verdemint · 9 hours
Okay but what exactly is the cultural influence of Vale? I'd love to hear a first person Italian pov. Also what's Ferrari's influence like?
heiiii, so thank u for asking me! I'm gonna try to explain vale and Ferrari based also on my specific perspective.
In italy formula 1 and Motogp are really popular (not on the level of football) but how and why they're so popular is a little bit different esp in recent years. If we look at the beginning of formula 1 a lot of the drivers were Italians and thats coz in Italy there's always being this "cultura del motore", literally means "culture" for cars and motors as a whole. Thats because we have a lot of companies and factories specialised in this since the 60s/70s, for example the tyres that are used in formula 1 are all Pirelli tyres (an italian company that has always worked on this from like the 70's). From the 90s/00s the italian motor industries started to focus more on the luxury industries, where they don't produce products for everyday use but just for excellence and Italians have become very proud of this heritage of excellence (this also apply to fashion and design with brands like Gucci, Versace,...). So in motors we have brands like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Ducati, Moto Guzzi.
So in formula 1 you have a country that loves motors, where a lot of people work with motors and are very patriotic and u put there an Italian team thats also a team of "excellence" that stands for luxury and elite > people do get obsessed for it!
Thats how the whole obsession for Ferrari started, they became this iconic team so much now that the color red is basically associated with just them, a red car is a Ferrari in the mind of most children I think, it became an obvious association. Also Ferrari has been in formula 1 from the very beginning basically and helped shape how we see formula 1 now and for Italians they're not watching f1 they're watching Ferrari.
In recent years the Schumacher dominance era in a Ferrari car really did make everyone go even crazier for Ferrari, what's better than seeing your team win?
Motogp is a little bit different. We have the same culture of motor obsessed people in Italy but motorcycles esp in the 70s/80s were less associated with the idea of luxury and elite and more with crazy riders risking their life and the whole Americana culture about motorcycles that was really popular in Italy as well. Thats why even tho ducati has been participating in Motogp for a long time they're way less iconic than Ferrari, their idea of luxury didn't really match with the vibes of the motorcycling world (and still doesn't really). So till the 90s Motogp was about this crazy guys risking their lives through horrific injuries and it was a very much "macho man" type of sport (toxic masculinity ofc) and then u have Valentino Rossi. he's young, he looks like a boyish girl, he's charismatic and knows how to play with the cameras to make fun of others, of himself and of the audience (look at the Polleria Osvaldo joke) as well. He has this boyish attitude to the sport that really contrast with a lot of older more stoic riders > people went crazy about him. But thats the story we all know, about how he completely transform the entire sport as a whole, how he put on a show where he was and still IS the main character and the main narrator as well. Motogp became FUN but for Italians he became an idol!
Most of his sketches and little scenes were in italian and they were aired on the national public broadcasting company in Italy: RAI. He was more well known than Motogp as a whole, the news only talked about him every Sunday, he made people start to watch an entire new sport just to see him being silly lol
for example my mom has never watched a single Motogp race but she knows all about the little sketches Valentino used to make after the races, like the running to bathroom moment, or riding with the blond doll...
Vale was not only a master of communication but he was a master of communication to young people, he was just like them! , he influenced an entire generation to get the stupid little earring and all his haircuts lol
Boys saw themself in him, a young silly boy who loved to announce to everyone that he loved women and having fun! Girls loved him because he was a funny guy, a nice guy and a little bit of a loser!
Anyway I grew up in a family not particularly fan of neither Motogp or formula 1 or even football (my dad is more of a basketball guy), with the only exception being my cousin that at like 13 became a super fan of motorcycles in general and he bought his first motocross, why? because of Valentino ofc
Motorcycles as a whole concept became associated with just Valentino (not with a company name like Ferrari)> people started to buy bikes and everything, even now every time I see someone with a helmet like half of the time they have the little 46 sticker on it.
