For those who didn't see. Tris is dead in her main verse now. I can continue the paras I am in the middle of until they are finished but she is dead.
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The Bell Tolls
“I can’t understand why people can tolerate you.” “You are a child. You will never grow up.” “You are nothing..” “You are nothing.” Voices. The voices rang in her head and she ran down to the beach. Her one place where she could think. Her one sanctuary. She stood, hearing all the voices in her head, the scream from River. The pain, the pain. The torment! Oh what utter torment and weight she had carried upon her shoulders, and when her mind cried for her not to, she could not. She lie down, as the tears fell from her eyes. She had caused River to not be able to have children, and caused her so much despair. She had killed an innocent child. She had made Cherise hurt worse because of what she did, because a child died in her arms. She had killed Whale and Ariel’s grand baby. And Adrian. Innocent Adrian. She had killed his son. She shut her eyes tight and put her hands over her eyes as she shook her head. Her heart knew what she must do but somewhere in her conscience, she was told to stop. Stop! It screamed. Don’t do it! It screamed again as she took out a notebook and a pen. 
To whom it may concern,
I am sorry. I know it will never be enough but I am. every night it pains me for what I have done, for those I have hurt. For Whale, Ariel, Puck, Titania, Cherise, even Oberon. Especially, however, for River and Adrian. I know you hate me River, and I am eternally sorry for what I did. For what I said to you. I know you never deserved it. I should have thought before I acted yet hatred and revenge has put me here. I wish we could have been friends. I think it may have worked in a different world. I wish you all the best, and I hope you will take some comfort in that I will forever be in torment for what I have done, if there is a hell, I’ll be there. Cherise. I am terribly sorry for causing you so much pain. You were so sweet... And caring. I took it for granted and I am sorry. I hope that you can find joy once again, you deserve it. Puck and Titania, thank you for being so sweet to me. Even when I was terrible towards you. Oberon, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for bugging you, and being a nuisance and I am sorry for what I did to you. I know I am nothing to you, and I wish  you happiness. I hope you find someone who truly makes you happy. Adrian. I wish there was a way to make it up to you. I know that that will never happen now but I wish you all the happiness. You are not a monster. Or ugly. I hope, if you break out of that spell that you and River can find happiness together. You deserve it. And Whale.. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I bugged you so many times in your hospital room, and I am so sorry that I hurt you. I understand what you meant about putting the blame on myself. I realize now how selfish I was, and I’m sorry.
I know it is nothing to what I did but buried in the woods I have ten million dollars. It goes to River and Adrian mostly, while four million shall be split around to the rest of you. I found Hook’s treasure, I just never used it. It is by the well. I hope that helps even a little. I wish you all, all the happiness. Goodbye
She finished it as the tears dropped onto her paper, before shifting herself on her knees. Her hands shook as she got out the dagger she had stolen from Gold’s and took it out of the sheath. She looked out to the ocean once more, listening to the steady beat of the waves before the last tear dropped and she dug the blade right into her womb, the exact place she had stabbed river. She gasped as pain hit her and she twisted the blade, the blood starting to pour out of her. “You’re nothing.” She whimpered. “You are nothing.” She stated again as she twisted the blade again, blood dripping onto the white paper that held her last words. She gasped and fell onto the floor, the blade sticking up as she started to choke on her blood. She felt what River felt, and in some way it was payback for what she had done. She looked at the sky, before darkness started to enclose her, and the place that had made her the happiest, now was the place that would be her final resting ground.  
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“Alright then, we don’t have to talk about it. I won’t lose my appetite over it though.” She stated with a small smile. She looked at him now, wondering what she could do to help him, make him remember, but she couldn’t think of anything. It was so confusing, what had been done to him. She just wanted to make it better, make it like it was. Even if it meant him hating her instead of loving her like he did now. 
She nodded and got up, making sure he was covered before she went to find the tea. “I think I found it.” She stated, before grabbing it and coming in. “Here you go.” She opened it before she gave it to him, sitting back down next to him. 
