themommasway · 4 years
Just Tired
Ask me how I’m doing & you’ll get the same response.
How am I feeling?
I’ll forever be in this place of sleep deprived even though my child now sleeps through the night. My body doesn’t recognize the extra sleep. It’s forever broken.
If I don’t have coffee I can barely survive the day. This is where I’m at.
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themommasway · 4 years
Checking in
It’s been a while since I’ve been on here. Life has gotten pretty crazy. Here are some updates from my life:
Ive decided to implement “self care” seriously atleast once a week every week. For my mental health, sanity, & for my confidence. I started noticing that I just wasn’t really giving my body the TLC it needs so I can feel good about myself. I was getting pretty lazy with my hair, & with…
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themommasway · 4 years
The Praying Mom
Everyday she prays.
She prays for herself, for her loved ones, for the world, for the sick. Everyday she prays. She prays for her salvation & for forgiveness. She prays for her child. The light of her life. The little person who she would give the world to if she could. She would give her dying breath for this little person. The little person that she grew in her womb, fought for, raised,…
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themommasway · 4 years
Teething; how I despise thee.
Teething; how I despise thee.
Biting & Cries.
Biting & Cries.
Biting & Cries.
How I wish I could take away the pain & the suffering my little one is going through as teeth are slowly… very.. very.. slowly pushing their way through his little gums. Making him irritable, miserable. Making him drool as if he were the ocean in human form soaking every bib he owns, dripping drool everywhere he goes. His cheeks are often…
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themommasway · 4 years
Strawberry, Banana & Oats Puree
Strawberry, Banana & Oats Puree
What better combo then Strawberry & Banana? A classic blend of two amazing fruits that everyone loves!
This Puree a super easy one to make & it tastes GREAT! Bananas are his in Vitamins B6, C, & B2. Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C, Calcium, & Phosphorus!
For this puree you can use fresh or frozen strawberries, I did frozen ones this time around.
I bought a bag of frozen…
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themommasway · 4 years
Craniosynostosis: The day I will never forget...
Craniosynostosis: The day I will never forget…
You can try to prepare for things when you become a parent. But, some things you just cannot prepare for or expect. As a parent you don’t expect to hear that your baby may need surgery. Craniosynostosis what on earth is that?! I never read about it in the parent books, never heard of it, WHAT IS IT?
Craniosynostosis is a “condition in which one or more of the sutures close too early, causing…
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themommasway · 5 years
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themommasway · 5 years
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Thoughtful parenting … — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/33Qns7K
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themommasway · 5 years
The life of a stay at home is not as easy as you would think.
This is my description of a typical day in my home.
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themommasway · 5 years
Motherhood is simply the best type of hood!
Motherhood is sleepless nights and endless feedings and dirty diapers and cold coffee and holding your bladder and forgetting to feed yourself and screaming fits and tears (not just the baby) and mom guilt and mom guilt and mom guilt But motherhood is also first smiles and laughing while dreaming and little toes and fingers and that baby smell–you know the one–and cuddles and cute clothes and discovering–people, places, smells, books–together and grace and love and love and love
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themommasway · 5 years
There is a stigma that women who had c-sections are not “mothers” because they did not deliver their babies’ vaginally.
This blog post is to encourage those mothers and remind them that they are not failures, they are rock stars just like every mom is a rock star! It is a reminder that they made the choice to undergo that major procedure for the safety of their child!
This is to support moms. Build each other up! All moms rock!
End the terrible stigma & notion that a c-section means you failed as a mother & recognize the strength it took to come get that procedure done!
The mom life is not easy. Encourage one another!
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