theduchessapproves · 7 years
please watch this
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theduchessapproves · 7 years
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stan is singing him a very gravelly version of despacito 
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theduchessapproves · 7 years
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idiots in love 
happy late birthdays to @spinetrick and @stanchez-sloppy-seconds <3
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theduchessapproves · 7 years
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wearing your boyfriend’s clothes (and yes rick isn’t wearing pants)
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theduchessapproves · 7 years
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stan and beth bonding pt. 1 
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theduchessapproves · 7 years
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even after all these years rick still gets flustered when stan acts like a sap
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theduchessapproves · 7 years
hi!! just to say i absolutely love your blog and also i know it's super late but if you're still writing from that prompt list thing, could you try 43 with stanchez? hope youre having a good day:)
omg thank you so much, have some fluff :’)
Rick grins at him from where they sit in their Colombian prison cell, waving the weird-looking, green glowing gun in front of his face. Stan scrambles to hide the gun, hissing, “Rick, are you outta your mind?! We’re in prison, do you know what they’d do if they found out?! Where did you even–?”
“It’s a–uuurrp!–little s-something I’ve been working on,” Rick leers, pulling the gun back into their view. “This baby’s gonna get us outta here.”
“Rick, we can’t do that,” Stan’s eyes widen, “You think Rico’s gonna go down without a fight? I bet that guy’s got his own ammo stashed away!”
Rick laughs, blue-black hair tickling Stan’s nose as he drops his head against Stan’s shoulder. Rick pats his back, “Lee, you a-are such an idiot. An adorable idiot.”
Stan looks at Rick uneasily, sighing as he looks at the gun, “I didn’t think it was possible for you to get any crazier, Sanchez.”
“This gun,” Rick raises it, and it glows a weird color, “Isn’t an o-ordinary gun. It’s a portal gun.”
Stan stares at it, the green glow bouncing off his face as he looks to Rick, “A what?”
“A portal gun. C-Can take us aaanywhere in not only the world, but the entire multiverse.” Rick grins as he throws an arm around Stan, then aims his gun at the ground. Stan yelps as a green, globby portal shoots open on the ground, swirling colors. He looks to Rick with wide eyes, “You can’t be serious! This…this could really take us anywhere?”
“I can show you the world, baby,” Rick purrs with a grin, grabbing Stan’s face and pulling him into a kiss. Stan sighs, kissing him back, temporarily forgetting about the green portal in front of him. That is, until Rick grabs his face, pulls back just a fraction, and shoves Stan straight through the portal. Rick follows him through, and just as the prison guards come in, the portal has blinked closed with the two of them on the other side.
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theduchessapproves · 7 years
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family night at shoney’s
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theduchessapproves · 7 years
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sappy old bastards
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theduchessapproves · 7 years
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“wanna make a trade?”
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theduchessapproves · 7 years
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welcome back
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theduchessapproves · 7 years
ok so i was going to post art tonight but it wouldnt show up in the stanchez tag so i guess i’ll put up in tomorrow! also im just throwin this out there but if any of u have any requests ill take them!!
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theduchessapproves · 7 years
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au where Stan and Rick meet in prison and are colombian prison-mates...Stan starts out flustered by the handcuff jokes but eventually gets painfully used to them
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theduchessapproves · 7 years
send me a pairing and a number and i'll write you a drabble
“Come over here and make me.”
“Have you lost your damn mind!?”
“Please, don’t leave.”
“Do you…well…I mean…I could give you a massage?”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
“I almost lost you.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“Teach me how to play?”
“Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!”
“I think we need to talk.”
“Kiss me.”
“Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.”
“So, I found this waterfall…”
“It could be worse.”
“Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.”
“The paint’s supposed to go where?”
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
“We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?”
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
“Just once.”
“You’re the only one I trust to do this.”
“I can’t believe you talked me into this.”
“I got you a present.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“Marry me?”
“I thought you were dead.”
“It’s not what it looks like…”
“You lied to me.”
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
“Please don’t do this.”
“If you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed.”
“You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
“I wish I could hate you.”
“Wanna dance?”
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
“Hey! I was gonna eat that!”
“Have I entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?”
“You did all of this for me?”
“I swear it was an accident.”
“If you die, I’m gonna kill you.”
“Tell me a secret.”
“Hey, have you seen the..? Oh.”
“No one needs to know.”
