thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
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Is it so wrong for me to be busy, when the "work" I'm doing is to help better myself? . Made with @instaquoteapp #instaquote
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
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Today I learned some stuff about myself. When I say I want someone in my life, I'm going to start saying I want a WOMAN in my life not a girl. I hold tok much respect for myself to allow myself to get played and caught up in mind games. But that's just me... #facts #imjustsaying #realtalk
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
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Happy EST Birthday to me. A book of poems written by my faborite poet and the man I took my poet's name from. #bestgiftever #868poemsthough #bestaunt #myauntisbetterthanyours
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
It sucks that all it takes for me to decide something is one action/sentence/phrase/day/anything really to decide whether I want something in my life or not, because then, shit usually gets wrecked, and I'm left with this dumbass look on my face that's like,"well shit"
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
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Something I heard earlier on in my life when I was younger from my dad. It's no coincidence this showed up at this time in my life as I'm almost 18, soon to graduate, and basically getting ready to start my life. #facts #truth #ineededthis #timetogrind #iwantitbad
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
You ever just care about someone so much that just the mere thought of them makes your heart skip a beat? You feel this weird sensation in your stomach, and you just have this feeling of longing for them. The slightest touch. A hug. A kiss. Anything. Yet you can't, so you're fucked, and left alone where you'll end up buying about 50 cats when you're older and cry yourself to sleep watching soaps and Oprah re runs.
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
Singing because I'm bored. I feel like @chiminiyoka Certainly don't have her amazing pipes though. #chiminiismyspiritanimal #itried #cantsingforsquat #gonnasticktopoetry
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
Our Story Does Not Begin With Slavery-Young Hughes
Our Story does not begin with slavery…
Our story starts in an unknown time and an unknown place, but let it be known that it is black, this planet’s true face…
We are descended from the kings and queens from the great land of known today by many as Africa. 
It was our people who built the pyramids and cultivated the land.  
This was done by our very own hand.
You see this world that we live in today, would not have existed had things gone our way.
We were the mightiest, and we fell because of unknown mistakes.
But these are the consequences if your intent is classified as fake.
Even in the darkest of times, and through the noise of the whip crack, we, as a people still managed to come back.
You see we are a strong, creative, kind hearted people, and that’s all there is to it, yet with this fog of twerking, sagging, and MIS-education, it’s hard to see right through it. 
Into the heart of what we used to be, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to revive the black family.
Do you know that if we as a people,  united together and supported each other’s business, we would be the 6th richest nation in the world. 
Yet we spend it on hair perms, weed and shoes, it’s time to WAKE UP…and stop listening to the news when they tell you that you’ll never amount to anything more than another statistic.
Times are rough right now and it’s only going to get harder, but dig this, he who carries the most weight ends up running farther.  Simply because he has dealt with the problems of the world longer and has turned them into something that will make him stronger.
But before we stand up and get inspired and say “Preach it pastor, tell me how to get my spirits higher?” You have to see first that this is a collective effort that takes work. And you must get your burns before you are able to walk through THAT fire…
You must commit yourself to learning the teachings of The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. 
And believe me when I say that by any means necessary, will we accomplish this.   But before you start looking around thinking, “what is this I’m hearing, what is this he’s saying”  Think of how I mean this phrase, and then think of a way…
By any means necessary doesn’t refer to just violence, it refers to love as well. Love thy brother and thy sister. Thy mother and Thy father MUST be honored, because you were given to them for a reason.  We must lift our brothers and sisters and teach them the way, that life isn’t just about getting that check with your bi-weekly pay…
We must teach this next generation that drugs, weed, alcohol and sex are not the answer nor the path.  Instead teach them something worthwhile, like… how their ancestors invented math….
You didn’t know that did you? Well that’s for another time and another place, just remember that it is beautiful, your face…..
Because black is what is craved the most when you think about it…Oil is called BLACK gold…
The Friday after Thanksgiving…BLACK Friday……
The coal that when you put pressure on it makes diamonds….BLACK coal…..
Like Tupac said, “The Darker the berry, the sweeter the juice, and the darker the flesh the deeper the roots” 
We are beautiful, and we make anything we do come to life.  Can’t you see that by perming your hair, and your daughter’s hair, and your granddughter’s hair, you’re only teach the next generation about self hatred. 
Love the nappy, kinky curly hair because it’s a symbol of your connection to your God and when you straighten it out, you slowly but surely rid yourself of that connection.  Black is the most beautiful thing on this earth, and you, you, and you all have it, which means that you are truly, beautiful…
You see you must also learn to love yourself and know that you, me, and we are a beautiful people, who have done so much I cannot even list all of our accomplishments here, but remember the time has come for us to listen to the song of change for our people, now lend me your ear…
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
Our Story Does Not Begin With Slavery
Our Story does not begin with slavery…
Our story starts in an unknown time and an unknown place, but let it be known that it is black, this planet’s true face…
We are descended from the kings and queens from the great land of known today by many as Africa. 
