venusiandivination · 3 years
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Rest of the year 2020 forecast for finances! 
Pile 1
I saw success here, specifically for breaking away from poor financial habits. It looks to me as if you’ve been going through some poverty-like state. Perhaps COVID has taken it’s toll on you, or you’ve lost your job, or you’re just not really sure how to budget and stick to it. I see a success in getting rid of these negative habits for you. I do, however, also see some cancelled celebration or engagement of some kind. I feel as though something big is coming up and you are either going to realize that it is not worth the money - with your newfound financial maturity - or it is going to be cancelled for some other reason. I see you taking a break from responsibilities as well. Now is the time to sit back and relax, and while I don’t condone living off other people, there were several cards here that pointed toward other people’s money. Maybe you are going through a period of time where you’re relying on other’s, and this gives you a sense of what you should be doing with money (being in debt to others does that to us sometimes.) 
Pile 2
I see something not-so-good coming your direction. There is a person surrounding you with a hidden agenda that is going to potentially break your trust. This is going to cause a lot of grief and worry. This is a very deceptive person, and I feel as though I am not telling you anything new, that you already had an inkling of who this was. They think they are being sneaky, but really, you know people and read them well. I feel as though you’re the type of person to help people in need, and this person will take advantage of that. Thievery is a theme there, as well as not standing up for yourself and giving up. This position that you are put in is going to test your faith and make you feel as though there is nothing potentially good in the world. However, I see you making strategic alliances, and really focusing on having the right people in your corner as a result of this. Take action against those who wrong you. There is also an indication that, to make more money, you will potentially decide to go back to school or get more education that will help you in your financial success. I feel like this negativity is going to be the push you needed to finally say, “I’m done with having financial burdens. I am going to do something about my hardships.” 
Pile 3
So for Pile 3 people, I see an offer or an initiation coming, of some sort, that has no real value. Be on the lookout for those wishing to make an offer to you with no commitment, but also be wary of making offers yourself that you do not plan on following through with. There was a lot here about letting go of the past and finding maturity - I see an air of laziness here. There are also going to be battles surrounding you at this time concerning your finances. Your money is going to be tied to your emotions: If you act lazy and non-committal, your money will be lazy and non-committal as well. However, regardless of the battles that you’ll be fighting, I see the potential to rise above these challenges. It’s time to take the bull by the horns, so to speak. You might be feeling alone, and like you do not have any help. This is nothing to be worried about, because you are perfectly capable of fighting these battles and rising above on your own.  
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venusiandivination · 3 years
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venusiandivination · 3 years
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I am offering personal readings over on facebook.com/venusiandivination ! Head over to take a look!
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venusiandivination · 4 years
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Today we’re looking at the rest of 2020! 
Pile 1
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I get the feeling within this spread that you are working toward some goal. The hints in this are that it has to do with another individual, but it could be any goal. I feel as though you are trying to tap into your femininity, and that there is an emphasis on future planning. I do see that you are going to be able to reap the benefits of your labor very soon. I also see the hopeful kind of side of you, where you’re longing for something to happen, perhaps within a relationship. I believe that there are good omens in this spread for that to go well – this could potentially be a soulmate connection. If you are not seeing anyone or longing for anyone, I see that you could have someone come into your life through friendship that is a soulmate. There’s going to be some reflection and forgiveness that is needed here. “Stop focusing your life on past events, for life is too precious to waste.” Perhaps the person that is coming back into your life hurt you in the past – do not focus on what they did, but what could come out of this potential friendship or relationship. I see this happening within the next few weeks - very quickly.
Pile 2
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For Pile 2, I see a resilience that is going to be needed before the year ends. It looks like a lot is going to be happening – bad news, negative energy, feeling left out in the cold or potential financial hardship, and deceit. However, with the Queen of Wands and the VII of Wands, I see you rising to the occasion and making it through it without any sweat off your back. You are going to roll with the punches, and though it may seem like your world is falling down around you, you’re going to take the brunt of it and blossom it into something worth having. I see reminders to look to your Higher Power, and reminders that the universe is working through you. The ability to rise to the occasion is within you, not in some outward body. Regardless of the setbacks you might encounter before the end of the year, you’re going to make it through to a very peaceful time. It’s going to seem like your world is falling down around you, but just remember that what falls can be rebuilt into something ten times better than what it was before.
