suck it up and take the L.
Franky also told the story of how he retrieved Mini Merry Mark II eight times (Franky’s long, luscious hair in bunches was excellent, btw).
While Sunny descended a Sea Slope (dat Oda creativity again), the team gathered round to discuss The Plan.  Zoro, now aware the plan was to take down a Yonkou, was suddenly and enthusiastically on board. Luffy asked if anyone objected and Brook replied, “Does objecting do anything?” (Lol, Brook.)
Sanji reminded Law again with a whisper in his ear that Luffy’s idea of an alliance is different from his. I think this might mean something later, so I am recording every instance of this warning as it’s come up twice now.
Then Sanji called Caesar a weird sheep and smacked him when Caesar said, “You’re all fools. You think you’ll get away with this? You’ve landed yourselves on some major big shots’ wanted lists. I hope you realise your foolishness before you die.”
And Chopper was like, “Oi. No kicking until after I’m done treating him.” xD
Law updated the Strawhats on the situation. Most of the Big Name Pirates of the New World have turf on this sea. This has created a massive criminal syndicate. Everyone is linked with everyone else. The scale of operations is on a completely different scale than the Strawhats have been used to. Deals and trades are done in secret so the don’t attract Marine attention. Law also updated them on Doflamingo’s trading relationship with Kaidou.
I’m not sure but I get the feeling Law is enjoying the prospect of taking down Doflamingo even more than Kaidou. There is history between these two and I cannot wait to find out what it is.
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And the scene that is tied with Law threatening Doflamingo over DDM?
Why it’s the scene when Aokiji Showed Up Out Of Nowhere To Kick Doflamingo’s Ass, of course!
While Smoker and his G5 guys stayed behind to rescue any petrified survivors (still a bit salty about that, but I’ll get over it), Doflamingo landed on Punk Hazard like a bomb going off. A single, loose pink feather falling to earth was all the warning they had. Then he hit them with Conqueror’s Haki.
The veins. Oh, the veins. Veins galore criss-crossed that forehead. I counted approximately twenty.
I thought, this guy is out for blood. But he had questions that needed answered first. Doflamingo is not a reckless guy.
“Are they all gone? The tanker’s not here, either. I believe a group of pirates were just here until a minute ago. Where did they go?”
Maybe if he hadn’t opened with Conqueror’s Haki, he would have got some answers. G5 resented the fact he’d attacked them. There was an attempt to fight Doflamingo. An attempt.
With a few twitches of his fingers, Doflamingo took control of their bodies.
“Law could be a problem but Strawhat is just a pirate. Where did you let them run off to?” He turned the G5 against each other, forced friendly-fire massacre style. His pointy shoe stomped a random G5′s chest. “ANSWER ME. What direction did those brats go?”
When the G5 couldn’t answer, they had outlived their usefulness. “Then die.”
Luckily, Smoker smoked into the fray and saved their asses. There was a brief stare off. Doflamingo had a Scary Shiny Glasses moment.
“Smoker, tell me where those brats are.”
This is when Smoker really came through for me. He knew Doflamingo was a corrupt betrayer of the Marines. He played dumb, but could not resist getting a jab in at Doflamingo.
“Who knows? I sure don’t, Joker. They must’ve slipped through our fingers. How can I explain this to our Base Commander, Vergo?”
Smoker made two mistakes. He revealed to Doflamingo that he knows his underworld nickname and hinted he was aware of Vergo’s true allegiance.
Doflamingo’s voice went eerily quiet (I like his VA). “He’s dead, right? It sounds like you know too much.” His hands twitched and he leapt at Smoker.
Does Doflamingo have telekinesis, or something like that? A power that lets him control the movement of others? I’m still not sure what it is. It looked great in the fight, though. Smoker kept getting cut by slashes out of nowhere.
Then, just as Doflamingo sat on Smoker, about to end his existence, a Presence drew up behind him.
“Oh, my. Sorry, little boy. Could you move, please? He’s my friend.”
Holy hype machine, Batman.
You could have knocked me down with a feather. Aokiji, fresh from quitting the Marines, is back in business!
Doflamingo is not having a good day. 
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Usopp has become oddly genre-savvy.
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640-642: "Explore! Fairies' Island - Green Bit!", "The Unknown World! The Tontatta Kingdom!" and "The Stratagem of the Century! Doflamingo Makes His Move!"
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Doflamingo using Fake News before it was cool.
