The thing about love, is that it sneaks up on you when you don't expect it. Like a thief in the night or a poison in your drink. It's sudden and unexpected. It has the potential to kill you, to destroy your everything but you can't help but give it your everything, not caring the damage it could do to you. Love is a weapon that can he yielded by all in good ways and bad ways, maybe not even anyway at all.
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Don't love me the way you loved her. Love me differently. Love me the way it feels to embrace a dear friend. The way it feels to lie on the grass so carefully decorated in a gentle dew as you watch the stars and moon appear from their slumber. Love me the the way it feels to rest aside the heat of the fire with a book and drink in hand. Just simply love me. Whether it be with your everything or barely at all. I fear a life without your love may be too much to bear and not worth living.
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