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E - my head’s been aching a lot lately and i have no clue why,,,
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XREA - My dearest bastard, you hit your head multiple times a day.
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E - yes, and?
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My friends :)
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old art of Arlen and Hadley
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some old art of the fears
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creating content
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G- Heyyy, what’s all this for? You having a party and didn’t invite me? Soo rude.
..-. .. .-.. .-.. . .-.  - . -..- .  -.. --- -. -  .-- --- .-. .-. -.--  .- -... --- ..- -  .. -
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E- oh- h heyy, ya, i was i was just dancin, its not a party or anything, im sorry it’s just that im feeling real good, i posted a thing and well
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E- well, they love me, look look, they really love me !
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G- Oh, is that so? ... - .. .-.. .-..  .--- ..- ... -  ..-. .. .-.. . .-.. . .-.  - . -..- -  -. --- - .... .. -. --.  - --- ... . .
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E- ya ! they are saying soooo many nice things, i really dont deserve it
G- You really don’t.
-.-- . .--.  -. --- - .... .. -. --.  - ---  ... . .  .- -  .- .-.. .-..  .-- .... .- - ... --- . ...- . .-.
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G- Hot damn, that’s a lot a views, and good amount of likes too.      Well, I mean, it’s still pitiful, but more then your used to.
E- i know ! isn’t it great !
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G- Fuck ya it is. I’m almost proud of you!
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G- But, I mean.
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G- They don’t really love you, they love your art. And just barely at that. --- -.-  -- .- -.-- -... .  - .... . .-. .  -- .. --. .... -  -... .  ... --- -- . - .... .. -. --.
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G- How long do you think they’ll care?
-... ..- -  -. --- -  .... . .-. .  .- -  - .... .. ...  - .. -- .  ... --- .-. .-. -.--
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E- long enough
G- If you say so.
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G- You might want to get back to work then.
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