Watched three episodes to make up for not posting on Saturday. Damn, am I glad I watched up to 642. The reveal of the Tontatta people and what Violet was up to *did* move the plot along. But Doflamingo is the centre of trouble and strife. When he shows up, you know it’s about to get real.
And boy, Doflamingo really is a proper joker, isn’t he? Just loves to play little tricks on people. Little tricks like taking control of the press and releasing fake news just so you can murder another pirate.
Such a prankster!
Zoro Ages 40 Years Through Confusion and Stress
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Before I get to the Main Event, gotta update on Franky and Sol, plus Zoro and his new pal Wicka!
In Zoro’s storyline, the action kicked in with him dashing about Acacia Port Town, seemingly yelling and muttering to himself. A small child was scared. His mother advised him to not look Zoro in the eye.
Meanwhile, somewhere about Zoro’s person, a small voice ordered, “Get to Flower Field already!”
Ah, thought I. Zoro has teamed up with the thieving little fairy from earlier.
Sure enough, a flashback confirmed it, along with another tasty nugget of news that tied Zoro’s story neatly into the main plot.
After the sack of stolen stuff whacked Zoro on the head, Zoro spotted the little thief. The game was up. Tiny thief introduced himself as Wicka. He belonged to the Tontatta Tribe’s scouting unit and he was freaking out about Zoro - a Big Human - having seen him. Of course, Wicka couldn’t share any information - apart the fact he was supposed to report to his chief that the Donquixote Family were about to destroy the Strawhat Pirates’ ship.
Obviously, Zoro was interested in this development. He was about to haul ass back to Sunny but, alas, his faulty GPS kicked in. (He is the only one who hasn’t left Acacia Port yet, lmao). As Wicka had broken his ankle in the fall, he offered to guide Zoro back to shore in exchange for a ride to a place called Flower Field.
Turns out the Tontatta People have a conflict with the Donquixote Family too, though Wicka wouldn’t spill the details. (I’m still thinking a lot of them are being forced to work in the Smile factory.)
As for Franky and Sol, they are heading the same way, funnily enough. (Maybe Flower Field is the headquarters for the Resistance.) On the way, Rebecca spotted them from a Colosseum window. She shouted after Sol, who acted pretty weird about the whole thing. Pretty much was like, “Oh, so you entered the competition even though I told you not to. Okay.”
There is obviously a crap ton of history between these two because Rebecca cried and shouted back, “I’ll win so we can live together!”
Sol was all surly about it. “A warrior who cries will not easily win,” and rode away on Franky. Then, when he was safely out of earshot, he told Franky how he had something he wanted to protect and that he could not shed tears from his tin eyes.
Gotta say, I’m getting weird vibes from this relationship.
Ceci N’Est Pas Une Punch
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As for Luffy Lucy, the Block C battle is officially underway! I was super hyped to see this fight but the action kept cutting away from it. Now the Feathered One has flapped onto the stage, he’s hogged the spotlight and some of the hype has worn off.
Still, that whole sequence of Luffy winding up Gomu Gomu stretchy punches and declaring, “That was a normal punch. Oh, that one? That was a normal kick. A completely normal kick.” Even after several fellow competitors observed, “Hey, that guy’s arm stretched. Isn’t that exactly like that Strawhat Luffy guy’s power?”
No it wasn’t.
It was just a normal, run of the mill stretchy punch. 
Do not listen to Cavendish who is being manhandled from the area shrieking “I’LL KILL YOU, STRAWHAT!” at the top of his lungs. Do not listen to Don Chinjao, who is stomping about, growling about murdering Garp’s grandson every five seconds.
All trickery and lies.
And speaking of...
You Just Lost the Circle Game
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Ah, I am so glad Sanji’s little subplot has merged into the main plot. It had begun to border on unwatchable. I breathed a sigh of relief when Violet turned the tables last episode. I thought she might even be a CP0 member in disguise, seeking to shackle Sanji and trade him for Luffy.
It’s less complicated than that.
It turned out Violet was an assassin hired by Doflamingo to prey on Sanji’s weakness for women. The chuckling thugs surrounding her laughed it up. This guy is worth 70 million and he was fooled by Violet’s act? What a dumbass.
She shit-talked Sanji for about five seconds. “Did you really think a guy like you could win my heart? How funny!”