It was our people who built the pyramids and cultivated the land.  
This was done by our very own hand.
You see this world that we live in today, would not have existed had things gone our way.
We were the mightiest, and we fell because of unknown mistakes.
But these are the consequences if your intent is classified as fake.
Even in the darkest of times, and through the noise of the whip crack, we, as a people still managed to come back.
You see we are a strong, creative, kind hearted people, and that’s all there is to it, yet with this fog of twerking, sagging, and MIS-education, it’s hard to see right through it. 
Into the heart of what we used to be, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to revive the black family.
Do you know that if we as a people,  united together and supported each other’s business, we would be the 6th richest nation in the world. 
Yet we spend it on hair perms, weed and shoes, it’s time to WAKE UP…and stop listening to the news when they tell you that you’ll never amount to anything more than another statistic.
Times are rough right now and it’s only going to get harder, but dig this, he who carries the most weight ends up running farther.  Simply because he has dealt with the problems of the world longer and has turned them into something that will make him stronger.
But before we stand up and get inspired and say “Preach it pastor, tell me how to get my spirits higher?” You have to see first that this is a collective effort that takes work. And you must get your burns before you are able to walk through THAT fire…
You must commit yourself to learning the teachings of The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. 
And believe me when I say that by any means necessary, will we accomplish this.   But before you start looking around thinking, “what is this I’m hearing, what is this he’s saying”  Think of how I mean this phrase, and then think of a way…
By any means necessary doesn’t refer to just violence, it refers to love as well. Love thy brother and thy sister. Thy mother and Thy father MUST be honored, because you were given to them for a reason.  We must lift our brothers and sisters and teach them the way, that life isn’t just about getting that check with your bi-weekly pay…
We must teach this next generation that drugs, weed, alcohol and sex are not the answer nor the path.  Instead teach them something worthwhile, like… how their ancestors invented math….
You didn’t know that did you? Well that’s for another time and another place, just remember that it is beautiful, your face…..
Because black is what is craved the most when you think about it…Oil is called BLACK gold…
The Friday after Thanksgiving…BLACK Friday……
The coal that when you put pressure on it makes diamonds….BLACK coal…..
Like Tupac said, “The Darker the berry, the sweeter the juice, and the darker the flesh the deeper the roots” 
We are beautiful, and we make anything we do come to life.  Can’t you see that by perming your hair, and your daughter’s hair, and your granddughter’s hair, you’re only teach the next generation about self hatred. 
Love the nappy, kinky curly hair because it’s a symbol of your connection to your God and when you straighten it out, you slowly but surely rid yourself of that connection.  Black is the most beautiful thing on this earth, and you, you, and you all have it, which means that you are truly, beautiful…
You see you must also learn to love yourself and know that you, me, and we are a beautiful people, who have done so much I cannot even list all of our accomplishments here, but remember the time has come for us to listen to the song of change for our people, now lend me your ear…
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
Karamu time!!!! #HappyKwanzaa #MrHasaniThough #DjembeCircle
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
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My new book :D #HappyKwanzaa #NewBookSmell #ThatZawadiiTho #SoBlack #ElHajjMalik #MyIdol @princeroyalfame @tjames_2_livve
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
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Happy Kwanzaa to me and everyone else who celebrates it :)
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
Love-Young Hughes (aka Tay aka Me you derps)
You ever just have one of those days where
Sometimes things don’t happen to go your way?
 Life refuses to throw you a bone, and you’re left in
 This world feeling all alone.  Sometimes you see them
 Walking down the hall and you want to speak you want
 To talk, but your feet keep making you walk.  With your
Head down, eyes to the floor, when you talk to them you
Really feel like you sound like a bore.  Cause you’ve never met
Someone like them before.  You want to take things slow,
But you’re afraid you’ll ruin your chances, if you keep pressing
On with your advances. Life sucks, that is true.
 But you know what…Be My Valentine won’t you?
I realize that Valentine’s Day is months away, but you can’t
Blame a guy for trying to make do, but t hard when it’s with
A girl as amazing as you.  The actions I take, the things I do,
Are simply just a way of being able to talk to you.  Gone are the day’s where
I hide away in some metaphorical closet far, far away.  This day, you
learn how just being around you makes me nervous and sway. Here’s to
hoping you remember the other poem I wrote, so a question is, Will you
give me a chance… Yes or No?
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
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I feel like this is my trademark grin or something #ThatSmileThough #FeelingGood #StuffOnMyMind
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
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Finally done with school, bring on the turkey and peach cobbler :) #FinallyDone #HappyAlmostTurkeyDay
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
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That early morning music flow though...
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thespokenwordbelow · 10 years
So I recently saw a post about how your favorite character's tend to reflect who you are a bit..... My favorite character in Jack Harkness... I am okay with this for some reason and I'm 100% straight...
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