Pile 3
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I see some romance coming your way. You may be feeling stuck right now, or just chillin’ waiting for the tides to turn in your favor and enjoying singledom, but I see someone coming in and sweeping you off your feet before the year closes. This will be a fated encounter, whether a soulmate, karmic relationship, or twin flame. I feel as though for most of you, you already know this person and they have been watching you with crush-like admiration. Something tells me that you didn’t really want this to happen – like you’re enjoying your time alone, but the cards recommend to dream and accept with open arms. Use this relationship to figure out what you want in life. Let it lift some burdens off you. Use it to reinvent yourself. This relationship is going to feel completely balanced and rewarding. There will be equal give and take, and it will make you wonder where they’ve been all your life. Use your intuition, let this relationship help you build up your sixth sense. Not many people are blessed with a relationship of this caliber, so be thankful and enjoy it.
Pile 4
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For this pile, I see a time of celebration and wishes coming true. I see maybe some studious tendencies, so you could be younger, or older and in school. There are many points of happiness coming to you before the end of the year. I see a big celebration happening, perhaps a wedding, that will bring you great joy. I pulled two soulmate cards, letting me know that you could be meeting your twin flame before the year closes. I get the feeling that you have high hopes for something and that you are trying to manifest something. The cards are telling me that you are the creator of your own happiness. You have the ability to manifest your desires, so if you are wishing for something, manifesting it will bring it tenfold into something better than you can imagine. If you ask the universe, you will be rewarded. I see a message coming in, or perhaps just good communication. I see you seeking out knowledge, like I said earlier perhaps in a school setting. Maybe you are older but are starting a new journey with child-like optimism. This message applies to those of you who are not attracting a soulmate, but attracting a better career, or perhaps more money, or maybe even a better, healthier lifestyle. YOU are the creator. YOU have the ability to create these things for yourself. Asking the universe is one way, and if you believe that the universe will supply, it will supply even better than what you thought. It is also up to you to do the work. It may seem like you are fighting a never ending battle, but good things are blossoming from what work you’re putting in!
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venusiandivination · 4 years
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What is being hidden from you?
 The question I asked the tarot today is “What is being hidden from you?” A couple of messages that came out seemed to be more on the air of how you’re doing rather than what is being hidden, but nevertheless, here is your reading!
Click the “Keep Reading” tab and scroll to the pile that you chose to see your reading.
  Pile 1
I am sensing that you are out of balance, Pile 1. I feel as though you are not feeling much like you have control over your life and it is causing you to feel “out of whack.” With the Temperance and the Wheel of Fortune in reverse, there isn’t a sense of peace in your life – perhaps you just feel like you’ve been given a long stream of bad luck. This is due to external forces, so you can rest assured that it has nothing to do with you. This could mean many things, such as you are going through a lesson period that you have not quite made it through yet, and therefore feel as though everything has gone downhill because the Universe is trying to push you to learn your lesson. It could also mean that somebody is trying to keep you down. This doesn’t mean that you can’t fight it, though! I do feel this has more to do with karma to be repaid, however, because of the Six of Pentacles. This card always talks about being generous and forgiving – giving away to charity, helping those in need, and giving what you can to those who are less fortunate than you. It is possible to pull yourself out of this funk by giving back. I also pulled Capricorn, which speaks of ambition and goal-setting. Perhaps you need to sit down and figure out how you’re going to pull yourself out? Strive to be a better person, and the Universe will reward you. I also pulled Uranus, which talks of sudden transformation, much like The Tower card. Typically, these cards show up when something sudden is going to happen and break down everything you know as it is to create and rebuild something better. I believe that you, yourself, need to be the genius behind this transformation. Use Capricorns wisdom to really plan out how you’re going to do better and break down everything that isn’t serving you. Uranus is pushing you to be the brains behind the fallout. Regardless if you are not in control of what is happening in your life, this is your reminder that you ARE in control of 1. How you react to these external forces and 2. What you do to try and change your circumstances.