This was before she unveiled her Glare Glare fruit power which allows her to see into people’s minds (legit amazingly useful power, to be fair). She asked Sanji some Important Questions. Why had Strawhat and Trafalgar Law become allies? What brought them to Dressrosa besides the business at Green Bit? What was their ultimate plan? What were they up to?
But inside Sanji’s mind, all she saw was PINK PINK PINK. Which, I am guessing, means Sanji’s head was filled with nothing else but thoughts of LADIEZ. (Bit of a disservice to Sanji, but okay.)
Understandably, Violet was freaked out. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking of you,” Sanji answered. “The way you looked at me in that moment, I knew you were telling me the truth when you asked me to kill someone for you. I believe in women’s tears!”
I blinked and reached for my sick bucket.
Amazingly, Sanji’s charm worked on Violet. Not only did she turn on the hired thugs, she also ran away with Sanji and let him peer into her mind to discover the trap Doflamingo had laid for Trafalgar Law.
Very generous. Sanji, I take it all back. You are a smooth operator, after all.
Little People: The Only Thing That Has Legit Scared Robin Since Enies Lobby
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Back at Green Bit, Usopp was having flashbacks to Bowin Island and Caesar was shrieking for Doflamingo. Law basically told him to hold his horses because they had a bit of walking to do first. Caesar would be handed over at 3pm at a further distant point of beach.
Then Usopp’s keen sharpshooter’s eye spotted an ominous object. A Marine ship grounded on the bay, snarled in a plant’s grip. Robin concluded the cuts that freed the ship from the plant were fresh and that the ship hadn’t sustained much damage. 
Ruh roh. That meant the Marines were on Green Bit.
Caesar freaked out. He was a wanted man with a sky-high bounty and a list of crimes that would make Magellan’s hair curl. Now Doflamingo had resigned from the Shichibukai, there was no law protecting Caesar anymore. If he was left on Green Bit, cuffed and defenceless, they’d arrest him! “THIS IS HELL!” he wailed. “I’M DOOMED!”
While Usopp hissed at Caesar to stfu, Robin side-eyed Law. “Why are the Marines here? You look like you’re hiding something, Law?”
Law claimed it was a coincidence. How could he control the Marines? (Though the flashback to his chat with Smoker when he admitted he was headed for Green Bit says otherwise. Not control. More a subtle manipulation.) Still not sure how much of the Marine presence here is Law’s or Doflamingo’s doing. I’m thinking Doflamingo’s to be honest. Maybe Law expected Smoker and found Fujitora instead? More on that later, though.
At any rate, Law set up a recon plan. Robin and Usopp would scout the area, searching for Marines. He would walk to the handover point with Caesar.
Robin and Usopp saw some shit in that forest, let me tell you.
A gang of fodder Marines fell victim to some of Wicka’s fellow tribespeople. A spokesperson called Leo demanded to know if the Marines were good or bad people. 
“We are Marine soldiers! We protect people!”
But when they would not hand over their weapons, the Tontatta fighters stripped the Marines almost butt-naked (they left the underpants for their cousins, the Underpants Gnomes).
A similar thing happened to Robin. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a small, shadowy figure retreating with stolen clobber in hand. She set a mille fleurs and caught a very angry little dude. She did try to ask him if they had robbed the Marines, but the Angry Little Dude’s friends returned with anaesthetic slingshot ammo.
The next thing, there are a few shots of shadowy stitches and Robin stirs awake to find lots of Tontatta people slithering about under her clothes (kinda creepy) and going through her stuff. Notebook, candy, den den mushi. Oh yeah, and her body was stitched to the ground by Leo.
Luckily, Robin is the kind of person who can stay calm in trying situations. She kept her cool and asked questions. Where was she? Was Usopp okay? Had they grown all the massive plants on the island?
The answers were that she was in the Tontatta Kingdom, they had captured Usopp and he was fine and, yes, the plants were their doing and there is no plant they cannot grow. 
Robin figured she could easily escape with her DF power but that she had to be careful not to cause a stir. When they asked her why she had kidnapped one of their own people, Robin answered she had caught him out curiosity. That was it. She hadn’t meant any harm and she would never tell anyone she had seen them.
That was funny. 
It was all going well, until Robin discovered she only had two minutes to meet with Law at the handover point. She made to leave but the Tontatta people were like, “NO. NO ONE LEAVES. GIVE US YOUR WEAPON.” (What is it with them and weapons? Are they planning to go to war with the Donquixote family? They’ll get their tiny asses handed to them.)
