toashesireturn 16 days
i feel like people who were raised religious & gradually started questioning everything they had been told and eventually decided to leave those beliefs behind deserve to burn the holy book of the certain religion at least once in their lifetime
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toashesireturn 19 days
For all the shit i talk about my old youth leader's sermons sometimes, at least when i was in the church he wasn't a doomsday preacher and told us that there have been a lot of end times scares in history and we dont have any reason to think ours will be the real end other than that we are the ones living it. Life will keep going
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toashesireturn 27 days
aaaaaaand they literally made another blog to block evade all of us and post another "callout" of my friend trying to manipulate the perception of events to make them look like a victim. give up already good lordddddddd.
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toashesireturn 28 days
imagine sending someone 17 asks and then pretending you're the one being harassed. be so real right now you cannot be seriousssssss
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toashesireturn 3 months
Forgot to say amen after receiving communion this week and got a weird look from the deacon 馃檹
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toashesireturn 3 months
absolutely insane take from the priest this past sunday but apparently he doesn't consider marriages only carried out at the courthouse and not through the church as real marriages so if you got married and didnt get a specifically catholic marriage then having sex is still a sin. absolutely baffling take along with the rest of the purity culture bs he was spouting
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toashesireturn 4 months
not how i wanted to start my friday but okay
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toashesireturn 4 months
Dipped back into the jw discord server for the first time in a while and actually read the server rules.
Here's some highlights:
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Did they really need to make 3 separate rules about Homosexuality?
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toashesireturn 5 months
okay new pinned being cobbled together with popcicle sticks and glue but.
mostly a vent blog about religion, sometimes other things
ex catholic and exvangelical #its complicated babey
follows/interacts from @/starswallowingsea
not anti-theist btw but i'm against modern american evangelicalism & general religious fundamentalism no matter the religion specifically i think it is rotten to its core. non-fundamentalist religions are fine
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toashesireturn 5 months
I need to update my pinned on here real bad
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toashesireturn 5 months
Listen, i dont mean to sound like a reddit atheist, but... You ever think about how evangelical Chriatians very literally believe that there will be a genocide in which billions of humans, mostly just innocent everyday people, are condemned to suffer in hell?
And, like, that's the end. That's the finale. Of everything they believe. That's their solution for the world. A final one, if you will.
And they don't rebel. They don't say "hey, wait, that's a bit much" and appeal to their God to maybe reconsider. They don't even seem to really mind.
Instead, they worship. They conjure up an image of a genocidal maniac, and they worship it. The word "praise" is bandied about a lot. Praise. For a leader whose endgoal, very transparently, is genocide.
Suddenly a lot of history makes a little more sense.
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toashesireturn 5 months
"Oh you need to bring your family members back to the church it'll be good for them. My brother found himself again once he started going to church again so clearly all of your family members who dont go to church need the same" no. Penis blast
God. I think one of the reasons my parents are way more insistent that I go to church is because one of the new priests is like. Harping on getting family members back to the faith and I openly do not go to church when I live away from home and now I feel like my parents think I have a demon problem
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toashesireturn 5 months
mom going "you'll thank me one day" for dragging me to church against my will. i dont think i will considering i haven't believed since i was like 12 years old and have been hiding it for over a decade.
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toashesireturn 6 months
GOD i fucking hate my parents sometimes
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toashesireturn 6 months
God. I think one of the reasons my parents are way more insistent that I go to church is because one of the new priests is like. Harping on getting family members back to the faith and I openly do not go to church when I live away from home and now I feel like my parents think I have a demon problem
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toashesireturn 6 months
"We're your parents and still pay most of your bills and rent" even the $500 you threatened me with wouldnt cut into my savings I make enough but I know you don't want to do that bc I can put that money on loans and you don't want me moving out because thats a financial burden on me that would make it harder to pay back student loans and my other job is seasonal so I'm only there 5 months out of the year
Why is it so necessary for me to go to church!!!!!! Im 23 i dont care if i live at home im my own fucking person why am i being forced to go
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toashesireturn 6 months
Why is it so necessary for me to go to church!!!!!! Im 23 i dont care if i live at home im my own fucking person why am i being forced to go
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