  Pile 2
I feel like your emotions are being put on the backburner here, Pile 2. I am getting that maybe you tried put your toe in the water of love and were left out in the cold, perhaps. Ace of Cups and Five of Pentacles tell me that you were in the bliss of something emotionally driven, and suddenly it was yanked out from underneath you and gave way to an ignorance about your feelings. I pulled The Lovers as well, which is a very good sign. This can indicate a soulmate connection, however, I feel in this context it is just reminding you that there will be more love to come. It’s not over yet! If this emotionally driven situation was not relationship-related, then I feel The Lovers are going to ask you to make a decision soon. Whatever it is that you are ignoring is going to demand an answer – although The Lovers feels like a soft, sort of mushy card, it is still part of the Major Arcana. I pulled Cancer, which also indicates that you have been pushing your feelings aside regarding this matter and trying to ignore it. Cancers love being in partnership – they quite literally love love – and you are going to have to face love eventually. You aren’t going to be able to put it off and hide from it forever! I also pulled Chiron, which can be a kind of difficult healing. You heal, but in a very intense way. Chiron is all about facing yourself, realizing all of the ugly parts of you to dig deep and heal those wounds. Your Shadow Self is always appearing in every decision you make, so maybe recognize those traits that you are suppressing and work out the kinks to become the best you – then see your dreams realized.
Pile 3
I’m getting a very defeated feeling here with the Seven of Wands reversed and the Three of Swords. I feel as though you have had to grieve something recently, and it’s completely taken the wind out of you. You’ve basically given up. This could be a relationship, the loss of a loved one (whether in death or a non-romantic break-up,) or even perhaps the loss of a job you really liked, or the end to career you thought you wanted. I’m sensing that this has been extremely difficult for you, so much so that I even want to say I’m sorry. I think you have really been defeated by this situation. I’m not getting the sense that you’re unsure of where to go, more unsure that you WANT to go. But unfortunately, tarot is always here to help you, whether you like it or not. I pulled the Four of Pentacles reversed, which is all about letting go of situations and moving forward. The Four of Pentacles upright describes a greedy, selfish person. Reversed, it’s all about being open to new things and lightheartedly going where life takes us. The oracle I pulled for you are Aquarius, which is the sign of humanitarianism. “I Know” is written across the front of the card, and I feel that is where this is leading – You KNOW it’s time to stop grieving. You KNOW it’s time to let go and move on. I also pulled Mercury Retrograde, which is all about reinvention! During a Mercury Retrograde, we typically aren’t ourselves – our words get jumbled and we feel like we’re glitching in the Matrix. I feel like this is where you are now, right in the middle of an unexpected failure. But when Mercury goes direct, we don’t continue those mishaps and mistakes. We get up and fix what needs to be fixed, and we move on. Find the motivation and get up, because you’re only as good as your next move.
Pile 4
The only thing I really want to start off with looking at all of these cards as a whole, is how freaking powerful of a person you are, Pile 4. You are K-I-L-L-I-N-G it. I believe what is hidden from you IS this power. You’re not aware that you are a badass. Perhaps with the Magician reversed, you are aware but not using it wisely. That will not be the case for most of you, however, with the Empress seated right next to him. Perhaps someone in your life is manipulative and trying to keep you from seeing your own worth. However, I believe you are owning your feminine side, creating and manifesting everything around you whether you know it or not, and despite any attempt at pushing you down. I also pulled The Sun for you, meaning positivity at it’s highest in a tarot deck, and the absolute best of life to come. Perhaps you are working hard toward something right now, as I pulled Taurus, all about material possessions and what is in the bank account. Whether that be working overtime to afford a car or just have a little extra cushion in the bank account in case you decide you need something down the line. Whatever it is, you are on the right path with North Node. The North Node is all about life’s path forward, going more toward the North Node in this lifetime to get away from the South Node of your past lifetimes. North Node is THE lesson you should be learning, and I feel as though you have it down pat.