They were about to strip Robin, but another Tontatta random ran up, saying not to harm Robin. That she was the partner of the Legendary Hero! The Big Human who had come to save them all!
Yes, I thought! The Legendary Hero? There’s only one person that could be. Usopp’s bullshitting skills have come through!
Law Falls for Doflamingo’s Fake News
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For that reason, Robin and Usopp didn’t make the the handover on time.
Well, Robin did.
Sort of. The usefulness of her Devil Fruit power has climbed a few notches. Remember she showed she could clone herself in Fishman Island? Turns out she can do this long-distance too. Even though she is underground with the Tontatta people, she was still able to send a message to Law.
Unfortunately, Robin’s clone arrived just as Sanji’s Bad News did.
While Law and Caesar were standing on shore like they were waiting for Godot, Law’s DDM rang. It was Sanji with the best damned plot twist.
“You’ve gotta get out of there! Doflamingo didn’t resign from the Shichibukai. Even if you hand over Caesar to him, there is no trade!”
Law was shook. “Wait, that doesn’t make sense--”
“We’ve been doublecrossed!” Sanji shouted. And told Law everything Violet had shown him. The flashbacks revealed something very interesting. The crowd below Doflamingo’s rooms, begging him not to abdicate, were assuaged when CP0 turned up and told them the newspaper reports were “a mistake. Just a false report. We will let the world know through an extra edition of the Coo News at 3pm. You mustn’t tell anyone until then.”
3pm, eh? Convenient timing on Doflamingo’s part. Now the residents of Dressrosa being awfully calm for a nation whose king has just abdicated makes a ton of sense.
But the news came too late for Law. Out of the trees, Admiral Fujitora marched with his men. Fujitora did not seem pleased to have been fooled by the false report. The jury is out on how much Akainu really knows, but he is going to talk with the Gorosei at Mariejois (that’ll be an interesting conversation). Right now, Fujitora is still following orders to be there at the handover point.
Law realised he was screwed.
“You’re the new Admiral, aren’t you?” he said.
Then Doflamingo flapped down.
In his shrieking enthusiasm, Caesar almost ruptured something internal. “JOKERRRRRRRRRRR!”
But Doflamingo only had eyes for Law. (Murder eyes. I cannot stress the murder part enough.)
“Hey, Law. Well done! I didn’t expect to see a Marine Admiral here. Since I’m no longer  Warlord, I’m scared as hell.”
Now I think about it... maybe Law had deliberately led the Marines to Green Bit under the mistaken assumption Doflamingo really had resigned. If everything had gone as Law had planned, the Marines would have rocked up, arrested Doflamingo and Caesar and Kaidou’s supply of Smiles would have dried up.
But it didn’t work out like that.
“Liar!” Law growled. “Answer me, Doflamingo! You used the authority of the World Government to fool the whole world only to deceive ten people? How?”
“Often the more spectacular the magic, the simpler the trick,” Doflamingo replied, giving nothing away damn it.  “People usually have a stereotypical idea or assumption like, ‘that’s ridiculous!’ and that’s what causes a blind spot.”
He was clearly referring to Law here. Law had assumed there was no way Doflamingo had the power to pull such a massive, world-scale trick. I mean, CP0 have been drafted in here. They report directly to the World Government. Doflamingo has some hefty connections. There is no denying it at this point.
“Nobody can really do such a thing, even if he hatched some scheme. You’re a pirate!” Law seethed. “Even if you’re a Shichibukai and a king you don’t have the power to spread a lie over the world! The only people who have the power to do such a ridiculous thing are the Celestial Dragons--”
Law’s words caught in this throat. He remembered what Vergo had said to him at Punk Hazard: “You don’t know Joker’s past and that will cost you your life.”
My jaw dropped. SURELY NOT??? Was Doflamingo a Celestial Dragon?
Even Law thought the same as me. “Don’t tell me you’re--”
Doflamingo, cagey as always, said only, “It’s a bit more complicated that that. But I have only one purpose here, Law. I just want to kill you.”
Dem veins, man.
Vein’s a-poppin’
I hope Law has some tricks up his sleeve because he is caught between an Admiral and Doflamingo. It ain’t looking good for him right now.
Should’ve checked Snopes, Law. Verifying fake news is super important, man.
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Pan’s Labyrinth? Is that you?
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