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This is a video explaining a situation that happened in Romania earlier this year. It particularly affected me because I have family in Romania who are victims of corruption, which is a systemic form of violence.
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This picture was meant as a joke. It's a mashup saying that Donald Trump will not deport attractive hispanic ladies. It's objectifying and sexist towards women.
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I took a screenshot of this picture from Instagram. This is a form of violence because it's slut-shaming, and not at all an accurate representation of women.
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This is when my friend got beat up. He was walking downtown at night and got jumped by a few young men. They stole his wallet and left him there. I took a screenshot of this from his snapchat. I was outraged and scared when he called me after this happened. I was shocked that this happens in a so called "peaceful" society.
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I found this picture on the official page of Dawson Spotted. I think it's a form of violence against other schools, students, and jobs. It's very devaluing, and shouldn't be accepted by the school.
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I also found this picture on my Instagram feed. This is a direct attack to vegans who are trying to make a change for a better environment and an overall better future. The use of irony is just disrespectful and is a form of violence in my opinion.
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I found this video of a fight on Instagram. I think the caption attached to it is violent because it encourages fighting and physical violence. It shouldn't be encouraged on social media.
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This is an article I found in the Romanian Montreal newspaper: "Pagini Auri". It speaks of a game made to be played by children which plays on the psychological level, and encourages the player to commit suicide. I read the article and found out this game is played all over Europe, and has caused many suicides. This was shocking for me. It's probably the biggest form of violence I've seen in a while.
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These are pictures I took of the 2017 Super Bowl commercials. So many people watch it and see scenes of violence, which normalize violence in society. This is the type of systemic violence that we are subject to.
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I found this video on my facebook feed, and took screenshots of it. It's showing a monkey who has been tested on by L'Oreal. This is an extreme act of violence against animals. Treating them this way should be illegal. This video was to raise awareness that there is a petition we can sign to stop L'Oreal from doing this to animals.
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I saw this t-shirt in the Dawson College book store. It says "Friends don't let friends go to Marianopolis". Even though this was satirical and only meant as a joke, I think it's a form of violence because it encourages things like prejudice, discrimination, and fights between schools, which have been a problem in Montreal. (Take the example of Lester B Pearson and Henri-Bourassa high-school students that have been fighting for decades.)We should not encourage this type of behaviour.
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I found this track on the ground next to Café Hublot on rue Beaubien, Mtl. This track was made to make people more aware of the violence inflicted on animals in order to make fur products. Someone has written “Fur For Life” on it and threw it on the ground. Not only is this littering, but it’s is an absolutely disrespectful act. Encouraging such actions in itself is violent, but vandalizing a track and coming against this nonviolent activism is even worse.
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