Pile 5
With the World and the Hermit reversed, I feel a lot of stagnation and loneliness, Pile 5. You are not feeling like you’re getting anywhere with whatever it is that you’re trying to accomplish. Perhaps the state of world currently has you on edge and is truly getting to your state of mind. The Five of Wands reversed lets me know that the battle is going to be short-lived. However long you have been feeling this way, you’re going to come out on top soon. A solution to your worries is coming quickly, and you’re going to get out of this rut to realize the true potential of the World at its most powerful – success and accomplishment. Perhaps you’ve already come across the solution and it is just hidden to you, as would be the namesake of this reading. For your oracle I pulled the Twelfth House, which is generally about our subconscious. The unknown part of us lives in the Twelfth house. Those mannerisms that we are unaware of and can let take over us without really being aware it’s happening. Look to your chart and see what sign lies in the Twelfth house – perhaps it is Leo, where your ego is almost nonexistent, or Libra, where we learn to balance ourselves. Perhaps this will give you the push you have been needing. I also pulled Scorpio, the dark sign of transformation that is ruled by Pluto. This sign is about death, taxes, and those darker parts of life that are necessary to see the better parts. I feel as though the transformation is coming soon, along with the Five of Wands reversed. The recommendation here is to let your desires be known, outwardly and to yourself. Perhaps you are not really sure why you’re in this rut, but a little but of inward reflection will tell you exactly where you want to be, and pushing this desire into the Universe will make it happen!
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venusiandivination · 4 years
I took the plunge and created a youtube video! Trying to get my channel up off the ground. 
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venusiandivination · 4 years
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What to expect in 2020? 
Pile 1 (left) 2, 3, 4  (right) 
Pick a pile and then scroll down to your pick and see what the year 2020 has in store for you!
Pile 1 I sense that you will be going through a very big change in your life - a new beginning is at your fingertips! I see you having great success in this new beginning. You have Judgement, Expect Powerful Change, Life's Purpose, and The Fool. I feel that you have a decision to make and you're going to be battling between your head and your heart this year. You have Use your Mind Wisely, Get More Information, and The Lover's Oracle, "The answer dwells in your heart, not in your mind." I think you need to use both your mind and your heart wisely this year. If you are at a crossroads, seek more information. I also pulled for you, Bitterness. Perhaps you are going through a situation now that will lead you to resentment next year. As I said, you are destined for success this year with the Six of Wands. So do not focus on the negative!
Pile 2 I see that maybe you're going through a situation right now that has you confused. Fear not, this year is going to bring you a lot of clarity. I have the cards The Moon, Clarity, You're Ready, and the Ten of Cups. Things seem to be getting much better for you! The Lover's Oracle card I have for you is "A Message for You - I'm thinking of you at this very moment. Your love fills me with light." Just know that you have a secret admirer on your hands. I also pulled the Three of Swords and Nothing will Come of this Situation. I see some difficulties rising up this year. You're going to go through some kind of ending that will have you confused and greiving. However, with the Ten of Cups popping up, I don't feel that you are going to dwell on this for long. Things are getting better! I also pulled for you Life is Speeding Up, and Escape. This year is going to go by very quickly! I see you getting kind of lost for part of the year, unsure where the boundary is and where to really focus. Don't get lost in the fog for too long!
Pile 3 I see a change happening with the Lunar Eclipse card coming out. With Compromise and Honey cards, I see you getting yourself into a situation that you might need a bit of help out of. You will have to compromise here, but it is worth doing! Frog Spirit tells us to Clear out the clutter from our lives, and your Lover's Oracle card is "Friendship." I feel that there's going to be a lot of changes to the little ways that you do things this year. It's going to be a year full of minor tweaks that make your overall life a whole lot better. The tarot I pulled for you is The Empress, Four of Swords, and Seven of Wands. The Empress is the card of the divine feminine, abundance, pregnancy. To receive her in your reading, I feel that this year is going to bring a lot of luck to your side. I see with the four of wands that you will potentially take a hiatus from being social, potentially go rogue for a bit. However, I see you really getting things done during this time with the Seven of Wands. I also have Surrender to the Divine for you - perhaps you are in a conflict this year that doesn't seem to end, and this causes you to become MIA. Let go of whatever it is that isn't serving you. Also, know that the universe has your back!
Pile 4 This is my soulmate pile! I see Romance and true love coming into your life in 2020. I pulled The Seventh House - Partners, Rose, Sacred Union, and Temperance. A truly sacred relationship is making it's way into your life. If there was any question that this was your soul mate, this is it! I also see you taking the reigns on your world with Lizard Spirit and the Page of Wands. Lizard Spirit says "Dream the world into being," and Page of Wands is all about creativity and optimistic energy! Knight of Swords lets us know that this will potentially be a very quick year - or that whatever you've been waiting for is coming surprisingly fast! I also pulled for you Meditate and Contemplate, and The Situation Will Improve. You may be going through a rough patch right now, but just know that these good feelings are on the horizon!
