this-looks-familiar · 5 years
{RGB picks Hero up and hugs her.}
Hero squeaks as she’s suddenly picked up, but after she recovers from her surprise she immediately wraps her arms around RGB, holding on like a little koala.
“Hi there! Whatcha doing?”
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
Hero: “I’m sorry, RGB, but this time I can’t do what you say.”
RGB: “What do you mean ‘this time’? You’ve never once done what I’ve said since I met you!”
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
Oh, Hero, dear Hero. It is good to see you rising again, for you are a prospect of the cosmos. Now, do tell me, Hero, if it pleases you, how do you feel now? My offer still is, and always will be, standing.
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“not this guy again-”
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
it's alright! can't be hungry all the time. it's been a while—sorry i've been gone. what have you been up to?
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“i’m glad to see you! i’ve been fine, i talked to the butterfly again…it’s kinda weird. good advice, though.”
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
“ᵂᴴᴱᴿᴱ’ˢ ᴿᴳᴮ? ᴵˢᴺ’ᵀ ᴴᴱ ˢᵁᴾᴾᴼˢᴱᴰ ᵀᴼ ᵀᴬᴷᴱ ᶜᴬᴿᴱ ᴼᶠ ᵞᴼᵁ?” {Negative asked Hero, secretly angry that he’s left her alone.}
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“actually, i’m not sure where he is…probably off talking to a friend, i guess. or maybe scoping out where we’re going next? i don’t really know.”
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
You're a very brave and very big young girl—so strong! Growing so fast, are you hungry?
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“aaaah, thank you! i’m doing my best! and…no, actually! i haven’t been hungry since i came here, which i guess is nice…bit weird, though.”
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
{Negative bends down to Hero’s level, and opens his hand. A blur rose grows from his hand, he offers it to Hero.} “ᵀᴴᴵˢ ᴵˢ ᶠᴼᴿ ᵞᴼᵁ, ᴴᴱᴿᴼ!”
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“oh! like the roses from the plains…and that big one, from the desert! it’s pretty, thank you!”
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
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((i mean i love bee and puppycat and i love tpoh so this was the only logical conclusion))
((as always, hero belongs to @modmad!!))
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
((she would do this in any canon fight me))
Hero: I made a marshmallow TOby! See, his arms are crossed because he’s mad at all the other marshmallows for annoying him. Do you like it?
TOby, crying: It’s fine
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
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local gremlin makes a gif, more at 5
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
@r-jeebs-b happier time
can you draw some dadgb fluff? ur art gives me hope for the future of humanity, its so cute
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
((continued from here!))
hero gasps when she hears the familiar song, sung weakly on the barest shaking threads of a voice. it only serves to further emphasize the pain that rgb’s in--the fact that even while singing, he sounds like he’s forcing it out, like it’s hurting him.
the worst part is that he’s doing it for hero. and this is not, has never been about hero, she knows that, she’s not the one who’s hurting--well--well, she is, a little, a lot, her chest burns fiercely like shrapnel and the pain is spreading, but gods if that isn’t such a lighter sentence than what rgb’s experiencing right now.
closing her eyes (which causes a few more tears to slip down her cheeks, for her eyes were already overfull), she bumps her forehead against his screen. afraid to do anything more for fear of hurting him, she stays there, waiting with dread heavy in her breaking heart (literally) for the bad woman to come back and take her away.
maybe, if she tries really hard, the schism will take her away instead.
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
(( i ))
((i m Ea N))
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please ignore the typos
hi take this mbmbam/tpoh thing
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
((ain’t this canon))
RGB: I’m not going to be mad, just tell me why you have a fake I.D.
Hero: [unintelligible mumbling]
RGB: What?
Hero: you have to be over 18 to hold the puppies at Petco
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
hero’s only response is to cry harder. if she could speak, she would tell him to worry about himself. but she can’t speak. she can’t even breathe.
the strings flutter in the breeze, mockingly, white strands like spiderwebs, as strong and tough as steel. 
she can’t break the strings, because then rgb won’t be able to move. she can’t touch him, because she’ll hurt him. she can’t say anything or do anything that will fix this. there’s nothing that she can do.
nothing at all.
"𝕆𝕙! 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖,ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕠!"
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“rgb?? is that–you sound kind of….different….”
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
((look i know none of yall will understand the context of this but 
((monster au
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this-looks-familiar · 5 years
No, dear Hero, you... misunderstand me. We are all being destroyed, piece by piece, and recreated, piece by piece, day by day, cell by cell. What I offer you is... a larger scale, so gentle. No harm will come to you at all; I offer you, dear Hero, a taste of the sweetest fruit in the universe, I offer you a bite of the meat of the cosmos, infinitely large, infinitely small, infinitely infinite. Tell me, dear Hero, if it pleases you to do so, are you interested?
“ w h a t  d o e s  t h i s  m e a n ”
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