“Well this is awkward…”
Writer’s preference
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theduchessapproves · 7 years
Drabble: Newspaper
ayyy here’s a thing! thanks to all my new followers I hope you guys like this little thing I wrote *** Rick doesn’t even know why he gets a newspaper. He never even fucking reads. He knows all the shit he needs to, and who even reads these anymore? Yet he finds himself picking one up at the cheapest gas station in town and flipping it open. It’s not even a cover-page story. It’s the fourth page in, an article in the side column, but somehow it grabs his attention. Maybe the big bold letters that say ‘dead.’ Or maybe it’s the name of his ex-boyfriend and ex-crime partner, Stan Pines. Not a lot of things shock Rick Sanchez anymore. He’s seen it all and more - he’s seen shit that would drive the normal man insane in a flash. He, however, is not the normal man (this is why he’s gotta keep himself drunk so often - so his brilliant mind isn’t as painfully brilliant). He doesn’t get surprised by things anymore. Or at least so he thought. He grips the newspaper, eyes staring holes into it, as he reads the small article. Stan Pines died in a flaming car wreck, his breaks suspiciously cut. Stan…he’s… “What the fuck,” Rick whispers dizzily, slowly lowering the newspaper. He looks back down at it, feeling sick and nauseous. No! There’s no way in hell Stanley Pines is dead! He’s seen that guy get out of shit nobody else possibly could’ve! He’s even saved Rick’s life in a couple pinches! The…the whole reason Rick is back in Gravity Falls is to see Stan. To finally admit he pulled a dick move and to admit he… “What the fuck!” He hisses, tears blearing his vision, as he shoves the newspaper into his back pocket and forces his legs to carry him out the front door. He drives furiously, half pissed off and half hysterical, and even as he downs whatever flask he’s got in his coat pocket, he knows no alcohol is fixing this. He pulls up to the Murder Hut, a weird sound escaping him, as he pushes out of the car and storms up to the front door. He’s not even sure what he’s expecting here. He forcibly pushes open the door, jaw set and eyes suspiciously heated. He– “Rick?! What are you doin’ here?” Rick’s eyes snap up and there in front of him is Stan. He’s wearing a dumb red fez, ratty button-up, and grease-stained dress pants. He’s just as much of a mess as the last time Rick saw him. And he fucking loves it. “You motherfucker–” Rick rushes over to Stan and violently tackles him in a hug, knocking him off his feet and sending him stumbling back into the wall. Rick buries his face into his neck and lets out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding. “H-hey, I missed you too, Sanchez,” Stan says gently, and Rick smiles against him before reeling back and slapping him hard across the face. “Ow!! What the heck was that for–?!” “Next time you fake your death, let me know!” Rick hisses, shoving the newspaper in his face. “Thought I was gonna be at your funeral by the end of the week, you bastard!” Stan blinks, Rick only giving him a second to stare at the newspaper before Rick flatly tosses it backwards. Stan flashes him a goofy smile, “Were you worried about me?” “I was worried someone got to kill you before I did,” Rick mutters, but they could both hear the affection in his voice. Stan’s arms are still around him, and he rubs at Rick’s back with a warm eye roll, “For the record, I really did miss you.” Rick sighs, hugging Stan again, before pushing him away and snatching up the newspaper. He tosses it into the fire, watching the words curl up and blacken in front of him before he glances back at Stan. This time around, he’s going to make sure nothing happens to him.
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theduchessapproves · 7 years
ayyy it's an update
ive got quite a bit of fics and maybe?? art?? if I don't end up hating it by the time I'm supposed to post it. expect a fic by this week! and thanks to all my new followers !!
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theduchessapproves · 8 years
Drabble - Car Chase
well this is my first thing posted on my writing blog. the world needs more stanchez and I've got too many ideas not to share ^_^ *** Stan yanks open the doors to the car, jumping into the driver's seat at lightning speed as he listens to the passenger door practically get thrown off its hinges. Rick Sanchez scrambles into the seat next to him, every curse hissed frantically out of his lips, as looks behind them with wild eyes. "Pines!! Sanchez!!!! Get back here---!!!" "Oh shit, we're not gonna make it," Stan runs a hand through his hair, his other shaky hand desperately trying to start up the car. "We're go--uurrp-gonna make it!" Rick hisses back, yanking Stan's hand out of his curls and making it clasp with his own. "Rico and his b-bitches ain't gonna catch us this time! Start the fucking car and let's go!!!" "It won't start!!!" Stan yells, throwing his hands up in the air. "For fuck's sake...." Rick looks back to see Rico and his goons approaching quickly, so he begins cursing again as he climbs over Stan and begins to try getting the car to start. Stan bites his nails as he keeps glancing back, watching Rico get closer and closer... "Rick, he's about to---!" Stan exclaims, the entire car bouncing as Rico's hands smack hard onto the back of their car. Something sparks, and Rick, half in his own seat and half out, slams his foot on the gas pedal. Stan yelps as he grabs onto the wheel, steering them away from hitting a tree and onto the actual road. Rick glances up in the rear view mirror, foot slammed on the gas, "We still haven't lost these bitches yet! Make a sharp left turn up here!" "Sharp left--?! Going this fast, that's gonna kill us--!!" "Just do it, Lee!!" Well, it's either a fiery car crash death or death at the hands of Rico and his goons. Stan says a quick prayer, swerving the wheel to the left just as the turn appears. Their car instantly goes off track, flying down a grassy hill as tree branches smack into and break the windshield of their car. The two of them are screaming, Rick's body practically wrapped around Stan's and Stan's big arms holding him tight, as the car barrels straight into a tree at the end of the hill. It takes a few minutes for the airbags to go down, and for the stars to clear from Stan's eyes, but it slowly registers to him that he's still alive. He waits with baited breath, sure Rico's going to drag him out of this car at any second... But nothing happens. They made it. "We....we made it," Stan whispers to himself in awe. He was sure today was the day he was going to die...but they avoided Rico for another day. "R-Rick, wake up, we made it!" "H--? Wh-what?" Rick mumbles woozily, rubbing the back of his head as he lifts himself up enough to face Stan. He studies Stan's face for a second, finally coming to, and Stan can see the exact moment it dawns on Rick that they lived through it. "Holy shit!!!! We're alive!!!!" He exclaims, grabbing Stan by the shoulders and shaking him. "How the hell did we manage to get out of that one?!!" "I don't know!" Stan laughs, and the two crash into a giddy, happy hug. They're too high on adrenaline and shock to be touchy about affection - Rick buries his face into Stan's neck, laughing dizzily, and Stan finds himself planting kisses against his dark head of hair through his laughter. Still laughing, they pull away enough to look at each other, Rick grinning at Stan incredulously, "Who would've thought we'd make such a great team, eh Pines?" Stan grins widely at Rick, laughing airily as he wraps big arms around him and brings him in for a kiss.
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