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venusiandivination · 4 years
What would you like to see?
I like to stick to a more healing area of what tarot can do in helping you on this journey of life. However! I would like to know what you want to see in pick a card readings! Keep in mind that pick a card readings are general. What questions do YOU want answered? Please interact with this post and let me know!
For personal readings or specific questions, I do have an Etsy!
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venusiandivination · 4 years
I just created a Twitter! I’m not down with the youths, so forgive me. Find me at @VenusianDivina1
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venusiandivination · 4 years
What would you like to see?
I like to stick to a more healing area of what tarot can do in helping you on this journey of life. However! I would like to know what you want to see in pick a card readings! Keep in mind that pick a card readings are general. What questions do YOU want answered? Please interact with this post and let me know!
For personal readings or specific questions, I do have an Etsy!
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venusiandivination · 4 years
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What area of your life needs improvement? Another pick a card!
Pile 1 (left) to Pile 4 (right)
Choose your pile and then scroll down to your choice to figure out what it is that you need to focus on!
Pile 1
Judgement and The Fool - You are going through an awakening right now that offers the promise of a new beginning. Judgement is typically about a higher calling - translating literally to the last judgement. The Fool is all about new beginnings. Together, I feel that you’re under the scrutiny of a spiritual eye. You are being called to reach your absolute true potential. The Lovers and The Devil - two opposite cards. Polarities. The Lovers on one hand, offering a soul mate connection, true happiness, a union blessed by angels. The Devil on the other hand, about addiction, being bound to one another but not happy, something destined to be cursed by a higher power. I feel that you have a decision to make correlating specifically to your calling. You are being asked to let go of something from your past, or be bound by it. All of these cards are major arcana, which leads me to believe that this decision is a big one. It is important to how your life will be from here on out. Your oracle advice is, “Your dreams need a practical plan,” and, “Don’t let your past hold you back.” Do not be afraid to let go of things that do not serve you, and set goals so that you can stay on the right track!
Pile 2
The Sun and Death - There is a transformation that needs to happen within you with the Death card, all about transition and changes. The Sun is the most positive card in the deck, all about abundance and true happiness. With these together, I feel that you’re happy to make the change, or that you are unsure you want to because things are going so well. I feel like you know exactly what it is that’s transforming because it’s already presented itself to you. Some of you are seeing this change right in front of you and are elated with the possibility, but I get the feeling that most of you are unsure about it because you are afraid that you don’t have what it takes to really transform. Queen of Wands, the Magician, Four of Wands - The Queen here is all about your confidence level. Some of you are already embodying her, seeing this change in front of you and knowing you have what it takes. Others are worried but take this as advice! The Magician is about having the tools to make it happen - he’s a master of his trade and confident in his abilities. The Four of Wands is all about celebration and community. These are amazing cards to receive together, all about confidence and what lies on the other side of this transformation! Nothing but good vibes are coming out of this spread for you. Do not be worried or scared, for what is presenting itself to you is your path! Your advice oracle cards are, “Balance spirituality and practicality,” and, “Be bold and make the first move.” I can’t stress enough how positive this is, what are you even waiting for?!
Pile 3
Eight of Swords and Six of Pentacles - I feel like there is an area of your life where you are feeling stuck and I’m inclined to believe that it has to do with money or career. Eight of Swords is about being blindfolded and stuck, and it appeared here twice. Six of Pentacles is about generosity, or having something that others want/need. Eight of Swords and Five of Pentacles - on the other hand, Five of Pentacles is about financial loss. Perhaps you have lost a job recently, or bills just seem to build up and there’s no end in sight. Or, not taken so literally, the Five of Pentacles can mean feeling abandoned and left out in the cold. I feel that your message here is to remember, the person in the Eight of Swords is typically blinded, however, they have the ability to take the blindfold off and see more clearly. Take a step back and really look at the situation. You are trying to make a transition from the Five - abandoned, in depths of bad luck - to the Six - with the ability to be generous and give out what you have. Whatever area of your life that you are feeling abandoned and left out in the cold is where you need to focus your energy. Your advice oracle is, “Confidence is your key to success.” No matter what brings you down in life, you have the ability to face it head on with confidence. Fake it til you make it - even if you are not in the best place right now doesn’t mean that you can’t pretend you are!
