What she had to go through today
Today I got a school holiday and I am so glad because we have been working really hard in school every day we have lots of school work so I am glad about this school holiday.
I do homeschool so my mom helps me with school she is a great mom and I am glad to have her as a mom she is a really good teacher but we finish at 3:00PM but the worst part is my friends end school at 2;00PM but it doesn't matter because they study too so I have enough time.
We talk when they are done studying but sometimes they have to go at 5:00PM and that makes me really sad.
Does your friend finish school when you do??
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What She was Thinking Today
I can't wait to call my Best friend but after school I had to spend time with my family and I could only call her at 5:50PM .
We stopped talking when her phone battery was 5% I really enjoy talking to my best friend we always talk for hours about anything and everything.
We had our differences in school but now we can talk forever.
Are you and your friends close??
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Who's The-Girl-Inside-My-Head?
she's creative
she's messy
she's funny and moody
she's me...
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