"I don't know River, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that you were taken from me when you were a baby. But you're with me now, I won't let them take you away from me again."
“You’ll be alright, no one can hurt you now.”
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River just stayed silent and still. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever be alright. 
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"I was....I'll admit a bit afraid, your dad and I...I don't know if I was ready to marry him at the time. But I did and I am married to him. And why wouldn't he want to marry you? I've seen the way he looks at you, he loves you River."
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“Of course I trust you, but you were so young and excitable, running around on the night before your wedding. I hadn’t seen you travelling without Dad before, it was unsettling…And I don’t know if he would have. It took me years to believe he hadn’t just married me because I was killing the universe.”
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Amy knew that River wouldn't have gone with them even if she wanted to. She had told her to look after the Doctor and she trusted that she had been doing just that. She wouldn't have wanted her to be stuck behind with them anyway, even if she still had a desire to properly raise her daughter. "I trust that you have moved on though, even though you've seen me now. Us. You should know that we're happy. We're doing just fine here and we will continue to be okay." Amy was happy, despite the fact that she missed the Doctor and their adventures together, she was where she was always meant to be, with her husband. She nodded a little.
"Really? Wish I'd known about the place sooner, it sounds absolutely fascinating, even if it's shut down. I'm sure that you'll figure out what's going on there. You were always very good at solving mysteries."
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River shook her head, feeling a slight bit guilty. It was always a possibility, with the angel right there after having taken her parents away, but she would never have left the Doctor for her parents. She had to make a decision that day and she hadn’t regretted it since. Perhaps she had not been fond of lacking her best friends and parents, but she never held regret. “No. I thought I would be in his position and never seen you again. I didn’t take that too well for a while,” she admitted, memories of shutting herself away from everything and just writing that damned book in silence flashing across her mind. “So it’s a surprise that I’m even here.” River nodded slowly. “Another spoiler to keep.”
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She nodded with a soft smile. “It’s said to have first editions of every book that was ever printed in the universe. So I’m sure they will be. Don’t know how much reading I’ll get done, though. There’s quite a lot of mystery going on with that planet besides all the books in it. Shut itself down with no recorded reason why. People just barely reopened it again. I’m hoping I can at least find the answer to that. Wouldn’t that be something if I did?
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Amy raised an eyebrow. "So she's your granddaughter too? That seems strange and not a very natural way about doing things either." Susan, maybe the Doctor had mentioned her once before after all. "It's okay. You've got a long history. The both of you do."
Her eyes widened and she back away from him. "You're not going to kill me when you're done with me are you?" He wouldn't tell her if he was, but she knew that she might as well ask. She looked away from him as she murmured, "I know that you don't love me and I don't expect you too either. This...last night, we shouldn't have been together like this and I'm sorry if I've made things complicated for you."
"Are you sneaking out on me?"
His hearts jumped, and he paused a moment, turning back to her. “No– I was just getting water.” he said with a little smile. “– is that okay? Did you want any?”
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     "Of course I don't mind. You're my daughter and you are welcome here at anytime.       So you're okay. Do make yourself at home." Amy smiled gently at her and said,
                       "I do hope that you come around more. I miss you."
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                          ❝ Hope you don’t mind me finding                                          myself at home, but I really                                          needed a cuppa. ❞
She was sure her mother didn’t mind, but she felt the need to say it all the same. 
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“It’s good to go with your gut instincts in life. You should. Even if it doesn’t work out, something good will come out of it.” - Karen Gillan
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Amy shook her head. “Nothing...it’s...forget it.”
"I’m not expecting anything. I just want to…”
“Want to what?” the Doctor asked curiously.
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“River, you can’t stay silent forever. Talk to me. Let me help. I’m here for you now.”
“You’ll be alright, no one can hurt you now.”
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River just stayed silent and still. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever be alright. 
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/That’s the wonderfulness of multishipping. I’m the same way with Amy, just about any character really. Karen Gillan is amazing.
just out of general curiosity, send me a ♥ if you would consider shipping our muses. 
/Yes yes yes, let’s do the shipping thing. I adore Eleven & Amy together.
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"So that's how you escaped the Time War, that explains it." Amy nodded, understanding that it was a long story. "I know, he's told me about you. He seemed...a bit indifferent toward you." She suspected that they might have been friends once even if the Doctor hadn't told her that. "Maybe it was fate bringing us all together." Though she wasn't sure if she believed in fate. Fate lost her a husband and it left her brokenhearted. "I'm sure that the Doctor would be able to figure out why this happened." Or else he would just explain it as paradoxal too. "I'm still talking to you, aren't I? He can't be that much more upset than me." Granddaughter? "I never knew. I mean...I knew that he had kids, but a granddaughter. I wonder why he never mentions any of that." Deep down she knew why, he didn't like to revisit the past, it hurt too much. She just shook her head again and laid back down to make herself more comfortable. "You must only like me because you were Rory. Those feelings must still be lingering. Otherwise you would have never wanted anything to do with me."
"Are you sneaking out on me?"
His hearts jumped, and he paused a moment, turning back to her. “No– I was just getting water.” he said with a little smile. “– is that okay? Did you want any?”
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What the fuck even are these three?
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just out of general curiosity, send me a ♥ if you would consider shipping our muses. 
/Yes yes yes, let’s do the shipping thing. I adore Eleven & Amy together.
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