Pile 4
Five of Wands and Page of Pentacles - The five of Wands is about conflict. Page of Pentacles can be an offer coming in, but I’m inclined to look at the Page aspect more than the Pentacles because you have two. Your oracle at the end of this leads me to believe that this conflict is within you rather than an outside force, but we’ll talk more about that- Ten of Swords and Page of Swords - so all together I feel the energy of needing to focus on the conflict in your life. Perhaps there’s an ending that really needs to happen. With the Ten of Swords, it’s going to be a painful ending. This won’t be easy, but with two Pages I see an offer coming in once you finally let this go. I am seeing either a situation involving another person where the fighting has just become too much, or - with two Swords cards - a mental turmoil that is holding you back. Put a stop to it once and for all. It is absolutely not serving you to continue to entertain these actions. Your advice oracle is, “Surrender to the Divine.” I’m getting a feeling of trying to fight something that is working it’s way into your life. Your advice is asking you to let go. Nothing good can come from trying to fight off what you’re meant for. You may be aware of an offer already that has come in, but you may be weighing the option as something you don’t really want. These cards are telling you to stop fighting it. While it will be difficult, there is a grand plan for you and you need to stay on track!
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venusiandivination · 4 years
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Pick pile 1 (left) through 5 (right) and scroll down to see your pile! Just FYI, this was a very, very basic reading, so they aren’t very long! Thank you for reading!
Pile 1
I feel that you want to walk away from something that is keeping you from becoming successful. I see with the Eight of Cups that you want to walk away from something, or perhaps you’re feeling abandoned yourself. You want your life to be playful, yet intelligent. You want some mental clarity, or perhaps you’re waiting on an offer for mental clarity with the Page of Swords. Perhaps you are in school gaining that mental clarity on your own! The Chariot is all about success, being triumphant, and winning the battle.
Pile 2
Here we have the Two of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, and Death. I feel like there is a transformation you need to go through with the Death card. But I see you looking toward your future for a partnership that allows you to be independent. The Queen of Pentacles is typically about being a sturdy mother, one that is successful outside of her home but balances her work-home life well. She’s the caregiver that makes her own money. Two of cups is about partnership and union, and is even a soulmate card. I feel that you want to be financially independent, and be able to support yourself, but also have love from someone that understands your need for this.
Pile 3
I feel like you have a wish that you are trying to manifest. You are in luck today, as the Nine of Cups is all about wishes coming true! Justice is typically about you get what you give - You’ll reap what you sow. However, this isn’t a bad thing, if you haven’t been a bad person! The Moon is about secrets and illusions, but also typically means that clarity is coming. With these three cards together, I can’t help but say, “Be careful what you wish for.”
Pile 4
This is my spiritual awakening pile. I can see with the Judgement card that perhaps you have been going through a spiritual awakening, or you really just are wondering what your calling is. With the Page of Cups, I see you are either waiting for, or will receive, an offer of love. Cups also have to do with creativity, so perhaps you’re in the beginning stages of a creative project. I see you have some burdens to bear with the Ten of Wands. This is nothing to worry about, as with Judgement, everything becomes clear whether you are ready or not!
Pile 5
I think you are wanting to plan your future with your lover. We have the Three of Wands, The Lovers, and the Ace of Swords. Perhaps you are planning things right now, whether with someone or not. I see that The Lovers that this is a soulmate connection, and if you are currently not with someone, you are wishing to have it. The Ace of Swords is about mental clarity. Perhaps your mind is currently jumbled and you are seeking mental clarity, or you are looking for clarity that you have met your soulmate. If it’s the latter, this is it!
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venusiandivination · 4 years
For personal readings!
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venusiandivination · 4 years
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What burdens do you need to leave behind? With this reading I asked three decks three questions. 1. What is burdening you? 2. What are my current energies/What is holding me back? 3. What energies are coming into my life?
Pile 1 (left,) 2, 3, Pile 4 (right.)
Pick a pile and then scroll to your pile.
Pictures of your reading at the bottom!
