Friendly reminder
Always know what materials are in your metal jewelry/cutlery/other metal objects BEFORE you use them in any kind of temperature play. Different types of metals heat up/cool down faster and while usually both partners know what’s too much or too little. But makes sure you know how fast the materials heat up/cool down, DO RESEARCH, and if you don’t know what metals are in something (Such as a necklace from Goodwill) then DONT. USE. IT. FOR. TEMPERATURE. PLAY.
Thank you and goodnight.
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Prompt/Imagine #2
Character A is sitting next to the heater and Character B is cold so they sit on A’s lap to warm up with them. While B is still cold A puts their warm hands on B to help them warm up.
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Prompt/Imagine #1
You watch as the fingers dip into the cup of cold water, a grin spreading on your partner’s face as your eyes meet. A cold finger drags down your bare thigh as goosebumps start to raise on your skin. Their breathy laugh reverberates on your neck as you shiver. 
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