“Um. Almost all of them..” She didn’t want to go into detail. If she talked too much about who she talked to he would wonder about what they talked about and she didn’t want that. He wouldn’t understand with this curse floating over him. He would think her silly. “I’m not sure. I haven’t really spoke to her.” Tris looked down. She needed to find something, anything and that’s when it hit her. She wanted to know how far back this curse went in the fiction he had in his head. “Adrian?” She asked, biting her lip slightly, nervous as she looked at him. “Why do you love me? When did you first fall in love with me. Can you tell me?” She said, as she sat up, wondering if it might break the fog that he’s under. 
“That’s, okay. Don’t even worry about me. I just want you to get better soon, ok?” She asked as she looked up at him before looking back at the T.V. Trish shrugged with a slight chuckle. “Probably not, though it doesn’t make me feel sick talking about it.” She stated before looking at him again. “Is there anything I can get you? Would you like water or something?” 
Tris pursed her lips slightly. If she were to tell him the truth, would he believe her? Would he believe that she had been trying to make up for stabbing River? Or would his twisted mind change it to say something else? “Not much. I’ve just been busy, talking with family members and such.” She smiled. 
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Pet Peeves
“I hate it when people don’t understand me.. When they are unkind. Hate it.” 
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Personality Flaw(s)
“People say I’m childish. That I’m selfish. They say I’m too like my father... I don’t want to be like my father, but every time I try to do something I mess up.” 
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what recent events? what happened?
I’d rather not talk about it in public. If you wanna talk about it come off anon please? And then I’ll most likely be willing to talk. :) 
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whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is she dead?
She’ll probably kill herself but I am just tired of this and with recent events I just don’t wanna trouble anyone with her character anymore. Might stick around to play Tod or something and I might change my mind (as I haven’t written it yet) But I’m pretty sure that’s what’s gonna happen. 
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I am sorry but I always feel uncomfortable rping with you. Sometimes you push too hard when things are not a good fit for me as your rp partner. That is why I am too worried to rp with Tod. I am uncomfortable.
Does anyone else feel this way? Please answer! I really don't want to make anyone uncomfortable! Please tell me so I can fix it! And nonnie please talk to me out of anon so we can fix it.
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Nonnie, please show yourself and talk to me! I don't want to offend anyone or make anyone uncomfortable so I so appreciate this message! Please message me out of anon so I can fix this problem you brought up! I'm not angry at all! I so appreciate this.
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Was thinking about making Tod his own blog rather than him being a side blog. Would that help? Would that make people wanna RP with him and stuff? Please tell me what I’m doing wrong cuz I really wanna write for him but no one wants to write with me. :( 
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name: Kara birthday: March 19th zodiac: Picses  single or taken: All the single ladies height: 5′5 favorite color: Green lucky number: 3
hogwarts house: Ravenclaw favourite fictional character: I really like Liesel and Rudy from the book Thief and a bunch of other characters. idk. favourite television show: Walking Dead, New Girl, Hannibal, Sherlock favourite season: autumn future children’s names: Avery for a girl and I think Thomas for a boy. :) Or something like that. I have a list going.  meaning of your name: Dear, Beloved, or Pure
introvert or extrovert   dawn or dusk righty or lefty (Ambidextrous. I was born lefty. Not as good with it anymore but can write legibly.) iced coffee or tea rain or shine. reading or writing.
♛ about the blogger 」
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Do me a favor. Reblog this if you welcome the use of ask memes as icebreakers between characters that have never, or rarely, interacted before.
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Send a symbol to hear my muse talk about their
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◖ Ideal Partner
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☑ A Favorite (book/movie/song/etc.)
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Independent Tod from the Fox & the Hound
* 3+ Years of RP experience
* Incredibly Friendly 
* Is willing to RP with almost everyone
* Semi Selective 
* Side blog for theprincessnobody 
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Reblog if you get extremely attached to your RP partners
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