Pile 1
I’m sensing that you need to move away from isolation. The Hermit says that you are pulling back, perhaps feeling left out with the Five of Pentacles, and it has been happening for quite some time with the Knight of Pentacles. I’m also seeing that potentially some financial struggles forced you to retreat. For your current energy - what is holding you back - I pulled The Wheel of Fortune, The High Priestess, and the Ten of Wands. Perhaps things in your life just don’t seem to be going your way. I also feel that you are not listening to your intuition enough. I see that this energy of isolation is a very big burden for you, and it’s hard to let it go. However, the energy you are moving into seems promising. If you continue to hold onto your burdens, you have the Devil card, which is about being chained by something - whether it be addiction or psychological. If you are to release these energies, I see the King of Cups and the King of Wands. You will mature emotionally and spiritually, giving you the tools to not focus so much on those nuances from daily life.
Pile 2
First of all, there are three pages in your reading, so I believe you will be getting good news soon! For what burden you need to release, I pulled the Page of Wands, Ten of Pentacles, and The High Priestess. Pages are generally immature, and with wands energy that is even more amplified. I think you need to release an ideal of the perfect life. Ten of Pentacles is about everything falling into place, being stable, and just generally being financially well off. In this position, especially with the High Priestess, I think you have this need for stability that you are not receiving. The message here is that everything will not be okay all the time, and it is immature to expect it to be. Life is about ups and downs, and has so many aspects that it would be hard for it all to fall into place at the same time. So don’t fret! For your current energy - what is holding you back, I pulled the Page of Pentacles, Four of Pentacles, and Seven of Cups. Four of Pentacles indicates that you are holding onto this ideal, hoarding it even, and are unwilling to let it go. However, with the Page of Pentacles and the Seven of Cups, I see that there are many offers of stability around you that you are ignoring because you’re so focused on what you don’t want to let go. The energy that is coming toward you is the Queen of Wands, the Fool, and the Page of Cups. I see an offer of emotional stability coming in, perhaps a new love offer. New beginnings are coming if you are willing to let go of these energies with The Fool. Finally, the Queen of Wands is about confidence and spiritual maturity.
Pile 3
For your burdened energy, I pulled The Tower, The Empress, and the Ten of Swords. I see that you are trying to create abundance with the Empress, but painful endings and upheaval have kept you from it. When everything seems to come crashing down, it can take a while to rebuild. Now is the time to put in the work, and really release these negative things that have happened in your life. Your current energy is the Ace of Swords, King of Pentacles, and The World. I see you really coming out of this energy and putting in the work with the King of Pentacles. There is much needed mental clarity coming with the Ace of Swords. You are truly going to put this behind you with the World card, all about ending cycles positively! For your future energy, I see that you are going to have a hard decision between hoarding something and sharing it freely. The Two of Swords is about difficult decisions, Four of Pentacles about not wanting to let something go, and Six of Pentacles about being generous. Six of Pentacles can indicate having something that is coveted by others, so abundance is coming!
Pile 4
For your burdened energy, I pulled the Eight of Wands, the Wheel of Fortune, and the Chariot. Typically these cards are very good in a reading, but in this placement I feel that you have some communication issues, or downright arguments, that you are holding onto. The Wheel of Fortune is about the ups and downs of life, the cycle, and perhaps this was just a negative time in your life where arguments seemed to happen back to back. This could also just be saying that you have had a hard time communicating what you want. For what is holding you back, I pulled The Hierophant, Judgement, and The Empress. A side note, there are many major arcana in this reading and I feel as though this is to say that even though this might seem like a minor problem to many, it still resonates as a big problem to you. The Hierophant is about tradition, Judgement literally translating to Judgement day, or spirituality and rite of passage, and The Empress about abundance and the divine feminine. I get the feeling that you are worried you are going to offend your life path in some way by standing up for yourself. Whatever is burdening you, you are scared that it is going to go against the traditions in which you were raised or perhaps a religion you are expected to follow. Maybe you have even had arguments with your mother that you have really hit you hard and you’re unsure of where to go from here because that’s your mother. However, for your future energies, I also pulled The Hierophant, along with the Five of Wands and Strength. The Hierophant is in this placement as if to say that your traditions will not suffer so much from what you are worried they will. You need to stand up for yourself within these arguments with the Strength and Five of Wands together. You have the Strength to do it, and it will not cause an unending riff between you and whomever or whatever you’re fearing it will. Be true to yourself and don’t worry so much about offending others.