I don't know when I learned who Valentino Rossi is, because I've always know his name, I didn't even know what Motogp was or even what is a race, but as a little child I knew about Valentino Rossi, didn't know what he was doing, didn't know he was a rider but I knew him!
Also funfact: rossi is the most common surname in Italy, but nowadays if someone is called Rossi the first thing people say is "Rossi? Come Valentino?" > he took the most common name in Italy and made it HIS.
soo thats it, Italians feel free to add stuff! sorry it became a super long rant about Italians, upsi
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verdemint · 11 hours
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verdemint · 11 hours
part of the reason why the whole "men/boys are taught not to cry!!!! its so sad for them!!!!" thing bothers me is because so many women i know went through childhood and young adult life staring into the middle distance in order to be taken seriously as people. its devastating to learn as a child that crying is associated with "femininity" weakness and hysteria and to witness all around you how these farcical patriarchal claims are used to dismiss women's distress. different human emotions being assigned specific genders and "feminine emotions" specifically being belittled and degraded can actually make women recoil from them in order to be treated like a person, isn't that funny
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verdemint · 11 hours
uff if carlos is dropping f1 all together im gonna miss his hair, he was the only one in the entire grid not actively balding
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verdemint · 11 hours
I was bored so I made a quiz!!! Find out which member of the vr46 academy you are here 🫶🏻🫶🏻
(Don't go with the obvious answer... I randomised the answers ;))
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verdemint · 11 hours
I'd love a post about bezz's ig posts!
okay so, bez wrote two posts regarding the whole 2015 championship fiasco. or at least, two posts that survived the test of time, but since he didn't delete these two i sincerely doubt he deleted anything else.
post number one:
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the text on the picture says: "on lions' corpses celebrate dogs, believing they won, but lions remain lions and dogs remain dogs" which, wild, but i've hear italian men saying this so much i was almost unfazed. (almost) somehow, the caption is worse. "I hear people talking about motorbikes like fags that talk about pussy cit Carlo Pernat Nothing else to add forza @valeyellow46"
like. 😀😀
and then, when somebody commented that he was disappointed by vale's action and that he would have never wore vale's cap again and would have tried to buy agostini's one, bez replied "ma stai zitto e compra il cappello di sto cazzo" which i cannot directly translate but can be summarized as "shut up and go fuck yourself"
the second post is more about bez fangirling post valencia:
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"you are and you will remain my idol for all my life. Great @valeyellow46, super comeback, with the heart of a 15 years old boy as always! You're great, really great!"
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verdemint · 15 hours
well well well… if it isn’t andrea migno being a cute goofball and pecco totally not being impressed, whatsoever. xfactor next andrea ??
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verdemint · 1 day
its actually football first, then vale, then Ferrari and then maybe the church
There are three religions in Italy
One is the catholic church
The second is Ferrari
The third is whatever the fuck Valentino Rossi got going on
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verdemint · 1 day
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ale cedro from ig…
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verdemint · 2 days
What the Martin announcement looked to me, an italian
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verdemint · 2 days
guys domi doing her addio al nubilato/bachelorette party and calling it “pecChino express”
too cute 🥺
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verdemint · 2 days
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bez playing pingpong in pink shorts, cute cute
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verdemint · 2 days
'my love, the most important thing while baking is?'
'with love! 😃' [stirs bowl with the force of a v8 engine]
nico rosberg spent lockdown actually baking vegan cake with his family 18.04.20
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verdemint · 2 days
no, thats actually so cute
.. stop this is so cute actually 😭
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verdemint · 2 days
Enea was yappin and the girls were not having it
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italian gp: marco bezzecchi, pecco bagnaia + enea bastianini at the start of moto3
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verdemint · 2 days
lewis the type of guy to buy u a cactus while ditching u
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verdemint · 2 days
I mean if this marc to ducati rumour is somehow true I can’t wait for pecco to completely obliterate him next year
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