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venusiandivination · 4 years
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Pile 1 (left) 2,3, Pile 4 (right)
Pick a pile and then scroll down to find your reading! Pictures of your reading at the bottom of this post.
Pile 1
I get a very slow, long feel from the Knight of Pentacles right off the bat. Whatever you have been battling seems to come from your past with the Six of Cups, and it has been a slow process. However, with the Sun and the Seven of Pentacles, I see that you are moving out of this burden you’ve been carrying. The Sun is the most positive card you can receive in tarot. The Seven of Pentacles is about reaping the benefits of hard work, so I can see that you have put in the effort to get rid of this negative energy. It is finally paying off. Your advice card is “It’s time to release negativity.” Perhaps you are still holding onto some of the past or whatever is burdening you, and your advice is to let it go once and for all! You are completely capable of getting rid of this energy!
Pile 2
I am seeing for this pile that there is a heartbreak that you have not fully healed from with the Three of Swords. The Two of Pentacles is leading me to believe that you might think you have gotten over it because you have not really had time to pay attention to it with juggling so much, but it still needs to be addressed - these feelings need to be felt. I see with the Magician and the Three of Wands a promising future! The magician lets us know that we have the tools to get the job done - perhaps you had avoided facing your feelings because you were unsure that you were able to. You are more than capable, and with that comes the Three of Wands, all about future planning and looking toward what life has to offer you. The Hierophant with the Page of Cups let’s me know that there is an offer of love and stability ahead for you. The Hierophant is all about traditional unions and institutions, and can even indicate marriage. The Page of Cups is about an offer being made of emotional grounds. We will end with your advice card, “A time to give rather than take.” Now is your moment to really be selfless, and this will help you heal from past relationships that may still be lingering.
Pile 3
I feel that there is a disconnect in communication here with the Ace of Swords and your advice card, “Communication is key.” Perhaps you had trouble during the recent mercury retrograde that took place. It seems whatever this lack of communication was is still haunting you. Maybe the words of others have really taken their toll on you. I am getting very strong energy here, though! The Emperor, all about assertiveness and stability - The King of Wands stepping up with fiery passion. You have it in you to stand up for yourself, or at the very least some confidence within you to pay no mind to the opinions of others. You need to heal from within, and I see hard work paying off with the Seven of Pentacles! Work on building up your confidence and being more assertive when the conversation isn’t going your way.
Pile 4
A lot of cards popped out for this reading, so I’m getting a crazed kind of energy with a lot going on! The Devil had come out, indicating possible addiction that you have been dealing with (within yourself or another person.) I also pulled the Nine of Swords, which is about fear, anxiety, and depression. I also see the Eight of Swords, indicating the feeling of being stuck. There is a lot of soul work that needs to be done here. Firstly, with the Eight of Swords, there’s usually an indication of being stuck by your own doing. That’s not to say you’re at fault for the problems in your life, but more indicating that you can find your way out of the Swords if you’d just take off the blindfold to see. I get with the Queen Of Wanda and the High Priestess that you potentially are a very spiritual person, but just haven’t been able to express this lately. Maybe you feel as though you have fallen away from your religion and it is causing anxiety. Perhaps you are not listening to your intuition. Page of Wands points to an offer being made to you very soon, potentially to pull you out of this rut where everything seems to be going wrong. I see abundance coming for you in your future with the Lovers and the Ten of Pentacles. The Lovers not only means soulmate connections, but I also see it as an abundance of good luck and good feelings. Ten of Pentacles indicates a time when everything seems to fall into place. You are financially, emotionally, and spiritually stable. It is coming to you so do not fret and replay those haunting thoughts, because your life will not always be this downhill. Your advice cards are, “Work through your fears,” “Adjustments are required,” “The energy is gaining momentum,” and “You and your loved ones are safe.” I get the feeling that there is a LOT of anxiety surrounding simple areas of your life. Just know that there is no crisis - I know to believe these things is easier said than done, but try to work on not being a worrier! Regardless, good things are coming to you. I wish you the best of luck!
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17 notes · View notes
venusiandivination · 4 years
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A beautiful reading! Having faith, soul mate connections, new beginnings and mental clarity, balance and unwavering happiness. 🖤
Check out my Etsy to book personal readings! (It is kind of under construction at the moment so bear with me!)
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venusiandivination · 5 years
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by ghost‏
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